Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Chapter 07 Walkthrough - The King Awakens (Azure Gleam)

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Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes - Chapter 07 Walkthrough - The King Awakens (Azure Gleam)

The King Awakens is Chapter 07 of the Azure Gleam Route in Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes. Read on to learn about the different quests, survey spots, rewards, and support conversations within the chapter, as well as our walkthrough for its main quest!

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Chapter 6:
Conspiracy in the Air
Chapter 8:
The Blood-Stained Lance

The King Awakens Recruitable Characters

All Recruitable Characters in The King Awakens
There are no recruitable characters in this chapter.

Recruitment Guide: How to Recruit Units

The King Awakens Quests, Survey Spots, and Rewards

The King Awakens Quests

Quest Type Rewards
The Liberation of Fhirdiad Main S Rank Reward: Miracle Bean x1
First Time Reward: Advanced Seal x1
Eliminate the Scouts Side S Rank Reward: Flycatcher x1
Capture Reward: Training Points Recovered: 1
Bandit Raid Side S Rank Reward: Advanced Seal x1
Capture Reward: Activity Points Recovered: 1
Omens of Insurrection Side S Rank Reward: Golden Apple x1
Capture Reward: 3,600 G
Safeguard the Intel Side S Rank Reward: Large Bullion x1
Capture Reward: Training Points Recovered: 1
Secure a Path to Fhirdiad Side S Rank Reward: Exorcist's Tome x1
Capture Reward: Activity Points Recovered: 1
Capture the Thieves - Blue Lions Extra No Fixed Rewards
Capture the Thieves - Blue Lions Extra No Fixed Rewards

The King Awakens Survey Spots

Side Mission Survey Spot Type Reward / Conditions
Eliminate the Scouts Cave Visit Reward: Swords Combat Arts Level Up
Eliminate the Scouts House Meet Condition Survey Conditions: Must have a Cavalier.
Reward: Tome of Comely Saints
Eliminate the Scouts Tent Pay Gold Required: 1,000 G
Reward: Advanced Seal x3
Eliminate the Scouts House Visit Reward: Quality Building Material x28 and Veteran Training Gear x20
Bandit Raid House Visit Reward: Quality Building Material x28, Standard Combat Manual x14, and Basic Furnishings x10
Bandit Raid Ruins Visit Reward: Morale Up for two selected units.
Bandit Raid Pond Choice Reward: Ambrosia x1 or White Verona x1
Bandit Raid House Meet Condition Survey Conditions: Trade x1 Umbral Steel
Reward: Talisman Shield x1
Omens of Insurrection Tent Visit Reward: Killer Knuckles +6 x1
Omens of Insurrection Spring Choice Reward: Experience Gem or Knowledge Gem
Safeguard the Intel Bridge Choice Reward: Merchant Sword Militia x1 or Merchant Brawler Milita x1
Safeguard the Intel House Visit Reward: Quality Building Material x28 and Artisan Smithing Set x14
Secure a Path to Fhirdiad Tent Visit Reward: Repair the Drawbridge
Secure a Path to Fhirdiad Cave Visit Reward: Quality Building Material x28, Knight's Insignia x10, and Storage Chest x10
Secure a Path to Fhirdiad Estate Visit Reward: Quality Building Material x28 and Merchant's License x17
Secure a Path to Fhirdiad Estate Meet Condition Survey Conditions: Must complete all side mission in this area.
Reward: 4,800 G

The Liberation of Fhirdiad Strategies and Walkthrough

Recommended Strategies for The Liberation of Fhirdiad

Strategy Description Cost
Repair the Drawbridge Have combat engineers repair the controls and lower the drawbridge to Fhirdiad Castle. 20
Assign Healers Assign a healer unit to periodically heal allies. 10
Stronghold Sabotage Decrease the durability of all enemy strongholds at the beginning of battle. 10
Intimidation Intimidate the enemy army, making them act defensively for a time. 10

The Liberation of Fhirdiad Objectives

Victory Condition Defeat Condition
Rescue Dimitri. Dedue, Rodrigue, or Gustave is routed.
Main Objectives
1. Defeat the Armored Knight and their allies, and secure the route to the castle town!
2. Seize the Alleyway and aid Dedue!
3. Seize the Back Alley and aid Rodrigue!
4. Advance deeper into the castle and free Dimitri!
5. Defeat the Armored Knight and recover Areadbhar!
6. Defeat the Mysterious Soldier and other enemies to rescue the Citizen and their ally!
7. Defeat Cornelia and liberate Fhirdiad!
Side Objectives
・ Disable the controls and stop the western Viskam!
・ Disable the controls and stop the eastern Viskam!
・ Disable the controls and stop the newly activated Viskam!

The Liberation of Fhirdiad Walkthrough

1 We recommend bringing Petra as a Thief for this battle because she has advantage over most enemies on the map.
2 Defeat the Armored Knight and their allies, and secure the route to the castle town!

Order your units to attack the Armored Knights marked on the map. As Petra, try to take most of them down to make it easier for your team to advance.
Seize the Alleyway and Back Alley to aid Dedue and Rodrigue.

Have two sword-users guard Dedue.
Disable the controls and stop the western and eastern Viskam!

Head to the areas marked on the map above and seize the strongholds. Afterwards, operate the machine to disable the Viskam.
5 Advance deeper into the castle and free Dimitri!

