Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition

Best Skill Links for Each Character

This is a list of the best skill links for each character in Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition (XC1) on the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn the best skill links for each character, as well as the overall best skills.

Explanation of Best Skill Links

Chosen Skill Links are based on combat optimization. Skill links like increased EXP and increased fever rate are not included in the list, although they are very useful outside of combat (such as for level grinding or gem crafting).

The skills we have also listed are simply the best options to choose from. You may not be able to equip all these skills but all of the skills listed below will surely boost your character's performance.

There will be some spoilers. If you haven't reached atleast chapter 9 of the game.

Extra Skill Trees

extra skill trees.jpg

There will be several skills suggested in this page that will not be available to the player at the start of the game. These skills belong to that character's extra skill tree and must be unlocked and learned first before it becomes available to others via skill links. For more info about extra skill links, see the link below.

Extra Skill Trees

Best Skill Links for Shulk

Shulk Artwork.jpg

Shulk IconShulk

These are the best skill links for Shulk. There will also be an explanation further below for why these are the best skill links for him.

Battle Character (17 Coins)
Skill Owner: Reyn
Ultimate Strike (13 Coins)
Skill Owner: Fiora
Opening Blow (6 Coins)
Skill Owner: Fiora
Deadly Determination (48 Coins)
Skill Owner: Dunban
Natural Born Warrior (5 Coins)
Skill Owner: Dunban
Lightweight Expert (28 Coins)
Skill Owner: Dunban
Always Ready (14 Coins)
Skill Owner: Sharla
Love Sun! (18 Coins)
Skill Owner: Riki
Make it all Better! (12 Coins)
Skill Owner: Riki
Nutritious! (29 Coins)
Skill Owner: Riki
High Speed (20 Coins)
Skill Owner: Melia

Explanation for Shulk's Skill Links

Battle Character

Battle Character Increases attack power of equipped weapon (10%). Owner

A general buff to Shuk's already strong weapon. Shulk is a damage dealer, so having more damage is, of course, a welcome choice.

Ultimate Strike

Ultimate Strike Increases damage of critical hits (20%). Owner

Equipping Critical Up Gems to Shulk and partnering it with Ultimate Strike will surely break the enemy's backs with a properly used Back Slash.

Deadly Determination

Deadly Determination Increases tension gained when using Arts (10). Owner

More Tension means a stronger character, and an art heavy character like Shulk can abuse this skill link. Make sure to get Deadly Determination at all costs.

Opening Blow

Opening Blow Increases damage of the first strike of a battle (50%). Owner

Not the best Skill Link for Shulk against tough fights, but it will help when doing monster elimination quests. A single backslash can kill or severely damage an enemy, making your progress faster.

Light Armor Skills

Lightweight Expert Improves physical and ether def. of light equipment (15%). Owner
Natural Born Warrior Reduces weight of equipment (5). Owner

Shulk has a rather low agility stat. Reducing it further with heavy equipment is a bad choice. Light Armor is the best equipment for Shulk, and skills like Natural Born Warrior and Lightweight Expert will further synergize with this build making Shulk a monster.

Love Sun / Amazing Stars

Love Sun! Reduces cooldown during the day (10%). Owner

Free Cooldown reduction just by adjusting the time of the game. This skill is a universal skill that every character should have. Just make sure to adjust the time to utilize it.

Make It All Better!

Make it all Better! Improves Healing Arts used on an ally with half HP (20%). Owner

A situational skill link, Make it all Better is best equipped if you don't plan to have a medic in your party. This skill link will make all of your light heals count and can save an ally from dying.

Agility and Strength Skill Links

High Speed Increases agility (15). Owner
Nutritious! Greatly increases strength (50). Owner
Always Ready Increases agility (10). Owner

Mooooaaaaarr strength and agility. Seriously, everyone will benefit from these stats, especially agility.

Best Skill Links for Reyn

Reyn Artwork.jpg

These are the best skill links for Reyn. There will also be an explanation further below for why these are the best skill links for him.

