Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition

Fiora Build, Best Arts, Skill Trees, and Usage Guide

Fiora Banner
This is a profile and usage guide for Fiora, a character from Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition for the Nintendo Switch. Here you can find Fiora's roles, builds, stats at Lv. 99, best Arts, best skill trees, and official artwork.

Note that this page may contain Xenoblade Chronicles Spoilers! Please be advised when reading ahead.

Fiora Basic Information

Fiora Profile

Quick Facts
Fiora Banner
Name Fiora
Age 18
Race Homs
Height 160cm
Gender Female
Weapon Type Knives / Twin Blades
Voice Actor (Eng.) Carina Reeves
Voice Actor (Jp.) Eri Nakao

Fiora Introduction

A childhood friend of both Shulk and Reyn, who also grew up in Colony 9, and little sister to Dunban. A very caring soul, who goes out of her way to care for Shulk and ensure his safety.

Fiora Stats at Lv. 99

Fiora's Stats at Lv. 99

HP Strength Ether Agility
6320 597 470 138

Stats Explained

Fiora Build and Usage Guide

Fiora Strengths and Weaknesses

Physical Attacks Ether Attacks Tanking
S Rank Icon S Rank Icon A Rank Icon
Buffing Debuffing Healing
A Rank Icon A Rank Icon C Rank Icon

Note: A C Rank indicates that the character is either very poor in this role or cannot do it at all.

How to Play Fiora

Fiora is unique in that depending on the foot gear she has equipped, her Talent Art will change. If possible, we recommend going with Sword Drones as her Talent. Fiora can fill various roles in combat, but when controlling her, you will generally want Reyn or Dunban to do the tanking so she can freely use her powerful position based Art - Double Blade. Another benefit of Fiora is the fact that she doesn't need Enchant to deal damage to Mechon, because of Mechonis armour.

In addition to Double Blade, Speed Shift is a great skill for Fiora, and it should be one of the first to prioritize leveling up, alongside Power Drain. Spear Blade is another powerful attack for damaging toppled foes, so it is especially good in a Chain Attack. Air Fang will inflict break, allowing an ally to topple the foe.

Make sure to equip Double Attack gems to Fiora, and focus on Critical Attack Rate / Haste. Innocence is the skill tree you'll want to focus on when using her together with Shulk.

Fiora as an AI

Fiora will prioritize using Speed Shift to increase Double Attacks/Haste, then refrain from using many Arts and focus on Auto-Attacks. When Sharla, Melia, or Shulk are targeted by the foe, she will use Lock-On to draw their aggro. Although Fiora is decent at tanking, Dunban or Reyn are generally better in this role, so we don't recommend setting Lock-On or Guard Shift.

When Fiora's HP gets low, she will use Healing Energy to remove debuffs and regenerate HP. Once the party gauge gets high enough, she will refrain from using Talent Arts, allowing you to unleash Sword Drones on the enemy after the chain multiplier has grown

Fiora Arts

Early Game

Name Lv. Learnt Effect Power (%) CD (sec.)
Butterfly Step 1 Physical Art
A high-speed four-attack combo.
250 -
Power SmashPower Smash 1 Physical Art
Turning double-knife slice. Extra damage from behind.
180 30 ~ -
Screw EdgeScrew Edge 1 Physical Art
Upward cleave that breaks the enemy's stance.
130 45 ~ -
Hidden ThornHidden Thorn 5 Physical Art
Summon all Fiora's might to attack, Dazing the enemy.
160 60 ~ -
LacerateLacerate 8 Physical Art
Stab an enemy, dealing ordinary damage and Bleed damage.
150 20 ~ -

