Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

List of All Lances

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Lances are equippable weapons in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes (FEW3H). Read on to see the full list of Lances, its stats, and available users and classes for Lances!

List of All Lances

Weapon Might Dur. Req. Prof.
Rusted Lance IconRusted Lance 0 0 E
Iron Lance IconIron Lance 20 50 E
Steel Lance IconSteel Lance 40 70 D
Killer Lance IconKiller Lance 60 90 C
Silver Lance IconSilver Lance 80 100 B
Brave Lance IconBrave Lance 100 120 B
Venin Lance IconVenin Lance 20 50 D
Javelin IconJavelin 20 60 D
Horseslayer IconHorseslayer 40 60 D
Heavy Spear IconHeavy Spear 40 60 D
Flycatcher IconFlycatcher 40 60 D
Blessed Lance IconBlessed Lance 50 70 C
Crescent Sickle IconCrescent Sickle 50 120 C
Spear IconSpear 60 100 B
Arrow of Indra IconArrow of Indra 80 120 C
Scythe of Sariel IconScythe of Sariel 110 120 A
Lance of Zoltan +10 IconLance of Zoltan +10 150 160 A
Gradivus +10 IconGradivus +10 160 170 A

Hero's Relic and Sacred Lances

Weapon Might Dur. User
Areadbhar IconAreadbhar 40 70 Three Hopes - Dimitri Dimitri
Lúin IconLúin 40 70 Three Hopes - Ingrid Ingrid
Spear of Assal IconSpear of Assal 40 70 Three Hopes - Seteth Seteth
Lance of Ruin IconLance of Ruin 40 70 Three Hopes - Sylvain Sylvain

What are Heroes' Relics and Sacred Weapons?

Lance Users and Classes

Available Classes

List of Users
Cavalier IconCavalier High Lord IconHigh Lord Pegasus Knight IconPegasus Knight
Soldier IconSoldier Falcon Knight IconFalcon Knight Paladin IconPaladin
Dark Knight IconDark Knight Holy Knight IconHoly Knight Death Knight IconDeath Knight

Classes Guide: All Class Stats and Abilities

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Related Guides

FEW3H - Weapons.png
List of All Weapons

List of Weapon Types

All Weapon Types
FEW3H - SwordSword FEW3H - LanceLance FEW3H - AxeAxe FEW3H - BowBow
FEW3H - GauntletsGauntlets FEW3H - TomeTome FEW3H - AccessoriesAccessory -


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