Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

How to Recruit Holst: Expedition Answers and Best Class

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Holst is a character in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes (FEW3H). Read on to learn how to recruit Holst, the answers for expeditions with Holst, the best class for Holst, their unique abilities, and their strongest combos!

Holst Best Class and Gifts

Holst Overview

Starting Class Swordmaster
Starting Weapon Three Hopes - Sword Sword
Playable Character? Yes Crests No known crests.
Affiliation Leicester Alliance

Holst Best Class

The Mortal Savant class is the best class for Holst.

How to Change Classes

Holst Innate Abilities

Innate Ability Effect Class to Master
Nullify Magic Nullifies enemies’ offensive magic. Dark Bishop

Holst has to master the Dark Bishop class to get the Nullify Magic innate ability.

Innate Abilities are secret abilities not listed among the acquired abilities, and can only be attained by branching out of a unit's recommended class.

How to Get Innate Abilities for Each Character

Holst Likes and Dislikes

Status Heir to House Goneril
Interests Praising Hilda, Writing letters to Hilda, Eating muushrooms
Likes Honing the military arts, generalship, Goneril territory
Dislikes Staying up late

Best Gifts for Holst

Liked Fishing Float, Tasty Baked Treat, Gemstone Beads, Armored Bear Stuffy, Book of Sheet Music, Hunting Dagger, Arithmetic Textbook, History of Fodlan, Watering Can, Riding Boots, Whetstone, Tea Leaves, Stylish Hair Clip, Legends of Chivalry, Monarch Studies Book, Dapper Handkerchief, Blue Cheese, Landscape Painting, Goddess Statuette, Ceremonial Sword, Ancient Coin, Coffee Beans, Pitcher Plant, Sunflower, Violet, Lavender, Daffodil, Rose, Forget-me-nots, Lily, Lily of the Valley, Baby's Breath, Anemone, & Carnation
Loved Owl Feather, Smoked Meat, Training Weight, Exotic Spices, Board Game

Best Gifts to Give Each Character

How to Recruit Holst

FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeScarlet Blaze FEW3H - Azure GleamAzure Gleam FEW3H - Golden WildfireGolden Wildfire
Unrecruitable in this path. Unrecruitable in this path. Chapter 05: The Golden Guardian

Recruitment Guide: How to Recruit Units

Expedition Answers with Holst

Holst's Expedition Answers Guide

Question / Prompt Best Response
Prompt: I learned much at the academy. It will be difficult to replace an institution of that caliber. Say it would require trial and error.
Prompt: Some believe a Crest is all it takes to be a great noble, but I fully intend to prove otherwise. Ask if he's doing that for his sister.
Prompt: The key to a healthy body is a well-regimented life. Early to bed and early to rise, and the like. I suggest you give it a try! Proudly inform him you already do.
Prompt: I often share vital intelligence with Claude, such as which mushrooms are and are not poisonous. Say you have wisdom to share too.
Prompt: My battles with Almyra molded me into the soldier I am today. Perhaps I ought to thank them for that. Say that you also have a good rival.
Prompt: To accept the teachings of Seiros unquestioningly is to abandon reason itself. Eagerly vow to study for yourself.
Prompt: In the end, training one's body doesn't count for much—the mind is what truly matters. Say you should spar sometime.
Question: Ask about any personal news.
Prompt: Fighting at the side of youngsters like yourself has been invigorating!
Reach out and commiserate.
Question: Ask about any personal news.
Prompt: My sister has been cold to me of late. I wonder what it is about me that bothers her.
Give advice.
Question: Ask about dreams for the future.
Prompt: Beyond protecting my land and my family, what more can I ask for?
Question: Ask about memories of the past.
Prompt: As a youth, I ran with quite the crowd of hooligans. Oh, we were a fearless bunch!
Be envious.
Question: Ask about their dislikes.
Prompt: I've no fondness for gambling—I've seen far too many people ruin their lives to go down that path myself.
Reach out and commiserate.
Question: Ask about their family.
Prompt: Watching over my younger sister is both my duty and my entire reason for living.
Be confounded.
Question: Ask about their friends.
Prompt: If you forge strong relationships with your comrades, you'll fight much more effectively when it counts.
Reach out and commiserate.
Question: Ask about their likes.
Prompt: I actually quite enjoy working in the kitchen. Mushroom dishes are my specialty!
Be pleased.
Question: Ask about their preferred fighting style.
Prompt: Solo charges on horseback were once my specialty, but they tend to make my subordinates nervous, so I try to restrain myself.
Reach out and commiserate.
Question: Ask about their worries.
Prompt: I try not to worry, at least not about things I can't change. I simply do what I can and keep putting one foot in front of the other.
Give a pep talk.
Question: Ask what they think of you.
Prompt: You have a lot of potential. Don't squander it.
Give a pep talk.
Question: Ask what they think of you.
Prompt: A Crest does not guarantee strength-you and I will prove that to the world.
Champion that cause.

Expeditions Guide: All Expedition Answers

How to Use Holst

Tips on Using Holst

FEW3H-Check Bullet Point Holst's Unique Action Ability, Galvanic Surge, is an effective buff to execute in order to increase his speed and deal lightning damage to enemies.
FEW3H-Check Bullet Point His Unique Support Ability, Natural Warrior, makes it more of a chore to achieve and sustain just for the increased damage to enemy Stun Gauges.

Holst Combos and Unique Abilities

Holst Unique Abilities

Ability Name Type Description
Galvanic Surge Action Attacking slightly fills the Unique Ability Gauge. When it is full press ZR to temporarily increase speed and imbue attacks with lightning.
Natural Warrior Support When HP is at 50% or below: increases damage to enemy Stun Gauges.
True Champion Tactical When ordered to defend: increases damage dealt to enemies by 30%.

Mortal Savant Class Action

FEW3H-Class Action
FEW3H-X Unleash a powerful forward slash that multiplies into more slashes that juggle enemies in the air.

Hold X to charge the Class Gauge, and release it to charge forward. With a fully charged Class Gauge, you can unleash a sweeping attack immediately after charging forward.

Mortal Savant Combo List

FEW3H-YX combo
Slash downward and then upward to knock enemies into the air.
FEW3H-YYX combo
Attack with the sword twice, then release a kick, and finish with a sword slam.
FEW3H-YYYX combo
After a series of regular sword attacks, releases a powerful slash with a force that pushes enemies forward.
Throw yourself forward and slam the enemies into the air after a series of regular attacks.
FEW3H-5YX combo
Quickly perform sword attacks and end with multiple sword thrusts that send a large area of enemies flying backward.
FEW3H-6YX combo
A large attack that circles around the unit and slices multiple enemies in the air.
FEW3H-Full Y combo
Perform multiple consecutive sword slashes.

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