Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

List of Cooking Recipes & How to Cook

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List of Cooking Recipes & How to Cook - FEW3H

This is a list of all Cooking Recipes in Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes (FEW3H). Read on for a guide on how to cook, the ingredients and effects of all Cooking Recipes, and how to unlock them.

List of Cooking Recipes

This list is currently under construction. Let us know in the comments about any Cooking Recipes we can add!
Recipe Meal Effects How to Get
Fisherman's Bounty ・Slightly fills Warrior Gauge at start of battle
・Weapon durability loss slightly reduced
Teutates Loach Icon Teutates Loach x1
White Trout Icon White Trout x1

Unlock Condition
Sauteed Jerky ・Somewhat fills Warrior Gauge at start of battle
・Awakening Gauge fills slightly faster
Chickpeas Icon Chickpeas x1
Poultry Icon Poultry x1

Unlock Condition
Daphnel Stew ・Somewhat fills Warrior Gauge at start of battle
・Warrior Gauge fills slightly faster
Onion Icon Onion x1
Poultry Icon Poultry x1

Unlock Condition
Sauteed Pheasant and Eggs ・Weapon durability loss somewhat reduced
・Slightly fills Warrior Gauge at start of battle
Cabbage Icon Cabbage x1
Poultry Icon Poultry x1

Unlock Condition
Gautier Cheese Gratin ・Awakening Gauge fills somewhat faster.
・Warrior Gauge fills slightly faster
Noa Fruit Icon Noa Fruit x1
Poultry Icon Poultry x1

Unlock Condition
Fruit and Herring Tart ・Awakening Gauge fills somewhat faster.
・Weapon durability loss slightly reduced
Albinean Herring Icon Albinean Herring x1
Noa Fruit Icon Noa Fruit x1

Unlock Condition
Vegetable Pasta Salad ・Warrior Gauge fills somewhat faster
・Weapon durability loss slightly reduced
Cabbage Icon Cabbage x1
Carrot Icon Carrot x1
Onion Icon Onion x1

Unlock Condition
Vegetable Stir-Fry ・Warrior Gauge fills somewhat faster
・Slightly fills Awakening Gauge at start of battle
Chickpeas Icon Chickpeas x1
Cabbage Icon Cabbage x1
Tomato Icon Tomato x1

Unlock Condition
Gronder Meat Skewers ・Greatly fills Awakening Gauge at start of battle.
Wild Game Icon Wild Game x1
Onion Icon Onion x1

Unlock Condition
Fish Sandwhich ・Greatly fills Warrior Gauge at start of battle.
Cabbage Icon Cabbage x
・ Airmid Pike x1

Unlock Condition
Bourgeois Pike TBD
Carrot Icon Carrot x1
・ Airmid Pike x1

Unlock Condition
Peach Sorbet ・Slightly fills Awakening Gauge at start of battle.
Chickpeas Icon Chickpeas x1
Peach Currant Icon Peach Currant x1
・ Black-Sand Steel x

Unlock Condition
Spicy Fish and Turnip Stew ・Slightly fills Awakening Gauge at start of battle.
・Warrior Gauge fills slightly faster.
Teutates Loach Icon Teutates Loach x1
Turnip Icon Turnip x1

Unlock Condition
Small Fish Skewers ・Slightly fills Awakening Gauge at start of battle
Airmid Goby Icon Airmid Goby x1

Unlock Condition
・Complete Chapter 3.
Fried Crayfish ・Slightly fills Warrior Gauge at start of battle
Caledonian Crayfish Icon Caledonian Crayfish x2

Unlock Condition
・Complete Chapter 3.
Grilled Herring ・Awakening Gauge fills slightly faster
Albinean Herring Icon Albinean Herring x1
Turnip Icon Turnip x1

Unlock Condition
・Complete Chapter 3.
Saghert and Cream ・Warrior Gauge fills slightly faster
Noa Fruit Icon Noa Fruit x1
Peach Currant Icon Peach Currant x1

