Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

How to Recruit Dedue: Expedition Answers and Best Class

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Dedue is a character in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes (FEW3H). Read on to learn how to recruit Dedue, the answers for expeditions with Dedue, the best class for Dedue, their unique abilities, and their strongest combos!

Dedue Best Class and Gifts

Dedue Overview

Starting Class Fighter (Axe) Icon Fighter (Axe)
Starting Weapon Axe, Bow, Gauntlet
Playable Character? Yes Crests No known crests.
Affiliation Kingdom of Faerghus

Dedue Best Class

The Great Knight class is the best class for Dedue.

How to Change Classes

Dedue Innate Abilities

Innate Ability Effect Class to Master
Prepared to Die Rapidly restores the Warrior Gauge when HP is at a certain percentage or below and the Warrior Gauge is less than one bar. War Master

Dedue has to master the War Master class to get the Prepared to Die innate ability.

Innate Abilities are secret abilities not listed among the acquired abilities, and can only be attained by branching out of a unit's recommended class.

How to Get Innate Abilities for Each Character

Dedue Likes and Dislikes

Status Survivor of the Tragedy of Duscur and vassal to King Dimitri
Interests Housekeeping, Cooking
Likes Flowers, gardening, needlework, arts, and crafts
Dislikes Anyone who attempts to harm Dimitri

Best Gifts for Dedue

Liked Violet
Loved Owl Feather, Watering Can

Best Gifts to Give Each Character

How to Recruit Dedue

FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeScarlet Blaze FEW3H - Azure GleamAzure Gleam FEW3H - Golden WildfireGolden Wildfire
Unrecruitable in this path. Chapter 03: Crisis in Fhirdiad Unrecruitable in this path.

Recruitment Guide: How to Recruit Units

Expedition Answers with Dedue

Dedue's Expedition Answers Guide

Question / Prompt Best Response
Prompt: I have nothing but trust for Lord Rodrigue. He proved his worth time and again in the negotiations with Duscur. Say you want to learn from him.
Prompt: Duscur is a land of fishermen. Even the son of a blacksmith like me learned how to row a boat growing up. Suggest you take a boat next time.
Prompt: I’ll restore Duscur to its former glory someday. I’m sure of it. Offer to help.
Prompt: I wouldn’t be standing here now if His Majesty hadn’t protected me on that horrible day. Say he should be grateful.
Prompt: I don't adhere to the Seiros faith. But if the goddess does exist, I hope she'd protect His Majesty. Say Dedue should do that himself.
Prompt: I hope to devote my entire life to His Majesty. There is no greater pleasure than standing at his side. Laugh and say that's just like him.
Prompt: Not long ago, I saw children Faerghus playing in the streets. With others from Duscur, no less. Feel the significance of that.
Question: Ask about any personal news.
Prompt: I've been teaching the language of Fódlan to Duscur's warriors. I hope both sides can reach an understanding someday.
Commend that.
Question: Ask about any personal news.
Prompt: I thought of a new dish using vegetables from around here. You'll have to try it later.
Be pleased.
Question: Ask about dreams for the future.
Prompt: I desire nothing more than to support His Majesty’s reign.
Promise your support.
Question: Ask about memories of the past.
Prompt: When I was young, I always thought I'd become a blacksmith. Just like my father.
Be shocked.
Question: Ask about preferred fighting style.
Prompt: I train to be a shield for His Majesty. That is why I’m better suited to defensive battles.
Offer encouragement.
Question: Ask about their dislikes.
Prompt: Those who would harm His Majesty. Though I do appreciate those who speak plainly with him.
Say you trust him.
Question: Ask about their family.
Prompt: I can no longer recall my parents' voices. Nor my sister's. So much time has passed since that day.
Let that sink in for a moment.
Question: Ask about their friends.
Prompt: Ally or no, I will cut down anyone who betrays His Majesty.
Give a wordless nod.
Question: Ask about their likes.
Prompt: Cooking, gardening, sewing. Such tasks help calm my nerves.
Question: Ask about their worries.
Prompt: I’ve served His Majesty for years now, but I still don’t know his favorite food.
Ask for more details.
Question: Ask what they think of you.
Prompt: You've become indispensable. Both to His Majesty, and to me.
Question: Ask what they think of you.
Prompt: His Majesty trusts you. I will do the same.
Act dependable.

Expeditions Guide: All Expedition Answers

How to Use Dedue

Tips on Using Dedue

FEW3H-Check Bullet Point His unique abilities make him the perfect tank and support unit in battle as he can deal extra damage when performing strong attacks, while his guards are super effective and give him bonus effects.
FEW3H-Check Bullet Point Slow movement speed makes it hard for him to move across the map quickly and can be unappealing to use other than for support or commands.

Dedue Combos and Unique Abilities

Dedue Unique Abilities

Ability Name Type Description
Demolisher IconDemolisher Action Hold the button when performing strong attacks to trigger blasts on impact that deal minor damage to enemies.
Staunch Shield IconStaunch Shield Support Taking hits while guarding slightly restores the Warrior Gauge. Perfect Guards restore the gauge even more.
Life and Limb IconLife and Limb Tactical When ordered to guard: reduces damage received from enemies by 30%.

Great Knight Class Action

FEW3H-Class Action
FEW3H-X Charge forward and bash the shield against enemies, knocking them backwards. The longer you charge the attack, the stronger it will be.

Hold X to charge the Class Gauge, and release it to charge forward. The long you charge the gauge, your charge forward will be more powerful and you'll break or nullify the enemy's guard. Press and hold X during a strong attack to reduce the charge time of the next class action.

Great Knight Combo List

FEW3H-YX combo
Two swings of the axe that ends with throwing enemies into the air.
FEW3H-YYX combo
Swing the axe twice and charge towards the enemy using the shield.
FEW3H-YYYX combo
Release three regular axe swings and finish with two powerful, upward slashes with the axe that pushes enemies back.
After a series of axe chops, circle the surrounding area while bashing enemies with the shield.
FEW3H-5YX combo
Transmute a rock formation that sends enemies flying after a series of regular attacks.
FEW3H-6YX combo
An exploding attack with the horse that affects a large portion of the surrounding area following regular attacks with the axe.
FEW3H-Full Y combo
Continually hack and slash enemies with the axe and finish with a forward charge with the horse while volleying enemies mid-air.

Dismounted Great Knight Combo List

FEW3H Strong Attack
FEW3H-X Slam your shield on the ground to knock enemies up high.
FEW3H-YX combo
Knocks enemies up high using your axe.
FEW3H-YYX combo
Bash all enemies with your shield after a couple of axe slashes.
FEW3H-YYYX combo
A double spinning attack that knocks enemies away.
Spins your shield around to throw enemies up in the air.
Release a series of regular attacks and finish with a stunning charge and spinning axe attack that knocks out the surrounding area.
A powerful spinning axe attack that knock out a large AoE.
Spam FEW3H-Y
Continuously attack using your axe before bashing them with your shield and charging forward.
When dismounted, a Great Knight's combos are similar to a Fortress Knight's. You can dismount and mount your horse by pressing NSW - L + NSW - B on your Switch.

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