Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX Switch

Fiery Field Dungeon Strategy Guide and Encountered Pokemon

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This is a page about the Dungeon Fiery Field in the game Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX for the Nintendo Switch. Read on for information about its boss, the number of floors and which Pokemon can be found here.

Basic Information

Fiery Field.jpg

Basic Information
No. of Floors 30
Boss Entei
Required? No

Fiery Field Dungeon Guide

Related Story Missions

No Story Missions take place in this Dungeon.

Encountered Pokemon

Charmander ImageCharmander Numel ImageNumel Magby ImageMagby Slugma ImageSlugma
Torkoal ImageTorkoal Rapidash ImageRapidash Ditto ImageDitto Magcargo ImageMagcargo
Magmar ImageMagmar

Tips and Strategies

Best Items to Bring

Heal Seed ImageHeal Seed Rawst Berry ImageRawst Berry

A lot of Fire-type Pokemon in Fiery Field can burn or poison your team, so bring as many Heal Seeds or Rawst Berries as you can fit in your toolbox.

Best Pokemon to Use

Cubone ImageCubone Golem ImageGolem Graveler ImageGraveler Flygon ImageFlygon
Quagsire ImageQuagsire Marowak ImageMarowak Whiscash ImageWhiscash

We recommend that you bring Rock- and Ground-type Pokemon to Fiery Field as most of the Pokemon here are Fire-type. You could also bring some Water-type Pokemon if you need to, but Torkoals with Drought can decrease the power of Water-type moves, so be careful.

Vs. Entei

Entei ImageEntei

Like most boss battles, the best strategy is to hit Entei with super-effective attacks from Water-, Ground-, or Rock-type moves.

That said, you do need to watch out for moves that blow you away, so bring Pokemon that can attack from afar.

Pokemon to Watch Out For

Torkoal ImageTorkoal Magcargo ImageMagcargo Ursaring ImageUrsaring Camerupt ImageCamerupt

You need to watch out for attacks like Heat Wave and Earth Power from Torkoal and Magcargo, as these are powerful moves that affect entire rooms.

You should also avoid getting into close combat with Ursaring as Fury Swipes can be very deadly when combined with their high Attack stat.

We suggest dealing with these Pokemon using long-range attacks.

Items Found in Fiery Field

Coming soon.

Related Links

Cyndaquil Banner.png
List of Dungeons

Main Story Dungeons
Tiny Woods Thunderwave Cave Mt. Steel
Sinister Woods Silent Chasm Mt. Thunder
Great Canyon Lapis Cave Mt. Blaze
Frosty Forest Mt. Freeze Uproar Forest
Magma Cavern Sky Tower -
Optional Dungeons
Oddity Cave Rock Path Snow Path
Illusory Grotto - -

Story Guide & Walkthrough

Post-Game Dungeons
Stormy Sea Buried Relic Northern Range
Pitfall Valley Silver Trench Meteor Cave
Fiery Field Lightning Field Northwind Field
Mt. Faraway Western Cave Wish Cave
Murky Cave Solar Cave Waterfall Pond
Joyous Tower Purity Forest Howling Forest
Fantasy Strait Marvelous Sea Remains Island
Darknight Relic Desert Region Grand Sea
Southern Cavern Unown Relic Wyvern Hill
Far-off Sea - -

Post-Game Content Walkthrough


1 Anonymousalmost 5 years

lots of pokemon missing from list, ive encountereed vulpix, machoke, flareon, quilava, charmeleon, combusken are the ones I found


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