Resilient Warrior (11 Coins)
Skill Owner: Shulk
Ultimate Defence (65 Coins)
Skill Owner: Shulk
Immunization (45 Coins)
Skill Owner: Shulk
Physical Resilience (30 Coins)
Skill Owner: Fiora
Strength of Will (30 Coins)
Skill Owner: Fiora
Body of Steel (49 Coins)
Skill Owner: Dunban
Firm Defence (18 Coins)
Skill Owner: Sharla
Nutritious! (29 Coins)
Skill Owner: Riki
Cuddly Hero! (43 Coins)
Skill Owner: Riki
Amplified Healing (3 Coins)
Skill Owner: Melia
Palace Guard (7 Coins)
Skill Owner: Melia
Heavyweight Expert (45 Coins)
Skill Owner: Melia

Explanation for Reyn's Skill Links

Defensive Skill Links

Firm Defence Boosts physical defence (5%). Owner
Body of Steel Reduces physical damage taken (15%). Owner
Strength of Will Reduces Ether damage taken (10%). Owner
Physical Resilience Reduces physical damage taken (10%). Owner
Ultimate Defence Boosts physical and ether defence for the party (10%). Owner
Resilient Warrior Boosts physical defence and ether defence (5%). Owner

Reyn is the ideal damage taker for all your party members. Boosting his high defenses further will improve his tanking capabilities.


Immunization Grants immunity to debuffs that reduce stats. Owner

One of Reyn's weaknesses is stat reduction debuffs. Defense Down and Ether Down in particular may prove fatal to Reyn. Preventing Reyn from getting afflicted by these debuffs allows him to tank even the toughest enemies.


Nutritious! Greatly increases strength (50). Owner

Making Reyn stand there and take aggro is enough to make him fulfill his role. Adding Strength to Reyn's arsenal will allow him to tank and deal damage at the same time, improving his performance.

Cuddly Hero!

Cuddly Hero! Increases resistance to all debuffs (30%). Owner

Same with Immunization, Cuddly Hero gives resistance to all status ailments. Disabling Reyn with status ailments will prevent him from taking aggro, which can make your team's formation collapse.

Amplified Healing!

Amplified Healing Increases HP received from Healing Arts (15%). Owner

Reyn's HP tank is huge! Squeezing out more HP from healings will allow him to stay in the heat of battle for longer durations.

Palace Guard

Palace Guard Improves block rate (15%). Owner

Unlike Dunban's evasion tank style, Reyn relies on taking damage. Finding ways to reduce these damage is the key to using Reyn, and improving his block rate is one of the best ways to do this.

Heavyweight Expert

Heavyweight Expert Improves ether defence the more heavy equipment is worn (30 each). Owner

Reyn's ether defense is lower than his physical defense. Getting Heavyweight Expert for Reyn allows him to equip high defense armor while improving his Ether defense.

Best Skill Links for Sharla

Sharla Artwork.jpg

These are the best skill links for Sharla. There will also be an explanation further below for why these are the best skill links for her.

Healing Wisdom (8 Coins)
Skill Owner: Shulk
Ultimate Defence (65 Coins)
Skill Owner: Shulk
Resilient Warrior (11 Coins)
Skill Owner: Shulk
Bodybuilder (6 Coins)
Skill Owner: Reyn
Wall of Muscle (14 Coins)
Skill Owner: Reyn
Physical Resilience (30 Coins)
Skill Owner: Fiora
Strength of Will (30 Coins)
Skill Owner: Fiora
Heavy Equipment (15 Coins)
Skill Owner: Dunban
Body of Steel (49 Coins)
Skill Owner: Dunban
Make it all Better! (12 Coins)
Skill Owner: Riki

Explanation for Sharla's Skill Links

Healing Wisdom

Make it all Better! Improves Healing Arts used on an ally with half HP (20%). Owner
Healing Wisdom Healing Arts restore more HP (15%). Owner

As the healer, boosting Sharla's Heal Arts makes her more effective in her role.

Defense Skill Links

Body of Steel Reduces physical damage taken (15%). Owner
Strength of Will Reduces Ether damage taken (10%). Owner
Physical Resilience Reduces physical damage taken (10%). Owner
Ultimate Defence Boosts physical and ether defence for the party (10%). Owner
Resilient Warrior Boosts physical defence and ether defence (5%). Owner

Sharla is the party's medic. Her abilities, however, are enough to heal the party without any boosts to Ether. The best way to build Sharla is to improve her defense and not make her die while she attempts to not make your party die. Equipping her defensive skill links will greatly increase her survivability, and in turn, increase her healing capabilities as well.

Body Builder & Wall of Muscle

Wall of Muscle Further increases Max HP (10%). Owner
Bodybuilder Increases Max HP (5%). Owner

Same as increasing her Defense and Ether Defense, increasing her HP will make her not die, and in turn, allows her party to live longer as well.

