Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Light Bowguns | Light Bowgun Tree and All Light Bowgun List

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This is a list of all Light Bowguns in Monster Hunter World. Read on to know all about the Light Bowguns, their damage, sharpness, elements, status effects, affinities, and available slots.

Light Bowgun Guides

Light Bowguns Weapon Guide

Having trouble using Light Bowguns? Learn how to play Monster Hunter as a 3rd person shooter game with our Light Bowgun Guide!

How To Use Light Bowgun

List of Light Bowguns

Weapon Directory
Defender Ore Tree Bone Tree
Dragon Bone Tree Black Steel Tree Crossbow Gun Tree
Deviljho Tree Lunastra Tree Rajang Tree
Storm Slinger Tree Styjian Zinogre Tree Guild Palace Tree

Click the link to immediately jump to your chosen category.

Defender Tree

Defender Light Bowgun I
 ┗Defender Light Bowgun II
  ┗Defender Light Bowgun III
   ┗Defender Light Bowgun IV
    ┗Defender Light Bowgun V [Attack Icon.png286]

Ore Tree

Chain Blitz I
 ┗Chain Blitz II
  ┣Chain Blitz III
  ┃┣High Chain Blitz I
  ┃┃┗High Chain Blitz II
  ┃┃ ┗High Chain Blitz III
  ┃┃  ┗Cross Blitz I
  ┃┃   ┣Cross Blitz II
  ┃┃   ┃┗Crossblitzer I
  ┃┃   ┃ ┗Crossblitzer II
  ┃┃   ┃  ┣Crossblitzer III Attack Icon.png338 | Deviation Icon.png- Average
  ┃┃   ┃  ┗Blackwing Bowgun I
  ┃┃   ┃   ┗Blackwing Bowgun II Attack Icon.png351 | Deviation Icon.png- Average
  ┃┃   ┗Nergal Spitter
  ┃┃    ┗Cataclysm's Trigger
  ┃┃     ┗Ruinous Cataclysm Attack Icon.png351 | Deviation Icon.png- High
  ┃┗Lumu Blitz I
  ┃ ┗Lumu Blitz II
  ┃  ┗Lumu Typhon I
  ┃   ┣Lumu Typhon II
  ┃   ┃┗Lumu Typhon III
  ┃   ┃ ┗Lumu Typhon IV
  ┃   ┃  ┣Nightmare's Seed I
  ┃   ┃  ┃┗Nightmare's Seed II Attack Icon.png312 | Deviation Icon.png- Average
  ┃   ┃  ┗Glavenus Blitz
  ┃   ┃   ┗Acid Blitz I
  ┃   ┃    ┗Acid Blitz II Attack Icon.png325 | Deviation Icon.png- High
  ┃   ┗Bazel Typhoon I
  ┃    ┗Bazel Typhoon II
  ┃     ┗Bazel Typhoon III Attack Icon.png364 | Deviation Icon.png- High
  ┗Jagras Blitz I
   ┣Jagras Blitz II
   ┃┣Jagras Blitz III
   ┃┃┗Jagras Fire I
   ┃┃ ┗Jagras Fire II
   ┃┃  ┗Jagras Fire III
   ┃┃   ┗Saber's Howl I
   ┃┃    ┣Saber's Howl II Attack Icon.png338 | Deviation Icon.png- High
   ┃┃    ┗Rex Fusillade I
   ┃┃     ┗Rex Fusillade II
   ┃┃      ┗Accursed Fire Attack Icon.png351 | Deviation Icon.png- High
   ┃┗Flame Blitz I
   ┃ ┗Flame Blitz II
   ┃  ┗Rathbuster I
   ┃   ┗Rathbuster II
   ┃    ┗Rathbuster III
   ┃     ┗Azure Soulscorcher
   ┃      ┗Argent Ray Attack Icon.png351 | Deviation Icon.png- Average
   ┗Thunder Blitz
    ┣Thunder Blitz II
    ┃┗Lightning Blitz I
    ┃ ┗Lightning Blitz II
    ┃  ┗Lightning Blitz III
    ┃   ┗Lightning Blitz IV
    ┃    ┗Usurper's Crime
    ┃     ┗Usurper's Crime+
    ┃      ┗Despot's Wildfire Attack Icon.png338 | Deviation Icon.png- Average
    ┗Snow Blitz I
     ┗Snow Blitz II
      ┗Frost Blitz I
       ┗Frost Blitz II
        ┗Frost Blitz III
         ┣Blizzard Cannon
         ┃┣Blizzard Cannon+
         ┃┃┗Blizzard Volley Attack Icon.png312 | Deviation Icon.png- Average
         ┃┗Blizzard Gust Attack Icon.png338 | Deviation Icon.png- Average
         ┗Laguna Blitz I
          ┗Laguna Blitz II Attack Icon.png325 | Deviation Icon.png- Average

