Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Event Quests (Low and High Rank)

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summer event quests

This is a list of all event quests from Monster Hunter World's (MHW) base game. Read on to see all the event quests available before embarking on the game's frosty expansion.

Current and Upcoming Event Quests (March 2021)

As of December 4, 2020, most Event Quests are now indefinitely available! The Safi'jiiva Siege as well as the Kulve Taroth Siege and The Eternal Gold Rush will, however, be rotated out every two weeks. Similarly, seasonal content such as Astera Fests and Seliana Fests are available every two weeks.

Event Quests - Iceborne

All of the Dates and Times are set to UTC±00:00.

Limited-Time Quests List

All Siege Quests are only available for two weeks. The Kulve Taroth Siege will only be available from March 29 to April 9.

Quest Name Target
★9 The Fury of El Dorado Arch-Tempered Kulve TarothArch-Tempered Kulve Taroth

Event Quests List

Quest Name Target
★9 The Heralds of Destruction Cry Arch-Tempered NergiganteArch-Tempered Nergigante
★9 Contract: Woodland Spirit Ancient LeshenAncient Leshen
★9 The Name's Lavasioth! LavasiothLavasioth
★9 The Greatest Jagras Great JagrasGreat Jagras
★6 Mosswinin' and Dinin' No Large Monster Target Available.
★9 When Blue Dust Surpasses Red Lust Arch-Tempered LunastraArch-Tempered Lunastra
★9 A Visitor from Eorzea (Extreme) BehemothBehemoth
★7 A Royal Pain RathianRathian
★3 Where Sun Meets Moon Tobi-KadachiTobi-Kadachi
★6 Midnight Mayhem No Large Monster Target Available.
★9 No Tomorrow for Usurpers BazelgeuseBazelgeuse
★9 The Deathly Quiet Curtain Arch-Tempered Vaal HazakArch-Tempered Vaal Hazak
★9 A Whisper of White Mane Arch-Tempered KirinArch-Tempered Kirin
★9 The Thronetaker NergiganteNergigante
★9 A Nose for an Eye AnjanathAnjanath
★7 USJ: Blazing Azure Stars! DodogamaDodogama
★3 USJ: Gold Star Treatment Great JagrasGreat Jagras
★8 Code: Red TeostraTeostra
★7 This is How Revolts Start DiablosDiablos
★1 Up at the Crack of Dawn No Large Monster Target Available.
★7 Effluvial Opera Great GirrosGreat Girros
★6 Scrapping With The Shamos No Large Monster Target Available.
★7 Rock N' Roll Recess Azure RathalosAzure Rathalos
★9 Relish the Moment DeviljhoDeviljho
★6 Egg Lovers United Kulu-Ya-KuKulu-Ya-Ku
★7 Rollin' With The Uragaan UragaanUragaan
★9 Undying Alpenglow Arch-Tempered Zorah MagdarosArch-Tempered Zorah Magdaros
★5 Every Hunter's Dream PaolumuPaolumu
★7 A Rush of Blood OdogaronOdogaron
★9 Snow and Cherry Blossoms Pink RathianPink Rathian
★7 Wildspire Bolero Kulu-Ya-KuKulu-Ya-Ku
★9 Like a Moth to the Flame Arch-Tempered XenoArch-Tempered Xeno'jiiva
★4 Timberland Troublemakers AnjanathAnjanath
★7 Kings Know No Fear RathalosRathalos
★8 SDF: Silent, Deadly, and Fierce DeviljhoDeviljho
★4 Ya-Ku With That? Kulu-Ya-KuKulu-Ya-Ku
★5 The Poison Posse Pukei-PukeiPukei-Pukei
★5 Wicked Wildspire Warfare BarrothBarroth
★7 Deep Green Blues Great JagrasGreat Jagras
★6 Gaze Upon the Dawn No Large Monster Target Available.
★4 Greeting the Gluttons Great JagrasGreat Jagras
★9 Tracking the Delivery No Large Monster Target Available.
★9 Keeper of the Otherworld XenoXeno'jiiva
★2 Chew the Fat Great JagrasGreat Jagras
★6 Triple Threat Throwdown Great JagrasGreat Jagras
★9 A Simple Task No Large Monster Target Available.
★6 A Flash in the Pan Tzitzi-Ya-KuTzitzi-Ya-Ku
★7 Coral Waltz Tzitzi-Ya-KuTzitzi-Ya-Ku
★5 Flesh Cleaved to Bone RadobaanRadobaan
★6 Wiggle Me This No Large Monster Target Available.
★9 The Eye of the Storm Arch-Tempered Kushala DaoraArch-Tempered Kushala Daora
★9 The Scorn of the Sun Arch-Tempered TeostraArch-Tempered Teostra
★5 Kirin the Myth KirinKirin