Heavy Equipment

Heavy Equipment Allows heavy weight armour to be equipped Owner

Sharla has her own heavy equipment skill, but linking a Heavy Equipment to Sharla can allow her to equip heavy armors early in the game.

Best Skill Links for Dunban

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These are the best skill links for Dunban. There will also be an explanation further below for why these are the best skill links for him.

Ultimate Teamwork (18 Coins)
Skill Owner: Shulk
Glorious Future (28 Coins)
Skill Owner: Shulk
Battle Character (17 Coins)
Skill Owner: Reyn
Rampage (20 Coins)
Skill Owner: Reyn
Ultimate Strike (13 Coins)
Skill Owner: Fiora
Always Ready (14 Coins)
Skill Owner: Sharla
Like Sun! (7 Coins)
Skill Owner: Riki
Nutritious! (29 Coins)
Skill Owner: Riki
Pretty Stars! (7 Coins)
Skill Owner: Riki
High Speed (20 Coins)
Skill Owner: Melia
Unadorned Beauty (12 Coins)
Skill Owner: Melia

Explanation for Dunban's Skill Links

Ultimate Teamwork

Ultimate Teamwork Increases chain attack damage (25%). Owner

Dunban has the nastiest talent art in the game. It further shows its effect during Chain Attacks where his 4 strikes can deal astronomical damage on each hit. Increase that damage by 25% and no one will stand in your way.

Glorious Future

Glorious Future Talent Gauge will be at max after a vision. Owner

A free blossom dance is always nice. It can also be used as a signal on when to use a Chain Attack (Dunban gets a full talent gauge due to Visions, so use a Chain Attack and hit the enemy for a gazillion damage).

Battle Character

Battle Character Increases attack power of equipped weapon (10%). Owner

Self explanatory. More damage for Dunban is always good.


Rampage Increases chance of a double attack (10%). Owner

Equip Dunban with Double Attack Gems, then equip Rampage and Dunban turns to a killing machine.

Ultimate Strike

Ultimate Strike Increases damage of critical hits (20%). Owner

Only equip when your weapon has a good critical rate. This Skill Link becomes better if partnered with a Critical Up Gem.

Agility and Strength Boosters

High Speed Increases agility (15). Owner
Always Ready Increases agility (10). Owner

More Agility and Strength is always welcome for Dunban.

Like Sun!/Pretty Stars!

Pretty Stars! Increases strength during the night (15%). Owner
Like Sun! Increases strength during the day (10%). Owner

Make sure to not equip both at the same time. Both Skill Links are great for Dunban, but you'll have to choose which time to fight.

Unadorned Beauty

Unadorned Beauty Strength, ether, agility and HP up if no gems are equipped (20%). Owner

Unadorned Beauty is a great skill link for Dunban if you plan to make a naked Dunban build. 0 equipment, just a strong weapon, and Unadorned Beauty is definitely a viable build for Dunban.

Best Skill Links for Melia

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These are the best skill links for Melia. There will also be an explanation further below for why these are the best skill links for him.

Stealth Warrior (30 Coins)
Skill Owner: Shulk
Chain of Friendship (45 Coins)
Skill Owner: Shulk
Forced Mercy (30 Coins)
Skill Owner: Shulk
Ties of Friendship (14 Coins)
Skill Owner: Reyn
Shoulder to Shoulder (25 Coins)
Skill Owner: Reyn
Friendship Heals (20 Coins)
Skill Owner: Shulk
Explosion of Energy (80 Coins)
Skill Owner: Fiora
Decisive Follow-Up (10 Coins)
Skill Owner: Sharla
Ether Expansion (8 Coins)
Skill Owner: Sharla
Ether Assault (20 Coins)
Skill Owner: Sharla
Love Sun! (18 Coins)
Skill Owner: Riki
Ether Explosion (25 Coins)
Skill Owner: Sharla
Amazing Stars! (13 Coins)
Skill Owner: Riki

Explanation for Melia's Skill Links

Aggro Reduction

Forced Mercy Reduces aggro when damage is taken (25%). Owner
Stealth Warrior Reduces aggro drawn from using Arts (10%) Owner

Melia relies on the time she buffs her allies to let aggro steer away from her. Unfortunately, sometimes, it's just not enough. Equipping Stealth Warrior and Forced Mercy to Melia will allow her to disengage much easier.

Chain Link Bonuses

Ties of Friendship Increases chance of a Chain Link (5%). Owner
Chain of Friendship Increases the chance of a Chain Link (15%). Owner

Melia has the best talent art for increasing the Chain Link multiplier. Increasing the chances of Chain Link occurring is one of the best skills you can give Melia.

