Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition

Presents Guide | How to Give Gifts

Giving a Gift.jpg

This is a guide to gifting in Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition (XC1) for the Nintendo Switch. This guide will cover how to give gifts, as gift affinity gained from each character.

Gifts and Character Affinity

The following charts list the affinity gained or lost when each collectable is presented to a specific character, divided by collectable type (the character names are abbreviated). Each chart can be closed or displayed by clicking the button above them.


Shu Re Fi Du Sha Ri Me
Sweet Wasabi
Colony 9
-4 6 8 -10 2 14 -4
Cool Potato
Colony 9
2 4 10 2 -10 14 -4
Red Lettuce
Colony 9
-8 12 2 2 14 8 -10
Chewy Radish
Colony 9
-2 2 16 -4 4 10 4
Hot Taro
Bionis' Leg
-10 -2 10 6 2 8 2
Juicy Broccoli
Bionis' Leg
-12 6 14 2 2 8 -2
Spicy Cabbage
Bionis' Leg
-4 24 10 -2 4 8 -16
Hard Lotus
Bionis' Leg
-6 4 -6 2 16 14 -6
Blue Turnip
Satorl Marsh
4 2 12 2 -2 10 4
Cute Parsnip
Satorl Marsh
-6 4 20 -16 2 8 -2
Poisonous Gourd
Satorl Marsh
2 -2 10 2 2 4 2
Humming Cabbage
Satorl Marsh
-8 20 4 2 2 12 -10
Bionis' Interior
-6 -2 2 2 16 8 2
Black Liver Bean
Bionis' Interior
2 8 12 8 4 -2 -2
Schorl Mushroom
Makna Forest
2 18 10 2 -4 8 -12
Kelp Mushroom
Makna Forest
-4 6 10 -10 4 16 -6
Honey Rhubarb
Makna Forest
-12 4 12 2 2 14 -4
Pink Asparagus
Eryth Sea
-8 6 -6 2 14 14 -4
Tropical Radish
Eryth Sea
-6 4 14 -4 2 2 2
Dolphin Carrot
Eryth Sea
6 4 8 2 -6 2 -4
Gold Burdock
Eryth Sea
-18 6 12 6 10 10 -6
Sour Radish
Valak Mountain
-4 2 10 2 2 8 -2
Ice Cabbage
Valak Mountain
-4 6 16 -6 -2 16 -2
Girl Courgette
Valak Mountain
-4 18 14 -6 2 8 -12
Amethyst Vanilla
Valak Mountain
-6 -8 8 2 2 10 8
Fire Pepper
Sword Valley
-6 12 -2 2 18 6 -8
Meaty Carrot
Sword Valley
-12 18 12 -2 8 8 -10
Bitter Broccoli
Sword Valley
6 4 10 2 -4 2 -2
Sour Turnip
Fallen Arm
2 4 4 2 2 8 -2
Golden Beetroot
Fallen Arm
-6 4 14 -6 -6 16 2
Juicy Steakplant
Mechonis Field
-8 4 10 2 8 2 -2
Acerola Pea
Mechonis Field
2 -2 8 2 -4 8 2
Energy Aubergine
Mechonis Field
10 28 10 10 -2 18 -12
Sweet Pepper
Mechonis Field
-10 4 14 -10 10 6 -4
Meaty Potato
Central Factory
-6 24 10 2 2 8 -16
Blue Root
Central Factory
-8 4 12 -10 2 14 -4


