Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Chapter 13 Walkthrough - Clash of Torment (Azure Gleam)

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Dimitri and Claude Clash of Torment

Clash of Torment is Chapter 13 of the Azure Gleam Route in Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes. Read on to learn about the different quests, survey spots, rewards, and support conversations within the chapter, as well as our walkthrough for its main quest!

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Chapter 12:
A Trick of the Goddess
Chapter 14:
The Absent Emperor

Clash of Torment Recruitable Characters

All Recruitable Characters in Clash of Torment

Recruiting Jeritza requires the strategy 'Persuade the Death Knight' which costs 30 Strategy Points. You also need to bring Mercedes to the battle and have her persuade the Death Knight.

Clash of Torment Quests, Survey Spots, and Rewards

Clash of Torment Quests

Quest Type Rewards
Showdown at Ailell Main S Rank Reward: Sword of Moralta x1
First Time Reward: Scythe of Sariel x1
Cycles of Nostalgia Paralogue S Rank Reward: Fodlan Liberation Army x1
First Time Reward: Spirit Dust x1

Clash of Torment Survey Spots

There are no Survey Spots in this chapter.

Showdown at Ailell: Azure Gleam Strategies and Walkthrough

Recommended Strategies for Showdown at Ailell: Azure Gleam

Strategy Description Cost
Persuade the Death Knight Convince an enemy general to join your army. 30
Stronghold Sabotage Decrease the durability of all enemy strongholds at the beginning of battle. 10

Showdown at Ailell: Azure Gleam Objectives

Victory Condition Defeat Condition
Defeat Duke Aegir and Edelgard. All ally strongholds are captured.
Main Objectives
1. Seize the strongholds and advance your army's front line!
2. Defeat Ladislava!
3. Get the Death Knight's attention and lure them to the destination!
4. Defeat the Death Knight/Persuade the Death Knight!
5. Defeat Myson and their allies!
6. Defeat Count Bergliez and Caspar!
Side Objectives
・ Defeat the Dark Bishops and aid the Church Soldiers!
・ Defeat Baron Martyn and their allies targeting the stronghold to the rear!

Showdown at Ailell: Azure Gleam Walkthrough

1 Be sure to bring Mercedes for this battle so she can persuade the Death Knight into joining your army. Assign her as a playable unit for an important strategy later on.
Seize the strongholds and advance your army's front line!

Start off the battle by splitting your party into groups of three, with each group taking on a stronghold.
3 Defeat Ladislava!

After seizing all three strongholds, proceed to widen your territory by pushing forward and seizing the ones ahead. Ladislava will later arrive southwest of the map. Use Shez to rush towards Ladislava and defeat them swiftly.
Get the Death Knight's attention and lure them to the destination!

Once Ladislava has been defeated, the Death Knight will arrive from the northeastern corner of the map. Play as Mercedes and lure the Death Knight to the 'X' marked on the map.
Defeat and Recruit the Death Knight!

The moment the Death Knight has arrived at the center of the map, be sure to hit the prompt for Persuade the Death Knight in order to recruit him before taking him down.
Defeat Myson and their allies!

Once the Death Knight has been recruited, Myson and his allies will appear from the southwest corner of the map. Myson can easily be taken down by Shez, so it's best to assign other units to take down the other reinforcements attacking your strongholds.
Defeat Count Bergliez and Caspar!

After defeating Myson and his allies, there will be no more reinforcements. That said, launch an All-Out Offense against Count Bergliez and Caspar to claim victory.

