Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

How to Recruit Rodrigue: Expedition Answers and Best Class

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Rodrigue is a character in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes (FEW3H). Read on to learn how to recruit Rodrigue, the answers for expeditions with Rodrigue, the best class for Rodrigue, their unique abilities, and their strongest combos!

Rodrigue Best Class and Gifts

Rodrigue Overview

Starting Class Cavalier Icon Cavalier
Starting Weapon Three Hopes - Lance Lance
Playable Character? Yes Crests Minor Crest of Fraldarius
Affiliation Kingdom of Faerghus

Rodrigue Best Class

The Holy Knight class is the best class for Rodrigue.

How to Change Classes

Rodrigue Innate Abilities

Innate Ability Effect Class to Master
Inspiring Agility Enables dash attacks for all classes. Great Knight

Rodrigue has to master the Great Knight class to get the Inspiring Agility innate ability.

Innate Abilities are secret abilities not listed among the acquired abilities, and can only be attained by branching out of a unit's recommended class.

How to Get Innate Abilities for Each Character

Rodrigue Likes and Dislikes

Status Former duke of Fraldarius territory
Interests Weapon maintenance, Going on long rides
Likes Meat, spicy food, hunting, drinking, family, friends
Dislikes Sweets, injustice

Best Gifts for Rodrigue

Liked Book of Sheet Music, Coffee Beans
Loved Owl Feather, Hunting Dagger, Smoked Meat

Best Gifts to Give Each Character

How to Recruit Rodrigue

FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeScarlet Blaze FEW3H - Azure GleamAzure Gleam FEW3H - Golden WildfireGolden Wildfire
Unrecruitable in this path. Chapter 03: Crisis in Fhirdiad Unrecruitable in this path.

Recruit by using the Rodrigue's Ambush Strategy

When this character is faced as an enemy during the main quest of the chapters listed above, you may use the Persuade Strategy to recruit this unit after defeating them in battle. Rodrigue's Ambush costs 20 Strategy Points to use.

Recruitment Guide: How to Recruit Units

Expedition Answers with Rodrigue

Rodrigue's Expedition Answers Guide

Question / Prompt Best Response
Prompt: I had my first taste of Duscur wine the other day. It was almost like nectar from the goddess herself. Ask to hear more about Duscur.
Prompt: I’ve always encouraged Felix to pursue the path of the blade, but I never expected he’d take to it with such devotion. Commend Felix’s dedication.
Prompt: During our time at the Officers Academy, His Majesty Lambert and I would often skip out on classes in search of adventure. Fond memories indeed. Ask for more details.
Prompt: Lambert’s aptitude for magic was…subpar, to say the least. So, I decided to master it myself instead. Say you want to learn magic too.
Prompt: In our Kingdom, a rigorous procedure must be followed before one can implement sweeping change. Think about what you can do.
Prompt: I believe it’s the duty of elders such as myself to support the younger generation as they build the foundation for a brighter tomorrow. Say you trust him.
Prompt: The margrave is a cunning man, yet has great difficulty expressing his emotions. This is especially true of the events surrounding Miklan. Be sympathetic.
Question: Ask about any personal news.
Prompt: I've made efforts to learn some more of Duscur's language of late.. Once I've mastered that, I'll move on to the tongue of the Sreng region.
Show interest.
Question: Ask about any personal news.
Prompt: I'm more interested in how you are. Felix hasn't been giving you any trouble, has he?
Dispute that.
Question: Ask about dreams for the future.
Prompt: Hmm. The dreams I held dear as a child have either already come true…or never will.
Be doubtful.
Question: Ask about memories of the past.
Prompt: One night when he was far too flagons of wine deep, the margrave said to Lambert… Ah, my apologies. It would be rude of me to go on.
Refuse to drop it.
Question: Ask about preferred fighting style.
Prompt: In my prime, I always used to love engaging the enemy face to face, but as the years pass I've begun to understand the joys of barking orders from the rear.
Show that you understand.
Question: Ask about their dislikes.
Prompt: Sweets, if I had to pick something. It’s not that I dislike them per se, but I rarely find myself craving such saccharine pleasures.
Say you get it.
Question: Ask about their family.
Prompt: My wife and my brother have faced great hardship in my absence, all for the sake of our territory. For their sacrifice, I am forever grateful.
Ask for more details.
Question: Ask about their friends.
Prompt: Thinking of all the fine people who chose to fight beside us fills me with nothing but the utmost pride.
Straighten up a little taller.
Question: Ask about their likes.
Prompt: There’s nothing better than sharing a drink with old friends. Though that’s more of an adult pastime, I suppose.
Question: Ask about their worries.
Prompt: Fraldarius territory is never far from my thoughts. I know I needn’t worry myself, but at times I can’t help but do just that.
Give advice.
Question: Ask what they think of you
Prompt: I only hope you'll continue to let me assess the extent of your power.
Vow to fight hard.
Question: Ask what they think of you.
Prompt: The Kingdom and its army would be nothing now if not for that fateful day you saved His Majesty's life.
Give a pep talk.