Shu Re Fi Du Sha Ri Me
Dance Apple
Colony 9
-2 -2 -2 2 10 10 2
Black Kiwi
Colony 9
2 -10 -4 2 12 2 12
Clear Almond
Tephra Cave
6 -12 -2 -4 6 6 14
Bright Fig
Tephra Cave
2 10 -2 -2 18 10 2
Dark Grape
Tephra Cave
4 -14 4 -14 12 6 14
Sour Gooseberry
Bionis' Leg
2 -4 -18 -2 24 16 4
Red Durian
Bionis' Leg
-2 -2 6 -4 10 12 6
Walnut Grape
Bionis' Leg
8 -12 -2 -4 10 2 12
Humming Plum
Bionis' Leg
2 -6 -2 2 2 12 6
Dark Mango
Makna Forest
8 -6 -2 2 8 -4 6
Pure Cherry
Makna Forest
2 -2 -2 -2 12 8 6
Bitter Kiwi
Makna Forest
8 -6 -6 -4 10 10 12
Juicy Grape
Makna Forest
2 2 -2 -2 10 8 4
Spicy Nut
Frontier Village
8 -6 -12 -4 18 6 6
Crimson Citrus
Frontier Village
2 -14 4 -10 10 10 12
Cool Lemon
-6 -6 -2 -6 12 14 8
Heart Peach
-2 2 2 4 12 10 4
Ether Plum
Valak Mountain
2 -4 10 -20 6 8 10
Fire Apple
Valak Mountain
4 -2 -12 -2 22 8 2
Ruby Mangosteen
Valak Mountain
2 -14 4 -10 12 8 12
Sour Grape
Valak Mountain
10 -10 -2 -4 10 2 12
Bitter Melon
Sword Valley
10 -6 -8 -4 10 8 4
Citron Gooseberry
Sword Valley
2 -6 -2 -4 12 8 6
Juicy Melon
Sword Valley
4 8 -8 -2 10 14 2
Amethyst Melon
Sword Valley
4 -16 2 -2 12 10 20
White Plum
Fallen Arm
2 -4 -2 2 8 6 6
Ice Kiwi Fruit
Fallen Arm
2 -6 -8 -4 2 20 8
Spicy Papaya
Fallen Arm
-4 2 -2 2 10 8 2
Large Mango
Fallen Arm
6 -6 -2 2 12 -4 6
Juicy Blueberry
8 8 -2 -4 4 8 2
Sweet Lime
2 -2 4 -8 12 2 6
Spicy Banana
4 -6 -2 2 4 6 6
Dry Lemon
Prison Island
-2 -4 -2 -4 6 14 6
Death Lychee
Prison Island
2 2 4 -14 10 8 2
Hell Raspberry
Prison Island
-4 -6 -12 -4 30 6 6
Deadly Kiwi
Prison Island
4 -2 -2 4 4 4 6


Shu Re Fi Du Sha Ri Me
Strong Dandelion
Colony 9
2 -12 6 4 10 -8 12
Moon Flower
Colony 9
8 6 2 -2 -4 -2 10
Dawn Hydrangea
Colony 9
-4 -2 4 -2 6 4 4
Insanity Mint
Tephra Cave
2 4 -8 -2 2 4 12
Night Tulip
Tephra Cave
2 -10 4 6 10 -8 10
Cute Orchid
Colony 6
4 -2 12 -8 2 4 10
Sirius Anemone
Colony 6
18 -4 8 2 4 -10 14
Spirit Clematis
Colony 6
-8 -8 6 12 2 -2 16
Sunflower Rogue
Satorl Marsh
-2 4 2 2 6 -2 10
Merry Coronation
Satorl Marsh
-4 -2 4 -2 8 4 4
Ether Rose
Satorl Marsh
-8 6 6 12 2 -2 2
Orb Daisy
Satorl Marsh
16 -2 8 4 4 -18 12
Satorl Marsh
10 2 10 2 -10 2 18
Enigma Lotus
Makna Forest
2 -2 10 -8 2 4 10
Humming Nettle
Makna Forest
4 2 6 4 2 -6 6
Princess Daffodil
Makna Forest
8 -12 6 -2 2 -2 10
Black Iris
Makna Forest
-6 -2 14 6 2 -2 8
Sea Berry
Eryth Sea
-10 4 6 12 2 -2 6
Despair Clover
Eryth Sea
-2 2 8 12 4 -6 12
Doomsday Poppy
Eryth Sea
2 -18 6 2 10 -2 16
Night Lily
Eryth Sea
-2 2 6 4 -4 -8 18
Razor Teasel
Eryth Sea
2 -2 2 -2 2 10 4
Mystic Dahlia
-4 -2 4 -2 4 -2 18
-8 -8 6 12 2 -2 14
Fortune Mallow
Valak Mountain
2 -2 10 -8 2 4 10
Black Peony
Valak Mountain
2 -2 8 4 2 -2 4
Fatal Belladonna
Valak Mountain
2 -2 18 -2 4 -8 8
Jujube Silver
Sword Valley
-4 -10 6 -2 14 -2 10
Black Blossom
Sword Valley
16 -2 4 6 2 -18 10
Abyss Heather
Sword Valley
-8 -8 6 12 2 -2 14
Delerium Foxglove
Sword Valley
4 2 20 2 4 -6 8
Azure Hollyhock
Mechonis Field
22 -2 4 -2 -4 -12 10
Utopia Crocus
Mechonis Field
-2 2 12 -6 6 4 6
Lewisia Silver
4 10 2 -4 4 -2 4
Freesia Cyst
4 -6 8 2 2 6 12
Bellflower Crystal
8 6 2 -2 -2 -2 8


