Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Chapter 09 Walkthrough - The End of the Alliance (Golden Wildfire)

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The End of the Alliance.png
The End of the Alliance is Chapter 09 of the Golden Wildfire Route in Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes. Read on to learn about the different quests, survey spots, rewards, and support conversations within the chapter, as well as our walkthrough for its main quest!

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Chapter 8:
What Makes a King
Chapter 10:
Love and Loss

The End of the Alliance Recruitable Characters

All Recruitable Characters in The End of the Alliance
ConstanceConstance HapiHapi

Constance and Hapi can be recruited using the Persuade Strategy during the Battle Prep part of the main quest. You need at least 20 Strategy Points each to recruit all characters to your party.

Recruitment Guide: How to Recruit Units

The End of the Alliance Quests, Survey Spots, and Rewards

The End of the Alliance Quests

Quest Type Rewards
Clash at Ailell Main S Rank Reward: Fruit of Life x1
First Time Reward: Advanced Seal x1
Clash with the Knights of Seiros Side S Rank Reward: Magic Bow x1
Capture Reward: 4800 G
Defend the Border Stronghold Side S Rank Reward: Silver Bow x1
Capture Reward: Training Points Recovered: 1
Save the Imperial Army Side S Rank Reward: Tomahawk x1
Capture Reward: Activity Points Recovered: 1
Mission in the Mountains Side S Rank Reward: Advanced Seal x1
Capture Reward: Activity Points Recovered: 1
Unrest in Siward Side S Rank Reward: Large Bullion x1
Capture Reward: 4800 G
Seize Albany Territory Side S Rank Reward: Ailell Pomegranate x1
Capture Reward: Training Points Recovered: 1
Unsettling Truths Paralogue S Rank Reward: Leicester Mercenaries x1
First Time Reward: Victor Private Military x1

The End of the Alliance Survey Spots

Side Mission Survey Spot Type Reward / Conditions
Clash with the Knights of Seiros Stronghold Visit Reward: Quality Building Material x41 and Veteran Training Gear x30
Clash with the Knights of Seiros Cave Battle Survey Conditions: Choose between "Go to their rescue" or "Leave them be"
Reward: Assorted rewards from battle.
Clash with the Knights of Seiros Lake Choice Reward: Nimble Dexterity Ring or Captivating Charm Ring
Clash with the Knights of Seiros House Choice Reward: Morale up for two units of choice
Defend the Border Stronghold Cave Visit Reward: Quality Building Material x41, Knight's Insignia x15, and Storage Chest x15.
Defend the Border Stronghold Stronghold Visit Reward: Fleetfoot
Save the Imperial Army Tent Visit Reward: Quality Building Material x41 and Standard Combat Manual x20
Save the Imperial Army House Choice Reward: Bow Combat Arts Level Up for one character
Mission in the Mountains Mine Pay Gold Required: 500 G
Reward: Black-Sand Steel x20
Mission in the Mountains Stronghold Meet Condition Survey Conditions: Defeat at least 2000 enemies in the chapter.
Reward: Free Forge Uses: 10
Unrest in Siward Ruins Visit Reward: Quality Building Material x41 and Basic Furnishing x15
Unrest in Siward Tent Choice Survey Conditions: Watch the knife-throwing act or the Magic Act.
Reward: Training (Knife-Throwing) or Activity (Magic Act) Points Recovered: 1
Seize Albany Territory Tent Pay Gold Required: 500 G
Reward: Arcane Crystal x10
Seize Albany Territory Stronghold Choice Reward: Magic Bow or Cursed Ashiya Sword
Seize Albany Territory Cave Choice Reward: Select a unit to raise their Str. Stat
Seize Albany Territory House Visit Reward: Quality Building Material x41, Merchant's License x25, and Artisan Smithing Set x20
Seize Albany Territory House Meet Condition Survey Conditions: Must complete all side missions in this area.
Reward: Two-Fish Saute

Clash at Ailell Strategies and Walkthrough

Recommended Strategies for Clash at Ailell

Strategy Description Cost
Fleetfoot Increase your army's movement speed. 20
Persuade Constance Convince an enemy general to join your army. 10 (SB) / 30 (AG) / 20 (GW)
Persuade Hapi Convince an enemy general to join your army. 10 (SB) / 20 (GW)

Clash at Ailell Objectives

Victory Condition Defeat Condition
Defeat the Church of Seiros Army. The Imperial Soldiers are routed.
Main Objectives
1. Defeat the Assassins and aid the Imperial Soldiers
2. Seize the strongholds and surround the Church of Seiros Army!
3. Defeat Constance!/ Defeat and recruit Constance!
4. Defeat Hapi!/Defeat and recruit Hapi!
5. Defeat Catherine!
Side Objectives
・ Defeat the Messenger before they reach their destination!
・ Finish off the Church Soldier and their allies before they flee the battlefield!
・ Seize all strongholds!

