Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Chapter 15 Walkthrough - The Hour of Vengeance (With Byleth)

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FEW3H - The Hour of Vengeance
The Hour of Vengeance is an exclusive Chapter for players who have recruited Byleth in Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes. Read on to learn about how to unlock the main quest, its rewards, Shez's warp order, and how to beat Shez!

⮜ Previous Chapter Next Chapter ⮞
Chapter 14:
Torment of the Eagle and Lion
{Scarlet Blaze)
Chapter 14:
The Absent Emperor
(Azure Gleam)
Chapter 14:
A Symbol of the Past
(Golden Wildfire)
Chapter 16:
Into the Chasm

How to Unlock The Hour of Vengeance

Recruit Byleth Beforehand

Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes - Byleth Recruited.png

Given that the quest greatly involves Byleth, it is a requirement to recruit them beforehand to unlock the quest.

Depending on the route you've chosen, the method of recruiting Byleth will differ, and failing to recruit them during the specific chapter of your respective route will have you miss them entirely, making this quest inaccessible and will instead bring you straight to the Final Chapter coming from Chapter 14.

How to Recruit Byleth

The Hour of Vengeance Quest and Rewards

Struggling Against Shadows Rewards

Quest Type Rewards
Struggling Against Shadows Main S Rank Reward: Giant Shell x1
First Time Reward: Master Seal x1

Struggling Against Shadows Strategies and Walkthrough

Struggling Against Shadows Objectives

Victory Condition Defeat Condition
Defeat Shez. Byleth is routed.
Main Objectives
1. Get to Shez before Byleth is routed!
2. Defeat Shez and aid Byleth!
3. Defeat Solon!
Side Objectives
There are no side objectives for this quest.

Map Overview and Shez Warp Order

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Struggling Against Shadows Walkthrough

Get to Shez by Defeating Bias!

In order to get to Shez and Byleth, you must first go through Bias by taking him down. Make sure to split your party into two groups, one to take on Bias and Shez and another to seize the enemy strongholds.
Attack Shez Until He Warps to the Next Area!

With the team you used to take down Bias, attack Shez until he and Byleth warp to a different stronghold. Refer to the map above to see the warp order of Shez and Byleth. The key to unlocking the gates before them is by defeating the Gatekeepers that stand in your way.
Defeat Bias for Good!

Once Shez and Byleth warp to the western stronghold, Bias will appear once again to block your way. Take him down as he's the last blockade to get to Shez.
4 Take Shez on Until He Retreats!

After taking opening the gates, take down Shez for good by commencing an All-Out Offensive against him. Once he's down, bring your units northwest to take on the next target.
Defeat Solon!

Once Shez and Byleth retreat, the gates of the northwest stronghold will open, allowing you to battle Solon. Launch another All-Out Offensive and become the victor of the chapter.

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Chapter 12 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeThe Rising Darkness FEW3H - Azure GleamA Trick of the Goddess FEW3H - Golden WildfireTwo Kings
Chapter 13 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeSevering the Past FEW3H - Azure GleamClash of Torment FEW3H - Golden WildfireDarkness Attacks
Chapter 14 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeTorment of the Eagle and Lion
(If Byleth is recruited)
A Clash of Ambitions
(If Byleth is defeated)
FEW3H - Azure GleamThe Absent Emperor FEW3H - Golden WildfireA Symbol of the Past
Chapter 15* Three HousesThe Hour of Vengeance
Chapter 16* Three HousesInto the Chasm
Final Chapter FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeA Path Forward FEW3H - Azure GleamThe End of Tragedy FEW3H - Golden WildfireField of Beginnings

All Paralogues

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