Monster Hunter World (MHW)

How to Unlock All Quests (Low/High Rank)

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Trying to figure out how to unlock a specific quest in Monster Hunter World (MHW)? Learn how to unlock all the quests in low/high rank through this article!

How to Unlock Optional Quests

▼ Optional Quests ▼
★1 ★2 ★3
★4 ★5 ★6
★7 ★8 ★9

★1 Optional Quests

Quest (Rank Req.) Target Unlock Req.
Butting Heads With Nature
(No Condition)
No Large Monster Target Available. Complete the quest "A Kestodon Kerfuffle"
A Thicket of Thugs
(No Condition)
No Large Monster Target Available. Clear "Jagras of The Ancient Forest"
Fungal Flexin' In The Ancient Forest
(No Condition)
No Large Monster Target Available. Clear "Jagras of The Ancient Forest"
Learning the Clutch
(Solo only)
Great JagrasGreat Jagras Requires the Iceborne Expansion.

★2 Optional Quests

Quest (Rank Req.) Target Unlock Req.
The Great Glutton
(No Condition)
Great JagrasGreat Jagras Hunt a Great jagras.
Big Brained Bandit
Kulu-Ya-KuKulu-Ya-Ku Hunt a Kulu-Ya-Ku.
Camp Crasher
Kulu-Ya-KuKulu-Ya-Ku Clear "The Best Kind of Quest"
The Pain From Gains
No Large Monster Target Available. Clear "The Best Kind of Quest"
Exterminator Of The Waste
No Large Monster Target Available. Clear "The Best Kind of Quest"
Snatch the Snatcher
(HR 3 or higher)
Kulu-Ya-KuKulu-Ya-Ku Clear "The Great Glutton"

★3 Optional Quests

Quest (Rank Req.) Target Unlock Req.
Scatternut Shortage
Pukei-PukeiPukei-Pukei Clear the quest "Urgent: Pukei Pukei Hunt".
Flying Sparks: Tobi-Kadachi
Tobi-KadachiTobi-Kadachi Clear "Flying Sparks: Tobi Kadachi"
Mired In The Spire
BarrothBarroth The Best Kind of Quest
The Piscine Problem
JyuratodusJyuratodus Clear "Sinister Shadows In The Swamp"
Prickly Predicament
No Large Monster Target Available. Talk to the botanist after clearing the quest "Flying Sparks: Tobi Kadachi"
Gettin' Yolked In The Waste
No Large Monster Target Available. Clear "Flying Sparks: Tobi Kadachi"
Landing The Landslide Wyvern
BarrothBarroth Clear "The Best Kind of Quest"
Special Arena: Pukei-Pukei
Pukei-PukeiPukei-Pukei Appears after the Zorah Magdaros operation.
Special Arena: Barroth
BarrothBarroth Clear "Sinister Shadows In The Swamp"
Special Arena: Tobi-Kadachi
Tobi-KadachiTobi-Kadachi Clear the quesst "The Encroaching Anjanath" and capture a Tobi-Kadachi.
The Current Situation
(HR 4 or higher)
Tobi-KadachiTobi-Kadachi Gain access to 3 star rank quests