PS4 Event Quests List

These are events that are only available on the PS4.

Quest Name Target
★5 Lessons of the Wild No Large Monster Target Available.
★9 The Heart of the Nora DeviljhoDeviljho
★6 The Proving AnjanathAnjanath

Challenge Quests

Quest NameTarget
Down the Dark Muddy PathDown the Dark Muddy Path BarrothBarroth
Empress in Full Bloom IEmpress in Full Bloom I No Target Large Monster Available.
Empress in Full Bloom IIEmpress in Full Bloom II Pink RathianPink Rathian
Empress in Full Bloom IIIEmpress in Full Bloom III Pink RathianPink Rathian
The Awakened Satsui no Hado IThe Awakened Satsui no Hado I No Target Large Monster Available.
The Awakened Satsui no Hado IIThe Awakened Satsui no Hado II NergiganteNergigante
The Awakened Satsui no Hado IIIThe Awakened Satsui no Hado III NergiganteNergigante
Vespod Infestation!Vespod Infestation! No Target Large Monster Available.
Challenge Quest 2: BeginnerChallenge Quest 2: Beginner PaolumuPaolumu
Gajalaka Outbreak!Gajalaka Outbreak! No Target Large Monster Available.
Gale & Fangs Slay Event 1Gale & Fangs Slay Event 1 No Target Large Monster Available.
Gale & Fangs Slay Event 2Gale & Fangs Slay Event 2 No Target Large Monster Available.
Gale & Fangs Slay Event 3Gale & Fangs Slay Event 3 No Target Large Monster Available.
Deviljho Slay EventDeviljho Slay Event DeviljhoDeviljho
What Lurks in the ForestWhat Lurks in the Forest Great JagrasGreat Jagras
When Law Meets WarWhen Law Meets War BazelgeuseBazelgeuse
Challenge Quest 2: IntermediateChallenge Quest 2: Intermediate OdogaronOdogaron
Nergigante Slay Event 1Nergigante Slay Event 1 NergiganteNergigante
Nergigante Slay Event 2Nergigante Slay Event 2 NergiganteNergigante
Nergigante Slay Event 3Nergigante Slay Event 3 NergiganteNergigante
Nergigante Slay Event 4Nergigante Slay Event 4 NergiganteNergigante
The Best of the BestThe Best of the Best TeostraTeostra
Challenge Quest 2: ExpertChallenge Quest 2: Expert NergiganteNergigante
The Hunter and the Blue EmpressThe Hunter and the Blue Empress LunastraLunastra
Challenge Quest 1: ExpertChallenge Quest 1: Expert BazelgeuseBazelgeuse

Monster Hunter World (MHW) Related Guides

Assigned Quest Iceborne ENG.jpgAssigned Quests Optional Quests Iceborne ENG.jpgOptional Quests
Low/High Rank
Assigned Quests base game ENG.jpgAssigned Quests Optional QUests base game ENG.jpgOptional Quests
Event Quests
Iceborne EventsIceborne Events Low high rank eventsLow / High Rank Events
Other Quest Categories
Arch-Tempered Quests Collaboration Quests Gold Crown Quests
Arena Quests Challenge Quests Investigation Quests


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