Clash at Ailell Walkthrough

At the beginning of the mission, spread out your units across the map. Be sure to assign them to enemies they have advantage over.
Note that any area with lave will damage you over time.
2 As you are fighting, take over strongholds on the way. You can use Shez to clear out mobs in order to reach the requirement for S Rank.
Once you have defeated the enemies, the Imperial soldiers will head towards Randolph. Once inside, you can activate Fleetfoot. This will allow you to traverse the map much quicker.
Catherine will attack the Imperial soldiers in the center. You will need to take over the strongholds on the northeastern side
We recommend also sending powerful units to take the other open strongholds to the south at the same time.
With units in the south, it will be very easy to finish the next optional mission which is to defeat the Messenger headed to the north. Slay them and continue taking strongholds.
As you are taking thee strongholds to the north, enemy units will try to flee the battle. This is an optional mission that can be done by units that have already finished taking a stronghold.
If, by this point, you have already taken both strongholds, do not send all allies to the escaping enemies. Keep some in the north.
Constance and Hapi will join the battle. If you chose both strategies to recruit them, this is your chance. Hapi will appear near the center, while Constance can be found to the north.
8 Their arrival will trigger an optional quest to take all the strongholds. By this point, you should only have maybe 3 or so left to take, 2 of which contain your current enemies. Strike them down as well as the Stronghold Captains to finish three objectives at once!
9 Once you have defeated both of them and taken the remaining strongholds, be sure to check your progress towards S Rank before fighting Catherine in the center of the map.
If you're still missing some requirements for S-Rank such as enemies defeated, you can take quite a few groups down near Catherine as they spawn all over the space.
Once you're ready, command an attack against Catherine and use everything you've got! Defeating her finishes the quest.

The End of the Alliance Support and Romance Conversations

In Camp

Three Hopes - Claude Claude Prompt: So, just to make sure... You still have my back right?
Answers: Reactions:
Affirm your support. +1 Support with Claude
Deny your support None
Three Hopes - Hilda Hilda Prompt: He rushed through all the paperwork and ceremonies needed to make my brother the next Duke Goneril.
Answers: Reactions:
Ask about the nobles' titles. None
Ask about the ceremonies. +1 Support with Hilda
Three Hopes - Lorenz Lorenz Prompt: And if the king refuses to heed my advice, well...
Answers: Reactions:
Ask what he'll do. +1 Support with Lorenz
Cut him off. None
Three Hopes - Raphael Raphael Prompt: But now I'm gonna be a commander in the Federation army. How's that any different?
Answers: Reactions:
Claim it's different. None
Tell him nothing will change. +1 Support with Raphael
Three Hopes - Lysithea Lysithea Prompt: Not that I'm basing that on anything in particular. Whether things go smoothly or not depends on Claude.
Answers: Reactions:
Be optimistic. None
Express concern. +1 Support with Lysithea
Three Hopes - Marianne Marianne Prompt: So he probably won't retire anytime soon, unlike Duke Goneril.
Answers: Reactions:
Console her. None
Ask if she's relieved. +1 Support with Marianne
Three Hopes - Leonie Leonie Prompt: So I don't care about it either way, but if this makes going to battle easier then I'm all for it.
Answers: Reactions:
Ask if she's really OK with it. +1 Support with Leonie
Explain how the citizens' lives will change.
Three Hopes - Bernadetta Bernadetta Prompt: It looks like we're going to have to fight again?! What is even going on?
Answers: Reactions:
Shake your head and say you don't know. None
Offer an explanation. +1 Support with Bernadetta
Three Hopes - Petra Petra Prompt: Then I can be returning to Brigid. Right?
Answers: Reactions:
Tell her she can. None
Tell her she can't. +1 Support with Petra

Between Battles

There doesn't appear to be any conversations that affect Support between this Chapter's battles.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Related Guides

Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes - Story Walkthrough
Story Walkthrough: List of Chapters

All Story Walkthroughs

Full Story Walkthrough
Chapter 0 Three HousesCrossed Roads
Chapter 1 Three HousesA Chance Encounter
Chapter 2 Three HousesThree Houses
Chapter 3 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze The Shadows of Adrestia FEW3H - Azure GleamCrisis in Fhirdiad FEW3H - Golden WildfireThe Battle for the Locket
Chapter 4 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeThe Struggle Commences FEW3H - Azure GleamTo War! FEW3H - Golden WildfireTo War!
Chapter 5 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze Skirmish in the Fog FEW3H - Azure Gleam Skirmish in the Fog FEW3H - Golden Wildfire The Golden Guardian
Chapter 6 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze Bridge of Betrayal FEW3H - Azure Gleam Conspiracy in the Air FEW3H - Golden WildfireThe Leader's Stratagem
Chapter 7 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze The Triumph of Valor FEW3H - Azure Gleam The King Awakens FEW3H - Golden WildfireA Contest of Beasts
Chapter 8 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze The Maiden's Peril FEW3H - Azure Gleam The Blood-Stained Lance FEW3H - Golden Wildfire What Makes a King
Chapter 9 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze Unrest in Enbarr FEW3H - Azure Gleam Reunion at the Fortress City FEW3H - Golden Wildfire The End of the Alliance
Chapter 10 FEW3H - Scarlet Blaze Shifting History FEW3H - Azure Gleam Fanaticism FEW3H - Golden Wildfire Love and Loss
Chapter 11 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeHeroic Bloodlines FEW3H - Azure GleamReprisal FEW3H - Golden Wildfire The Sword Swings Wide
Chapter 12 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeThe Rising Darkness FEW3H - Azure GleamA Trick of the Goddess FEW3H - Golden WildfireTwo Kings
Chapter 13 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeSevering the Past FEW3H - Azure GleamClash of Torment FEW3H - Golden WildfireDarkness Attacks
Chapter 14 FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeTorment of the Eagle and Lion
(If Byleth is recruited)
A Clash of Ambitions
(If Byleth is defeated)
FEW3H - Azure GleamThe Absent Emperor FEW3H - Golden WildfireA Symbol of the Past
Chapter 15* Three HousesThe Hour of Vengeance
Chapter 16* Three HousesInto the Chasm
Final Chapter FEW3H - Scarlet BlazeA Path Forward FEW3H - Azure GleamThe End of Tragedy FEW3H - Golden WildfireField of Beginnings

All Paralogues

List of All Paralogues


2 Anonymousover 2 years

Randolph cannot be saved as it is part of the story

1 Anonymousover 2 years

Is there any way to rescue Randolph or is there no choice but to let him die?


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