Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Mage Class Guide

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The Mage is a tome-wielding class proficient in elemental attacks in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. Read on to learn more about the Mage class, its combos, and abilities.

Mage Overview

Class Overview
Mage Sprite Mage
Weapon: Three Hopes - Tome Tome

Level: Intermediate

Description: Few enemies stand a chance against a Mage who bend black magic to their will. Mages are ideal against Archers and other classes that use the bow.
・Can use magic. High resistance, strong against magic attacks.
・Strong against bows.
・Low defense, weak against physical attacks.
Class Promotion Chart
Monk IconMonk Priest IconPriest Bishop IconBishop Gremory IconGremory
Dark Bishop IconDark Bishop
Warlock IconWarlock
Mage IconMage
Dark Mage IconDark Mage

Best Units for the Mage Class

Best Units for the Mage Class
Black Eagles:
Three Hopes - Hubert Hubert
Blue Lions:
Three Hopes - Annette Annette
Golden Deer:
Three Hopes - Lysithea Lysithea

Mage Combos

Mage Class Action

FEW3H-Class Action
FEW3H-X Throw consecutive magic attacks. The longer you hold X, the stronger the attack will be. You can move the left joystick to change your aim while attacking.

Hold X to rapidly fire magic volleys. Press and hold X during a strong attack to add the element of that strong attack to the next class action. The Class Gauge will fill over time and with strong attacks.

Mage Combo List

FEW3H-YX combo
Unleash a spell that knocks out nearby enemies after a regular attack.
FEW3H-YYX combo
Rain down three bolts of lightning after two consecutive magic attacks.
FEW3H-YYYX combo
After three regular magic attacks, releases a fire spell that protects the caster and clears the immediate surrounding area.
Cast a magic tornado that sweeps the area in front of the caster after a series of magic attacks.
FEW3H-Full Y combo
After a series of regular magic attacks, finishes with throwing a magic spell that pushes enemies away in all direction.

Mage Class Abilities

Primary Class Abilities

Class Ability Effect
Grants one tier greater advantage against enemies equipped with bows. Increases damage to them by 85%.
Grants the unit Fire, or increases the spell's potency if already learned.
Grants the unit Miasma △, or increases the spell's potency if already learned.
Reduces cooldown for dark magic.
Grants one tier greater advantage against cavalry units. Increases damage to them by 90%.

Equipped Class Abilities

Class Ability Effect
Grants attacks a chance to poison enemies.
Greatly increases damage dealt by combat arts and magic, but causes the unit to sustain damage with each use in proportion to Mt.
Causes dark-based combat arts, magic, strong attacks, and class actions to instead produce a more powerful version of that attack.
Grants Dark Mages and Dark Bishops a rare chance to instantly defeat non-commander units with class actions.
Increases damage dealt to enemies when equipped with a tome.
Extends the time enemies are paralyzed by Dark Mage and Dark Bishop class actions.
Restores a small amount of HP when an enemy commander is defeated.
Increases damage dealt by Mage, Warlock, and Gremory class actions. The gauge will deplete more quickly.
Imbues Mage, Warlock, and Gremory class actions with an element regardless of whether they are chained from strong attacks.
Taking hits from enemies equipped with tomes increases all stats by 3 for a period of time.

List of Class Abilities and Effects

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Related Guides

FEW3H Classes Partial Banner.png
Classes Guide: All Class Stats and Abilities

Beginner Classes

Beginner Classes
Fighter (Axe) Fighter (Bow) Fighter (Gauntlet)
Monk Myrmidon Soldier

Intermediate Classes

Intermediate Classes
Fluegel Pegasus Knight Archer
Armored Knight Armored Lord Brawler
Brigand Cavalier High Lord
Mage Mercenary Wyvern Master
Priest Thief Silverheart

Advanced Classes

Advanced Classes
Assassin Swordmaster Paladin
Fortress Knight Warrior Wyvern Rider
Sniper Grappler Warlock
Bishop Dark Mage -

Master Classes

Master Classes
Trickster Mortal Savant Dancer
Falcon Knight Dark Knight Holy Knight
Death Knight Great Knight Wyvern Lord
Bow Knight War Master Gremory
Dark Bishop Asura Great Lord
Enlightened One Emperor Saint
Barbarossa - -


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