Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Chapter 09 Walkthrough - Unrest in Enbarr (Scarlet Blaze)

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FEW3H - Unrest in Enbarr - Black Eagles
Unrest in Enbarr is Chapter 09 of the Scarlet Blaze Route in Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes. Read on to learn about the different quests, survey spots, rewards, and support conversations within the chapter, as well as our walkthrough for its main quest!

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Chapter 8:
The Maiden's Peril
Chapter 10:
Shifting History

Unrest in Enbarr Recruitable Characters

All Recruitable Characters in Unrest in Enbarr

Shamir can be recruited using the Persuade Strategy during the Battle Prep part of the main quest. You need at least 20 Strategy Points to recruit her.

Recruitment Guide: How to Recruit Units

Unrest in Enbarr Quests, Survey Spots, and Rewards

Unrest in Enbarr Quests

Quest Type Rewards
Intruders in Enbarr Main S Rank Reward: Ambrosia x1
First Time Reward: Advanced Seal x1

Unrest in Enbarr Survey Spots

There are no Survey Spots in this Chapter.

Intruders in Enbarr Strategies and Walkthrough

Recommended Strategies for Intruders in Enbarr

Strategy Description Cost
Rescue Get Edelgard to a safe location using Rescue Magic. 10
Persuade Shamir Convince an enemy general to join your army. 20

Intruders in Enbarr Objectives

Victory Condition Defeat Condition
Defeat Shamir. Edelgard is routed.
Main Objectives
1. Seize the strongholds to seal the entry points!
2. Defeat Shamir!
3. Seize the strongholds and defeat the enemies who infiltrated the palace!
4. Defeat Catherine / Defeat Catherine and recruit Shamir!
Side Objectives
・ Defeat the Assasin and their allies to defend the fire orbs!
・ Defeat the Swordmaster targeting Edelgard
・ Defeat the Bishop or the Fortress Knight to stop the rendezvous.

Intruders in Enbarr Walkthrough

* Edelgard and Hubert won't be usable for this battle.
Seize the strongholds to seal the entry points!

Have your characters pair up with Paladins moving east, Grapplers to the northeast, and Warlocks to the Archers along the North wall. Each of these locations will have strongholds that you'll have to secure to seal the entry points.
Defeat Shamir!

Shamir will appear in a western stronghold where Count Hevring is located. Send over your Warlocks to the location to take down Shamir and defend Count Hevring. After dealing enough damage, Shamir will disappear. Take this chance to seize the stronghold anyway.
Seize the strongholds and defeat the enemies who infiltrated the palace!

Five more strongholds will be infiltrated by the Knights of Seiros. Warp Shez to the west stronghold and have him move south to deal with the two strongholds there. The Warlocks can take the northwestern stronghold, Grapplers to the east, and Paladins to the south.
Soon Assassins will appear to target Edelgard have some of the uncontrollable units target these assassins to keep Edelgard safe. You can hover over Edelgard to see which units are targeting her.
A few more assassins will target the fire orbs south of the throne room. Your Grapplers should be able to move north from the nearby stronghold to take them out.
A Swordmaster will appear by the southern stronghold that aims to make her way to Edelgard. Thankfully your Paladin should be just finished clearing the southern stronghold. Switch to them and take the Swordmaster out before moving towards the west fire orb.
Shez should just about be done seizing the southwestern strongholds when Fortress Knights and Armored Knights will appear nearby. Take them out before they meet the Bishop. You can also have your Warlocks defeat the Bishop after they finish seizing the Northwest Stronghold.
With all strongholds seized, Shamir will reappear on the southeast corner of the map. Edelgard will choose to leave the throne room to confront the enemy. Make sure you still have your uncontrollable units defending her. Assassins will appear to surround her so you should be able to send your Paladin to quickly aid her.
9 Send some of your troops to the Southeast corner to target Shamir. Once you approach her though, she will close the garden doors in an attempt to ambush you. Clear the area while focusing on the Snipers. Shamir will disappear after some damage has been dealt again.
Defeat Catherine / Defeat Catherine and recruit Shamir!