★4 Optional Quests

Quest (Rank Req.) Target Unlock Req.
One Helluva Sinus Infection
AnjanathAnjanath Clear the quesst "The Encroaching Anjanath".
Gettin' Yolked In The Forest
No Large Monster Target Available. Clear the quesst "The Encroaching Anjanath" then talk with the chef.
Royal Relocation
RathianRathian Talk to the botanist after the Zorah Magdaros Operation.
It's A Crying Shamos
No Large Monster Target Available. Discover a campsite in the Coral Highlands then talk with the chef.
A Tzitzi For Science
Tzitzi-Ya-KuTzitzi-Ya-Ku Discover a campsite in the Coral Highlands.
Sorry You're Not Invited
PaolumuPaolumu Clear the quest ”Ballooning Problems".
What A Bunch Of Abalone
No Large Monster Target Available. Talk to the chief after discovering a campsite in the Coral Highlands.
White Monster For A White Coat
PaolumuPaolumu Clear the assigned quest "Ballooning Problems" and optional quest "Landing the Landslide Wyvern".
Persistent Pests
No Large Monster Target Available. Clear the "Radobaan Roadblock" Assigned Quest.
A Rotten Thing To Do
Great GirrosGreat Girros Complete the quest "Radobaan Roadblock".
A Bone To Pick
RadobaanRadobaan Complete the quest "Radobaan Roadblock".
On Nightmare's Wings
No Large Monster Target Available. Complete the quest "Radobaan Roadblock" then talk to the armor shop attendant.
Special Arena: Anjanath
AnjanathAnjanath Complete the quest "The Encroaching Anjanath" and capture an Anjanath. Talk to the commander of the 3rd fleet after doing so.
Special Arena: Rathian
RathianRathian Complete the quest "The Encroaching Anjanath" and capture a Rathian.
Special Arena: Paolumu
PaolumuPaolumu Complete the quest "Ballooning Problems" and capture a Paulumu.
Special Arena: Radobaan
RadobaanRadobaan Discover a camp site in the Coral Highlands and capture a Radobaan.
Troubled Troupers
Tzitzi-Ya-KuTzitzi-Ya-Ku Speak to the Troupers in their camp after speaking to the Lynian Researcher in Coral HIghlands.

★5 Optional Quests

Quest (Rank Req.) Target Unlock Req.
When Desire Becomes An Obsession
RathalosRathalos Hunt a Rathalos.
Redefining The "Power Couple"
RathalosRathalos Talk to the armor shop attendant after reaching HR 10 or higher.
Twin Spires Upon The Sands
DiablosDiablos Complete the quest "Horned Tyrant Below The Sands"
A Humid Headache
LegianaLegiana Clear the assigned quest "Legiana: Embodiment of Elegance".
Gone In A Flash
KirinKirin Complete the optional quest "Man's Best Friend".
Scratching The Itch
OdogaronOdogaron Complete the quest "Into The Bowels of The Flame".
Man's Best Friend
OdogaronOdogaron Clear the assigned quest "Into the Bowels of the Vale" and optional quest "White Monster For A White Coat".
The Meat Of The Matter
No Large Monster Target Available. Complete the quest "Into The Bowels of The Flame" then talk to the chef.
Special Arena: Legiana
LegianaLegiana Complete the quest "The Embodiment of Legiana" and capture a Legiana.
Special Arena: Odogaron
OdogaronOdogaron Clear the assigned quests "Horned Tyrant Below The Sands" and "A Fiery Throne Atop The Forest" and capture an Odogaron.
Special Arena: Rathalos
RathalosRathalos Clear the assigned quests "Horned Tyrant Below The Sands" and "A Fiery Throne Atop The Forest" and capture a Rathalos.
Special Arena: Diablos
DiablosDiablos Clear the assigned quests "Horned Tyrant Below The Sands" and "A Fiery Throne Atop The Forest" and capture a Diablos.

