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Expeditions allow you to spend time with one of your allies to improve relations in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. Read on to learn how to unlock Expeditions, rewards for going on Expeditions, all Expedition answers, and more!
List of Contents
Black Eagles | ||
Edelgard | Hubert | Ferdinand |
Linhardt | Caspar | Bernadetta |
Dorothea | Petra | Monica |
Blue Lions | ||
Dimitri | Dedue | Felix |
Ashe | Sylvain | Mercedes |
Annette | Ingrid | Rodrigue |
Golden Deer | ||
Claude | Hilda | Lorenz |
Raphael | Ignatz | Lysithea |
Marianne | Leonie | Holst |
Ashen Wolves | ||
Yuri | Balthus | Constance |
Hapi | ||
Other Characters | ||
Seteth | Flayn | Manuela |
Jeritza | Catherine | Shamir |
Byleth | Jeralt | Gatekeeper |
We're displaying a maximum of 3 answers per character here to help you get a Perfect Conversation. For all of the Expedition Answers for each character, visit their individual pages!
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about their dislikes. Prompt: I dislike convention. I can't stand missing a good opportunity simply because I'm "not supposed to." |
State your thoughts. |
Question: Ask about memories of the past. Prompt: Have I told you about the boy who gave me the dagger? I called him "Dee," which is all I really remember about him. |
Be envious. |
Question: Ask about preferred fighting style. Prompt: I don’t object to swords or magic, but an axe has always felt most natural in my hand. I’m not sure why. |
Ask for more details. |
All Expedition Answers with Edelgard
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about memories of the past. Prompt: Ah, I have one. Do you remember when we first met and I thought, "Great, another worthless scoundrel"? |
Sympathize. |
Question: Ask about preferred fighting style. Prompt: Why be choosy? All that matters is that the enemy is dead and you continue to draw breath. |
Smile. |
Question: Ask what they think of you. Prompt: I would classify you as a threat, frankly—so do not expect me to take my eyes off you anytime soon. |
Extend a challenge. |
All Expedition Answers with Hubert
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about their likes. Prompt: Oh, I enjoy tea, horseback riding, collecting weapons, mountain vistas... The usual noble pursuits. |
Applaud that. |
Question: Ask about their family. Prompt: My mother is in terrible spirits after what befell my father, and I fear her health was poor to begin with. |
Give a pep talk. |
Question: Ask about dreams for the future. Prompt: You have placed me in quite a position! Well, if you must know, I dream of steering the Empire in a better direction for the future. |
Promise your support. |
All Expedition Answers with Ferdinand
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about preferred fighting style. Prompt: I mildly resent the implication that I’m into fighting, but I suppose I would have to say magic. |
Be impressed. |
Question: Ask about their likes. Prompt: I enjoy our time together. What about you? |
Smile. |
Question: Ask about their friends. Prompt: I count myself blessed to be among such diligent friends, though I could certainly do without all of this warfare. |
Act dependable. |
All Expedition Answers with Linhardt
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about any personal news. Prompt: Eh, I’m getting by—but if you’d asked the old me, I would’ve given you some nonsense about how things had never been better. |
Commend that. |
Question: Ask about their likes. Prompt: Fighting, obviously. Oh, but it’s not like I throw a punch at whoever happens to walk by or anything. |
Laugh. |
Question: Ask what they think of you. Prompt: You? Yeah, you’re all right. Where’d this come from? |
Blush. |
All Expedition Answers with Caspar
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about their likes. Prompt: Oh, there are tons of things I like! Embroidery, reading, painting… |
Be envious. |
Question: Ask about preferred fighting style. Prompt: I'm all about safety first, so just give me a bow and plenty of space and I'm set. |
Sympathize. |
Question: Ask about their dislikes. Prompt: Um, scary people, I guess? They can stay far, far, far away from me. |
Console. |
All Expedition Answers with Bernadetta
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about their likes. Prompt: I was fortunate to be invited into the opera company, where I got to sing, dance and wear the latest finery. |
Smile and nod. |
Question: Ask about dreams for the future. Prompt: Well, I’d love a steady income, a roguishly handsome husband—or a beautiful wife—a warm household… Hey, are you listening? |
Offer encouragement. |
Question: Ask about any personal news. Prompt: Not great. Life has been one battle after another, and it’s all rather depressing to think about. |