Unlock Condition
・Complete Chapter 3.
Cabbage and Herring Stew ・Weapon durability loss slightly reduced
Cabbage Icon Cabbage x1
Albinean Herring Icon Albinean Herring x1

Unlock Condition
・Complete Chapter 3.
Derdriu-Style Fried Pheasant ・Slightly fills Awakening Gauge at start of battle
・Slightly fills Warrior Gauge at start of battle
Carrot Icon Carrot x1
Poultry Icon Poultry x1

Unlock Condition
・Unlock the Facility Upgrade: Buy Basic Cooking Utensils
Grilled Beast Meat ・Slightly fills Awakening Gauge at start of battle
・Awakening Gauge fills slightly faster
Wild Game Icon Wild Game x1
Noa Fruit Icon Noa Fruit x1

Unlock Condition
・Unlock the Facility Upgrade: Buy Basic Cooking Utensils
Sweet and Salty Whitefish Sauté ・Slightly fills Awakening Gauge at start of battle
・Weapon durability loss slightly reduced
Teutates Loach Icon Teutates Loach x1
Tomato Icon Tomato x1

Unlock Condition
・Unlock the Facility Upgrade: Buy Basic Cooking Utensils
Fish and Bean Soup ・Slightly fills Warrior Gauge at start of battle
・Awakening Gauge fills slightly faster
Chickpeas Icon Chickpeas x1
White Trout Icon White Trout x1

Unlock Condition
・Unlock the Facility Upgrade: Buy Basic Cooking Utensils
Onion Gratin Soup ・Slightly fills Warrior Gauge at start of battle
・Warrior Gauge fills slightly faster
Onion Icon Onion x1
White Trout Icon White Trout x1

Unlock Condition
・Unlock the Facility Upgrade: Buy Basic Cooking Utensils
Super-Spicy Fish Meatballs ・Awakening Gauge fills slightly faster
・Warrior Gauge fills slightly faster
White Trout Icon White Trout x1
Tomato Icon Tomato x1

Unlock Condition
・Unlock the Facility Upgrade: Buy Basic Cooking Utensils
Garreg Mach Meat Pie ・Awakening Gauge fills slightly faster
・Weapon durability loss slightly reduced
Wild Game Icon Wild Game x1
Tomato Icon Tomato x1

Unlock Condition
・Unlock the Facility Upgrade: Buy Basic Cooking Utensils
Pickled Rabbit Skewers ・Warrior Gauge fills slightly faster
・Weapon durability loss slightly reduced
Wild Game Icon Wild Game x1
Carrot Icon Carrot x1

Unlock Condition
・Unlock the Facility Upgrade: Buy Basic Cooking Utensils

How to Cook

How to Cook
Approach the Kitchen Master and select a recipe. Take into account what buffs you want since these will aid you in battle. If you don't have the necessary resources, you can head to the Item Shopkeeper to purchase them.
Select two units to be your Meal Companions. You'll want to prioritize units with blue arrows since they'll increase the support points gained from cooking.

Similarly, make sure your units have similar preferences. This increases the likelihood of a successful meal. The highlighted gauge indicates their chemistry.
Reap the rewards of your delicious meal!

How to Unlock Cooking

Access Cooking - FEW3H
You'll gain access to Cooking after finishing the first Side Quest of Chapter 4.

You'll first need to help the Chore Master with a task, then you'll be told to head to the Recreation Quarter to cook a meal for an ally. Here, you'll meet the Kitchen Master and can start cooking recipes.

List of All Facilities

Cooking Tips and When to Cook

Perfect Cooking - FEW3H
Meal effects last until the end of a chapter, so you'll want to cook towards the start of a chapter, as soon as you have an activity point.

The meal effects will also stack so cook different types of meals to maximize the buffs of this activity. In addition, the effects of the meal will apply to all your allies regardless of whether or not you selected them as Meal Companions. This means that once you have all the available buffs, the only remaining benefit to Cooking will be to boost support points with allies.

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