Chain Link Healing

Shoulder to Shoulder Heals the party after a chain attack (10%). Owner
Friendship Heals Heals the party slightly after a chain attack (5%). Owner

Melia's heals revolves around her using her own life to heal allies. The only way to regain her lost health is to use Aqua and regenerate her lost health, or discharge it to drain some HP from her enemies. Equipping Skills that give health after a chain-link reduces her reliance on Aqua and allows her to focus on damaging enemies instead.

Explosion of Energy

Explosion of Energy Increases tension by one level when using Talent Arts. Owner

One of the best Skills you can equip to Melia. Since Melia relies heavily on her Talent Art, this on is a no brainer. Equipping Explosion of Energy to Melia allows her to keep her tension at maximum during the whole fight.

Ether Expansion

Ether Explosion Greatly increases ether (75). Owner
Ether Expansion Increases ether (25). Owner

Ether stat increases are always good for Melia.

Ether Assault

Ether Assault Increases damage dealt by ether Arts attacks (20%). Owner

Melia's Talent Art is considered as an Ether Attack. Increasing her talent art's damage by a flat 20% value is incredibly good.

Decisive Follow-Up

Decisive Follow-Up Grants Ether Up buff when an ally defeats an enemy (20%, 30 sec). Owner

Great against multiple enemies. This skill can grant Melia a flat 20% ether buff during fights with lots of enemies.

Amazing Stars!/ Love Sun!

Amazing Stars! Reduces cooldown during the night (15%). Owner
Love Sun! Reduces cooldown during the day (10%). Owner

Cooldown skills are great for Melia, who loves spamming elements. Make sure to only equip one of them, and only fight when they're active to maximize your stats.

Riki Artwork.jpg

Best Skill Links for Riki

These are the best skill links for Riki. There will also be an explanation further below for why these are the best skill links for him.

Healing Wisdom (8 Coins)
Skill Owner: Shulk
Chain of Friendship (45 Coins)
Skill Owner: Shulk
Ultimate Defence (65 Coins)
Skill Owner: Shulk
Glorious Future (28 Coins)
Skill Owner: Shulk
Ties of Friendship (14 Coins)
Skill Owner: Reyn
Shoulder to Shoulder (25 Coins)
Skill Owner: Reyn
Medical Knowledge (12 Coins)
Skill Owner: Sharla
Always Ready (14 Coins)
Skill Owner: Sharla
Bedside Manner (5 Coins)
Skill Owner: Sharla
Hearty Cry (44 Coins)
Skill Owner: Sharla
Amplified Healing (3 Coins)
Skill Owner: Melia
High Speed (20 Coins)
Skill Owner: Melia

Explanation for Riki's Skill Links

Overall, Riki is a character that can do his job just with levels alone.

Glorious Future

Glorious Future Talent Gauge will be at max after a vision. Owner

Visions usually occur during tough fights, and its against tough enemies where the most precious items are located. More Yoinks during these kind of battles means more chances at landing rare items.

Ultimate Defence

Ultimate Defence Boosts physical and ether defence for the party (10%). Owner

Riki is a support character, and giving him a skill that buffs the whole party can never go wrong.

Agility Up

High Speed Increases agility (15). Owner
Always Ready Increases agility (10). Owner
Ties of Friendship Increases chance of a Chain Link (5%). Owner

More Agility to accompany his high agility stat makes Riki nearly unkillable.

Healing Increase

Amplified Healing Increases HP received from Healing Arts (15%). Owner
Bedside Manner Healing Arts restore more HP (10%). Owner
Medical Knowledge Greatly boosts power of Healing Arts in chain attacks (25%). Owner
Healing Wisdom Healing Arts restore more HP (15%). Owner

Riki only has a single healing art, but it can heal a ton! Amplifying its heal value can make Riki restore everyone's HP to full health.

Chain Bonuses

Hearty Cry Heals the party slightly after a successful Burst Affinity (10%). Owner
Shoulder to Shoulder Heals the party after a chain attack (10%). Owner
Chain of Friendship Increases the chance of a Chain Link (15%). Owner

At the later stages of the game, healing won't even be necessary anymore. Using Chain Attacks after Chain Attacks while equipping Hearty Cry and Shoulder to Shoulder can keep everyone's HP up.

Best Skill Links for Seven

Seven Artwork.jpg

These are the best skill links for Seven. There will also be an explanation further below for why these are the best skill links for her.

