Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Chapter 05 Walkthrough - Skirmish in the Fog (Azure Gleam)

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Skirmish in the Fog Lonato

Skirmish in the Fog is Chapter 05 of the Azure Gleam Route in Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes. Read on to learn about the different quests, survey spots, rewards, and support conversations within the chapter, as well as our walkthrough for its main quest!

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Chapter 4:
To War!
Chapter 6:
Conspiracy in the Air

Skirmish in the Fog Recruitable Characters

All Recruitable Characters in Skirmish in the Fog
DorotheaDorothea SetethSeteth FlaynFlayn

Seteth and Flayn will join your party at the start of this chapter.

Dorothea can be recruited using the Persuade Strategy during the Battle Prep part of the main quest. You need at least 10 Strategy Points to recruit her.

Gatekeeper will only appear on this chapter on the third New Game Plus playthrough.

Recruitment Guide: How to Recruit Units

Skirmish in the Fog Quests, Survey Spots, and Rewards

Skirmish in the Fog Quests

Quest Type Rewards
The Battle of Magdred Main S Rank Reward: Speed Carrot x1
First Time Reward: Intermediate Seal x1
Maintain Order in Charon Side S Rank Reward: Intermediate Seal x1
Capture Reward: Training Points Recovered: 1
Defend the Supply Base Side S Rank Reward: Steel Bow x1
Capture Reward: Activity Points Recovered:1
Halt the Enemy's Pursuit Side S Rank Reward: Ailell Pomegranate x1
Capture Reward: Training Points Recovered: 1
Free the Prisoners Side S Rank Reward: Bullion x1
Capture Reward: Activity Points Recovered: 1
A Grave Threat - Blue Lions Extra No Fixed Rewards
Eagles, Lions, and Deer Paralogue S Rank Reward: Seiros Gatekeepers x1
First Time Reward: Seraph Robe x1

Skirmish in the Fog Survey Spots

Side Mission Survey Spot Type Reward / Conditions
Maintain Order in Charon Stronghold Visit Reward: Basic Building Material x 38, Recruit Training Gear x30, and Storage Bag x10
Maintain Order in Charon Tent Pay Gold Required: 500 G
Reward: Turnip x5, Chickpeas x5, and Cabbage x5
Defend the Supply Base Cave Visit Reward: Torch
Defend the Supply Base Ruins Choice Reward: Volunteer Armored Co. x1 or Volunteer Brawlers x1
Defend the Supply Base House Meet Conditions Survey Conditions: Exchange 3 Cabbage
Reward: Basic Building Material x38 and Squire's Insignia x15
Halt the Enemy's Pursuit House Meet Conditions Survey Conditions: Must have the Thief class.
Reward: Smithing Stone x30
Halt the Enemy's Pursuit Lake Visit Reward: Selected unit +5 Cha
Halt the Enemy's Pursuit House Visit Reward: Basic Building Material x38, Apprentice Smithing Set x15, and Humble Furnishings x10
Halt the Enemy's Pursuit Tent Visit Reward: Resonant Ward
Free the Prisoners Forest Meet Conditions Survey Conditions: Defeat 1,000 enemies in Chapter 5.
Reward: Spicy Fish and Turnip Stew
Free the Prisoners Tent Visit Reward: Basic Building Material x38, Sutler's License x15

The Battle of Magdred Strategies and Walkthrough

Recommended Strategies for The Battle of Magdred

Strategy Description Cost
Torch Light a torch, improving visibility in the fog. 20
Persuade Dorothea Convince an enemy general to join your army. 10 (AG) / 30 (GW)
Flying Surge Summon a flying unit to engage the enemy. Reinforcements will deploy periodically. 10

The Battle of Magdred Objectives

Victory Condition Defeat Condition
Defeat Lonato. None.
Main Objectives
1. Seize the strongholds and defeat the enemy's vanguard!
2. Defeat Byleth!
3. Find and defeat Jeralt in one of the strongholds!
4. Find and defeat the Gaspard General among the enemy reinforcements.
5. Get to Lonato!
6. Defeat Dorothea! / Defeat and Recruit Dorothea!
7. Defeat Lonato!
Side Objectives
・ Face and defeat Byleth!
・ Defeat Alois!
・ Defeat the Messenger to prevent reinforcements from appearing!

The Battle of Magdred Walkthrough

1 Seize the strongholds and defeat the enemy's vanguard! Order your units to seize the strongholds marked on the map.
2 Defeat Byleth! Launch an All Out Offensive on Byleth
Find and defeat Jeralt in one of the strongholds! Before getting to Jeralt, find Alois on the area marked on the map above first.
4 Alois vs Shez
Defeat Alois! Launch an All Out Offensive on Alois and use Shez or any sword-wielding unit to fight him.
5 Jeralt
Defeat Jeralt Defeating Alois will reveal Jeralt's location so go ahead and launch an All Out Offensive on him as well.
Find and defeat the Gaspard General among the enemy reinforcements. Head to the area marked on the map above and defeat the Gaspard General using a lance-user.
Get the key from the enemy! Have another unit go after the enemy with a key. After getting the key, open the chest on the lower right corner of the map.
8 Get to Lonato! Head over to the area marked on the map.
9 Initiate Strategy
Defeat and recruit Dorothea! Go to where Dorothea is on the map and defeat her. If you picked the strategy 'Persuade Dorothea', you can recruit her to your army after defeating her. Just don't forget to initiate the strategy by long pressing the NSW - Dpad Right button.
10 Defeat the Messenger to prevent reinforcements from appearing! Order a unit to go after the messenger.
11 Lonato
Defeat Lonato! Launch an All Out Offensive on Lonato to take him down quickly!