Later Game

Name Lv. Learnt Effect Power (%) CD (sec.)
Cannon Drones I - Ether Art
Drones form a cannon, unleashing a large beam in a straight line.
1000 -
Cannon Drones II - Ether Art
Drones form a cannon, unleashing a large beam in a straight line.
1500 -
Shield Drones I - Ether Art
Drones become a barrier, granting Fiora the Shield effect.
- -
Shield Drones II - Ether Art
Drones become a barrier, granting temporary debuff immunity.
- -
Gun Drones I - Ether Art
Drones surround Fiora, firing deadly beams in all directions.
120 -
Gun Drones II - Ether Art
Drones surround Fiora, firing deadly beams in all directions.
180 -
Sword Drones I - Ether Art
Drones turn into four arms, slicing viciously at the targeted enemy.
100 -
Sword Drones II - Ether Art
Drones turn into four arms, slicing viciously at the targeted enemy.
125 -
Sword Drones X - Ether Art
Drones turn into four arms, slicing viciously at the targeted enemy.
150 -
Double BladeDouble Blade 1 Physical Art
Attacking from behind will inflict a large amount of damage.
120 ~ 255 15 ~ 12.3
Healing EnergyHealing Energy 1 Ether Art
Removes debuffs and creates a Regenerate Aura.
- 60 ~ 38.4
Spear BladeSpear Blade 1 Physical Art
Heavy damage on enemies suffering Topple.
240 ~ 393 30 ~ 24.6
Cross ImpactCross Impact 1 Physical Art
A kick attack in a cross formation, inflicting Daze.
160 ~ 259 45 ~ 24.8
Speed ShiftSpeed Shift 61 Ether Art
Aura reduces attack intervals and grants double attack opportunity.
- 120 ~ 87.6
Zero GravityZero Gravity 1 Ether Art
Produces a special field that inflicts Paralysis.
240 ~ 384 90 ~ 65.7
Lock-OnLock-On 46 Ether Art
Lock Fiora's sights onto a single enemy, creating an Aura of focus.
- 90 ~ 49.5
Ether DrainEther Drain 1 Ether Art
Special field that absorbs ether.
- 30 ~ 16.5
Double WindDouble Wind 42 Physical Art
A dual-bladed outward slash, striking enemies in front.
200 ~ 335 40 ~ 29.2
Mag StormMag Storm 49 Ether Art
Release an ether wave striking all in range. Inflicts Daze on Mechon.
200 ~ 344 60 ~ 49.2
ShutdownShutdown 52 Physical Art
Strike an enemy, inflicting Sleep.
150 ~ 303 45 ~ 24.8
Air FangAir Fang 1 Physical Art
Vicious fang attack, inflicting Break.
200 ~ 308 10 ~ 8.2
Power DrainPower Drain 58 Ether Art
Create a special field that absorbs strength.
- 25 ~ 16
Guard ShiftGuard Shift 55 Ether Art
Protective Aura that shifts priority from attack to defence.
- 50 ~ 32
Second GearSecond Gear 43 Ether Art
Tense all the muscles in the body, increasing physical Arts damage.
- 120 ~ 44.4
Final CrossFinal Cross - Ether Art
Release a massive ether wave to annihilate enemies.
300 ~ 408 180 ~ 115.2

Best Arts | Which Arts Should You Level Up?

Fiora Skill Trees and Skills

Courage Skill Tree

Courage Daring Zeal Innocence Rashness
Effect How to Unlock
Critical Hit Rate Up Default Skill Tree unlocked when Fiora becomes playable.
0 1 2 3 4 5
2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 15%

Courage Skills

Skill Effect SP Coins
Mechonis Equipment Allows special armour from Mechonis to be equipped - -
Desperate Daggers Increases counter-attack rate when HP is at half (15%). 700 2
Second Wind Increases amount of HP restored when revived (20%). 1000 -
Ultimate Strike Increases damage of critical hits (20%). 2000 13
Unwavering Courage Fills Party Gauge if two allies are Incapacitated (50). 3500 28

Daring Skill Tree

Courage Daring Zeal Innocence Rashness
Effect How to Unlock
Strength Up Default Skill Tree unlocked when Fiora becomes playable.
0 1 2 3 4 5
10 30 40 50 70 100

