Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Rathalos Weakness and Strategy Guide

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Learn how to beat Rathalos in the game Monster Hunter World (MHW)! This guide explains everything about Rathalos's weakness, carves, rewards, and a complete strategy guide for beating and capturing it. Find out what parts are breakable and severable, and what drops and Monster materials are available.

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1 | | β | ⍺+ | β

Rathalos Weakness, Body Parts, and Resistances

Rathalos Characteristics

Monster Hunter World Rathalos
Roar Wind Tremor Blight Status
Big High None Fire Poison
Breakable Parts
Head, Back, Left Wing, Right Wing, Tail

Locations and Areas Visited

Map Starting Area Visited Areas Rest Spot
Ancient Forest ImageAncient Forest 16 1 / 5 / 8 / 14 / 16 16
ElderElder's Recess Coming soon! 3 / 4 / 9 4

*The starting location may change depending on the Quest.

Weakness, Body Parts, Extracts


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
60 65 50 0 Red
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
15 20 15 30


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
35 37 30 0 Red
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
5 10 5 20


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
25 25 20 0 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
5 10 5 20


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
25 25 20 0 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
5 10 5 20


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
20 21 19 0 White
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
10 15 10 25


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
35 35 30 0 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
0 5 0 15


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
45 40 35 0 Green
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
5 10 5 10

Higher values indicate higher damage.

Vulnerability to Status Effects and Items

Poison Flash ★★
Paral ★★ Shock ★★
Sleep ★★ Pitfall ★★
Stun ★★ Ivy ★★
Blast Dung ★★
Exhaust Meat
Mount ★★ Screamer

All Monster Guides

Countermeasures against Rathalos

Recommended Weapon Element and Armor Skills

Recommended Weapon Element
Dragon Weapon Rathalos is weakest against dragon.
Recommended Armor Skills
Fire Resistance Rathalos has a lot of fire attacks, so negating some the fire damage with Fire Resistance will be helpful.
Poison Resistance If you do not want to bother with Antidotes or Herbal Medicine, you can get Poison Resistance to Lvl 3 to completely prevent poison.
Earplugs Rathalos has a big roar, so getting Earplugs to Lvl 5 would be immensely helpful.
Stun Resistance If you find yourself getting stunned a lot and dying as a result, it might be worth it to put Stun Resistance into your build.
Clutch Claw Boost The sooner you break his wings, the better! Keep them tender.
Partbreaker You can also invest in Partbreaker to help you break his wings faster.
Windproof Rathalos can give you major wind pressure; Windproof at Lvl 5 fully negates it.

How to Beat Rathalos

Fight Near the Feet

How to Beat - Rathalos 1.png
Staying near the feet will force Rathalos to constantly attack using the claws from its feet and then lowers his head after. This can allow you to attack and break its head.

Aim for the Head

Rathalos' head can easily break if you deal enough damage to it. Try to focus on this part whenever you can reach it. Also, attacking Rathalos' head continuously can stun him for a short duration. This can be abused if you are using a weapon like the Hammer or the Charge Axe.

Flash Pods

Using Flash Pods against Rathalos when he is flying has a chance to bring him down and stun him for a few seconds. Always bring a Flash Pod handy since it can be difficult to fight when Rathalos is airborne.

Flashing After the Roar

Rathalos will always perform a short roar before doing the jump back flame attack. This has a small window where you can drop Rathalos into the ground by using a Flash Pod while he is jumping back.

Enraged Flame Breath

How to Beat - Rathalos 2.png
When Rathalos is enraged, the damage of the fireball after he jumps back can be extremely dangerous, especially if you do not have a high fire resistance. Try to stay away from Rathalos and patiently wait for an opportunity to attack when he is enraged.

As for the roar, you can try wearing gear with Earplugs to prevent getting disabled before Rathalos shoots the fireball.

Destroying the Wings

Attacking the wings as an alternative can also be a good idea. If you manage to destroy Rathalos' wings, this will stop him from flying and performing airborne attacks which can be helpful later in the fight.