Shu Re Fi Du Sha Ri Me
Shin Newt
Tephra Cave
4 18 6 2 -10 -10 4
Cave Rat
Tephra Cave
2 4 14 -10 2 -6 8
Shin Gecko
Tephra Cave
8 2 6 -2 2 -4 6
Happy Rabbit
Tephra Cave
-6 10 18 -10 6 -6 6
Pyro Lizard
Colony 6
8 8 12 -10 2 -12 8
Amblygon Turtle
Colony 6
2 12 4 -2 6 -12 6
Colony 6
10 10 6 -4 -2 -16 22
Light Bat
Ether Mine
4 14 8 -4 -6 -8 6
Black Frog
Ether Mine
2 16 6 2 -10 -10 8
Yellow Cat
Ether Mine
2 20 2 -2 8 -4 6
Chimera Rabbit
Satorl Marsh
-6 10 -2 -2 2 2 20
Venom Platypus
Satorl Marsh
-4 10 6 2 -2 -10 18
Humming Cat
Satorl Marsh
-8 12 12 4 2 -6 2
Blood Worm
Bionis' Interior
4 10 26 -16 -2 -4 2
Azure Mouse
Bionis' Interior
14 12 6 -4 -6 -12 6
Happy Duck
Bionis' Interior
2 18 -2 -2 2 2 2
Ash Fox
Makna Forest
2 8 4 -4 6 -6 2
Soft Sea Cucumber
Makna Forest
2 10 6 -16 2 24 4
Fossil Monkey
Makna Forest
4 12 18 -10 -6 -6 10
Venomous Lizard
Makna Forest
2 -2 12 -2 -2 -4 14
Sea Frog
Eryth Sea
2 20 6 -2 -4 -6 6
Mane Cat
Eryth Sea
-8 4 14 10 -2 -2 4
Wet Rat
Valak Mountain
-4 10 2 8 2 -6 6
Ice Monkey
Valak Mountain
4 4 6 -2 2 2 6
Crystal Frog
Valak Mountain
-4 14 8 -4 12 -2 -4
Mud Squirrel
Valak Mountain
16 14 6 -6 -12 -16 8
Oil Oyster
Fallen Arm
4 6 6 -6 -4 -4 6
Dark Fish
Fallen Arm
2 12 6 2 2 -4 2
Ether Penguin
Fallen Arm
-2 12 8 12 -6 -2 2
Rainbow Slug
Fallen Arm
24 12 8 -2 4 -18 8
Prism Centipede
Central Factory
-4 4 4 -4 6 -4 20
Cable Mouse
Central Factory
16 14 8 -10 4 -2 6
Oil Fox
Central Factory
2 10 18 -2 -2 -12 6
Dancing Squirrel
Prison Island
2 10 2 -4 2 6 2
Lightning Weasel
Prison Island
6 12 18 -10 -6 -6 6
Angry Monkey
Prison Island
-14 10 6 10 4 -4 2