Epic Evasion (45 Coins)
Skill Owner: Shulk
Ties of Friendship (14 Coins)
Skill Owner: Reyn
Critical Drain (50 Coins)
Skill Owner: Dunban
Ardent Strike (7 Coins)
Skill Owner: Dunban
Equipment Expert (10 Coins)
Skill Owner: Dunban
Always Ready (14 Coins)
Skill Owner: Sharla
Like Sun! (7 Coins)
Skill Owner: Riki
Love Sun! (18 Coins)
Skill Owner: Riki
Nutritious! (29 Coins)
Skill Owner: Riki
Amazing Stars! (13 Coins)
Skill Owner: Riki
Pretty Stars! (7 Coins)
Skill Owner: Riki
High Speed (20 Coins)
Skill Owner: Melia

Explanation for Seven's Skill Links

Epic Evasion

Epic Evasion Increases chance of Burst Affinity after evasion (5%). Owner

Seven's agility isn't the highest among all characters but it's still pretty high. This allows her to dodge more often and getting more Burst Affinity from those dodges will always help.

Ties of Friendship

Ties of Friendship Increases chance of a Chain Link (5%). Owner

More Chain Link is always great. It also goes even better with a topple lock party to ensure all those topple skills land during a chain attack.

Critical Modifiers

Critical Drain Restores HP when dealing a critical hit (2%). Owner
Ardent Strike Increases tension gained after a critical hit (10). Owner

Critical Drain can sustain Seven's HP greatly, and Ardent Strike can cause Seven's tension to increase and will further increase the number of critical strikes she can do. With her high attack speed and multi-hit arts, these bonuses will go a long way.

Equipment Expert

Equipment Expert Greatly reduces weight of equipment (10). Owner

Reducing Seven's equipment weight allows her to fully utilize her above-average agility stat. Partner this with agility boosters, and you'll get yourself a fast damage dealer that can tank too.

Agility Bonuses

High Speed Increases agility (15). Owner
Always Ready Increases agility (10). Owner

Simple, but good buffs to her agility stat.

Like Sun!/Pretty Star!

Pretty Stars! Increases strength during the night (15%). Owner
Like Sun! Increases strength during the day (10%). Owner

A flat strength bonus by changing the current time. Pair it up with the appropriate time from Love Sun and Amazing Stars to ensure the best effects for Seven.

Love Sun!/Amazing Stars!

Amazing Stars! Reduces cooldown during the night (15%). Owner
Love Sun! Reduces cooldown during the day (10%). Owner

Cooldown is great for Seven. Just make sure to only equip one of the two.


Nutritious! Greatly increases strength (50). Owner

More damage is always great.

Best Universal Skill Links

These are skill links that can pretty much be equipped by anyone. These Skill Links must be prioritized and equipped by any of your party members!

Love Sun/Amazing Stars

Amazing Stars! Reduces cooldown during the night (15%). Owner
Love Sun! Reduces cooldown during the day (10%). Owner

A time-based skill that gives buffs to your characters just by having the time set to night or day. Make sure to equip only one type of skill to your characters and fight at the time of your chosen skill.

Chain of Friendship / Ties of Friendship

Ties of Friendship Increases chance of a Chain Link (5%). Owner
Chain of Friendship Increases the chance of a Chain Link (15%). Owner

Chain Attacks are strong, and it gets even stronger the more links you chain. Chain of Friendship and Ties of Friendship can increase the chances of Chain Links occurring.

Friendship Heals/Shoulder to Shoulder

Shoulder to Shoulder Heals the party after a chain attack (10%). Owner
Friendship Heals Heals the party slightly after a chain attack (5%). Owner

The skills that make a no healer party feasible. If Friendship Heals and Shoulder to Shoulder are equipped to all participating combatants, you can heal everyone for 45% of their HP every Chain Attack, which is massive.

Xenoblade Chronicles Related Links

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3 Anonymousover 3 years

A strong skill to link to Dunban is with Seven. Double Attack alwasy are criticals. Add the skill link Rampage, Haste and Double Attack Gem. He will attack quick which in turn proc more double attack which in turn proc more criticals which in turn heal Dunban with Critical Drain. Dunban can be killed no more and will tank like if tomorrow will never happen.

2 Anonymousover 4 years

I think they listed it as the best skill links to choose. Doesn't really mean you equip them all since some skill link choices costs too much affinity coins to be equipped.


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