Act dependable. |
All Expedition Answers with Dorothea
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about their likes. Prompt: I like climbing trees, but it is not a thing done by people in Fodlan. |
Express admiration. |
Question: Ask about any personal news. Prompt: Now that I have adjusted to Fodlan pillows, I am fine. |
Laugh. |
Question: Ask about their family. Prompt: I have grandparents, and a little brother and sister. But everyone on the isles is like family, so I have family of much largeness. |
Be envious. |
All Expedition Answers with Petra
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about any personal news. Prompt: Seeing everyone rally around Her Majesty and her cause is enough to move me to tears. |
Be pleased. |
Question: Ask what they think of you. Prompt: You are a mercenary who has earned Her Majesty’s respect. You are nothing more to me than that, and nothing less. |
Be dispirited. |
Question: Ask about their likes. Prompt: I mostly like to read books and perform research. Knowledge is a powerful weapon, you know! |
Get competitive over it. |
All Expedition Answers with Monica
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about their dislikes. Prompt: Hm. What do you think the answer is? |
State your thoughts. |
Question: Ask about any personal news. Prompt: I've had much on my mind of late. The funding for our war effort is a particularly pressing concern. |
State your thoughts. |
Question: Ask about dreams for the future. Prompt: The future, eh? I suppose I'll have to think about it. All my dreams at the moment pertain to our present. |
Nod. |
All Expedition Answers with Dimitri
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about any personal news. Prompt: I thought of a new dish using vegetables from around here. You'll have to try it later. |
Be pleased. |
Question: Ask about their family. Prompt: I can no longer recall my parents' voices. Nor my sister's. So much time has passed since that day. |
Let that sink in for a moment. |
Question: Ask about memories of the past. Prompt: When I was young, I always thought I'd become a blacksmith. Just like my father. |
Be shocked. |
All Expedition Answers with Dedue
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about their family Prompt: I've got nothing but appreciation for my mother and my uncle. They've taken on all of my duties while I'm out fighting this war. |
Commend that. |
Question: Ask about any personal news. Prompt: I've got a lot on my mind, but I'd rather that than be sitting bored in my room. |
Offer to help. |
Question: Ask what they think of you. Prompt: Your unit is impressive. I'd like to watch you train sometime. |
Be pleased. |
All Expedition Answers with Felix
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about their family. Prompt: My siblings back home depend on me for support. That reminds me, I still need to send them some money for the month. |
Express admiration. |
Question: Ask about any personal news. Prompt: They say Albinea's even colder than Faerghus or the Sreng region to the north. I can't even imagine what that's like. |
Picture it in your mind. |
Question: Ask about their dislikes. Prompt: I don't like it when people lie to me. Of course I can't stand when I lie to myself either. |
Sympathize. |
All Expedition Answers with Ashe
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask them about their worries. Prompt: I'm not sure it's bothering me exactly, but it's hard watching your friends work themselves to the bone. |
Sympathize. |
Question: Ask about any personal news. Prompt: I realized something the other day. As fun as it is to woo a beautiful woman, sometimes it's just nice to kick back and enjoy their company. |
Ask for more details. |
Question: Ask about dreams for the future. Prompt: I've got my ideas, but there's still plenty I want to do in the present before I can start thinking about the future. |
Ask for more details. |
All Expedition Answers with Sylvain
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about memories of the past. Prompt: My brother has quite the sweet tooth. I'm sure he gets it from our mother. |
Laugh. |
Question: Ask about their likes Prompt: Hmm, I do like to bake! I always end up making far more than any one person could eat, though. |
Show interest. |
Question: Ask about dreams for the future. Prompt: I'm not sure how, but I want to help people in need. A little cliche, isn't it? |
Promise your support. |
All Expedition Answers with Mercedes
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about any personal news. Prompt: I was cooking the other day and accidentally dumped in way too much honey. You couldn't even tell what I was trying to make anymore. |
Give advice. |