Clash of Torment Support and Romance Conversations

In Camp

Three Hopes - Felix Felix Prompt: A monster like him can't live without fighting, so it's hard to believe he's just gone.
Answers: Reactions:
Suggest he might be dead. TBD
Suggest he left the military. +1 Support with Felix
Three Hopes - Mercedes Mercedes Prompt: Many people from Faerghus don't do well in the heat, so I can't help but be concerned for them.
Answers: Reactions:
Suggest finding a way to stay cool. +1 Support with Mercedes
Laugh it off. None
Three Hopes - Bernadetta Bernadetta Prompt: Now I'm doubly terrified! You all go on ahead, I'm going to just burrow under a blanket forever.
Answers: Reactions:
Encourage her. None
Call her bluff. +1 Support with Bernadetta
Three Hopes - Petra Petra Prompt: At that time, I was chasing the archbishop. She is here now also. Is this what is called fate?
Answers: Reactions:
Yep, definitely fate. +1 Support with Petra
Nah. None
Three Hopes - Lorenz Lorenz Prompt: However, we will continue to work with you all until we have reclaimed the monastery.
Answers: Reactions:
Express gratitude. +1 Support with Lorenz
Express suspicion. None
Three Hopes - Yuri Yuri Prompt: We'd be wise to consider the possibility of a massive battle in the Valley of Torment.
Answers: Reactions:
Ask why. None
Agree with him. +1 Support with Yuri
Three Hopes - Balthus Balthus Prompt: What do you think of the new guy, Claude? I've been doing some digging into him.
Answers: Reactions:
Say Claude's a schemer. TBD
Say Claude's charming. None
Ask why he researched Claude. +1 Support with Balthus
Three Hopes - Constance Constance Prompt: Now my name shall be known throughout all Faerghus as well!
Answers: Reactions:
Cut in. None
Cheer her on. +1 Support with Constance
Three Hopes - Catherine Catherine Prompt: So tell me, are you one of the people worried about Lady Rhea's ability to command on the front lines?
Answers: Reactions:
Admit you are. None
Say you're not worried. +1 Support with Catherine
Three Hopes - Shamir Shamir Prompt: Then the war will be over. As long as the Empire isn't run by fools, that is.
Answers: Reactions:
Agree with her. None
Express doubt. +1 Support with Shamir

Between Battles

There doesn't appear to be any conversations that affect Support between this Chapter's battles.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Related Guides

Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes - Story Walkthrough
Story Walkthrough: List of Chapters

All Story Walkthroughs

Full Story Walkthrough
Chapter 0 Three HousesCrossed Roads
Chapter 1 Three HousesA Chance Encounter
Chapter 2 Three HousesThree Houses
Chapter 3 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze The Shadows of Adrestia FEW3H - Azure GleamCrisis in Fhirdiad FEW3H - Golden WildfireThe Battle for the Locket
Chapter 4 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeThe Struggle Commences FEW3H - Azure GleamTo War! FEW3H - Golden WildfireTo War!
Chapter 5 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze Skirmish in the Fog FEW3H - Azure Gleam Skirmish in the Fog FEW3H - Golden Wildfire The Golden Guardian
Chapter 6 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze Bridge of Betrayal FEW3H - Azure Gleam Conspiracy in the Air FEW3H - Golden WildfireThe Leader's Stratagem
Chapter 7 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze The Triumph of Valor FEW3H - Azure Gleam The King Awakens FEW3H - Golden WildfireA Contest of Beasts
Chapter 8 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze The Maiden's Peril FEW3H - Azure Gleam The Blood-Stained Lance FEW3H - Golden Wildfire What Makes a King
Chapter 9 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze Unrest in Enbarr FEW3H - Azure Gleam Reunion at the Fortress City FEW3H - Golden Wildfire The End of the Alliance
Chapter 10 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze Shifting History FEW3H - Azure Gleam Fanaticism FEW3H - Golden Wildfire Love and Loss
Chapter 11 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeHeroic Bloodlines FEW3H - Azure GleamReprisal FEW3H - Golden Wildfire The Sword Swings Wide
Chapter 12 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeThe Rising Darkness FEW3H - Azure GleamA Trick of the Goddess FEW3H - Golden WildfireTwo Kings
Chapter 13 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeSevering the Past FEW3H - Azure GleamClash of Torment FEW3H - Golden WildfireDarkness Attacks
Chapter 14 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeTorment of the Eagle and Lion
(If Byleth is recruited)
A Clash of Ambitions
(If Byleth is defeated)
FEW3H - Azure GleamThe Absent Emperor FEW3H - Golden WildfireA Symbol of the Past
Chapter 15* Three HousesThe Hour of Vengeance
Chapter 16* Three HousesInto the Chasm
Final Chapter FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeA Path Forward FEW3H - Azure GleamThe End of Tragedy FEW3H - Golden WildfireField of Beginnings

All Paralogues

List of All Paralogues


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