Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX Switch

How to Steal from Kecleon

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Steal from Kecleon.png

This is a guide on how to Steal from Kecleon's Shops in dungeons for the game Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX on the Nintendo Switch. Here you can find the best equipment and items to steal with, as well as what to look out for.

Kecleon Wares More Information

Methods and Techniques

Pure Seed

Pure Seed ImagePure Seed

Using a Pure Seed to escape Kecleon is the easiest way to steal from them. Eating a Pure Seed teleports you to the room where the stairs are, but you will get teleported to a random spot in the room and not just next to the stairs.

If the room is large, the Kecleons can easily knock you out before you reach the stairs, so be careful and plan your moves well.

Mobile Scarf

Mobile Scarf ImageMobile Scarf

The Mobile Scarf allows you to phase through dungeon walls. The Kecleons are unable to attack you if you're phasing through the walls. Be sure to bring plenty of food as phasing depletes a lot of Hunger.

Using Status Orbs

One-Room Orb ImageOne-Room Orb Petrify Orb ImagePetrify Orb Slumber Orb ImageSlumber Orb Totter Orb ImageTotter Orb

You can convert the whole floor into one room using the One-Room Orb. After that's done, all room-wide Orbs will be able to disable the Kecleon. Choose from Petrify Orb, Slumber Orb or Totter Orb to do the disabling.

If done correctly, you will be able to make your way to the stairs with ease.

Breaking and Moving Through Walls

Tunnel Wand ImageTunnel Wand Switcher Wand ImageSwitcher Wand Pounce Wand ImagePounce Wand

By tunneling from the stairs to the Kecleon Shop beforehand, you can set an escape route for your safe exit.

  1. Make a path from the Shop to the Stairs using Tunnel Wand.
  2. Make your way to the Stairs using either Switcher Wand and/or Pounce Wand.
  3. It's a good idea to assign a teammate to stay put near the Stairs using the 'Stay there' tactic.

Other Useful Items

Petrify Wand ImagePetrify Wand Stayaway Wand ImageStayaway Wand Slumber Wand ImageSlumber Wand Petrify Orb ImagePetrify Orb

You can also make your way through the stairs using items that disable the Kecleons. However, Kecleons recover from Petrification and other Status Conditions quickly—like bosses.

Keep in mind that they have doubled speed by default so they can easily catch up to you once the disable is over.

Tools to Increase Movement Speed

Quick Orb ImageQuick Orb Quick Seed ImageQuick Seed

Since the Kecleons are doubled in travel speed, you have to use travel speed items as well to stand a chance in getting away.

Notable Moves

Move Effect
Moves that increase Travel Speed like Agility Effective for matching or surpassing Kecleon Travel Speed.
Moves that can disable the Kecleon like Thunder Wave For disabling the Kecleon.
Moves that can teleport you from room to room like Teleport For trying to get to the room with the Stairs.
Room-wide disables like Spore Room-wide disables are useful when there are too many Kecleons near you.

Locate the Stairs First

Before you steal, it's best to know where the stairs are first. This ensures that you're on a straight path after stealing and not trying to find your way while dealing with the powerful Kecleon.

Scanner Orb ImageScanner Orb Radar Orb ImageRadar Orb X-Ray Specs ImageX-Ray Specs

These items will help you locate the stairs faster. If the Kecleon shop is far from the stairs, it is better not to steal. The Radar Orb will let you know where the Kecleons are.

What is Considered Stealing?

Getting Items Without Paying

When you refuse to pay for the items you picked up from a Kecleon Shop inside a Dungeon, his alarms will sound and he will turn hostile to you.

You can also use items like Apples or Max Ether within the shop and pay when you leave (like if you had picked it up normally). However, if you don't have money to pay for the items you used, you'll be branded a Thief as well!

Soon enough, other Kecleon will teleport to the dungeon and try to take you down as well.

Advantages of Stealing

Free Items

You can get items for free. This is useful in dungeons where you cannot bring in items.

Easy Money Method

You can also get money by selling all the items that you have in your inventory and stealing them back. If for some reason you brought Gold or Deluxe Ribbons, you can make lots of money by selling and stealing them back as you can sell them again in the Pokemon Square Kecleon Shop.

Consequences of Stealing

Large Amount of Powerful Kecleon

Kecleon ImageKecleon

A horde of powerful Kecleon will spawn on the floor. They have doubled Travel Speed by default and have very high stats, so most of the time it's smarter to try to escape rather than fight them.

Unable to Change Leader

Having the Thief status means that you cannot change party leaders. It's not possible to have a Pokemon to wait near the stairs, steal the items and then change leaders to easily get access to the stairs, unfortunately.

You Can't Use Escape Orbs

Escape Orb ImageEscape Orb Bank Orb ImageBank Orb

If you have the Thief status, you cannot use these two Orbs to escape or store the money that you have. If you want to use these items, you need to escape to the next floor first.

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17 Anonymousover 2 years

Sigh the sadness thing I do not get if a Pokémon defeat within it shopping area but then that crest is consider his item not our. It NOT FAIR!

16 Anonymousover 2 years

One time a wild Pokemon beat me out of the shop and Kecleon killed me... From then on I never dared to enter a dungeon kecleon shop with enemies nearby


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