Question: Ask about memories of the past. Prompt: I remember how proud my father looked the first time I ever used magic. That's what made me want to keep learning. |
Smile. |
Question: Ask about dreams for the future. Prompt: Hm, there are a lot of things I want to try. Ooh, maybe I could be a magic teacher! |
Offer encouragement. |
All Expedition Answers with Annette
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about their dreams for the future. Prompt: I have always dreamt of being a knight. But now I know it will never be. |
Act encouraging. |
Question: Ask about their worries. Prompt: I realized recently that I'm not cut out for desk work. But then, what will I do in peacetime? |
Give advice. |
Question: Ask what they think of you. Prompt: You've won countless battles in support of His Majesty. Your name is known far and wide across the Kingdom. |
Be thrilled. |
All Expedition Answers with Ingrid
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask what they think of you Prompt: I only hope you'll continue to let me assess the extent of your power. |
Vow to fight hard. |
Question: Ask about preferred fighting style. Prompt: In my prime, I always used to love engaging the enemy face to face, but as the years pass I've begun to understand the joys of barking orders from the rear. |
Show that you understand. |
Question: Ask about any personal news. Prompt: I've made efforts to learn some more of Duscur's language of late.. Once I've mastered that, I'll move on to the tongue of the Sreng region. |
Show interest. |
All Expedition Answers with Rodrigue
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask what they think of you. Prompt: I admit, your power intrigues me. But that's all. I haven't formulated any theories yet. |
Express gratitude. |
Question: Ask abut their family. Prompt: My mother's quite the formidable woman. Even more so than Judith, if you can believe it.. |
Speculate. |
Question: Ask about their friends. Prompt: I have a hard time trusting other people, but I trust you and all our friends from the bottom of my heart. I mean that. |
Act dependable. |
All Expedition Answers with Claude
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about their dislikes. Prompt: I don't like the cold, but being hot is way worse. I can't stand getting all sweaty and gross. |
Sympathize. |
Question: Ask what they think of you. Prompt: You're not the type to sweat the little things, are you? Me neither. I think that's why we get along. |
Shrug. |
Question: Ask about memories of the past. Prompt: I used to play with my brother and Baltie a lot. I wasn't afraid of anything when they were around, not even monsters. |
Be impressed. |
All Expedition Answers with Hilda
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about dreams of the future. Prompt: I want to work for the sake of Leicester and all of Fodlan, and to be remembered in the annals of history. |
Express admiration. |
Question: Ask about their family. Prompt: I am proud of my father and aspire to be like him, but that does not means I will tread the same path. |
Be impressed. |
Question: Ask about their dislikes. Prompt: While there are not many things I dislike, I cannot say I am fond of insects. I detest their squirmy legs. |
Act dependable. |
All Expedition Answers with Lorenz
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about their likes. Prompt: I like meat, especially when I can share it with my friends. |
Sympathize. |
Question: Ask about any personal news. Prompt: Things aren’t going so well. I’ve been too busy to get some good training in. |
Offer encouragement. |
Question: Ask about their friends. Prompt: Meals always taste better when you share ‘em with friends. |
Reach out and commiserate. |
All Expedition Answers with Raphael
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about their worries. Prompt: It might not seem this way, but I honestly don't have that many worries. I'm usually prepared for the worst. |
Express admiration. |
Question: Ask about memories of the past. Prompt: An acquaintance of mine once complimented my art. I don't think I've ever felt so happy. |
Smile. |
Question: Ask about dreams for the future. Prompt: I'm not sure. Right now I like imagining how things will be once the war is over and there's nothing tying me down. |
Be shocked. |
All Expedition Answers with Ignatz
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about dreams for the future Prompt: As long as my parents can live out the rest of their years in peace, then... I'll be fine with whatever happens. |
Act dependable. |
Question: Ask about their likes. Prompt: I like can...canopies. Yes, tree canopies are just so lush, don't you agree? |
Be shocked. |
Question: Ask what they think of you. Prompt: You don't bear a Crest, right? I wonder who you really are. |
Look confused. |