★6 Optional Quests

Quest (Rank Req.) Target Unlock Req.
Left Quite The Impression
No Large Monster Target Available. Complete the quest "Invader In The Waste"
Hard To Swallow
Great JagrasGreat Jagras Hunt a high rank Pukei-Pukei and discover a high rank Great Jagras.
Google-eyed Green Monster
Pukei-PukeiPukei-Pukei Hunt a high rank Pukei-Pukei.
A Hair-Raising Experience
Tobi-KadachiTobi-Kadachi Hunt a high rank Pukei-Pukei and discover a high rank Tobi-Kadachi.
It Can't See You If You Don't Move
AnjanathAnjanath Clear the assigned quest "Tickled Pink".
The Sleeping Sylvan Queen
RathianRathian Hunt a high rank Pukei-Pukei and discover a high rank Rathian.
Stuck In Their Ways
Tobi-KadachiTobi-Kadachi Discover a high rank Tobi-Kadachi after clearing the assigned quest "Tickled Pink" and the delivery "A Master's Toast".
Keep Your Hands To Yourself!
Kulu-Ya-KuKulu-Ya-Ku Hunt a high rank Pukei-Pukei and discover a high rank Kulu-Ya-Ku.
A Crown Of Mud And Anger
BarrothBarroth Hunt a high rank Pukei-Pukei and a high rank barroth.
Pukei-Pukei Ambush
Pukei-PukeiPukei-Pukei Hunt a high rank Pukei-Pukei.
Up To Your Waist In The Waste
JyuratodusJyuratodus Hunt a high rank Pukei-Pukei and discover a high rank Jyuratodus.
Brown Desert, Green Queen
RathianRathian Hunt a high rank Pukei-Pukei and discover a high rank Rathian.
Trespassing Troublemaker
AnjanathAnjanath Complete the mission "Tickled Pink".
Say Cheese!
Tzitzi-Ya-KuTzitzi-Ya-Ku Discover and Hunt a high rank Pukei-Pukei.
Loop the Paolumu
PaolumuPaolumu Discover and Hunt a high rank Pukei-Pukei.
A Tingling Taste
Great GirrosGreat Girros Hunt a high rank Pukei-Pukei and discover a high rank Great Girros.
Stuck in a Rut
RadobaanRadobaan Hunt a high rank Pukei-Pukei and discover a high rank Radobaan.
Chef Quest! Pumped to Deliver
No Large Monster Target Available. After hunting a high rank Pukei-Pukei, talk with the chef.
Chef Quest! A Rotten Request
No Large Monster Target Available. Complete the assigned quest "Tickled Pink" and the optional quest "Chef Quest! Pumped to Deliver".
Special Arena: HR Pukei-Pukei
Pukei-PukeiPukei-Pukei Discover a high rank Pukei-Pukei and capture a high rank Pukei-Pukei.
Special Arena: HR Barroth
BarrothBarroth Discover a high rank Pukei-Pukei and capture a high rank Barroth.
Special Arena: HR Tobi-Kadachi
Tobi-KadachiTobi-Kadachi Complete the quest "Tickled Pink" and capture a Tobi-Kadachi.
Special Arena: HR Anjanath
AnjanathAnjanath Complete the quest "Tickled Pink" and capture a Anjanath.
Special Arena: HR Rathian
RathianRathian Complete the quest "Tickled Pink" and capture a Rathian.
Special Arena: HR Paolumu
PaolumuPaolumu Complete the quest "Tickled Pink" and capture a Paolumu.
Special Arena: HR Radobaan
RadobaanRadobaan Complete the quest "Tickled Pink" and capture a Radobaan.
Dodogama Drama
DodogamaDodogama After your first visit in Elder's Recess and after discovering a Dodogama.
A Scalding Scoop
No Large Monster Target Available. After your first visit in Elder's Recess.
A Meow for Help
No Large Monster Target Available. After your first visit in Elder's Recess.
Chef Quest! Gajalaka Lockdown
No Large Monster Target Available. Talk to the chef after completing the quest "Chef Quest! A Rotten Request".

