Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition

Reyn Build, Best Arts, Skill Trees, and Usage Guide

Reyn Banner
This is a profile and usage guide for Reyn, a character from Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition for the Nintendo Switch. Here you can find Reyn's roles, builds, stats at Lv. 99, best Arts, best skill trees, and official artwork.

Reyn Basic Information

Reyn Profile

Quick Facts
Reyn Banner
Name Reyn
Age 18
Race Homs
Height 190cm
Gender Male
Weapon Type Gunlance
Voice Actor (Eng.) Jay Taylor
Voice Actor (Jp.) Eiji Miyashita

Reyn Introduction

One of Shulk and Fiora's best friends. Reyn is part of the Colony 9 Defense Force. While he is somewhat hot-headed and brash, he is also protective of his friends and has a strong heart. In combat, Reyn acts a a tank for the enemies' attacks, allowing the party to target the enemy with their Arts.

Reyn Stats at Lv. 99

Reyn's Stats at Lv. 99

HP Strength Ether Agility
8688 479 269 112

Stats Explained

Reyn Build and Usage Guide

Reyn Strengths and Weaknesses

Physical Attacks Ether Attacks Tanking
A Rank Icon B Rank Icon S Rank Icon
Buffing Debuffing Healing
B Rank Icon B Rank Icon C Rank Icon

Note: A C Rank indicates that the character is either very poor in this role or cannot do it at all.

How to Play Reyn

Reyn is going to be the party tank for a large part of the game, or at least until Dunban joins your party. You'll want to make use of his Arts to keep the aggro drawn away from Shulk and your other allies.

A good combo going into battle is to use Magnum Charge, followed by Sword Drive for massive damage. Aim to level these up as quickly as possible. Other than this, you'll want to fill Reyn's Talent Gauge so that he can use Mad Taunt and draw enemy aggro. The talent gauge can be filled by auto-attacking, but also through use of Arts such as War Swing, Bone Upper, and Lariat.

Wild Down will allow Reyn to Topple foes inflicted with Break, so this is an essential Art to prioritize leveling up. Bone Upper can be followed up with Drive Sobat to lower an enemy's agility, so these two skills should also be set and leveled up.

Especially in the beginning of the game, tacking on several Agility Up gems and light armor to Reyn is an easy way to increase his survivability. After gaining access to heavy armor with higher defenses, you will generally want to prioritize Reyn's physical defense instead of using Light Armor. Max out Reyn's physical defense and HP through leveling and armor, then equip him with gems to boost his Strength and offensive power.

For Skill trees, Camaraderie (physical defence) or Diligence (agility) are both good options to prioritize.

Reyn as an AI

Reyn will make use of Engage, Hammer Beat, and other skills to draw out enemy aggro. Make sure that he has Wild Down, equipped, as he will generally use it on foes with Break inflicted on them to Topple them. If it is equipped, he will also use Shield Bash on toppled foes to inflict Daze. In chain attacks, you will want to make use of both of these skills to Topple/Daze foes, and then use Red Physical Arts to chain damage.

Make sure Bone Upper and Drive Sobat are equipped, as he will chain them together to lower enemy agility. When Reyn is targeted by enemy Arts, warn him to use Last Stand so that he can endure the attack.

Reyn Arts

Name Lv. Learnt Effect Power (%) CD (sec.)
Mad Taunt 1 Ether Art
Taunt an enemy, drawing aggro and becoming the enemy target.
- -
Hammer BeatHammer Beat 1 Physical Art
Swing weapon, drawing aggro from enemies in range.
110 ~ 254 12 ~ 9.8
Wild DownWild Down 1 Physical Art
Slice at an enemy's feet, inflicting Topple.
80 ~ 206 25 ~ 13.8
Guard ShiftGuard Shift 9 Ether Art
Use weapon to block attacks.
- 40 ~ 25.6
War SwingWar Swing 8 Physical Art
Full circle swing, dealing damage to enemies in range.
30 ~ 66 60 ~ 22.2
Sword DriveSword Drive 16 Physical Art
Stab an enemy, dealing a large amount of damage.
450 ~ 603 90 ~ 57.6
BerserkerBerserker 19 Ether Art
Aura that disregards defence to prioritise attack.
- 45 ~ 24.8
Shield BashShield Bash 27 Physical Art
Hit the enemy with a shield, inflicting Daze.
60 ~ 186 30 ~ 8.4
EngageEngage 11 Ether Art
Aura that greatly raises aggro, drawing enemy attention.
- 90 ~ 49.5
Last StandLast Stand 23 Ether Art
Aura that revives Reyn once before he is Incapacitated.
- 120 ~ 87.6
RageRage 3 Ether Art
Aura that lowers physical damage. Talent Gauge refills over time.
- 60 ~ 33
Magnum ChargeMagnum Charge 35 Ether Art
Reyn gets fired up and his Arts damage increases.
- 80 ~ 65.6
Bone UpperBone Upper 1 Physical Art
Assault the enemy with a mighty punch.
50 ~ 194 8 ~ 5.8
Dive SobatDive Sobat 31 Physical Art
A paralysing kick. Use after Bone Upper to reduce agility.
130 ~ 256 35 ~ 19.2
Aura BurstAura Burst 5 Ether Art
Available when an Aura is active. Attack reduces enemy strength.
100 ~ 253 20 ~ 16.4
Anchor ChainAnchor Chain 39 Ether Art
Aura that prevents Knock-Back, Blow-Down and aggro reduction.
100 ~ 100 60 ~ 33
LariatLariat 43 Physical Art
Deal damage to multiple enemies in front of Reyn.
200 ~ 353 30 ~ 16.5

Best Arts | Which Arts Should You Level Up?