All Expedition Answers with Lysithea
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about any personal news. Prompt: Recently, Dorte—he's one of the horses—has been in a bad mood. I wonder if he's tired. |
Act dependable. |
Question: Ask about their family. Prompt: My adoptive father is known as Leicester's greatest orator. But I'm the complete opposite. |
Offer encouragement. |
Question: Ask about dreams for the future. Prompt: My adoptive father has expectations for me, but honestly, I'm useless. |
Smile. |
All Expedition Answers with Marianne
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about dreams for the future. Prompt: I wanna be a first-rate mercenary with a cool-sounding nickname someday. |
Reassure her. |
Question: Ask about their worries. Prompt: Hmm. I guess I'm worried that I haven't made a name for myself as a mercenary yet. |
Commend that. |
Question: Ask about memories of the past. Prompt: I liked living in my village. Back then I didn't even realize how poor my family was. |
Ask for more details. |
All Expedition Answers with Leonie
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about their worries. Prompt: I try not to worry, at least not about things I can't change. I simply do what I can and keep putting one foot in front of the other. |
Give a pep talk. |
Question: Ask about their dislikes. Prompt: I've no fondness for gambling—I've seen far too many people ruin their lives to go down that path myself. |
Reach out and commiserate. |
Question: Ask about their preferred fighting style. Prompt: Solo charges on horseback were once my specialty, but they tend to make my subordinates nervous, so I try to restrain myself. |
Reach out and commiserate. |
All Expedition Answers with Holst
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about their likes. Prompt: I like a lot about this world, but people who enjoy my cooking are at the top of the list. |
Sympathize. |
Question: Ask about their family. Prompt: All I care about is that my mother can live out her remaining years in comfort. |
Smile. |
Question: Ask what they think of you. Prompt: So long as we fight for the same side, I hope you and me keep getting to know each other. |
Give a wordless nod. |
All Expedition Answers with Yuri
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about their likes. Prompt: My likes? Ah! Money, fighting, women, and gambling - and not necessarily in that order. |
Give a rueful smile. |
Question: Ask about preferred fighting style. Prompt: Are you kidding? Have you seen these fists? Though I guess I don't mind swinging a weapon occasionally. |
Commend that. |
Question: Ask what they think of you. Prompt: Wait, you actually care what other people think about you? Huh, that's surprising. |
Laugh. |
All Expedition Answers with Balthus
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about any personal news. Prompt: You think there’s a chance I might be doing well? How silly of you. |
Look confused. |
Question: Ask what they think of you. Prompt: Oh, I’m certain you regard me similarly to how I regard you. |
Blush. |
Question: Ask about their likes. Prompt: Lamenting the past is something I’ve grown quite fond of lately. It is a poor habit, I know. |
Dispute that. |
All Expedition Answers with Constance
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about their worries. Prompt: I've given up on so many things, there's not much left for me to worry about. |
Talk about something else. |
Question: Ask about dreams for the future. Prompt: I think my dream right now is... Well, to figure out what my dream is, I guess. |
Offer encouragement. |
Question: Ask about their likes. Prompt: Well, I like looking at the night sky, but I usually go to bed early, so I don't do it much. |
Laugh. |
All Expedition Answers with Hapi
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about their likes. Prompt: Did you know I compose fables in my spare time? I used to read them to the children at the monastery. |
Express admiration. |
Question: Ask about dreams for the future. Prompt: So long as I can fulfill my duty when the time comes, that is sufficient. |
Act dependable. |
Question: Ask about memories of the past. Prompt: I had a wife once. I lost her long ago, but her smile remains in my mind to this very day. |
Be envious. |
All Expedition Answers with Seteth
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about dreams for the future. Prompt: I have long wished for a friend who would confide in me regarding matters of the heart. Perhaps someday... |
Reassure her. |
Question: Ask about their worries. Prompt: I am always concerned about my brother. Ironically, this is because he is far too concerned about me. |
Be envious. |
Question: Ask about their friends. Prompt: Do you think the others consider me as one of their friends? |
