Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition

List of All NPCs

trade and overtrade (3).jpg

This is a list of all NPCs in Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition (XC1). Here we list all the NPCs, their location, and the time they appear on the map.

NPC List

Here we list all the NPCs in the game and their respective location. Click on a link to learn their time availability, tradable items, and available quests.

Note that some NPCs may not appear yet on some areas due to story constraints or quest events.

Colony 9

Andreas Arnaut Betty Cheryl
Dean Désirée Désirée (Sculptor) Désirée (Soldier)
Dionysis Dorothy Dulland Emmy Leater
Erik Françoise Giorgio Jackson
Jan Jiroque Jolele Kantz
Kenny Rohan King Squeeze Leopold Liliana
Lukas Marcia Mefimefi Miller
Minnie Monica Moritz Narine
Nic Niranira Oleksiy Paola
Peppino Perrine Raoul Rocco
Rosemary Sesame Shura Sonia
Suzanna Sylviane Werner Zukazu

Tephra Cave

En Argentis Peppino Shura

Bionis Leg

Anna Arda Batubatu Dulland
Earnest Elior Ewan Gerugu
Gorman Kiroki Ma'crish Matryona
Nikita Olga Pama Satata

Colony 6

Anna Arda Berryjammy Daza
Don Argentis Dulland En Argentis Ewan
Gorman Gowago Hoko Jer'ell
Kiroki Ma'crish Matryona Mefimefi
Minana Neonik Nic Nikita
Noporikh Norara Oleksiy Olga
Pama Peppino Perrine Pokapoka
Rosemary Satata Shilx Talonyth
Werner Yura Zel Argentis

Ether Mine

Ewan Kiroki

Satorl Marsh

Bokoko Ewan Jer'ell Kacha
Oleksiy Rozeal Scarlen Talia
Zazadan Zel Argentis

Makna Forest

Nopon Sage

Frontier Village

Ababa Adidi (Big) Adidi (Small) Atael
Bana Bana (4F) Bana (9F) Baroba
Berryjammy Cherri Cian Dabidabi
Dabidabi (A) Dabidabi (B) Dedeba Deki
Dobadoba Don Argentis Gadada Gowago
Hoko Kaleka Kilaki Kofuko
Kokora Kuruki Lalapa Leku
Lupa Medi Migaga Miko
Minana Modamo Nelo Norara
Npa Pachipa Pelupelu Pepa
Piko Pipiki Pokapoka Popipo
Puko Rasha Rono Tati
Tuzu Yusa

Eryth Sea

En Argentis Jarack Mir'leiz Miriall
Shalen Talia Teelan Vidian


Arielle Atael Baroba Caul
Cian Dedeba Don Argentis Donnis
Elior En Argentis Galdo Galvin
Jer'ell Kaelin Kaleka Kurralth
Lar'shen Lecrough Lesunia Lunara
Ma'crish Merisa Mir'leiz Miriall
Naroth Nelo Piko Popipo
Ricoth Rozeal Ruthan Scarlen
Talia Talonyth Teelan Teelan (Missing)
Vidian Vidian Vol'aren Yura
Zain Zel Argentis

Valak Mountain

Dakuku Kurralth (Chapel) Kurralth (Summit) Yura
Zain (Chapel) Zain (Summit)

Fallen Arm

Bozatrox Eiz Eleqa Karlos
Kazat Mixik Natalia Neonik
Orkatix Prox Qofaria Rakzet
Rizaka Shilx Theo Voltak
Vronik Xekit Zarkort Zilex

Mechonis Field


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