Skirmish in the Fog Support and Romance Conversations

In Camp

Three Hopes - Dimitri Dimitri Prompt: You may be inconvenienced as well. Please inform me right away if anything comes up.
Answers: Reactions:
Tell him you understand. +1 Support with Dimitri
Crack a joke. None
Three Hopes - Catherine Catherine Prompt: The name's Catherine, or Thunder Catherine, if you will. I'm one of the Knights of Seiros. Good to be fighting by your side.
Answers: Reactions:
Introduce yourself. None
Tell her you've heard of her. +1 Support with Catherine
Three Hopes - Petra Petra Prompt: But I am feeling relief not to be fighting the Empire again soon. I can be giving my full strength now.
Answers: Reactions:
Tell her the Empire's army will be there too. +1 Support with Petra
Agree it's a relief. None
Three Hopes - Seteth Seteth Prompt: Bearing that in mind, we dispatched a portion of the Knights of Seiros to rush to your aid.
Answers: Reactions:
Ask if he's going to fight too. None
Ask if that's the only reason they're fighting. +1 Support with Seteth
Three Hopes - Flayn Flayn Prompt: Of course, I did not just up and come here. I secured Lady Rhea's permission first.
Answers: Reactions:
Accept what she says. +1 Support with Flayn
Doubt her fighting skill. None
Three Hopes - Ashe Ashe Prompt: He might hold a grudge against the church because of my stepbrother, but to go so far as recruiting people from the city into his forces ...
Answers: Reactions:
Ask for more details. +1 Support with Ashe
Agree. None
Three Hopes - Ingrid Ingrid Prompt: Ah, no, wait. I shouldn't speak about matters pertaining to other houses.
Answers: Reactions:
Prompt her to continue. None
Leave it be. +1 Support with Ingrid
Three Hopes - Mercedes Mercedes Prompt: But the old Southern Church and the modern one must be entirely different, right?
Answers: Reactions:
Ask how they're different. None
Agree they're different. +1 Support with Mercedes

Between Battles

There doesn't appear to be any conversations that affect Support between this Chapter's battles.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Related Guides

Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes - Story Walkthrough
Story Walkthrough: List of Chapters

All Story Walkthroughs

Full Story Walkthrough
Chapter 0 Three HousesCrossed Roads
Chapter 1 Three HousesA Chance Encounter
Chapter 2 Three HousesThree Houses
Chapter 3 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze The Shadows of Adrestia FEW3H - Azure GleamCrisis in Fhirdiad FEW3H - Golden WildfireThe Battle for the Locket
Chapter 4 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeThe Struggle Commences FEW3H - Azure GleamTo War! FEW3H - Golden WildfireTo War!
Chapter 5 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze Skirmish in the Fog FEW3H - Azure Gleam Skirmish in the Fog FEW3H - Golden Wildfire The Golden Guardian
Chapter 6 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze Bridge of Betrayal FEW3H - Azure Gleam Conspiracy in the Air FEW3H - Golden WildfireThe Leader's Stratagem
Chapter 7 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze The Triumph of Valor FEW3H - Azure Gleam The King Awakens FEW3H - Golden WildfireA Contest of Beasts
Chapter 8 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze The Maiden's Peril FEW3H - Azure Gleam The Blood-Stained Lance FEW3H - Golden Wildfire What Makes a King
Chapter 9 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze Unrest in Enbarr FEW3H - Azure Gleam Reunion at the Fortress City FEW3H - Golden Wildfire The End of the Alliance
Chapter 10 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze Shifting History FEW3H - Azure Gleam Fanaticism FEW3H - Golden Wildfire Love and Loss
Chapter 11 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeHeroic Bloodlines FEW3H - Azure GleamReprisal FEW3H - Golden Wildfire The Sword Swings Wide
Chapter 12 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeThe Rising Darkness FEW3H - Azure GleamA Trick of the Goddess FEW3H - Golden WildfireTwo Kings
Chapter 13 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeSevering the Past FEW3H - Azure GleamClash of Torment FEW3H - Golden WildfireDarkness Attacks
Chapter 14 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeTorment of the Eagle and Lion
(If Byleth is recruited)
A Clash of Ambitions
(If Byleth is defeated)
FEW3H - Azure GleamThe Absent Emperor FEW3H - Golden WildfireA Symbol of the Past
Chapter 15* Three HousesThe Hour of Vengeance
Chapter 16* Three HousesInto the Chasm
Final Chapter FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeA Path Forward FEW3H - Azure GleamThe End of Tragedy FEW3H - Golden WildfireField of Beginnings

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