Nod emphatically. |
All Expedition Answers with Flayn
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about their likes. Prompt: I still love to sing, even though my voice isn't quite as robust as it was in my younger days. |
Give a counterargument. |
Question: Ask about any personal news. Prompt: You want to know how I’m doing? In that case, I’d be more than happy to tell you over drinks tonight… |
Admonish. |
Question: Ask what they think of you. Prompt: You could’ve been one of my students… Rather a shame that’s not how things turned out. |
Laugh. |
All Expedition Answers with Manuela
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about their likes. Prompt: Fights to the death. Also...sweets. |
Give a wordless nod. |
Question: Ask about their dislikes. Prompt: I detest alcohol. And parties. |
Sympathize. |
Question: Ask what they think of you. Prompt: I am as wary of you as the maggots are. But I don't sense that you intend me harm. |
Nod. |
All Expedition Answers with Jeritza
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about their dislikes. Prompt: I can't stand bad food and cheap booze. But I save my grievances for the battlefield. |
Agree |
Question: Ask about any personal news. Prompt: I'm fighting here because Lady Rhea told me to, but it would be nice to see her face once in a while. |
Cheer up. |
Question: Ask about their family. Prompt: My father entrusted me with Thunderbrand, and I intend to live up to that honor. |
Give encouragement. |
All Expedition Answers with Catherine
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about their likes. Prompt: Tough one. How about the moment my arrow pierces its target? |
Say you get it. |
Question: Ask about preferred fighting style. Prompt: I'm guessing I don't need to explain to you why the bow and dagger are my weapons of choice. |
Follow up with concern. |
Question: Ask about their worries. Prompt: How about all the people out there who love sweets, and the way they always insist on sharing? |
Sympathize. |
All Expedition Answers with Shamir
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about their dislikes. Prompt: You know, I'm not sure-though I suppose if someone were to harm my father, I could never forgive them. |
End things there. |
Question: Ask about dreams for the future. Prompt: I honestly have no idea. I'm not even sure if I'll take over the mercenaries or not. |
Offer encouragement. |
Question: Ask what they think of you Prompt: I feel that you and I are very much alike. |
Agree. |
All Expedition Answers with Byleth
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about any personal news. Prompt: My kid’s still pretty green—except when it comes to eating. I’ve never seen anyone pack it away like that. |
Laugh. |
Question: Ask about their family. Prompt: These days, I sometimes see the kid cracking a smile. Never used to do that—maybe it was my fault. |
Give a counterargument. |
Question: Ask about their friends. Prompt: If nothing else, a leader has to keep their people fed. |
Get competitive over it. |
All Expedition Answers with Jeralt
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about their dislikes. Prompt: I hate it when people die...but that's war for you. Let's all do our best to make sure that doesn't happen! |
Act dependable. |
Question: Ask about their likes. Prompt: Well, I love seeing you all grow and develop, and I also love cheering you on! |
Express gratitude. |
Question: Ask what they think of you. Prompt: Everyone trusts you, so you must be pretty great! |
Give a pep talk. |
All Expedition Answers with Gatekeeper
Once you have unlocked Chapter 5 of any path in the story, you will have the chance to go on Expeditions with your allies. Note that in the beginning, you will only be able to go on Expeditions in the Plains area, but more of these can be unlocked via specific facility upgrades to the Recreation Quarter.
Story Walkthrough: List of Chapters
After Shez has reached C-Level Support with the ally of your choice, you can talk to them at the Camp and select the Invite on an Expedition option to start an expedition in exchange for 1 Activity Point.
Note that you must watch the Support Conversation between Shez and the ally to level up to C-Level Support. Even if you fill-up the C mark for an ally, their Expedition option will not appear until you have watched the conversation from the Support Info menu.
The best way to obtain a Perfect Conversation is to Ask a Question. Asking a question allows you to pick six fixed prompts for the character instead of the seven randomized prompts when choosing to talk.
Be sure to save the game before inviting a character to an expedition. This allows you to reload the save in case you did not obtain a Perfect Conversation with the chosen ally.