★7 Optional Quests

Quest (Rank Req.) Target Unlock Req.
A Cherry Wind upon the Reefs
Pink RathianPink Rathian Complete the quest "Old World Monster In The New World"
Pretty in Pink
Pink RathianPink Rathian Complete the quest "Old World Monster In The New World"
A Fiery Convergence
LavasiothLavasioth Discover a Lavasioth and Uragaan in Elder's Recess. Speak to the Armory NPC in Astera to receive the quest.
Ruler of the Azure Skies
Azure RathalosAzure Rathalos Discover an Azure Rathalos.
Ore-eating Occupier
UragaanUragaan Discover Uragaan.
Lavasioth, Master of Magma
LavasiothLavasioth Discover Lavasioth.
Legiana: Highlands Royalty
LegianaLegiana Discover a high rank Legiana.
Well, That Diablos!
DiablosDiablos Discover a high rank Diablos.
Rathalos in Blue
Azure RathalosAzure Rathalos Discover an Azure Rathalos.
Rathalos Rematch
RathalosRathalos Discover a High Rank Rathalos.
The Red and Blue Crew
RathalosRathalos After discovering a high rank Rathalos and Rathian, talk to the armor shop attendant.
Two-horned Hostility
Black DiablosBlack Diablos Discover a Black Diablos.
RRRRRumble in the Waste!
DiablosDiablos Clear the quest "A Sore Site" then talk to the 3rd commander after discovering a Black Diablos.
A Sore Site
OdogaronOdogaron Discover a High Rank Odogaron. Speak to the airship engineer at the Research Base after completing the delivery request "A Fire-Spewing Brew" to receive the quest.
Talons of Ire and Ice
OdogaronOdogaron Discover a High Rank Legiana and Odogaron.
Odogaron Unleashed
OdogaronOdogaron Discover a high rank Odogaron after the first visit in the Elder's Recess.
Bazelgeuse In The Field Of Fire
BazelgeuseBazelgeuse Complete the quest "Man's Best Friend"
Special Arena: HR Pink Rathian
Pink RathianPink Rathian Complete the quest "Old World Monster In The New World" and capture a high rank Pink Rathian.
Special Arena: HR Legiana
LegianaLegiana Complete the quest "A Wound and a Thirst" and capture a high rank Legiana.
Special Arena: HR Odogaron
OdogaronOdogaron Complete the quest "A Wound and a Thirst" and capture a high rank Odogaron.
Special Arena: HR Azure Rathalos
Azure RathalosAzure Rathalos Complete the quest "A Wound and a Thirst" and capture an Azure Rathalos.
Special Arena: HR Diablos
DiablosDiablos Complete the quest "A Wound and a Thirst" and capture a High Rank Diablos.
Special Arena: HR Black Diablos
Black DiablosBlack Diablos Complete the quest "A Wound and a Thirst" and capture a Black Diablos.
Special Arena: HR Uragaan
UragaanUragaan Complete the quest "A Wound and a Thirst" and capture a high rank Uragaan.
Special Arena: HR Rathalos
RathalosRathalos Complete the quest "A Wound and a Thirst" and capture a high rank Rathalos.
Today's Special: Hunter Flambe
DeviljhoDeviljho Complete the assigned quest "Old World Monster In The New World". Speak to the Jovial Scholar in Astera after collecting enough ??? Tracks (Deviljho).

★8 Optional Quests

Quest (Rank Req.) Target Unlock Req.
The Eater of Elders
NergiganteNergigante Complete the quest "A Wound and a Thirst"
Lightning Strikes Twice
KirinKirin Clear the assigned quest "A Wound and a Thirst". Speak to the Chief Ecologist after collecting enough ??? Tracks (Kirin) in Coral Highlands.
Master of the Gale
Kushala DaoraKushala Daora Complete the quest "Kushala Daora, Dragon of Steel"
Stirrings From The Grave
Vaal HazakVaal Hazak Complete the quest 'Hellish Fiend Vaal Hazak"
The Winds of Wrath Bite Deep
Kushala DaoraKushala Daora Complete the quest "Teostra the Infernal"
The Fires of Hell Bite Deep
TeostraTeostra Complete the quest "Teostra the Infernal"
A Portent of Disaster
Kushala DaoraKushala Daora Reach the maximum research level of 10 or more monsters. Speak to the Smithy Vendor in the Research Base after clearing the "Kushala Daora, Dragon of Steel" assigned quest.
Hellfire's Stronghold
TeostraTeostra Complete the quest "Teostra the Infernal"
A Blaze in the Sand
TeostraTeostra Reach the maximum research level of 15 or more monsters. Speak to the Smithy Vendor in the Research Base after clearing the "Teostra The Infernal" assigned quest.
Infernal Monarchy
LunastraLunastra Complete the quest "No Remorse, No Surrender".
Blue Prominence
LunastraLunastra Complete the quest "No Remorse, No Surrender".