Daring Skills

Skill Effect SP Coins
Battle Stance Grants Strength Up buff at start of battle (15%, 30 sec). 300 2
Opening Blow Increases damage of the first strike of a battle (50%). 700 6
Nimble Feet Increases movement speed (4%). 1000 5
Physical Resilience Reduces physical damage taken (10%). 2000 30
Showdown Stance All Stats Up buff at start of battle with higher-level monsters (30%, 30 sec) 3500 19

Zeal Skill Tree

Courage Daring Zeal Innocence Rashness
Effect How to Unlock
HP Up Default Skill Tree unlocked when Fiora becomes playable.
0 1 2 3 4 5
2 4 6 8 10 15

Zeal Skills

Skill Effect SP Coins
Desperate Defence Increases block rate when HP is at half (15%). 300 2
Swift Strike Rarely grants Haste buff at start of battle (30%, 30 sec). 700 4
Acceleration Increases EXP awarded from battle (20%). 1000 29
Strength of Will Reduces Ether damage taken (10%). 2000 30
Strong Links Grants Haste buff to the party after Burst Affinity (20%, 15 sec). 3500 20

Innocence Skill Tree

Courage Daring Zeal Innocence Rashness
Effect How to Unlock
Ether Defence Up Acquired through completing the Battling Brutes Side Quest.
0 1 2 3 4 5
5 10 20 30 40 50

Innocence Skills

Skill Effect SP Coins
Maiden's Power Improves chain attack damage when in battle with Shulk (50%). 200 -
Maiden's Courage Increases Arts damage if warned of a vision by Shulk (50%). 500 -
Maiden's Blessing Restores HP when taking damage when in battle with Shulk (10%). 800 -
Maiden's Zeal Prevents tension from becoming low if in battle with Shulk. 1000 -
Maiden's Miracle Grants All Stats Up buff when encouraged by Shulk (25%, 20 sec). 1500 -

Rashness Skill Tree

Courage Daring Zeal Innocence Rashness
Effect How to Unlock
Counter Rate Up Acquired through completing the The Oath Sword Side Quest.
0 1 2 3 4 5
2% 5% 10% 12% 15% 20%

Rashness Skills

Skill Effect SP Coins
Vision Mode Boosts next Arts damage when warned of a vision (25%). 200 18
Ultimate Counter Turns all counter-attacks into critical hits. 500 60
Vital Force Dealing damage will occasionally max the Talent Gauge (2% chance). 800 75
Critical Combo Turns all double attacks into critical hits. 1000 70
Explosion of Energy Increases tension by one level when using Talent Arts. 1500 80

Best Skill Links for Each Character

Best and Worst Gifts For Fiora

Best Gifts for Fiora

Collectable Affinity Points Area
Love Source 100 Other
Blood Worm 26 Bionis' Interior
Delerium Foxglove 20 Sword Valley
Cute Parsnip 20 Satorl Marsh
Lightning Weasel 18 Prison Island
Oil Fox 18 Central Factory
Fossil Monkey 18 Makna Forest
Happy Rabbit 18 Tephra Cave
Fatal Belladonna 18 Valak Mountain
Dawn Dice 18 Satorl Marsh
Shiny Scarab 18 Mechonis Field

Worst Gifts for Fiora

Collectable Affinity Points Area
Sour Gooseberry -18 Bionis' Leg
Hell Raspberry -12 Prison Island
Fire Apple -12 Valak Mountain
Spicy Nut -12 Frontier Village
Green Cam -12 Prison Island
Leaf Coil -12 Central Factory
Locust Spring -12 Galahad Fortress
Black Chip -12 Ether Mine
Absurd Branch -12 Prison Island

The Best Gifts for Each Character

Fiora Artwork

The following official artwork for Fiora from Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition was released by the official Nintendo Twitter Page and Japanese Xenoblade Twitter Page.

Click to enlarge

Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition Characters

List of Playable Characters

Xenoblade Characters
Shulk IconShulk Reyn IconReyn Fiora IconFiora Dunban IconDunban
Sharla IconSharla Riki IconRiki Melia IconMelia -


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