Reloading also increases the chances of obtaining a random encounter, which adds one support point to the ally.
If you answer at least one of the questions wrong, you'll gain a standard boost in Support Points with your ally. It's not much for the trouble, but on the bright side, even if you get all three answers wrong, you'll still get the same amount of Support Points.
Both the protagonist and your ally will receive a boost in Morale from going on an Expedition, regardless of how many answers you get correct.
Perfect Conversations happen when you select all the right answers to conversations or questions. Not only will you have a wonderful time with your ally, but you will also receive other bonuses!
In a perfect conversation, you will receive a bonus to support points, as shown by the double arrows!
A new menu will appear with the choice to Observe or Give a Gift. Observing allows you to view your ally from multiple angles and interact with them via a Nod, Tease, or Joke. They may even fire quips or speak to you. It's also the perfect time to take photos of your faves!
Giving a gift, on the other hand, will allow you to earn even more support points at once, especially if you give them something they love.
Gift Giving Guide: Best Gifts to Give Each Character
At the end of the Perfect Conversation, both Shez and your ally will receive a boost in Charm!
After a battle, a notification will occasionally appear about an ally wanting to go on an Expedition. If you go with them directly after this, you'll get extra support points from the Expedition. However, this effect will expire if you start another battle between getting the notification and going on the Expedition.
You can unlock different expedition locations by upgrading the Recreation Quarter in the camp.
Once you reach Chapter 5, talk to the Facilities Master and upgrade Buy Basic Cooking Utensils and Learn the Basics of Cleaning. This unlocks the forest expedition location, which is a prerequisite to unlocking the Waterfront and Mountain locations.
Expedition Location | How to Unlock |
Plains | Reach Chapter 5. |
Forest | Unlock Survey Wooded Surroundings facility upgrade. |
Mountain | Unlock High-Altitude facility upgrade. |
Waterfront | Unlock Survey Wet Surroundings facility upgrade. |
List of Facilities: Best Facilities to Upgrade
As seen in the Awakened Rivals trailer, players can spend time alone with a chosen ally in a specific destination and get to know them in the process.
Players can choose between Talking or Asking Questions. Each character has a total of 12 questions and 7 prompts when choosing to talk to the chosen ally. They will get 3 chances to answer correctly and gain support points with their chosen ally.
Similar to cooking and volunteering, going on an Expedition costs one Activity Point to do so. You can earn Activity Points by completing side quests that reward it in the War Map.
Story Walkthrough: List of Chapters
Sometimes you will see an encounter screen that appears upon embarking on an Expedition. You have two options to choose from the prompt that appears. Picking either of the choices increases support points with the chosen ally.
When choosing a destination in the Expedition screen, you may find that one of them has a golden exclamation point. This indicates that the location will have an encounter. Use this as an opportunity to further boost your support level with the chosen ally.
If you went on an expedition with an ally for the second time, the game will show you the wrong choices on the prompt that you have encountered before. This makes it easier to achieve a Perfect Conversation with the ally and obtain Support Points.
Comparison between Edelgard's Observe Dialogue | |
View Full Image Edelgard's Observe dialogue at Support Level B and below. |
View Full Image Edelgard's Observe dialogue at Support Level A. |
Once you reached Support Level A with an ally, their dialogue changes when you invite them out on an expedition and whenever you Observe them during Extra Time.
In addition, they will receive two extra prompts when you Ask what they think of you and Ask about any personal news. See the example below for Edelgard's two extra prompts.
Question / Prompt | Best Response |
Question: Ask about any personal news. Prompt: Me? Oh, I suppose I can’t complain. |
Express worry. |
Question: Ask about any personal news. Prompt: Don’t worry, I’m taking care not to overwork myself. |
Express worry. |
Question: Ask what they think of you. Prompt: I hope you’ll continue to lend me your strength long after this war is over. |
Be shocked. |
Question: Ask what they think of you. Prompt: I hope I'm paying you adequately for your service. The Imperial army would be lost without you. |
Act dependable. |
Expeditions Guide and All Expedition Answers
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