Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Final Chapter Walkthrough - A Path Forward (Scarlet Blaze)

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FEW3H - A Path Forward - Black Eagles
A Path Forward is the final chapter of the Scarlet Blaze Route in Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes. Read on to learn about the different quests, survey spots, rewards, and support conversations within the chapter, as well as our walkthrough for its main quest!

⮜ Previous Chapter Next Chapter ⮞
Chapter 14:
A Clash of Ambitions
(If Byleth is defeated)
Chapter 16:
Into the Chasm
(If Byleth is recruited)

A Path Forward Recruitable Characters

All Recruitable Characters in A Path Forward
There are no recruitable characters in this chapter.

Recruitment Guide: How to Recruit Units

A Path Forward Quests, Survey Spots, and Rewards

A Path Forward Quests

Quest Type Rewards
The Defense of Garreg Mach Main S Rank Reward: Hauteclere+10 x1
First Time Reward: Master Seal x1

A Path Forward Survey Spots

There are no Survey Spots in this Chapter.

The Defense of Garreg Mach Strategies and Walkthrough

Recommended Strategies for The Defense of Garreg Mach

Strategy Description Cost
Twin Jewels of the Empire Set Hubert and Ferdinand loose on the enemy. 30
Ingenious Formation Begin the battle in a special formation 10

The Defense of Garreg Mach Objectives

Victory Condition Defeat Condition
Defeat Rhea and Thales. Either group of your units is routed.
Main Objectives
1. Defeat the Falcon Knights and aid Count Varley!
2. Defeat Myson, who is conjuring the Wall of Darkness!
3. Find the warp floor in the lower monastery walls!
4. Find and activate the controls in the middle monastery walls!
5. Defeat Catherine!
6. Use the warp floor to warp to the upper monastery walls and defeat Myson!
7. Defeat Cyril and cut a path to Garreg Mach Monastery!
8. Defeat Thales!
9. Defeat Rhea / Defeat the Immaculate One!
10. Defeat Rhea and Thales, and lead the Adrestian Empire to victory!
Side Objectives
・ Defeat the Gremories and stop the magic assault on Count Varley!
・ Seize the strongholds to stop the catapults!
・ Seize the strongholds and stop the ballistae and fire orbs!

The Defense of Garreg Mach Walkthrough

The team we brought to the final battle includes: Shez, Hubert, Ferdinand, Edelgard, Byleth, Caspar, Bernadetta, and Balthus. We recommend having Edelgard among the troops on the east side of the map.
Defeat the Falcon Knights and aid Count Varley!

The team will start at the northern part of the map split into two flanks, one for the west and one for the east. Have each team press forward taking out enemy commanders on their respective paths.
A prompt will appear suggesting a heavily armored unit may be able to break open a path to help rescuing count Varley. If you brought Edelgard on the east flank, this should be easy for her to accomplish.
3 Maintain Count Varley's safety by having a bow-wielder such as Bernadetta be nearby at all times. Falcon Knights will often appear in an attempt to attack Count Varley, so a Sniper or Bow Knight can serve as a good defense. Have the rest of the team pressing forward.
Find the warp floor in the lower monastery walls!

Those Who Slither in the Dark will have a battalion deployed right outside where Myson is stationed, take them out before rushing in to strike down Myson himself. However, when his HP is low enough, he will warp away.
You will have to find the warp floor he has escaped to, have your western flank proceed south to find the warp floor on the southeastern-most corner of the map.
Find and activate the controls in the middle monastery walls!

You will also need to find the controls within the middle monastery walls which should just be at the southern-most part of the map. Have your eastern flank make their way there.
Defeat Catherine!

As your eastern flank continues south, they will face Thunder Catherine. Take her out to progress further.
Use the warp floor to warp to the upper monastery walls and defeat Myson!

With Catherine slain, have several troops move in to operate the warp controls, and have the others seize the strongholds that disable the catapults.
Defeat Cyril and cut a path to Garreg Mach Monastery!

