Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Character Creation Guide and How To Change Appearance

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Character Creation Guide and How To Change Appearance

This is a character creation guide for Monster Hunter World (MHW). If you would like to know more about the new character creation system as well as how to change appearance in-game, read on!

Character Creation Improvements in Monster Hunter World

Changes From Old Monster Hunter Games

Character Customization Screen

Character customization is now present in Monster Hunter World!

Unlike the past series, you can modify the appearance of your hunter at a deeper level with a very intuitive character creation system. You will be able to take on the New World with a unique look!

Parts That Can Be Customized in MHW


Customizable Parts
Face Skin Hairstyle Eyebrow
Eye Nose Mouth Beard
Make-up / Face paint Expression Clothing Voice


Customizable Parts
Outline Fur Pattern Eye
Ears Tail Clothing Voice

How to Change Character Appearance in Monster Hunter World

Buy from PlayStation Store

If you want to change the appearance of your character without restarting the game, you can claim a free Character Edit Voucher if you have played before March 16, 2018.

After that, it can be bought from the PlayStation Store as a paid DLC.

Receive the Content in Your Room

After downloading the Character Edit Voucher from the PlayStation Store, it can be claimed in-game from the Housekeeper inside Your Room.

Edit at the Save Data Screen

The Character Edit Voucher can be used from the Save Data Screen. Simply place the cursor on the character you want to edit and press □ to Re-Edit Character.

1. You cannot rename your character using vouchers.
2. Palicos require a separate voucher called a Palico Edit Voucher.

Parts That Can Be Changed Without Using a Ticket

There are certain parts of the Hunter that can be changed without using a Character Edit Voucher. You can change these parts in Your House from the Item Box.

Customizable Parts Without Using a Voucher
Hair Beard Make-up / Face Paint Clothing

Character Creation in Monster Hunter World

Hunter Preference Face Skin Hairstyle
Hairstyle Eyebrow Eye Nose
Mouth Beard Make-up / Face Paint Expressions
Clothing Voice Default Armor Change Background

Hunter Preference

Players can choose between a Male and a Female Hunter.

Face Customizations

Face customization is done by choosing between several types of face contours present in the game.

Skin Customizations

The color, wrinkle volume, and wrinkle depth can be changed. The skin color can also be chosen with a color palette allowing for more accurate color representation.

Hairstyle Customizations

Hairstyles are chosen from several types of hairstyle presets. The color can also be freely chosen.

There is no distinction in hairstyles between male and female hunters. Male hunters can have female hairstyles and vice versa.

Eyebrow Customizations

Eyebrows are also chosen from several types of preset eyebrows. Eyebrow color, depth, and carving can be changed as well.

Eye Customizations

Players can choose between different eye types and adjust the eye position, eyelash length, and eye color.

Nose Customizations

Players choose between a number of nose presets as well as adjust the nose height and position.

Mouth Customizations

The mouth can be customized the same way as the nose.

Beard Customizations

Beards are chosen from several types of beard presets. The color can be changed as well.

Make-Up / Face Paint Customizations

Make-Up like blush, lipstick, and eye shadow can be applied on the Hunter's face. Several patterns can be put as well.

Fine color adjustments like saturation, brightness, gloss, metallic, and transparency can be applied. Hunter can put up to three layers of make-up/face paint per hunter.

Expression Customizations

Players can choose from 5 types of facial expressions.

Clothing Customizations

Players choose between 4 types of clothing for the Hunter. The color of the clothing can be changed as well.

Voice Customizations

Players can choose between 20 types of voices in Monster Hunter World. You can also sample each voice clips in-game!

Default Armor

Initial equipment is also chosen here. If you are playing the base game, you can choose between the Leather, Chainmail, and Guardian α+ armor sets. If you pre-ordered, you can also choose the Origin armor.

Change Background While Customizing

The background can also be changed while customizing by pressing the □ button.

This can help in choosing which custom look is better for each lighting condition.

Palico Creation in Monster Hunter World

Outline Fur Pattern
Eye Ears Tail
Clothing Voice Default Armor

Outline Customization

The outline of the Palico's face can be changed. Players can freely choose between 4 settings.

Fur Customization

Fur length, thickness, and color can be changed.

Pattern Customization

The pattern on your Palico can be chosen from 6 presets. The color combination for the pattern can be changed as well.

Eye Customizations

Eye type and colors can be changed. Eye color for the left and the right eye can be changed individually!

Ears Customization

Players can choose between 12 different ear presets for their Palico.

Tail Customization

Players can also choose between 7 types of tails for their Palico.

Clothing Customization

The color of the Palico's clothing can be changed as well. Players can also choose using a color palette in-game.

Voice Customization

The Palico's voice can be changed by choosing between three types of sounds. The pitch may also be set from Low to High.

Default Armor

The Palico's default armor is the Leather armor. Players can also choose to not set a default armor for their Palico by choosing No Armor.

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