Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Arch-Tempered Namielle Weakness and Strategy Guide

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Learn how to beat Arch-Tempered Namielle, an Event Quest Monster in the game Monster Hunter World (MHW)! This guide explains everything about Arch-Tempered Namielle's weakness, carves, rewards, and a complete strategy guide for beating and capturing it. Find out what parts are breakable and severable, and what drops and Monster materials are available.

All Arch-Tempered Namielle Articles
Arch-Tempered NamielleArch-Tempered Namielle Weakness & Strategy Arch-Tempered Namielle Weapon IconArch-Tempered Namielle Weapons Arch-Tempered Namielle Armor IconArch-Tempered Namielle Armor

Quests Where Arch-Tempered Namielle Appears

Event Quest Availability and How to Unlock

Quest Name/Rank Requirement Target Area
The Distant Dark Tide
(Reach MR100)
Arch-Tempered NamielleArch-Tempered Namielle Completion Requirements: Slay an Arch-Tempered Namielle Coral Highlands
Unlock Requirements: Available from the Event start time

All Event Quest Guides

Arch-Tempered Namielle Weakness, Body Parts, and Resistances

Arch-Tempered Namielle Characteristics

Monster Hunter World Namielle
Roar Wind Tremor Blight Status
Big - None Thunder, Water None
Breakable Parts
Head, Wings, Tail, Hindlegs

Locations and Areas Visited

Map Starting Area Visited Areas Rest Spot
Coral Highlands ImageCoral Highlands 4 5 / 10 / 12 8

*The starting location may change depending on the Quest.

Weakness, Body Parts, Extracts


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
60 65 50 5 Red
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
0 0 5 10


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
45 40 45 10 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
0 0 5 5


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
40 60 50 10 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
0 0 5 10


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
30 30 45 10 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
0 0 5 10


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
35 35 30 10 White
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
0 0 5 15


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
65 55 30 5 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
0 0 5 10


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
25 25 25 5 White
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
0 0 5 5

Higher values indicate higher damage.

Vulnerability to Status Effects and Items

Poison ★★★ Flash ★★
Paral Shock
Sleep Pitfall
Stun ★★ Ivy
Blast ★★★ Dung
Exhaust - Meat
Mount ★★ Screamer

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How to Beat Arch-Tempered Namielle

Always Prepare to use Superman Dive

superman dive namiellee
Arch Tempered Namielle's dive attack is best dodged by using a superman dive. When the camera zooms out slightly, it is a good cue to immediately sheathe your weapon and go for the dodge.

Avoid Blocking Arch-Tempered Namielle's Dive

nami dive
Arch-Tempered Namielle's dive attack can inflict multiple hits and can easily break through guards. Avoid blocking it or suffer tremendous damage. The attack also cannot be completely blocked without the Guard Up skill so when fighting AT Namielle with a weapon that can block, try to include it to your skills.

Be Wary When Using Unstoppable Moves

Iai slash Multi-Hit Damage
Moves like the Greatsword's Tackle and the Longsword's Iai Slash can be double-edged in this fight. Namielle has moves that can hit an unstoppable character multiple times in a single attack. This also makes the Rocksteady mantle dangerous to use.

Ranged Attacks Don't Work On Namielle's Wings When Cloaked with Water

Longranged attacks such as bullets and arrows won't work on Namielle's hide when it's cloaked with water. Try to aim for other body parts when using ranged weapons.

Arch-Tempered Namielle Best Loadouts

Best Skills

SkillsReason It's good
Coalescence AT Namielle can inflict two blights. It's more than likely that you'll get hit with one so instead of losing DPS trying to cure it, turn it to a damagebuff with Coalescence!
Critical Eye More DPS, pretty much a staple in any affinity based build
Weakness Exploit More DPS, pretty much a staple in any affinity based build
Evade Window AT Namielle's lasers can be hard to dodge, especially since when it uses its breath, it tends to move the laser and it can hit in unpredictable angles. Having Evade Window makes dodging these lasers less irritating.
Critical Boost More DPS, pretty much a staple in any affinity based build
Health Boost A near necessity to survive AT Namielle's attacks. (Not required if wielding a 4 piece Fatalis set.
Tool Specialist Ice Proof mantle is one of your best friends against AT Namielle and maintaining its uptime via Tool Specialist will greatly improve your survivability.
Agitator With the addition of the Clutch Claw, enraging monsters is one of the easiest tasks to do in the game. Agitator is pretty much a flat buff at this point and you're losing out on damage if you don't have it in your loadout.

Best Equipment

Dual Blades Sample Loadout

Fire Elemental Weapons AT Namielle's Weakness

Best Mantles To Use

Waterproof Mantle The ultimate use of Waterproof mantle isn't to reduce AT Namielle's water elemental attacks (but yes it can). It's real purpose is to improve your mobility whenever AT Namielle starts to spread water on the battlefield. It can also be used to cure Waterblight when you get afflicted.
Temporal Mantle The next best mantle to use against AT Namielle. Its duration can run out pretty quickly due to AT Vel's hard damage and multiple random attacks but it can still potentially save you from otherwise lethal attacks.
Evasion Mantle If you're confident in your dodging abilities, Evasion Mantle can be a huge asset for you. Not only does it improve your evasion invulnerability, it also increases your attack for every narrow dodges you make.
Vitality Mantle An extra layer of life can be what you just need to survive AT Namielle's new moves.


Armor Decorations
Head Dragonhead Beta + Sprinter/Expert Jewel 4 x3
Armor Dragonhide Alpha + Satiated/Evasion Jewel 4 x2
Shaver Jewel 3
Greaves Dragonclaws Beta + Flawless/Maintenance Jewel 4 x3
Waist Dragonbarbs Alpha + Challenger/Maintenance Jewel 4
Phoenix/Maintenance Jewel 4
Legs Garuga Greaves Beta + Tenderizer/Physique Jewel 4
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Critical Jewel 2
Charm Blaze Charm V none
Critical Eye 7 Fire Attack 5
Tool Specialist 5 Evade Window 5
Free Meal 3 Marathon Runner 3
Peak Performance 3 Weakness Exploit 3
Coalescence 1 Critical Boost 1
Agitator 1 Divine Blessing 1
Clutch Claw Boost

Best Items to Bring

Ancient Potion More healing
Max Potion More Healing
Mega Demondrug / Armorskin Increased Durability and Increased Damage for the whole duration of the fight.
Poison Smokebomb AT Namielle is extremely weak to poison. Two poison smokebombs is enough to poison it (single player) and it's a free damage so make sure to use it at the start of the fight.

Best Palico Loadout and Felyne Skills

Vigorwasp An extra life will always help. Be sure to swap this out with a different gadget like the Meowlotov or Coral Orchestra once its revive effect has been used.
Meowlotov Cocktail Additional free damage is always welcome against AT Namielle. The short time that's given to you can likely make the quest result in failure if you fail to keep the pressure on AT Namielle.
Felyne Insurance/Safeguard More lives are always welcome.
Felyne Moxie Unlike Fatalis, AT Namielle's attacks doesn't have DOTs. This makes Moxie an incredible skill to have as a single max potion can instantly refill your HP to full.
Felyne Specialist if you opt to use Blast (Namielle's 2nd weakness), the Felyne Specialist can make ailments proc easier.

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6 Bagatover 1 year

Yes very good But difficult fight

5 Bagatover 1 year


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