Continue north with your team and seize the stronghold at the center of the map to open the gates to the castle..
Defeat the Armored Knight and recover Areadbhar!

As Petra, head to where the Knights are guarding the Areadbhar. Defeat all of the Armored Knights, then head to the gate that just opened.
Defeat the Mysterious Soldier and other enemies to rescue the Citizen and their ally!

Have your units defend the citizens from the mysterious soldiers. If you have no controllable units nearby, use Shez's warp to get to the citizens quickly.
Disable the controls and stop the newly activated Viskam!

Have your controllable units seize the strongholds where the Viskam controls are. Afterwards, disable the controls to stop the Viskam. Use Shez's warp to get to strongholds that are far.
Defeat Cornelia and liberate Fhirdiad!

Launch an All Out Offensive on Cornelia. Be careful of the Dark Mages' attacks.

The King Awakens Support and Romance Conversations

In Camp (Before Side Quests)

Three Hopes - Sylvain Sylvain Prompt: Can you imagine what would happen to Faerghus then?
Answers: Reactions:
Say you can.. +1 Support with Sylvain
Say you can't. None
Three Hopes - Dorothea Dorothea Prompt: I just wanted to flee the entire time we were marching toward Imperial territory.
Answers: Reactions:
Try to cheer her up. TBD
Sympathize. +1 Support with Dorothea
Three Hopes - Mercedes Mercedes Prompt: It sounded so familiar. Maybe from a few years ago... or no, further back than that.
Answers: Reactions:
Suggest she knows him. +1 Support with Mercedes
Laugh it off and claim she's imagining it. None
Three Hopes - Bernadetta Bernadetta Prompt: I'm not supposed to be here! You can't force me to fight! No way, no how!
Answers: Reactions:
Comfort her. +1 Support with Bernadetta
Persuade her to fight. None
Three Hopes - Annette Annette Prompt: Oh! Sorry about that. I was just thinking about my father.
Answers: Reactions:
Express concern for Annette. None
Express concern for Gustave. +1 Support with Annette
Three Hopes - Catherine Catherine Prompt: So we're putting forth every effort right now... Oh, speaking of which, I put the word out to a powerful merc I know.
Answers: Reactions:
Say you have high expectations. +1 Support with Catherine
Ask who it is. None
Three Hopes - Seteth Seteth Prompt: Moreover, she is in possession of some strange weapons. How terribly concerning...
Answers: Reactions:
Talk about Cornelia. None
Talk about the weapons. +1 Support with Seteth
Three Hopes - Felix Felix Prompt: I just hope everyone who went back to the capital is all right.
Answers: Reactions:
Nod in agreement. +1 Support with Felix
Encourage him.. None

Between Battles

There doesn't appear to be any conversations that affect Support between this Chapter's battles.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Related Guides

Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes - Story Walkthrough
Story Walkthrough: List of Chapters

All Story Walkthroughs

Full Story Walkthrough
Chapter 0 Three HousesCrossed Roads
Chapter 1 Three HousesA Chance Encounter
Chapter 2 Three HousesThree Houses
Chapter 3 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze The Shadows of Adrestia FEW3H - Azure GleamCrisis in Fhirdiad FEW3H - Golden WildfireThe Battle for the Locket
Chapter 4 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeThe Struggle Commences FEW3H - Azure GleamTo War! FEW3H - Golden WildfireTo War!
Chapter 5 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze Skirmish in the Fog FEW3H - Azure Gleam Skirmish in the Fog FEW3H - Golden Wildfire The Golden Guardian
Chapter 6 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze Bridge of Betrayal FEW3H - Azure Gleam Conspiracy in the Air FEW3H - Golden WildfireThe Leader's Stratagem
Chapter 7 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze The Triumph of Valor FEW3H - Azure Gleam The King Awakens FEW3H - Golden WildfireA Contest of Beasts
Chapter 8 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze The Maiden's Peril FEW3H - Azure Gleam The Blood-Stained Lance FEW3H - Golden Wildfire What Makes a King
Chapter 9 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze Unrest in Enbarr FEW3H - Azure Gleam Reunion at the Fortress City FEW3H - Golden Wildfire The End of the Alliance
Chapter 10 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze Shifting History FEW3H - Azure Gleam Fanaticism FEW3H - Golden Wildfire Love and Loss
Chapter 11 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeHeroic Bloodlines FEW3H - Azure GleamReprisal FEW3H - Golden Wildfire The Sword Swings Wide
Chapter 12 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeThe Rising Darkness FEW3H - Azure GleamA Trick of the Goddess FEW3H - Golden WildfireTwo Kings
Chapter 13 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeSevering the Past FEW3H - Azure GleamClash of Torment FEW3H - Golden WildfireDarkness Attacks
Chapter 14 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeTorment of the Eagle and Lion
(If Byleth is recruited)
A Clash of Ambitions
(If Byleth is defeated)
FEW3H - Azure GleamThe Absent Emperor FEW3H - Golden WildfireA Symbol of the Past
Chapter 15* Three HousesThe Hour of Vengeance
Chapter 16* Three HousesInto the Chasm
Final Chapter FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeA Path Forward FEW3H - Azure GleamThe End of Tragedy FEW3H - Golden WildfireField of Beginnings

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