Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Safi'jiiva Weakness and Strategy Guide

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Learn how to beat Safi'jiiva in the Iceborne expansion for Monster Hunter World (MHW)! This guide explains everything about Safi'jiiva's weakness, carves, rewards, and a complete strategy guide for beating and capturing it. Find out what parts are breakable and severable, and what drops and Monster materials are available.

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How to Unlock Safi'Jiva

Safi'Jiva Unlock Conditions

Complete the Main Story of MHW: Iceborne
Complete the Special Assignment:
Sterling Pride
Complete the Special Assignment:
Across the Lost Path
Complete the Recon Mission:
Point of No Return

The siege for Safi'Jiva is unlocked after completing the Recon Mission, Point of No Return. Players will not be able to kill Safi'Jiva in the recon mission, but it acts as a tutorial for the siege.

Safi'jiiva Weakness Overview

Safi'jiiva Characteristics

Monster Hunter World Safi
Roar Wind Tremor Blight Status
Big High Small Fire None
Breakable Parts
Head, Wings, Forelegs

Locations and Areas Visited

You can only encounter Safi'jiiva at a unique place: the Secluded Valley.

Weakness, Body Parts, Extracts

Safi'jiiva has no elemental weaknesses. Poison, Blast, and Elderseal are effective against it.

No body part information is currently known for this Monster. Check back for more details as we continue to investigate!

Vulnerability to Status Effects and Items

Poison ★★★ Flash ★★
Paral ★★ Shock
Sleep ★★ Pitfall
Stun ★★ Ivy ★★
Blast ★★★ Dung
Exhaust ? Meat
Mount ★★ Screamer

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How to Beat Safi'jiiva

Hunting Parties

How to Beat - Safi
It is recommended that you fight Safi'Jiiva with multiple hunting parties and divide which part each party will try to destroy for more siege points.

Hidding Behind Crags

How to Beat - Safi
Sapphire of the Emperor is one of the most powerful attacks in the game. It can only be encountered when fighting against Safi'Jiiva during the siege. To avoid fainting from this attack. Be sure to hide behind the crags Safi'Jiiva will provide before executing the Sapphire of the Emperor

Sapphire of the Emperor

The crags will be destroyed after Safi'Jiiva uses the Sapphire of the Emperor in the final zone. You must attack Safi'Jiiva constantly to make him struggle and create bew crags which you can use to hide for the next Sapphire of the Emperor.

Reasons You Don't Get Crags
・Lack of damage dealt to Safi'Jiiva
・Failure to get Safi'Jiiva's Ire
・Safi'Jiiva was not able to do his attack to produce more crags
There is a small chance that you can stop Safi'Jiiva from executing the Saphire of the Emperor by using a Flash Pod if timed correctly.

Depleting Energy on 3 Areas

How to Beat - Safi
In order to defeat Safi'Jiiva, you will need to deplete all of the energy present in each area by attacking Safi'Jiiva himself. Once you deplete all of the energy in the area, a notification will appear on the screen telling you that Safi'Jiiva will move on to the next area.

Environment Damage

There are two droppable rocks in the first area during the siege. You can use these two rocks to deal massive damage to Safi'Jiiva to immediately deplete all the energy in the first area.

Safi'Jiiva's Ire

Stay defensive and try to survive for as long as you can when you are being targeted by Safi'Jiiva. If you want to get Safi'Jiiva's Ire, it is recommended that you use gun lance or lance so your team will have more time attack.

Using Elderseal Weapons

Elderseal weapons drains more energy than other status effect weapons. It is suggested that you use Elderseal in the 2nd and 3rd area where it is a lot more difficult to deplete the energy.

Abusing Your Clutch Claws

How to Beat - Safi
Safi'Jiiva will constantly regenerate his wounds when draining energy from the area. This can lower your damage output and give you a harder time during the fight. Try to use your Clutch Claws to soften up the parts you want to break off or to create new wounds to deal more damage.

Use Dust of Life When Someone is Grabbed

How to Beat - Safi
Safi'Jiiva will shoot fire while someone is grabbed, this will deal massive damage and will apply burning to the grabbed hunter. Be sure to prepare Dust of Life as soon as the hunter escapes to prevent him/her from dying.

Checking for Critical State

Safi'Jiiva slightly glows when you reach the critical state. Here Safi'Jiiva will be softer but will deal more damage than the usual.

Poison and Blast Attributes

How to Beat - Safi
Bringing a Poison weapon or a Poison Smoke Bomb can be helpful during the siege since you can easily inflict a Poison status to Safi'Jiiva. The Poison status can deal up to 2000 damage to Safi'Jiiva if it is applied for 1 minute. You can also further enhance the damage of your poison by using the Pink Rathian Armor Set.

Safi'jiiva Attack Patterns

Attack Description
Saphire of the Emperor Safi'Jiiva will rise up in the air and fires a destructive laser downward destroying everything in the area.
Grab Attack Safi'Jiiva grabs a hunter using its mouth then fires a laser directly on the grabbed hunter.
Front Laser Fires a straight laser directly where Safi'Jiiva is facing.
Wide Laser Fires a laser that slowly moves from side to side.
Quick Laser Attack Fires a fast moving laser attack.
Front Leg Explosion A delayed explosion around his front legs.
Ground Explosion An explosion after Safi'Jiiva fires a laser on the ground.
Body Slam An attack using Safi'Jiiva's body.
Charge A forward rush attack.
Front Leg Slam Slams the ground with his front legs.
Hind Leg Swipe Swipe attack with his hind legs
Tail Attack Swings his tail around the area.
Energy Absoption Absorbs nearby energy to heal wounds.

Safi'jiiva Carves and Rewards

Carvings and Hunt Rewards

Obtain Rate (%)
MR Safi'jiiva Lash / Tail
Zionium Crystal / Body, Tail (Low)
Safi'jiiva Hardclaw / -
Safi'jiiva Fellwing / -
Safi'jiiva Shard / -
Safi'jiiva Cortex / -
Pulsing Dragonshell / -

Rewards for Each Body Part

Obtain Rate (%)
MR Safi'jiiva Fellwing / Wings
Safi'jiiva Shard / Wings
Safi'jiiva Hardhorn / One Horn, Both Horns
Safi'jiiva Cortex / Legs, Back
Pulsing Dragonshell / Horn, Back
Safi'jiiva Hardclaw / Forelegs
Zionium Crystal / Both Horns

Quest Clear & Investigation Rewards

Obtain Rate (%)
Phantomcore Ore /
Heavy Armor Sphere /
Zionium Crystal /
Safi'jiiva Lash /
Safi'jiiva Fellwing /
Safi'jiiva Hardclaw /
Safi'jiiva Hardhorn /
Safi'jiiva Cortex /
Safi'jiiva Shard /
Large Dracolite /

Quests Where Safi'jiiva Appears

Type Quest Name
Special Assignment M★6 - Point of No Return
Event M★6 - The Red Dragon

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