Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition

Kantz Location, Quests, and Tradable Items

This page is about Kantz, an NPC in Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition (XC1). Check the page to know Kantz's location, which quests Kantz can give, and tradable items Kantz has!

Kantz General Info

Kantz Location(s)

Colony 9 Military District 6:00 - 15:00

Kantz Tradable Items

Colony 9 (Military District)

Overtrade Overtrade Price
Small Scale 90
Item Affinity
Dawn Hydrangea 1
Hunting Knives 1
Shin Newt 3
Ether Up II 3
Tokilos Wing 3
Ether Up III 5
Tatty Bunniv Wood 5
Messenger Shoes 5

Available Quests from Kantz

Birthday Shoes

Xenoblade Chronicles Related Links

List of All NPCs

NPC List by Region
Colony 9 and Tephra Cave Bionis' Leg
Colony 6 and Ether Mine Satorl Marsh
Makna Forest and Frontier Village Eryth Sea and Alcamoth
Valak Mountain Fallen Arm and Mechonis Field


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