★9 Optional Quests

Quest (Rank Req.) Target Unlock Req.
Beyond the Blasting Scales
BazelgeuseBazelgeuse Reach HR 29.
Thunderous Rumbles in the Highlands
KirinKirin Reach HR 49.
A Light Upon the River's Gloom
XenoXeno'jiiva Randomly appears after discovering the "Confluence of Fates" location.
The White Winds of the New World
OdogaronOdogaron Complete all quests available during this time then talk to the commander.
The Sapphire Star's Guidance
Kushala DaoraKushala Daora After reaching 100HR, talk with the commander.
Showdown: the Muck and the Maul
RadobaanRadobaan Hunt five or more tempered monsters with threat level one. Speak to the Armory NPC to receive the quest.
A Summons from Below
OdogaronOdogaron Clear three or more tempered hunts with at least threat level three. Speak to the Armory NPC in Astera to receive the quest.
New World Sky, New World Flower
Pink RathianPink Rathian Hunt seven or more tempered monsters with threat level two. Speak to the Armory NPC in Astera to receive the quest.
A Visitor From Eorzea
BehemothBehemoth Complete the quest "He Taketh It With His eyes".

How to Unlock Assigned Quests

▼ Assigned Quests ▼
★1 ★2 ★3
★4 ★5 ★6
★7 ★8 ★9

★1 Assigned Quests

Quest (Rank Req.) Target Unlock Req.
Jagras of The Ancient Forest
(No Condition)
No Large Monster Target Available. Available from the start.

★2 Assigned Quests

Quest (Rank Req.) Target Unlock Req.
A Kestodon Kerfuffle
(No Condition)
No Large Monster Target Available. Clear "Jagras of The Ancient Forest"
The Great Jagras Hunt
(No Condition)
Great JagrasGreat Jagras Clear "A Kestodon Kerfuffle"
Bird-Brained Bandit
Kulu-Ya-KuKulu-Ya-Ku Clear "The Great Jagras Hunt"

★3 Assigned Quests

Quest (Rank Req.) Target Unlock Req.
Urgent: Pukei Pukei Hunt
Pukei-PukeiPukei-Pukei Clear "Bird-Brained Bandit"
The Best Kind of Quest
BarrothBarroth Clear "Urgent: Pukei Pukei Hunt"
Sinister Shadows In The Swamp
JyuratodusJyuratodus Clear "The Best Kind of Quest"
Flying Sparks: Tobi Kadachi
Tobi-KadachiTobi-Kadachi Clear "Sinister Shadows In The Swamp"

★4 Assigned Quests

Quest (Rank Req.) Target Unlock Req.
The Encroaching Anjanath
AnjanathAnjanath Clear "Flying Sparks: Tobi Kadachi"
One For The History Books
No Large Monster Target Available. Clear "The Encroaching Anjanath"
Ballooning Problems
PaolumuPaolumu Clear the "One For The History Books" Assigned Quest.
Radobaan Roadblock
RadobaanRadobaan Clear the quest "Ballooning Problems".

★5 Assigned Quests

Quest (Rank Req.) Target Unlock Req.
The Embodiment of Legiana
LegianaLegiana Discover a Great Girros and hunt a Radobaan.
Into The Bowels of The Vale
OdogaronOdogaron Clear the quest "The Embodiment of Legiana".
A Fiery Throne Atop The Forest
RathalosRathalos Clear the assigned quest "Into the Bowels of the Vale".
Horned Tyrant Below The Sands
DiablosDiablos Clear the assigned quest "Into the Bowels of the Vale".

★6 Assigned Quests

Quest (Rank Req.) Target Unlock Req.
A Colossal Task
No Large Monster Target Available. Clear the assigned quests "Horned Tyrant Below The Sands" and "A Fiery Throne Atop The Forest".
Invader In The Waste
Pukei-PukeiPukei-Pukei Clear the assigned quest "A Colossal Task".
Tickled Pink
AnjanathAnjanath Complete the assigned quest "Invader of the Waste".

★7 Assigned Quests

Quest (Rank Req.) Target Unlock Req.
Old World Monster In The New World
Pink RathianPink Rathian Clear the assigned quest "Tickled Pink" and collect enough ??? Tracks (Pink Rathian).