Shu Re Fi Du Sha Ri Me
Prairie Dragonfly
Colony 9
-8 4 -6 20 -4 16 -4
Giant Hornet
Colony 9
2 16 -8 8 -6 8 -8
White Beetle
Colony 9
2 4 6 10 -8 10 -10
Sorrow Beetle
Colony 9
4 2 -4 14 -4 14 4
Brown Butterfly
Tephra Cave
8 6 2 6 -12 16 -8
Gold Caterpillar
Tephra Cave
-4 4 2 8 -4 10 2
Rumble Stonefly
Tephra Cave
16 -6 -2 10 2 2 -2
White Ladybird
Bionis' Leg
2 4 6 8 -2 10 -12
Hill Firefly
Bionis' Leg
2 2 2 10 -6 8 -8
Moth Crawler
Bionis' Leg
-6 6 -2 2 -6 30 -10
Queen Locust
Bionis' Leg
2 -4 6 2 2 12 -4
Fire Tarantula
Bionis' Leg
2 -6 14 6 -4 8 10
Black Beetle
Ether Mine
2 6 2 12 -8 8 -8
Rubber Mantis
Ether Mine
-8 4 -2 16 -6 24 -4
Mystery Firefly
Ether Mine
16 2 2 8 -10 2 2
Scarlet Ladybird
Makna Forest
2 4 6 2 2 10 -12
Shield Bug
Makna Forest
22 6 -2 8 -12 2 -4
Hades Beetle
Makna Forest
2 4 2 12 -2 12 -10
Benign Cricket
Makna Forest
-4 10 -6 6 2 14 -4
Rainbow Bug
Frontier Village
2 -6 2 8 8 10 -14
Empress Beetle
Frontier Village
4 10 -4 12 -10 8 6
Green Earwig
High Entia Tomb
8 4 -6 8 -4 10 -6
Blue Ladybird
High Entia Tomb
2 2 -2 6 -8 8 10
Wheel Lurker
Galahad Fortress
2 10 -6 8 -14 16 -2
Ultramarine Ant
Galahad Fortress
8 10 -6 8 -12 10 -4
Scarlet Crawler
Mechonis Field
-4 4 6 4 -8 8 8
Shiny Scarab
Mechonis Field
2 -2 18 2 -6 10 -4
Water Boatman
Mechonis Field
18 12 2 8 -14 4 -2
Dew Beetle
Central Factory
8 4 -6 12 -6 4 -4
Glider Cockroach
Central Factory
-4 6 -2 2 2 22 -6
Electric Cricket
2 -8 6 8 -6 10 4
Scissor Bug
2 10 2 8 -10 10 -12
Senorita Scarab
Prison Island
8 4 -6 10 -6 4 -2
Emperor Beetle
Prison Island
-8 2 6 14 -10 8 -2
Minute Mantis
-10 2 -2 12 -8 22 -6
Love Beetle
2 -12 2 10 2 10 4


