Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition

List of Alcamoth Quests and Rewards

A list of quests found in the Alcamoth area of Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition (XC1) for the Nintendo Switch. To learn the locations and rewards for all side quests in Alcamoth, as well as how much Upper Bionis Area Affinity they reward, read on!

List of Alcamoth Quests

From Chapter 8: Eryth Sea, Alcamoth, and High Entia Tomb

Quest Location Giver Rewards
The Deciphering Machine Imperial Palace Ruthan +100 Reputation
5500 G
1500 EXP
Slow Resist III
A Necessary Upgrade Imperial Palace Naroth +150 Reputation
6500 G
1800 EXP
Shell Gauntlets
Talia's Research Imperial Palace Talia +200 Reputation
6800 G
2250 EXP
Ether Def Up IV, Arts Seal Resist III
Bring Back My Son! Imperial Palace Merisa +100 Reputation
3500 G
1800 EXP
Weapon Power IV
Teaching Materials Imperial Palace Mir'leiz +150 Reputation
4300 G
2000 EXP
Shell Boots
Brave Actions Imperial Palace Mir'leiz +200 Reputation
5600 G
2400 EXP
Unbeatable III
Protect the Capital! Ascension Hall Lecrough +100 Reputation
4400 G
2100 EXP
Panther Top, Panther Shoes
How Do They Feel? Main Entrance Scarlen +50 Reputation
3800 G
1300 EXP
Spike Defence II
How Do I Feel? Main Entrance Scarlen +50 Reputation
4200 G
1700 EXP
Strength Down III, Phys Def Down III
Together Forever Main Entrance Scarlen +200 Reputation
4800 G
2100 EXP
Physical Protect IV
I Love You No Matter What Main Entrance Scarlen +200 Reputation
4800 G
2100 EXP
Ether Protect IV
A Friend in Need Ascension Hall Lecrough +100 Reputation
7500 G
2500 EXP
Arts Stealth III
Preparing for Adventure Fountain of Eternity Zain +200 Reputation
4200 G
1600 EXP
Strength Up III, Ether Up III, Agility Up III
Preparing for Adventure 2 Fountain of Eternity Kurralth +100 Reputation
4700 G
1800 EXP
Muscle Up III, Ether Def Up III
Preparing for Adventure 3 Fountain of Eternity Zain +150 Reputation
6600 G
2500 EXP
Mithril Gear, Mithril Gauntlets, Mithril Boots
Building Bridges Fountain of Eternity Arielle +100 Reputation
5300 G
1750 EXP
Building Bridges
Starlight Seeker Fountain of Eternity Elior +100 Reputation
5600 G
2000 EXP
Daze Resist III
Starlight Gazer Fountain of Eternity Elior +200 Reputation
6900 G
2700 EXP
Amethyst Leggings
Back Pain Ascension Hall Galdo +150 Reputation
5500 G
1800 EXP
Bind II
Looking for Gold Bugs Imperial Palace Teelan +100 Reputation
5100 G
1950 EXP
Fall Defence II
Losing the Taste for Alcohol Fountain of Hope Nelo +150 Reputation
4750 G
1800 EXP
Confuse Resist III
Looking for a Lost Son Fountain of Hope Vol'aren +50 Reputation
6750 G
2300 EXP
Tension Swing III
Looking for a Lost Daughter Fountain of Hope Vol'aren +50 Reputation
7200 G
2500 EXP
Strength Up IV
Going Out to Play Main Entrance Popipo +100 Reputation
6400 G
1600 EXP
Paralysis Resist III
Getting a Member's Card ------ Surprise Quest -
Monster Quest 1 - Part 1 Imperial Palace Alcamoth Citizen +50 Reputation
16000 G
Monster Quest 1 - Part 2 Imperial Palace Alcamoth Citizen +50 Reputation
14500 G
Monster Quest 1 - Part 3 Imperial Palace Alcamoth Citizen +50 Reputation
17000 G
Monster Quest 2 - Part 1 Imperial Palace Alcamoth Imperial Guard +50 Reputation
14000 G
Monster Quest 2 - Part 2 Imperial Palace Alcamoth Imperial Guard +50 Reputation
22500 G
Monster Quest 2 - Part 3 Imperial Palace Alcamoth Imperial Guard +50 Reputation
27000 G
Monster Quest 3 - Part 1 Imperial Palace Alcamoth Citizen +50 Reputation
18000 G
Monster Quest 3 - Part 2 Imperial Palace Alcamoth Citizen +50 Reputation
25000 G
Monster Quest 3 - Part 3 Imperial Palace Alcamoth Citizen +50 Reputation
28000 G
Monster Quest 4 - Part 1 Ascension Hall Alcamoth Imperial Guard +50 Reputation
18000 G
Monster Quest 4 - Part 2 Ascension Hall Alcamoth Imperial Guard +50 Reputation
16000 G
Monster Quest 4 - Part 3 Ascension Hall Alcamoth Imperial Guard +50 Reputation
15000 G
Challenge 1 Fountain of Hope Alcamoth Citizen +50 Reputation
45000 G
Challenge 2 Fountain of Eternity Alcamoth Citizen +50 Reputation
38000 G
Challenge 3 Ascension Hall Alcamoth Imperial Guard +50 Reputation
35000 G
Challenge 4 Fountain of Eternity Alcamoth Citizen +50 Reputation
50000 G
Material Quest 1 Main Entrance Alcamoth Citizen +50 Reputation
20000 G
Material Quest 2 Imperial Palace Alcamoth Citizen +50 Reputation
23500 G
Material Quest 3 Main Entrance Alcamoth Imperial Guard +50 Reputation
27000 G
Material Quest 4 Imperial Palace Alcamoth Citizen +50 Reputation
22000 G
Collection Quest 1 Imperial Palace Alcamoth Citizen +50 Reputation
15000 G
Collection Quest 2 Main Entrance Alcamoth Citizen +50 Reputation
22000 G
Collection Quest 3 Fountain of Hope Alcamoth Citizen +50 Reputation
22500 G
Collection Quest 4 Imperial Palace Alcamoth Citizen +50 Reputation
21000 G
Search Quest 1 Main Entrance Alcamoth Citizen +50 Reputation
12000 G
2000 EXP
Search Quest 2 Fountain of Hope Alcamoth Citizen +50 Reputation
9000 G
3000 EXP
Search Quest 3 Fountain of Eternity Alcamoth Citizen +50 Reputation
11000 G
2500 EXP
Search Quest 4 Fountain of Hope Alcamoth Citizen +50 Reputation
10000 G
2800 EXP