Rathalos Attack Patterns

Attack Attack Power Guardable Exhaustion
Back Jump Flame Breath 80 70
Flame Breath 70 55
Enhanced Flame Breath 50 30
Claw Attack 55 40
Glide Attack 45 30
Continuous Kick 55 30
Flying Kick 75 55
Tail Sweep Attack 35 30

Rathalos Carves and Rewards

Carvings and Hunt Rewards

Obtain Rate (%)
LR Rathalos Tail / Tail 70
Rathalos Plate / Body 5, Tail 3
Rathalos Shell / Body 26
Rathalos Scale / Body 20, Tail 35
Rathalos Webbing / Body 20
Rathalos Marrow / Body 14, Tail 7
HR Rathalos Tail / Tail 66
Rathalos Plate / Body 7, Tail 3
Rathalos Scale+ / Body 34, Tail 20
Rathalos Carapace / Body 24
Rathalos Wing / Body 20
Rathalos Medulla / Body 14, Tail 7
Rathalos Ruby / Body 1, Tail 2
MR Rathalos Lash / Tail 66
Rathalos Ruby / Body 7, Tail 5
Rathalos Shard / Body 34, Tail 20
Rathalos Cortex / Body 24
Rathalos Fellwing / Body 20
Rathalos Medulla / Body 14, Tail 7
Rathalos Mantle / Body 1, Tail 3

Rewards for Each Body Part

Obtain Rate (%)
LR Rathalos Webbing / Wing 65
Rath Wingtalon / Wing 35
Rathalos Scale / Head 66
Rathalos Plate / Head 4, Back 1
Rathalos Marrow / Back 30
HR Rathalos Scale+ / Head 65
Rathalos Plate / Head 4
Rathalos Carapace / Head 30, Back 69
Rathalos Ruby / Head 1, Back 1
Rathalos Wing / Both Wings 65
Rath Wingtalon / Both Wings 35
Rathalos Medulla / Back 30
MR Rathalos Fellwing / Wings 65
Rath Wingtalon+ / Wings 35
Rathalos Medulla / Torso 30
Rathalos Cortex / Head 67, Torso 69
Rathalos Ruby / Head 5
Rathalos Shard / Head 27
Rathalos Mantle / Head 1, Torso 1

Shiny Drops

Obtain Rate (%)
Rathalos Scale / 50
Rathalos Shell / 28
Wyvern Tear / 22
Rathalos Scale+ / 50
Rathalos Carapace / 28
Wyvern Tear / 22
Rathalos Shard / 50
Rathalos Cortex / 28
Large Wyvern Tear / 22

How to Get Drops

How to Get # Times
・At the start of turf war
・When dropped from the air
・Couterattack during the continous kick attacks
・While you're frightened by the attack of another monster

Quest Clear & Investigation Rewards

Obtain Rate (%)
Rathalos Webbing / 9
Rathalos Tail / 8
Rathalos Plate / 3
Rathalos Shell / 24
Rathalos Scale / 19
Flame Sac / 17
Rath Wingtalon / 10
Monster Bone+ / 10
Rathalos Plate / 8
Rathalos Tail / 16
Rathalos Webbing / 16
Rath Wingtalon / 15
Rathalos Marrow / 13
Rathalos Scale / 10
Flame Sac / 10
Rathalos Shell /
Rathalos Plate / 8
Rathalos Plate / 8
Rathalos Webbing / 16
Rathalos Tail / 16
Rath Wingtalon / 16
Rathalos Marrow / 13
Rathalos Scale / 10
Rathalos Shell / 10
Flame Sac / 10
Rathalos Tail / 9
Rathalos Plate / 3
Rathalos Carapace / 27
Rathalos Scale+ / 21
Inferno Sac / 18
Rathalos Wing / 12
Monster Hardbone / 10
Rathalos Ruby / 6
Rathalos Wing / 24
Rathalos Medulla / 20
Rathalos Carapace / 14
Inferno Sac / 14
Rathalos Scale+ / 12
Rathalos Plate / 10
Rathalos Wing / 23
Rathalos Medulla / 20
Rathalos Ruby / 13
Rathalos Carapace / 12
Inferno Sac / 12
Rathalos Scale+ / 10
Rathalos Plate / 10
Rathalos Lash / 9
Rathalos Ruby / 3
Rathalos Cortex / 27
Rathalos Shard / 21
Conflagrant Sac / 18
Rathalos Fellwing / 12
Rath Wingtalon+ / 10
Rathalos Mantle / 6
Rathalos Cortex / 17
Rathalos Shard / 15
Rathalos Fellwing / 15
Conflagrant Sac / 14
Rathalos Lash / 13
Rath Wingtalon+ / 10
Rathalos Ruby / 10
Rathalos Fellwing / 17
Rathalos Lash / 16
Rathalos Mantle / 13
Conflagrant Sac / 12
Rathalos Cortex / 12
Rathalos Shard / 10
Rath Wingtalon+ / 10
Rathalos Ruby / 10