Shu Re Fi Du Sha Ri Me
Kneecap Rock
Tephra Cave
2 6 2 12 16 -4 -2
Confusion Ivy
Tephra Cave
6 4 -6 10 8 -2 -6
Clarity Moss
Tephra Cave
2 10 6 4 -2 -2 -4
Mat Ice
Bionis' Leg
-4 8 -6 14 12 2 -6
Bluesky Bark
Bionis' Leg
4 4 -2 10 4 -2 8
Pione Stone
Bionis' Leg
2 -2 -6 12 8 -2 2
Charcoal Leg
Ether Mine
2 4 2 6 8 6 -6
Ether Pebble
Ether Mine
2 6 6 10 6 2 -12
Rumble Coal
Ether Mine
2 4 2 6 12 -6 -4
Mist Tree
Satorl Marsh
2 -4 2 8 14 2 -10
Lemon Stone
Satorl Marsh
-4 4 -6 14 12 -2 -6
Feather Leaf
Satorl Marsh
-2 4 -6 10 6 4 10
Water Log
Satorl Marsh
2 -2 8 16 4 -6 -6
Wool Rock
Satorl Marsh
-6 2 2 14 6 -6 8
White Tail
Eryth Sea
-4 10 2 6 8 -2 2
Marine Marble
Eryth Sea
10 2 8 12 4 -2 -2
Oil Branch
Eryth Sea
2 4 2 10 -4 -2 2
Dilemma Rock
Eryth Sea
2 12 2 4 6 14 -12
Gypsum Branch
Valak Mountain
10 4 -6 16 2 2 -4
Black Ash
Valak Mountain
2 6 2 14 14 -10 -14
Emerald Snow
Valak Mountain
4 4 -6 10 14 6 -14
Rabbit Stone
Valak Mountain
10 2 4 4 6 -8 -6
Broom Icicle
Valak Mountain
8 -2 6 10 2 -2 -8
Poisonous Coral
Fallen Arm
4 2 -4 16 8 2 4
Poison Ivy
Fallen Arm
2 -2 2 4 8 10 2
Amber Leaf
Fallen Arm
-6 -2 6 6 12 -2 -4
Ivy Nest
Mechonis Field
-4 2 -4 10 6 6 8
Mossy Panel
Mechonis Field
2 4 -6 10 10 4 -16
Bronze Wood
Mechonis Field
8 -2 6 10 2 2 -6
White Styrene
Central Factory
-4 10 2 10 6 2 2
Black Styrene
Central Factory
2 4 -2 10 10 6 -8
Blood Oil
Central Factory
4 12 6 4 -2 -2 -6
Missing Tree
10 8 4 6 2 14 -6
Fortune Feather
-10 4 2 12 10 -2 6
Absurd Branch
Prison Island
4 4 -12 14 6 4 -6
Insanity Moss
Prison Island
-4 10 2 10 4 -2 -4


Shu Re Fi Du Sha Ri Me
Blue Chain
Colony 9
30 2 -6 6 -4 -12 4
Rabbit Diode
Colony 9
8 2 12 -6 2 -4 6
Rusty Bolt
Bionis' Leg
10 6 -6 2 4 -2 8
Winding Gear
Bionis' Leg
24 4 -8 6 4 -12 2
Black Chip
Ether Mine
14 8 -12 12 2 -8 10
Ready Coil
Ether Mine
10 2 2 2 -2 6 2
Blue Gear Shard
Satorl Marsh
6 2 -6 18 -6 -2 4
Rumble Part
Satorl Marsh
8 6 -4 6 2 4 -6
White Tube
High Entia Tomb
8 -4 -6 8 8 2 4
Green Diode
High Entia Tomb
10 2 -10 6 -6 4 12
Spiral Lamp
High Entia Tomb
6 2 -6 12 2 2 2
Gold Condenser
Sword Valley
-6 2 -8 18 6 -2 6
Purple Lamp
Sword Valley
10 -6 -6 6 -6 -2 18
Crimson Gear
Sword Valley
10 -10 2 2 8 2 6
Locust Spring
Galahad Fortress
10 2 -12 6 -2 12 2
Art Core Coil
Galahad Fortress
18 2 -4 8 -8 2 12
Tail Antenna
Galahad Fortress
10 2 8 6 -2 -10 6
Warning Lamp
Fallen Arm
4 8 -10 4 6 -2 6
Digital Filament
Fallen Arm
24 -6 -6 6 2 -14 12
Retro Diode
Mechonis Field
8 2 2 2 -6 -2 14
Modern Blue Gear
Mechonis Field
16 -10 -4 8 4 2 4
Snow Transistor
Mechonis Field
10 8 -6 6 2 4 -4
Angel Engine X
Central Factory
10 -2 -4 8 12 2 4
Leaf Coil
Central Factory
10 2 -12 6 2 8 2
Warrior Screw
Central Factory
12 6 -6 2 2 -2 6
Fancy Bolt
10 2 2 -2 -2 4 8
Blue Light Lamp
16 -12 -6 6 4 2 6
Fairy Tale Diode
10 2 12 -6 -2 -2 4
Grape Spring
24 -6 -4 6 2 -14 10
White Cover
Prison Island
12 6 8 2 -2 -4 2
Modern Resistor
Prison Island
10 -18 -6 6 6 4 12
Green Cam
Prison Island
12 2 -12 6 -2 10 2
Strong Screw
Prison Island
16 2 8 -2 -6 -6 6
Golden Cog
4 -2 2 6 -2 -4 14
Angel Engine Y
2 6 -6 18 2 -2 2
Thunder Compass
18 2 -4 6 8 -12 6