Your western flank should now be able to use the warp floor. Command them to warp over! Chase down Myson and take him down once and for all. His allies will activate ballistae and fire orbs in an attempt to protect him, but you should have the rest of your troops deal with those.
10 With Myson defeated, the dark barriers will dissipate allowing your team to reunite and Count Varley to strategically retreat.

Cyril and about a dozen other Knights of the Church of Seiros will make their appearance to try and swarm you. With the rest of your team here, you should be able to deal with them, no problem. But just in case, you can initiate the strategy Twin Jewels of the Empire.
Defeat Thales!

Once Cyril has fallen, your team will make their way to Garreg Mach to have the final showdowns against the leaders of Those Who Slither in the Dark, and the Church themselves. First up will be Thales. Defeat him to open the path to the cathedral where Rhea is.
Defeat Rhea / Defeat the Immaculate One!

Once Rhea has been backed into a corner, she will reveal her true form as the Immaculate one. You'll need the whole team to shred down her Stun Gauges and deal significant damage.
Defeat Rhea and Thales, and lead the Adrestian Empire to victory!

After The Immaculate One has been defeated, Rhea will revert back to her human form for you to finish off. However, Thales will also make his reappearance. With both of your enemies in the same room, take the opportunity to strike down those who oppose you and secure the victory for the Adrestian Empire!

A Path Forward Support and Romance Conversations

In Camp

Three Hopes - Edelgard Edelgard Prompt: Though I fear Hubert's confidence in you is probably shattered. (Only appears if you recruited Byleth in Chapter 10: Shifting History.)
Answers: Reactions:
Show understanding. None
Express disappointment. +1 Support with Edelgard
Three Hopes - Hubert Hubert Prompt: The question is, would you truly find such a conclusion satisfactory? (Only appears if you defeated Byleth in Chapter 10: Shifting History.)
Answers: Reactions:
Say you have no problem with it. None
Say you wouldn't be satisfied. +1 Support with Hubert
Three Hopes - Ferdinand Ferdinand Prompt: Unfortunately, our opponents are far more familiar with the monastery than we are. This will be a most arduous battle.
Answers: Reactions:
Assure him it'll be fine. None
Express concern too. +1 Support with Ferdinand
Three Hopes - Linhardt Linhardt Prompt: Everything has been utterly insufferable. Though I suppose that's to be expected in a war.
Answers: Reactions:
Press him on that. +1 Support with Linhardt
Agree, walking's the worst. None
Three Hopes - Bernadetta Bernadetta Prompt: Not that I'm against it. I can't wait to see him cry!
Answers: Reactions:
Encourage her. +1 Support with Bernadetta
Prioritize his safety. None.
Three Hopes - Monica Monica Prompt: He must not be allowed to cause any more trouble for her. Therefore, you and I are going to end him.
Answers: Reactions:
Agree wholeheartedly. +1 Support with Monica
Suggest he might not show up. None
Three Hopes - Ashe Ashe Prompt: And I still haven't figured out. I wonder if I ever will.
Answers: Reactions:
Assure him he will. +1 Support with Ashe
Express doubt. None.
Three Hopes - Lorenz Lorenz Prompt: The Alliance is pursuing the Kingdom army. I only hope they emerge victorious. (Only appears if you recruited Byleth in Chapter 10: Shifting History.)
Answers: Reactions:
Ask if he's worried about the Alliance. +1 Support with Lorenz
Ask if he wants to return to the Alliance. None
Three Hopes - Raphael Raphael Prompt: You must feel the same way, right? C'mon, you can tell me.
Answers: Reactions:
Agree with him. +1 Support with Raphael
Disagree with him. None
Three Hopes - Jeralt Jeralt Prompt: Hope nothing weird happened to you back then. Though...I have my concerns.
Answers: Reactions:
Say you don't know. +1 Support with Jeralt
Say you aren't worried about it. None
Three Hopes - Leonie Leonie Prompt: What about you? Do you ever think about that stuff? Or do you just focus on fighting?
Answers: Reactions:
Say you think about it. None
Say you think about it. +1 Support with Leonie
Three Hopes - Constance Constance Prompt: Feel free to use me as a decoy, or make me pretend to surrender, or have me sabotage them from underground. I care not what I do.
Answers: Reactions:
Refuse None
Comment on her suggestions. +1 Support with Constance
Three Hopes - Hapi Hapi Prompt: I know it's got historical significance, but is it really worth sacrificing so many lives over?
Answers: Reactions:
Suggest it has hidden secrets. +1 Support with Hapi
Say it's sacred ground. None
Three Hopes - Manuela Manuela Prompt: And now here we are...
Answers: Reactions:
Symphatize with her. +1 Support with Manuela
Say you're in the same boat. None
Three Hopes - Byleth Byleth Prompt: I was so confused when you got caught in that strange magic and vanished.
Answers: Reactions:
Apologize for attacking them. None
Thank them for not killing you. +1 Support with Byleth

