Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Monster Strategy Guides and List of All Monsters (Base Game)

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Monster Hunter World Monsters.png

This is a list of all Monsters in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Here we list all monsters by type, ranging from Large Monsters, their Tempered and Colored Variants, as well as Small Monsters. Read on to know more about the game's monsters!

Iceborne Monsters

This page includes information on all monsters in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Take note that these monsters are only those which are available in the Base Game, excluding those in the Iceborne Expansion. If you're looking for a list of monsters from the Iceborne Expanion, see the link below.

Iceborne Monster List

List of All Monsters and Strategy Guides

Large Monsters

Large Monsters are Monsters that presents a certain challenge to conquer. They are the main attraction of the game and learning how to best these mighty foes is the mark of a true hunter.

Anjanath IconAnjanath Barroth IconBarroth Bazelgeuse IconBazelgeuse Behemoth IconBehemoth
Deviljho IconDeviljho Diablos IconDiablos Dodogama IconDodogama Great Girros IconGreat Girros
Great Jagras IconGreat Jagras Jyuratodus IconJyuratodus Kirin IconKirin Kulu-Ya-Ku IconKulu-Ya-Ku
Kulve Taroth IconKulve Taroth Kushala Daora IconKushala Daora Lavasioth IconLavasioth Legiana IconLegiana
Leshen IconLeshen Lunastra IconLunastra Nergigante IconNergigante Odogaron IconOdogaron
Paolumu IconPaolumu Pukei-Pukei IconPukei-Pukei Radobaan IconRadobaan Rathalos IconRathalos
Rathian IconRathian Teostra IconTeostra Tobi-Kadachi IconTobi-Kadachi Tzitzi-Ya-Ku IconTzitzi-Ya-Ku
Uragaan IconUragaan Vaal Hazak IconVaal Hazak XenoXeno'jiiva Zorah Magdaros IconZorah Magdaros

Subpecies and Variants

These monsters works the same way as tempered monsters. They are stronger, more aggressive, and some even have new effects on their moves. The difference is they offer a different set of loots for the players which can be used to craft different set of armour.

Ancient Leshen IconAncient Leshen Azure Rathalos IconAzure Rathalos Black Diablos IconBlack Diablos Pink Rathian IconPink Rathian

What are Tempered Monsters?

These monsters are stronger version of the usual forms. They sport higher damage than their normal counterparts and higher stats as well. This however, is accompanied with greater rewards for defeating them. Team up with others to beat them or fight them solo to prove your worth!

Arch Tempered Monsters

These monsters are the pinnacle form of their base form. They deal massive damage even when compared to their tempered counterparts. Defeating them rewards you with tickets that can allow you to craft a completely new set of armor from that category.

Arch-Tempered Great Jagras IconArch-Tempered Great Jagras Arch-Tempered Kirin IconArch-Tempered Kirin Arch-Tempered Kulve Taroth IconArch-Tempered Kulve Taroth Arch-Tempered Kushala Daora IconArch-Tempered Kushala Daora
Arch-Tempered Lunastra IconArch-Tempered Lunastra Arch-Tempered Nergigante IconArch-Tempered Nergigante Arch-Tempered Teostra IconArch-Tempered Teostra Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak IconArch-Tempered Vaal Hazak
Arch-Tempered XenoArch-Tempered Xeno'jiiva Arch-Tempered Zorah Magdaros IconArch-Tempered Zorah Magdaros

Small Monsters

These monsters are sources of materials that can be used for crafting low end gears. They are also fought by new hunters in lower ranked missions for the hunters to get accustomed to battle.

Small Monsters (Base Game)
`title` IconApceros `title` IconAptonoth `title` IconBarnos `title` IconGajau
`title` IconGastodon `title` IconGirros `title` IconHornetaur `title` IconJagras
`title` IconKelbi `title` IconKestodon `title` IconMernos `title` IconMosswine
`title` IconNoios `title` IconRaphinos `title` IconShamos `title` IconVespoid

Monster Hunter World (MHW) Related Guides

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Equipment & Skills
Weapons.pngWeapons Armor.pngArmor Layered Armor.pngLayered Armor Mantles Icon.pngMantles
Skills.pngSkills Set Bonuses.pngSet Bonuses Food Skills.pngFood Skills Charms.pngCharms
Decorations.pngDecorations Palico Equipment.pngPalico Equipment Pendants.pngPendants Best Armor.pngBest Builds
Monsters & Materials
Monsters.pngMonsters Quests.pngQuests Collab Quests.pngCollabs Materials.pngMaterials
Assigned Quests.pngAssigned Quests Optional Quests.pngOptional Quests Events.pngEvent Quests Maps Icon (Main Links).pngMaps
Beginner Guides.pngBeginner Guides Guiding Lands Icon.pngGuiding Lands Updates.pngUpdates Characters Icon.pngCharacters
Furniture.pngFurnitures Iceborne GuidesIceborne Guides tierlistTier Lists Discussion Board.pngMessage Boards


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