Quests in Red Text indicate Timed Quests. As these quests will expire after progressing to a certain part of the game, be sure to complete them while they are still available!

From Chapter 10: Valak Mountain

Quest Location Giver Rewards
Adventurers in Peril Imperial Palace Miriall +250 Reputation
11000 G
5200 EXP
Black Sniper
Believing Again Imperial Palace Vidian +200 Reputation
8500 G
4200 EXP
Amethyst Armour

Quests in Red Text indicate Timed Quests. As these quests will expire after progressing to a certain part of the game, be sure to complete them while they are still available!

From Chapter 17: Bionis' Interior and Prison Island (Revisited)

Quest Location Giver Rewards
Vidian Rescue Mission ------ Surprise Quest +700 Reputation
58000 G
97500 EXP
Gracielle Helm, Gracielle Arms, Gracielle Greaves

Quests in Red Text indicate Timed Quests. As these quests will expire after progressing to a certain part of the game, be sure to complete them while they are still available!

Related Links

Side Quests Guide

By Order Encountered

Quests by Area
Colony 9 Tephra Cave Bionis' Leg
Colony 6 Satorl Marsh Makna Forest
Frontier Village Eryth Sea Alcamoth
Valak Mountain Sword Valley Galahad Fortress
Fallen Arm Mechonis Field Central Factory
Agniratha Prison Island -

By Area Affinity

Colony 9 Area
Colony 9 Tephra Cave -
Colony 6 Area
Bionis' Leg Colony 6 -
Central Bionis
Satorl Marsh Makna Forest Frontier Village
Upper Bionis
Eryth Sea Alcamoth Valak Mountain
Hidden Village
Fallen Arm Mechonis Field -
Sword Valley Galahad Fortress Central Factory
Agniratha Prison Island -


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