Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Iceborne Event Quests

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summer event quests

This is a list of all Event Quests in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne expansion and the complete schedule of all current and upcoming events. Read on to see all event-exclusive quests and on what events they are available to.

Current and Upcoming Event Quests (March 2021)

As of December 4, 2020, most Event Quests are now indefinitely available! The Safi'jiiva Siege as well as the Kulve Taroth Siege and The Eternal Gold Rush will, however, be rotated out every two weeks. Similarly, seasonal content such as Astera Fests and Seliana Fests are available every two weeks.

Event Quests in the Base Game

All of the Dates and Times are set to UTC±00:00.

Limited-Time Quests List

All Siege Quests are only available for two weeks. The Kulve Taroth quest will only be available from March 26 to April 9.

Quest Name Target
M★6 The Eternal Gold Rush Master Rank Kulve TarothMaster Rank Kulve Taroth

Event Quests List

Quest Name Target
M★6 A Farewell to Zinogre ZinogreZinogre
M★6 Brand New Brute Brute TigrexBrute Tigrex
M★6 Mew are Number One! Furious RajangFurious Rajang
M★5 Old Dog, New Trick Frostfang BariothFrostfang Barioth
M★6 In the Tempest's Wake Kushala DaoraKushala Daora
M★6 Day of Ruin TeostraTeostra
M★6 The Cold Never Bothered Me LunastraLunastra
M★6 Tears from Nirvana Blackveil Vaal HazakBlackveil Vaal Hazak
M★6 Mighty Muscle Monkey Madness Furious RajangFurious Rajang
M★2 Kadachi Twins Tobi-KadachiTobi-Kadachi
M★6 The Naked Truth Shara IshvaldaShara Ishvalda
M★6 Monkey Business Furious RajangFurious Rajang
M★6 Don't Forget the Earplugs! Yian GarugaYian Garuga
M★3 Seeing is Believing TigrexTigrex
M★2 Camoflawed RathianRathian
M★1 Fetching Light Pearls No Large Monster Target Available.
M★6 The Last White Knight Frostfang BariothFrostfang Barioth
M★5 The Assassin NargacugaNargacuga
M★1 Skyward Snipers No Large Monster Target Available.
M★1 A Fish to Whet Your Appetite No Large Monster Target Available.
M★6 Ode to the Destruction Ruiner NergiganteRuiner Nergigante
M★6 Ballad to the Hoarfrost Shrieking LegianaShrieking Legiana
M★6 The Wrath of Tunder Descends ZinogreZinogre
M★6 Alt Rock Recess Azure RathalosAzure Rathalos
M★3 When the Swift Meets the Roar TigrexTigrex
M★6 Rotten Canzone Acidic GlavenusAcidic Glavenus
M★6 Symphony of the Coral ZinogreZinogre
M★6 Heavy Metal in the Waste GlavenusGlavenus
M★6 Yodeling in the Forest NargacugaNargacuga
M★5 USJ: Ballet Of Frost Frostfang BariothFrostfang Barioth
M★5 USJ: Shine On Forever VelkhanaVelkhana
M★6 A Shocking Climax ZinogreZinogre
M★6 Wolf Out of Hell Stygian ZinogreStygian Zinogre
M★4 Beef is Never a Mi-Steak Ebony OdogaronEbony Odogaron
M★3 50 Shades of White BariothBarioth
M★1 Flora Frostbite No Large Monster Target Available.
M★6 The Red Dragon SafiSafi'jiiva
M★6 Muscle Monkey Madness RajangRajang
M★5 A Chilling Entrance VelkhanaVelkhana
M★5 Scores of Ores BrachydiosBrachydios
M★1 Duffel Duty No Large Monster Target Available.
M★6 Razzled, Frazzled, and Dazzled RajangRajang
M★6 Scars Tell the Whole Story Scarred Yian GarugaScarred Yian Garuga
M★3 Every Hunter's Dream III NargacugaNargacuga
M★2 Every Hunter's Dream II Coral Pukei-PukeiCoral Pukei-Pukei
M★5 RE: Return of the Bioweapon Blackveil Vaal HazakBlackveil Vaal Hazak
M★2 Colorful Carnival Coral Pukei-PukeiCoral Pukei-Pukei
M★2 Balloon Fight PaolumuPaolumu
M★3 Fired-Up Bruisers GlavenusGlavenus
M★4 The Desert Dash Black DiablosBlack Diablos
M★5 We Three Kings KirinKirin
M★5 The Winter Blues VelkhanaVelkhana
M★5 Talk about a Party Foul Seething BazelgeuseSeething Bazelgeuse
M★6 Moonlit Howl ZinogreZinogre
M★6 I Am Tranquil, I Am Sound Yian GarugaYian Garuga
M★6 A Roar that Splinters the Sky Brute TigrexBrute Tigrex
M★6 A Glance of Silver Silver RathalosSilver Rathalos
M★6 The Moon is a Harsh Queen Gold RathianGold Rathian
M★5 A Reason Behind the Hunger Savage DeviljhoSavage Deviljho
M★4 In the Depths of the Forest Azure RathalosAzure Rathalos
M★4 Servants of the Vale Ebony OdogaronEbony Odogaron
M★3 Soaked and Shivering Coral Pukei-PukeiCoral Pukei-Pukei
M★3 A Curious Experiment Nightshade PaolumuNightshade Paolumu
M★3 A Sky and Sea of Fire RathalosRathalos
M★2 Hunter-Blunderer RadobaanRadobaan
M★2 A New Troublemaker in Town AnjanathAnjanath
M★1 Desert Desserts No Large Monster Target Available.
M★1 A Bunch of Sticks in the Mud BanbaroBanbaro
M★1 The Lord of the Underworld Beckons No Large Monster Target Available.
M★1 Trophy Fishin' BeotodusBeotodus
M★1 Pearl Snatchers No Large Monster Target Available.
M★3 A Sky and Sea of Fire RathalosRathalos
M★6 The Place Where Winter Sleeps Arch-Tempered VelkhanaArch-Tempered Velkhana

PS4 Event Quests List

These are events that are only available on the PS4.

Quest Name Target
M★6 Firebreak Savage DeviljhoSavage Deviljho
M★6 The Survivor Stygian ZinogreStygian Zinogre
M★6 Into the Frozen Wilds ZinogreZinogre
★5 Lessons of the Wild No Large Monster Target Available.
★9 The Heart of the Nora DeviljhoDeviljho
★6 The Proving AnjanathAnjanath

Monster Hunter World (MHW) Related Guides

Assigned Quest Iceborne ENG.jpgAssigned Quests Optional Quests Iceborne ENG.jpgOptional Quests
Low/High Rank
Assigned Quests base game ENG.jpgAssigned Quests Optional QUests base game ENG.jpgOptional Quests
Event Quests
Iceborne EventsIceborne Events Low high rank eventsLow / High Rank Events
Other Quest Categories
Arch-Tempered Quests Collaboration Quests Gold Crown Quests
Arena Quests Challenge Quests Investigation Quests


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