Shu Re Fi Du Sha Ri Me
Plate Snow
Colony 9
-6 10 4 16 4 4 -2
Rainbow Zirconia
Colony 9
4 -6 4 4 6 6 8
Leaf Mystery
Tephra Cave
4 6 -2 4 -4 10 10
Steel Silk
Tephra Cave
4 4 4 8 4 2 18
Gold Dust Illusion
Bionis' Leg
-2 -6 4 4 16 4 6
Devious Gravity
Bionis' Leg
4 12 -2 10 4 -4 4
White Songbird
Bionis' Leg
4 10 4 4 6 10 -8
Death Bangle
Bionis' Leg
-10 6 6 18 12 4 6
Verdant Eternity
Colony 6
6 10 -8 4 4 12 4
White Night Rod
Colony 6
6 16 -2 4 6 4 2
Love Crane
Ether Mine
-2 4 16 -2 10 4 2
Fire Abron
Ether Mine
-6 2 10 12 4 6 4
Pauper's Cup
Satorl Marsh
24 6 4 4 -2 -8 6
Happy Carnival
Satorl Marsh
12 6 6 6 2 12 2
Dawn Dice
Satorl Marsh
4 4 18 -8 6 4 2
Tap Tap Tap
Bionis' Interior
2 4 10 -2 -2 4 10
High Entia Jewel
Bionis' Interior
4 -12 4 6 12 2 12
Lemonade Sky
Makna Forest
2 6 4 16 -2 6 2
Forest of Gossip
Makna Forest
4 4 -4 4 4 16 -2
Gravel Disk
Makna Forest
8 14 2 8 14 8 -2
Rumble Box
Frontier Village
4 -2 4 4 -2 4 16
Black Panel
Frontier Village
18 2 4 10 4 -12 6
High Violet
Eryth Sea
4 4 -2 4 6 6 8
Steel Hauyne
Eryth Sea
18 -4 6 4 2 -4 12
Ha Ha Ha
4 10 16 -2 4 4 2
Thunder Atmos
2 10 6 6 12 10 2
Tasty Sausage
High Entia Tomb
-2 2 10 -6 10 4 -2
Macro Passion
High Entia Tomb
4 6 10 -2 4 10 2
Frost Glass
Valak Mountain
6 6 2 6 2 14 10
Large Handcuffs
Valak Mountain
4 10 -2 4 4 10 -2
Red Frontier
Sword Valley
6 12 6 2 6 8 6
Darkness Bottle
Sword Valley
2 4 4 10 -2 -2 10
Bud of Eternity
Sword Valley
6 -6 -2 4 10 10 6
Hunger Crash
Galahad Fortress
2 22 -4 2 2 2 -4
Splish Splash
Galahad Fortress
4 10 4 -2 6 4 2
Star Cute
Fallen Arm
4 4 12 -2 2 10 2
Summer Star
Fallen Arm
2 -4 4 -2 4 10 4
Tweet Tweet
Mechonis Field
-2 4 16 -2 10 4 4
Flame Frame
Mechonis Field
6 6 -2 4 2 14 -4
Smoke Cylinder
Central Factory
6 -14 6 4 10 4 14
Sacred Panther
Central Factory
6 8 6 12 2 2 12
Parts Noble
Central Factory
6 2 4 4 10 6 2
Eryth Blue
10 6 4 4 -8 4 10
Dramatic Night
18 4 4 10 4 -12 4
Blue Glow
Prison Island
2 6 4 16 -2 4 2
Blue Blood
Prison Island
18 6 10 -2 4 -6 4
Coin of Fortune
-2 2 4 4 6 4 12
Love Source
100 100 100 100 100 100 100