Plunderblade Rewards


Obtain Rate (%)
LR Rathalos Scale / 42
Rathalos Shell / 31
Rathalos Webbing / 25
Rathalos Plate / 2
HR Rathalos Carapace / 42
Rathalos Scale+ / 31
Rathalos Webbing / 26
Rathalos Ruby / 1
MR Rathalos Cortex / 42
Rathalos Shard / 31
Rathalos Fellwing / 26
Rathalos Mantle / 1


Obtain Rate (%)
MR Rathalos Shard / 50
Rathalos Cortex / 28
Large Wyvern Tear / 22

Quests Where Rathalos Appears

Type Quest Name
Assigned ★2 - Bird-Brained Bandit
Assigned ★3 - Urgent: Pukei Pukei Hunt
Assigned ★4 - The Encroaching Anjanath
Assigned ★5 - A Fiery Throne Atop The Forest
Optional ★1 - Fungal Flexin' In The Ancient Forest
Optional ★2 - Big Brained Bandit
Optional ★3 - Scatternut Shortage
Optional ★3 - Flying Sparks: Tobi-Kadachi
Optional ★4 - One Helluva Sinus Infection
Optional ★5 - When Desire Becomes An Obsession
Optional ★5 - Redefining The "Power Couple"
Optional ★5 - Special Arena: Rathalos
Optional ★6 - Hard To Swallow
Optional ★6 - Google-eyed Green Monster
Optional ★6 - A Hair-Raising Experience
Optional ★6 - It Can't See You If You Don't Move
Optional ★6 - The Sleeping Sylvan Queen
Optional ★9 - The White Winds of the New World
Optional ★7 - Rathalos Rematch
Optional ★7 - The Red and Blue Crew
Optional ★7 - Special Arena: HR Rathalos
Event ★7 - Deep Green Blues
Event ★5 - The Poison Posse
Event ★7 - Kings Know No Fear
Event ★5 - Every Hunter's Dream
Event ★8 - Code: Red
Challenge ★7 - What Lurks in the Forest
Challenge ★7 - Challenge Quest 1: Intermediate
Assigned M★3 - Ever-present Shadow
Optional M★1 - The Great Jagras Returns!
Optional M★1 - Literary Thief
Optional M★1 - New World Problems
Optional M★1 - Beating Around the Bush
Optional M★1 - Trapping the Tree Trasher
Optional M★2 - Anjanath Antics
Optional M★2 - Fool's Mate
Optional M★3 - Swoop to a New Low
Optional M★3 - Nargacoulda, Should, Woulda
Optional M★3 - The Secret to a Good Slice
Optional M★3 - Red and Black Aces
Optional M★3 - Special Arena: MR Rathalos
Optional M★4 - Misfortune in the Forest
Event M★3 - A Sky and Sea of Fire
Event M★6 - Yodeling in the Forest
Event M★1 - To Our World

All Quest Guides

Related Links

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List of All Base Game Monsters

MHW (Base Game) Monsters

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Deviljho IconDeviljho Diablos IconDiablos Dodogama IconDodogama Great Girros IconGreat Girros
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Leshen IconLeshen Lunastra IconLunastra Nergigante IconNergigante Odogaron IconOdogaron
Paolumu IconPaolumu Pukei-Pukei IconPukei-Pukei Radobaan IconRadobaan Rathalos IconRathalos
Rathian IconRathian Teostra IconTeostra Tobi-Kadachi IconTobi-Kadachi Tzitzi-Ya-Ku IconTzitzi-Ya-Ku
Uragaan IconUragaan Vaal Hazak IconVaal Hazak XenoXeno'jiiva Zorah Magdaros IconZorah Magdaros

Colored Variants

Ancient Leshen IconAncient Leshen Azure Rathalos IconAzure Rathalos Black Diablos IconBlack Diablos Pink Rathian IconPink Rathian

Arch-Tempered Elder Dragons

Arch-Tempered Great Jagras IconArch-Tempered Great Jagras Arch-Tempered Kirin IconArch-Tempered Kirin Arch-Tempered Kulve Taroth IconArch-Tempered Kulve Taroth Arch-Tempered Kushala Daora IconArch-Tempered Kushala Daora
Arch-Tempered Lunastra IconArch-Tempered Lunastra Arch-Tempered Nergigante IconArch-Tempered Nergigante Arch-Tempered Teostra IconArch-Tempered Teostra Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak IconArch-Tempered Vaal Hazak
Arch-Tempered XenoArch-Tempered Xeno'jiiva Arch-Tempered Zorah Magdaros IconArch-Tempered Zorah Magdaros

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