Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Best Endgame Builds and Weapon Progression Builds | Iceborne Fatalis Builds

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This is a list of all Endgame Metabuilds and all Iceborne Progression Builds for Monster Hunterworld (MHW). Read on to see the best builds for early, mid-late, and until the post-game!

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Best Endgame Build List For Melee Weapons

LongSword Progression and Endgame Builds

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The Longsword is a light weapon with a massive reach. If used perfectly, it is capable of dealing massive amount of damage to any enemies with its several hard hitting moves. Since its a weapon with wide range, make sure to avoid swinging it wildly else you might flinch your allies.

Best Builds for Long Sword

Greatsword Progression and Endgame Builds

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The Greatsword is the weapon of choice if you wish to see the highest numbers possible when attacking monsters. They are heavy and thus, limits movement when drawn but its sheer destructive power and guarding capabilities more than makes up for it. Learn about iceborne progression and endgame builds for Greatswords here!

Best Builds for Great Swords

Sword and Shield Progression and Endgame Builds

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The Sword and Shield is one of the most versatile weapon in the game. It sports defensive abilities via shielding, supporting abilities due to its ability to use items while sheathed, high mobility, and rapid attacks. See our builds below to fully maximize the Sword and Shield's potential!Best Builds for Sword and Shield

Dual Blades Progression and Endgame Builds

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What the Dualblades lack in reach and defensive abilities, it makes up for with extreme mobility and high DPS via multi hits. While the Dual Blades can be built via raw damage in mind, its true value lies in its ability to maximize damage through elemental values. Learn about the Dual blades' progression and endgame builds here!

Best Builds for Dual Blades

Hammer Progression and Endgame Builds


This huge blunt weapon is as deadly (if not, deadlier) than its bladed close ranged brothers. The hammer is capable of unleashing heavy blunt strikes against enemies which can stun enemies and provide opening for your allies. That doesn't mean its a multiplayer only weapon. The Hammer is capable of dealing huge damage on its own that the hammer became a huge fan favorite among old and new hunters alike!
Best Builds for Hammers

Hunting Horn Progression and Endgame Builds

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The Hunting Horn, often dubbed as the doot doot, is not a weapon to be looked down on. It's capable of heavy attacks that can stun monsters while also having the ability to play melodies that can buff your allies or deal damage to monsters.

Best Builds for Hunting Horn

Lance Progression and Endgame Builds


The tankiest pointy boy of them all. The lance is accompanied with it's humongous shield that is capable of tanking the heaviest monster hits. If you're looking for other hunters that can take a hit, look no further than lance users!

Best Builds for Lance

Gunlance Progression and Endgame Builds


The Gunlance and it's mighty shelling separates itself from the defensive Lance playstyle. While it still revolves around blocking enemy attacks, it is capable of launching high firepower attacks and the Wyvern Stake Blast which can further increase your shelling's damage. The Gunlance is the weapon of choice if you wish to deal damage while tanking.
Best Builds for Gunlance

Switch Axe Progression and Endgame Builds

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Is it an Axe? Is it a sword? The Switch Axe is capable of switching forms in the heat of combat. The axe form serves you with its several combo attacks while it charges the weapon. After gaining enough charges, it can switch to its swordform to unleash devastating attacks and elemental discharges.

Best Builds for Switch Axe

Chargeblade Progression and Endgame Builds

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The Chargeblade is another weapons that is capable of switch forms in battle. It's capable of using Phials to unleash strong attacks on monsters! If you prefer a versatile weapon that can dish out massive damage and block attacks too, give the Chargeblade a try!

Best Builds for Charge Blade

Insect Glaive Progression and Endgame Builds

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The Insect Glaive is capable of aerial attacks which makes airborne monsters their prey. Their jump attacks can also easily mount monsters making them extremely handy in hunting groups. Furthermore, their kinsects can provide various effects that can strengthen the user so knowing your enemies is key when playing the Insect Glaive
Best Builds for Insect Glaive

Best Endgame Build List for Ranged Weapons

Bow Progression and Endgame Builds

The Bow is the most mobile ranged weapon in the game. They sport the ability to charge shots while dodging so monster patterns is the game for these hunters. As a ranged weapon, they are capable of hitting the enemy's weakspots with ease, combine this with their hyper mobility and the Bow becomes one of the deadliest in the game.

Best Builds for Bow

Light Bowgun

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Providing support? Launching Elemental bullets? Rapidfiring? All of them can be done with the Light bowgun! While it lacks damage compared to its heavier counterpart, the Light Bowgun's mobility and versatility allows it to be one of the best weapons at the hands of an experienced hunter.
Best Builds for Light Bowgun

Heavy Bowgun

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Damage and tanking is the game for the Heavy Bowgun. Capable of launching heavy shots that can obliterate even the mightiest monsters. They are weapon of choice for hunters wanting to deal heavy damage from afar.

Best Builds for Heavy Bowgun

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