How to Give Gifts

Give them through the Affinity Chart

Give Gift.png
Unlike the original Xenoblade Chronicles, gifts can be given from the Affinity Chart instead of the Inventory. Pressing Y inside of the Affinity Chart allower you to pick a giver, and a recipient.

Giving a Gift.jpg
After selecting who will give/receive the gift, you are given a list of collectables to choose from. If the receiver likes the gift (shown by a heart/hearts), the affinity level between the giver and receiver will rise. However, if the receiver dislikes the gift (shown by a black heart/hearts), the affinity level between them will be lowered. In Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition, giving a gift to another character once will record how many hearts it causes the recipient to gain/lose, so you can keep it in mind next time.

Number of Hearts

The number of hearts shown corresponds to the value of the affinity point change. The value corresponding to the number of hearts is shown below.

Number of Hearts Affinity Value (Range)
-2 -16 ~ -20
-1 -2 ~ -14
1 2-14
2 16 ~ 20
3 22 ~ 30
4 100

When gifting, the more hearts, the better, so you should mainly give collectables to whatever character will gain the most affinity for it. To learn which gifts result in the most hearts for each character, see the guide below.

The Best Gifts for Each Character

Gifting Basics

Affinity Raising.jpg
Gifting is a mechanic in Xenoblade Chronicles where you can present party characters with Collectables (the shiny blue items picked from the overworld) in your inventory as a means of raising affinity. Since you will pick up a ton of these items throughout your quest, and a higher affinity with party members leads to many benefits, presenting collectables to other party members is these best use of these items (granted they are not needed for a quest.)

There are eight types of collectables that can be collected: vegetable, fruit, flower, animal, bug, nature, parts, and strange. While each character tends to like or dislike a certain type of collectable in general, each collectable adds or subtracts a certain amount of affinity between the character giving / receiving the gift.

For example: Shulk dislikes most Vegetables, although gifting him an Energy Aubergine will award 10 affinity points.

Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition Guides

Beginner's Guide to Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition

Gameplay Mechanics
Battle System and Combat Guide Can You Switch Characters in Battle?
Stats Explained Status Effects Explained
How to Chain Attack What Does Tension Do?
How to Topple | Topple Lock Guide What is Spike Damage?
Trading and Overtrading Guide Collectopaedia Guide and Rewards
Presents Guide How to Change the Weather
What is Weight? -
Guides for Leveling and Grinding
How to Level Up Fast AP Farming Guide
SP Farming Guide How to Farm Money
How to Raise Affinity Tephra Cave Glitch
Leveling Areas Post 70 How to Get Affinity Coins
Optimization Guides
Best Party and Team Setup Best Skill Trees For Each Character
Best Skill Links for Each Character Best Gifts for Each Character
Art Manuals List What to Sell | Best Items to Sell
Miscellaneous Guides
What Carries Over to New Game Plus? What is Expert Mode?
Achievement Guide and List What Happens if You Die?
Appearance Guide | How to Change Appearance List of Missables
100% Playthrough Checklist -
Colony 6 Items
How to Get Gogol Horns How to Get Inferno Element
How to Get Black Liver Bean How to Get Snow Element
How to Get Azure Hollyhocks How to Get Dust Element
How to Get Red Frontier How to Get Empress Beetles
How to Get Rainbow Slugs How to Get Ice Cabbages
How to Get Sturdy Armor How to Get Squall Element
How to Get Bunnia Scent Wood How to Get Fossil Monkey
How to Get High Entia Emblem How to Enter Hode's Lair
Where is Banquet Vassago How to Get Bitter Kiwis
How to Enter Power Pipe Ruins -


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