Between Battles

There doesn't appear to be any conversations that affect Support between this Chapter's battles.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Related Guides

Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes - Story Walkthrough
Story Walkthrough: List of Chapters

All Story Walkthroughs

Full Story Walkthrough
Chapter 0 Three HousesCrossed Roads
Chapter 1 Three HousesA Chance Encounter
Chapter 2 Three HousesThree Houses
Chapter 3 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze The Shadows of Adrestia FEW3H - Azure GleamCrisis in Fhirdiad FEW3H - Golden WildfireThe Battle for the Locket
Chapter 4 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeThe Struggle Commences FEW3H - Azure GleamTo War! FEW3H - Golden WildfireTo War!
Chapter 5 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze Skirmish in the Fog FEW3H - Azure Gleam Skirmish in the Fog FEW3H - Golden Wildfire The Golden Guardian
Chapter 6 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze Bridge of Betrayal FEW3H - Azure Gleam Conspiracy in the Air FEW3H - Golden WildfireThe Leader's Stratagem
Chapter 7 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze The Triumph of Valor FEW3H - Azure Gleam The King Awakens FEW3H - Golden WildfireA Contest of Beasts
Chapter 8 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze The Maiden's Peril FEW3H - Azure Gleam The Blood-Stained Lance FEW3H - Golden Wildfire What Makes a King
Chapter 9 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze Unrest in Enbarr FEW3H - Azure Gleam Reunion at the Fortress City FEW3H - Golden Wildfire The End of the Alliance
Chapter 10 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze Shifting History FEW3H - Azure Gleam Fanaticism FEW3H - Golden Wildfire Love and Loss
Chapter 11 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeHeroic Bloodlines FEW3H - Azure GleamReprisal FEW3H - Golden Wildfire The Sword Swings Wide
Chapter 12 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeThe Rising Darkness FEW3H - Azure GleamA Trick of the Goddess FEW3H - Golden WildfireTwo Kings
Chapter 13 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeSevering the Past FEW3H - Azure GleamClash of Torment FEW3H - Golden WildfireDarkness Attacks
Chapter 14 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeTorment of the Eagle and Lion
(If Byleth is recruited)
A Clash of Ambitions
(If Byleth is defeated)
FEW3H - Azure GleamThe Absent Emperor FEW3H - Golden WildfireA Symbol of the Past
Chapter 15* Three HousesThe Hour of Vengeance
Chapter 16* Three HousesInto the Chasm
Final Chapter FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeA Path Forward FEW3H - Azure GleamThe End of Tragedy FEW3H - Golden WildfireField of Beginnings

All Paralogues

List of All Paralogues


4 Whoops3 days

There is a support conversation in the camp for Bernadetta. Prompt: "Not that I'm against it. I can't wait to see him cry!" Choice 1: "Encourage her" (+1 Support points with Bernadetta) Choice 2: "Prioritize his safety"


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