Reyn Skill Trees and Skills

Spirit Skill Tree

Spirit Enthusiasm Diligence Camaraderie Impatience
Effect How to Unlock
Strength Up Default Skill Tree unlocked when Reyn becomes playable.
0 1 2 3 4 5
5 10 30 50 70 100

Spirit Skills

Skill Effect SP Coins
Medium Equipment Allows medium weight armour to be equipped. - 10
Mental Fortitude Grants Phys Def Up at start of battle with higher level enemies (10%, 30 sec). 700 2
Unrelenting Spirit Prevents Incapacitation from lowering tension. 1000 28
Feel the Heat Increases tension when damage is taken (5). 2000 40
Sheer Determination Boosts physical defence when HP is at half (15%). 3500 7

Enthusiasm Skill Tree

Spirit Enthusiasm Diligence Camaraderie Impatience
Effect How to Unlock
Critical Hit Rate Up Default Skill Tree unlocked when Reyn becomes playable.
0 1 2 3 4 5
2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 15%

Enthusiasm Skills

Skill Effect SP Coins
Heavy Equipment Allows heavy weight armour to be equipped. 300 30
Courageous Taunt Increases aggro drawn by Mad Taunt (10%). 700 -
Healing Inspiration Restores extra HP to an encouraged ally (10%). 1000 12
Reckless Courage Strength Up buff at start of battle with higher level enemies (20%, 30 sec). 2000 2
Heroic Taunt Further increases aggro drawn by Mad Taunt (15%). 3500 -

Diligence Skill Tree

Spirit Enthusiasm Diligence Camaraderie Impatience
Effect How to Unlock
Agility Up Default Skill Tree unlocked when Reyn becomes playable.
0 1 2 3 4 5
2 5 8 10 12 15

Diligence Skills

Skill Effect SP Coins
Bodybuilder Increases Max HP (5%). 300 6
Against the Odds Agility Up buff at start of battle with higher level enemies (5%, 30 sec). 700 2
Battle Character Increases attack power of equipped weapon (10%). 1000 17
Spoils of War Increases AP awarded in battle (15%). 2000 18
Wall of Muscle Further increases Max HP (10%). 3500 14

Camaraderie Skill Tree

Spirit Enthusiasm Diligence Camaraderie Impatience
Effect How to Unlock
Physical Defense Up Acquired through completing the Friendship Tokens Side Quest.
0 1 2 3 4 5
5 10 20 30 40 50

Camaraderie Skills

Skill Effect SP Coins
Ties of Friendship Increases chance of a Chain Link (5%). 200 14
Shoulder to Shoulder Heals the party after a chain attack (10%). 500 25
Flying Start Battle Start Affinity grants Haste buff to the party (15%, 30 sec). 800 10
Solitary Fight Grants Strength Up when a party member is Incapacitated (25%, 15 sec). 1000 3
Friends Forever Boosts the affinity gained when encouraging an ally (30%). 1500 30

Impatience Skill Tree

Spirit Enthusiasm Diligence Camaraderie Impatience
Effect How to Unlock
Counter Rate Up Acquired through completing the Cook-Off Showdown Side Quest.
0 1 2 3 4 5
2% 5% 10% 12% 15% 20%

Impatience Skills

Skill Effect SP Coins
Ultimate Taunt Boosts Mad Taunt's effect on non-targeted enemies (20%). 200 -
Melee Champion Grants Haste to the party when an enemy is defeated (15%, 30 sec). 500 12
Rampage Increases chance of a double attack (10%). 800 20
Speed Strike Grants Haste buff when an attack misses (15%, 10 sec). 1000 43
Channelled Pain Fills Talent Gauge when damage is taken (5%). 1500 45

Best Skill Links for Each Character

Best and Worst Gifts For Reyn

Best Gifts for Reyn

Collectable Affinity Points Area
Love Source 100 Other
Energy Aubergine 28 Mechonis Field
Meaty Potato 24 Central Factory
Spicy Cabbage 24 Bionis' Leg
Hunger Crash 22 Galahad Fortress

Worst Gifts for Reyn

Collectable Affinity Points Area
Doomsday Poppy -18 Eryth Sea
Modern Resistor -18 Prison Island
Amethyst Melon -16 Sword Valley
Ruby Mangosteen -14 Valak Mountain
Crimson Citrus -14 Frontier Village
Dark Grape -14 Tephra Cave
Smoke Cylinder -14 Central Factory

The Best Gifts for Each Character

Reyn Artwork

The following official artwork for Reyn from Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition was released by the official Nintendo Twitter Page and Japanese Xenoblade Twitter Page.

Click to enlarge

Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition Characters

List of Playable Characters

Xenoblade Characters
Shulk IconShulk Reyn IconReyn Fiora IconFiora Dunban IconDunban
Sharla IconSharla Riki IconRiki Melia IconMelia -


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