★8 Assigned Quests

Quest (Rank Req.) Target Unlock Req.
A Wound and a Thirst
NergiganteNergigante Speak to the Chief Ecologist in Astera after collecting enough Nergigante tracks in Elder's Recess.
Kushala Daora, Dragon of Steel
Kushala DaoraKushala Daora Clear the assigned quest "A Wound and a Thirst". Speak to the Chief Ecologist after collecting enough ??? Tracks (Kushala Daora) in Ancient Forest.
Teostra the Infernal
TeostraTeostra Clear the assigned quest "A Wound and a Thirst". Speak to the Chief Ecologist after collecting enough ??? Tracks (Teostra) in Wildspire Waste.
Hellish Fiend Vaal Hazak
Vaal HazakVaal Hazak Clear the assigned quest "A Wound and a Thirst". Speak to the Chief Ecologist after collecting enough ??? Tracks (Vaal Hazak) in Rotten Vale.

★9 Assigned Quests

Quest (Rank Req.) Target Unlock Req.
Land of Convergence
XenoXeno'jiiva Complete the quests, "Kushala Daora, Dragon of Steel", "Teostra the Infernal", "Hellish Fiend Vaal Hazak".

How to Unlock Special Quests

Quest (Rank Req.) Target Unlock Req.
The Food Chain Dominator
DeviljhoDeviljho Complete the assigned quest "Old World Monster In The New World". Speak to the Jovial Scholar in Astera after collecting enough ??? Tracks (Deviljho).
The Blazing Sun
TeostraTeostra Speak to The Huntsman once you reach HR16 or higher. Those who already acquired the Iceborne DLC without finishing the base game's story first may not have access to this quest.
Pandora's Arena
LunastraLunastra Complete the quest "The Blazing Sun".
No Remorse, No Surrender
LunastraLunastra Complete the quest "Pandora's Arena"
A Visitor from Another World
Kulu-Ya-KuKulu-Ya-Ku Speak to the Serious Handler in Astera once she has a blue exclamation point above her.
The Legendary Beast
BehemothBehemoth Return to Astera after clearing the special assignment "A Visitor From Another World".
He Taketh It With His Eyes
BehemothBehemoth Return to Astera after clearing the special assignment "The Legendary Beast".
Contract: Trouble in the Ancient Forest
LeshenLeshen Finish the Base Game's story. Speak to the Felynes near Astera's Tradeyard to receive the Special Assignment chain.

How to Unlock Investigations

Large Monster Investigations

large monster investigation.png

You can easily accumulate lots of Large Monster Investigations through the following: collecting their tracks, breaking parts, and by either slaying or capturing them.

It should be noted that Large Monsters in Low Rank locales will only be Low Rank Monsters as well, and will therefore produce Low Rank Investigations. The same goes for High Rank monsters.

Elder Dragon Investigations

elder dragon investigation.png

Elder Dragon Investigations are different from Large Monster Investigations in that it is necessary to complete a quest wherein they are a target. After that, you will start getting Investigations from collecting tracks, breaking parts, and slaying them.

Another thing about getting Elder Dragon Investigations is that it can be random. For example, you are following Kirin's footprints. You pick one up and you get an Investigation. Rather than getting a Kirin Investigation, it is possible that you get a Nergigante Investigation instead.

Small Monster Investigations

small monster investigation.png
Small Monsters, unlike Large Monsters, do not have tracks you can pick up. To get investigations for Small Monsters, simply hunt some down until the Investigation added! notification pops up.

Take note that, like Large Monsters, your locale's current rank will also generate Investigations of the same rank.

Monster Hunter World (MHW) Related Guides

List of Quests and Quest Types

Quests Banner New.png

Quest Types

All Quests by Type

Assigned Quest Iceborne ENG.jpgAssigned Quests Optional Quests Iceborne ENG.jpgOptional Quests
Low/High Rank
Assigned Quests base game ENG.jpgAssigned Quests Optional QUests base game ENG.jpgOptional Quests
Event Quests
Iceborne EventsIceborne Events Low high rank eventsLow / High Rank Events
Other Quest Categories
Arch-Tempered Quests Collaboration Quests Gold Crown Quests
Arena Quests Challenge Quests Investigation Quests
How to Unlock All Quests
Low/High Rank Master Rank


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