Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

How to Recruit Jeritza: Expedition Answers and Best Class

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Jeritza is a character in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes (FEW3H). Read on to learn how to recruit Jeritza, the answers for expeditions with Jeritza, the best class for Jeritza, their unique abilities, and their strongest combos!

Jeritza Best Class and Gifts

Jeritza Overview

Starting Class Cavalier Icon Cavalier
Starting Weapon Three Hopes - Lance Lance
Playable Character? Yes Crests No known crests.
Affiliation Church of Seiros

Jeritza Best Class

The Death Knight class is the best class for Jeritza.

How to Change Classes

Jeritza Innate Abilities

Innate Ability Effect Class to Master
Domineer Increases damage dealt to enemies on foot. Wyvern Lord

Jeritza has to master the Wyvern Lord class to get the Domineer innate ability.

Innate Abilities are secret abilities not listed among the acquired abilities, and can only be attained by branching out of a unit's recommended class.

How to Get Innate Abilities for Each Character

Jeritza Likes and Dislikes

Status General of the Adrestian Empire
Interests Sword training, Looking after cats
Likes Sweets, cats, Mercedes
Dislikes Nobles, busybodies, alcohol, his father

Best Gifts for Jeritza

Liked Carnation
Loved Owl Feather, Tasty Baked Treat, Rose, Hunting Dagger, Whetstone

Best Gifts to Give Each Character

How to Recruit Jeritza

FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeScarlet Blaze FEW3H - Azure GleamAzure Gleam FEW3H - Golden WildfireGolden Wildfire
Chapter 04: The Struggle Commences Chapter 13: Clash of Torment Unrecruitable in this path.

Recruitment Guide: How to Recruit Units

Expedition Answers with Jeritza

Jeritza's Expedition Answers Guide

Question / Prompt Best Response
Prompt: I fight as I see fit. Nothing more. Simply listen.
Prompt: Don’t bother inviting me to victory parties. I won’t go. Nod quietly.
Prompt: My mother and sister remain in good health. That is all I… No. Enough. Stay silent.
Prompt: That sword of yours… Perhaps it can excise the evil inside me. Say you’ll try and see.
Prompt: The evil inside me and I are one and the same—cursed swordsmen for whom there is no salvation. Say he should atone for his deeds.
Prompt: Hmph. I can sense that you and those maggots are of the same ilk. Consider the similarities.
Prompt: This bores me. I only find delight in battle. Volunteer to spar with him.
Question: Ask about any personal news.
Prompt: Some of the recruits show potential. With the proper training, perhaps… Hm.
Question: Ask about any personal news.
Prompt: I remembered how to make one kind of confection.
Commend that.
Question: Ask about dreams for the future.
Prompt: A dream of the future? Hmph! I could never have such a thing.
Think about that.
Question: Ask about memories of the past.
Prompt: The long-ago days I spent with my mother and sister were hard. And yet, I was happy.
Keep listening.
Question: Ask about preferred fighting style.
Prompt: There is no style to my swordplay. I merely hack the enemy into pieces.
Admire that about him.
Question: Ask about their dislikes.
Prompt: I detest alcohol. And parties.
Question: Ask about their family.
Prompt: I love my mother and sister. But even they are not safe from the evil within.
Keep listening.
Question: Ask about their friends.
Prompt: There are skilled fighters in our ranks, yet none who will fight me to the death. How frustrating.
Question: Ask about their likes.
Prompt: Fights to the death. Also...sweets.
Give a wordless nod.
Question: Ask about their worries.
Prompt: When the war ends and there is no one left to kill, what will become of the evil inside me?
Follow up with concern.
Question: Ask what they think of you.
Prompt: Fight me! Perhaps you will be the one to do it.
Question: Ask what they think of you.
Prompt: I am as wary of you as the maggots are. But I don't sense that you intend me harm.

Expeditions Guide: All Expedition Answers

How to Use Jeritza

Tips on Using Jeritza

FEW3H-Check Bullet Point Tremendous offensive power.

FEW3H-Check Bullet Point Can be one of the fastest members to move across the map as a Cavalier.
FEW3H-Check Bullet Point Murderous Intent can only be maximized when Jeritza is at full HP.

Jeritza Combos and Unique Abilities

Jeritza Unique Abilities

Ability Name Type Description
Quietus Action Attacking very slightly fills the Unique Ability Gauge and increases damage dealt to enemies. When the gauge is full, press Zr to attack, instantly defeating non-commander enemies.
Murderous Intent Support Greatly increases critical hit rate when attacking enemies with full HP.
Obliteration Tactical When ordered to attack: increases damage dealt to enemies by 30%

Death Knight Class Action

FEW3H-Class Action
FEW3H-X Knock your enemies away with a powerful blast.

Hold X to charge the Class Gauge, and release it to perform a powerful are attack. Can move while charging. The attack will activate magic sigils placed by strong attacks and trigger follow-up attacks. Jeritza's own attacks will temporarily enhanced based on the number of enemies hit by follow-up attacks. Press and hold X during a strong attack to reduce the charge time of the next class action.

Death Knight Combo List

FEW3H-YX combo
Slam your weapon on the ground, knocking enemies in the air.
FEW3H-YYX combo
Infuse your weapon with lightning and stab your enemies with it, dealing multiple hits.
FEW3H-YYYX combo
Create a whirlwind that carries enemies up before slashing them with your weapon.
Create a fiery whirlwind, gathering all enemies up before attacking them with a pillar of light.
FEW3H-5YX combo
Infuse your weapon with ice magic to pierce your enemies and send two ice projectiles.
FEW3H-6YX combo
Rush through your enemies, dealing multiple hits as you go.
FEW3H-Full Y combo
Throw a projectile that pierces through enemies after performing regular attacks.

Dismounted Death Knight Combo List

FEW3H Strong Attack
FEW3H-X Perform a multi-hitting attack before knocking them away.
FEW3H-YX combo
Perform a somersault that knocks enemies up high.
FEW3H-YYX combo
Slam your weapon on the ground that knocks enemies away.
FEW3H-YYYX combo
Slam your weapon to the ground after jumping up high.
Spin your weapon around to gather your enemies before knocking them away with a piercing attack.
Perform a double spin attack before a slam attack that knocks enemies away.
Slam your weapon to the ground, then spin your weapon around before knocking your enemies away.
Spam FEW3H-Y
Knock your enemies away after performing a series of a regular attacks.
When dismounted, a Death Knight's combos are similar to a Soldier's. You can dismount and mount your horse by pressing NSW - L + NSW - B on your Switch.

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