Thunder Catherine will appear near where Edelgard has revealed herself to try and take her down. If you used the Rescue Strategy, Count Hevring will be able to warp Edelgard back to the throne room to safety.
11 All units should now be able to zero in on Catherine. Once in danger, Shamir will reappear to try and rescue Catherine. But if you want to persuade and recruit Shamir, focus your attention on Catherine without killing Shamir.

Unrest in Enbarr Support and Romance Conversations

In Cutscenes

Three Hopes - Lysithea Lysithea Prompt: That's true. They're devious...both everywhere and nowhere at once. We have to be careful.
Answers: Reactions:
Move the conversation along. +1 Support with Hubert
Sympathize with Hubert. +1 Support with Lysithea

In Camp

Three Hopes - Jeritza Jeritza Prompt: Had we kept fighting, I may have enjoyed myself.
Answers: Reactions:
Tell him to let bygones be bygones. +1 Support with Jeritza
Ask if he wants to return to the front. None
Three Hopes - Manuela Manuela Prompt: As a formerly-featured songstress, perhaps I could do more to show my own appreciation for all of your efforts...
Answers: Reactions:
You sure could! +1 Support with Manuela
Please don't None
Three Hopes - Hapi Hapi Prompt: Might not be a good idea to head to the busiest city around. I mean, if I let a sigh slip there...
Answers: Reactions:
Ask what she's talking about. None
Don't dig any deeper. +1 Support with Hapi
Three Hopes - Edelgard Edelgard Prompt: I will need to lean on your strength more than ever in such times.
Answers: Reactions:
Jump right on board! +1 Support with Edelgard
Squint your eyes and nod doubtfully. None
Three Hopes - Petra Petra Prompt: It would give me happiness to visit home after a time of such longness.
Answers: Reactions:
Show interest in Brigid. +1 Support with Petra
Tell her you have no idea. None
Three Hopes - Hubert Hubert Prompt: Many challenges still lie ahead on our path to victory.
Answers: Reactions:
Agree with Ferdinand. +1 Support with Ferdinand
Agree with Hubert. +1 Support with Hubert
Three Hopes - Linhardt Linhardt Prompt: I thought her the type to continue a fight at any cost, but I'm quite glad to be proven wrong.
Answers: Reactions:
Agree with him. None
Deny his assessment of Edelgard. +1 Support with Linhardt
Three Hopes - Bernadetta Bernadetta Prompt: And since my father's at Garreg Mach and I don't have to see him, maybe I can actually relax.
Answers: Reactions:
Sympathize with her father. None
Ask about her mother. +1 Support with Bernadetta
Three Hopes - Lorenz Lorenz Prompt: You've been there before, yes? Were you able to appreciate the city's rich and storied history in all its glory?
Answers: Reactions:
Ask for a tour. +1 Support with Lorenz
Tell him you're not interested. None
Three Hopes - Balthus Balthus Prompt: I haven't been there since I infiltrated the black market to get Vajra-Mushti back after it was stolen from my mother's hometown.
Answers: Reactions:
Say you remember something about that. +1 Support with Balthus
Ask what he's talking about. None
Three Hopes - Raphael Raphael Prompt: In the meantime, I've got some time off! But what am I supposed to do in the capital? You got any ideas?
Answers: Reactions:
Suggest eating. A lot. +1 Support with Raphael
Tell him to sleep while he has the chance. None
Three Hopes - Marianne Marianne Prompt: Together?
Answers: Reactions:
Agree to go. +1 Support with Ignatz
Say you'll go if Marianne does. +1 Support with Marianne
Turn him down. None.
Three Hopes - Monica Monica Prompt: But I will never, ever let such a thing happen again. You agree with me on that, yes?
Answers: Reactions:
Say you don't +1 Support with Monica
Say you might. None.

Between Battles

Three Hopes - Monica Monica Prompt: Though I suggest you find a better point of comparison than Hubert for how hard you work.
Answers: Reactions:
Suggest having tea together. +1 Support with Monica.
Suggest some alone time. +1 Support with Edelgard.

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Chapter 14 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeTorment of the Eagle and Lion
(If Byleth is recruited)
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(If Byleth is defeated)
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