Expeditions Guide: All Expedition Answers

How to Use Rodrigue

Tips on Using Rodrigue

FEW3H-Check Bullet Point A powerful unit that has great offense when used in third person, with skills that allow for better damage and attack range when timed right.

FEW3H-Check Bullet Point Both Support and Tactical skills make him great at defense when used as a support and command unit.
FEW3H-Check Bullet Point As a default Cavalier Class in Blue Lions house, does not really stand out since Sylvain is more advantageous and popular to use as a Cavalier.

Rodrigue Combos and Unique Abilities

Rodrigue Unique Abilities

Ability Name Type Description
Martial Prowess Action Strike with the right timing to slightly increase damage, attack range, and knockback rate.
Right-Hand Man Support When HP is at 25% or below; nullifies critical hits and status effects, and prevents knockback while attacking.
King's Lance Tactical When ordered to guard: reduces damage received from enemies by 30%.

Holy Knight Class Action

FEW3H-Class Action
FEW3H-X Charge forward and juggle enemies as you push through and Luminance will attach on them.

Hold X to consume the Class Gauge and charge forward while radiating Luminance, which will attach to nearby enemies. The Class Gauge will fill over time and when dashing. Land an attack on an enemy with Luminance attached to them to deal additional damage and restore HP.

Holy Knight Combo List

FEW3H-YX combo
Swing the lance and slam it on the ground to throw enemies into the air.
FEW3H-YYX combo
Two regular lance attacks with a lance thrust with a light magic effect that volleys them mid-air.
FEW3H-YYYX combo
A series of lance attacks and a summoned light beam that lifts enemies into the air.
Attack with a spinning lance that creates a light tornado, blasting enemies in front of the unit after some consecutive regular attacks.
FEW3H-5YX combo
Slash at enemies with your lance with the help of light magic, and finish with a charged light attack on the ground that pushes enemies back.
FEW3H-6YX combo
Unleash a series of regular lance attacks and charge forward with multiple, powerful lance thrusts.
FEW3H-Full Y combo
Shoot a magic arrow that pushes enemies aside after performing multiple regular attacks.

Dismounted Holy Knight Combo List

FEW3H Strong Attack
FEW3H-X Unleash a flurry of stabs that knocks affected enemies back.
FEW3H-YX combo
Swipe at enemies then quickly rush forward to stab and launch them up in the air.
FEW3H-YYX combo
Jump and slam the ground after swiping at enemies thrice.
FEW3H-YYYX combo
After two swipes, briefly stab at enemies before jumping and releasing a powerful ground slam that clears the area.
Spin your weapon around to gather your enemies before knocking them away with a piercing attack.
Perform a double spin attack before a slam attack that knocks enemies away.
Slam your weapon to the ground, then spin your weapon around before knocking your enemies away.
Spam FEW3H-Y
Knock your enemies away after performing a series of a regular attacks.
When dismounted, a Holy Knight's combos are similar to a Soldier's. You can dismount and mount your horse by pressing NSW - L + NSW - B on your Switch.

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