Bone Tree

Hunter's Rifle I
 ┗Hunter's Rifle II
  ┣Hunter's Rifle III
  ┃┣Power Rifle I
  ┃┃┗Power Rifle II
  ┃┃ ┗Power Rifle III
  ┃┃  ┣Sniper Shot I
  ┃┃  ┃┗Sniper Shot II
  ┃┃  ┃ ┗Breakshot I
  ┃┃  ┃  ┗Breakshot II
  ┃┃  ┃   ┣Breakshot III Attack Icon.png338 | Deviation Icon.png- High
  ┃┃  ┃   ┗Icehawk
  ┃┃  ┃    ┗Graceful Almaria Attack Icon.png351 | Deviation Icon.png- Low
  ┃┃  ┗Hazak Ereipia
  ┃┃   ┗Gulgoleth's Wail
  ┃┃    ┗Gulgoleth's Despair
  ┃┃     ┗Gulgoleth's Ruin Attack Icon.png338 | Deviation Icon.png- Average
  ┃┗Blazing Rifle I
  ┃ ┗Blazing Rifle II
  ┃  ┗Anja Buster I
  ┃   ┗Anja Buster II
  ┃    ┗Anja Buster III
  ┃     ┗Anja Buster IV
  ┃      ┗Fulgurshot I
  ┃       ┗Fulgurshot II Attack Icon.png351 | Deviation Icon.png- Very High
  ┣Madness Rifle I
  ┃┗Madness Rifle II
  ┃ ┗Madness Rifle III
  ┃  ┗Jyura Bullet I
  ┃   ┣Jyura Bullet II
  ┃   ┃┗Jyura Bullet III
  ┃   ┃ ┗Jyura Bullet IV
  ┃   ┃  ┣Beo Shooter I
  ┃   ┃  ┃┗Beo Shooter II Attack Icon.png338 | Deviation Icon.png- Average
  ┃   ┃  ┗Hidden Bullet I
  ┃   ┃   ┗Hidden Bullet II Attack Icon.png325 | Deviation Icon.png- Average
  ┃   ┗Lava Bullet I
  ┃    ┗Lava Bullet II
  ┃     ┣Fireshatter I
  ┃     ┃┗Fireshatter II Attack Icon.png325 | Deviation Icon.png- High
  ┃     ┗Mammoth Bowgun I
  ┃      ┗Mammoth Bowgun II Attack Icon.png345 | Deviation Icon.png- Very High
  ┗Carapace Rifle I
   ┗Carapace Rifle II
    ┣Carapace Rifle III
    ┃ ┗Barroth Shot I
    ┃  ┗Barroth Shot II
    ┃   ┗Barroth Shot III
    ┃    ┗Barroth Bazooka I
    ┃     ┣Barroth Bazooka II Attack Icon.png351 | Deviation Icon.png- High
    ┃     ┗Brachydios Shot I
    ┃      ┗Brachydios Shot II Attack Icon.png325 | Deviation Icon.png- Very High
    ┗Garon Rifle I
     ┗Garon Rifle II
      ┗Fate's Ember
         ┗Nether Salvo
          ┗Ghost Attack Icon.png312 | Deviation Icon.png- Low

Dragonbone Tree

Dragonbone Bowgun I
 ┣Dragonbone Bowgun II
 ┃ ┣Dragonbone Bowgun III
 ┃ ┃┗Dragonseal Bowgun I
 ┃ ┃ ┣Dragonseal Bowgun II [Attack Icon.png325]
 ┃ ┃ ┗[Fading Blossom [Attack Icon.png377]
 ┃ ┗Onigashima
 ┃   ┗Dai-Onigashima
 ┃    ┗God's Isle [Attack Icon.png312]
 ┗Mythical Horn
   ┗Mythical Horn+
    ┗Mythical Three-Horn
     ┣Mythical Three-Evils [Attack Icon.png325]
     ┗Hydra Actinula
      ┗Black Actinula [Attack Icon.png364]

Blacksteel Tree

Blacksteel Crossbow I
 ┗Blacksteel Crossbow II
  ┣Icesteel Wasp
  ┃ ┗Daora's Hornet
  ┃  ┗Daora's Yellowjacket [Attack Icon.png338]
  ┗Xeno Neqiina
     ┗Xeno Neqiina+ [Attack Icon.png351]

Workshop Weapon Tree

Cross Bowgun
 ┗Great Bowgun
  ┗Neo Cross Bowgun [Attack Icon.png338]

Deviljho Tree

Devil's Grin
 ┗Devil's Madness
  ┗[Diregun "Dementia" [Attack Icon.png364)

Lunastra Tree

Empress Shell
 ┣Empress Shell "Blaze"
 ┃┗Soulfire Rasp "Blaze" Attack Icon.png338
 ┣Empress Shell "Ruin"
 ┃┗Soulfire Rasp "Ruin" Attack Icon.png351
 ┗Empress Shell "Styx"
  ┗Soulfire Rasp "Styx" Attack Icon.png338

Rajang Tree

Rajang Barrage
 ┗Ten Thousand Volts Attack Icon.png403

Stormslinger Tree

Stormslinger Prototype
 ┗Adept Stormslinger (416)

Stygian Zinogre Tree

Brimstren Drakekiss
 ┗Brimstren Drakevow Attack Icon.png351

Guild Palace Tree

Guild Palace Bowgun
 ┗Royal Surefire Shot Attack Icon.png351

Light Bowguns Stat Tables

Alatreon Dominator
Alatreon Dominator Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
12 338 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ②②ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Flaming Ammo, Water Ammo, Thunder Ammo, Freeze Ammo, Dragon Ammo
Auto Reload None
Lightbreak Gun
Lightbreak Gun Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
12 364 0 Very High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ④②ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv3 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Sticky Ammo
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Lv1 Poison Ammo, Demon Ammo
Demonlord Cannon
Demonlord Cannon Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
12 377 20 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv2 Spread Ammo, Lv2 Paralysis Ammo, Lv2 Exhaust Ammo, Thunder Ammo, Armor Ammo
Royal Surefire Shot
Royal Surefire Shot Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
12 351 20 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
30 4 - ③ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Demon Ammo
Xeno Neqiina+
Xeno Neqiina+ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
12 351 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ④④ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Sleep Ammo, Lv2 Poison Ammo
Adept Stormslinger
Adept Stormslinger Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
12 416 0 Very High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ④ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Pierce Ammo, Lv2 Sticky Ammo, Lv2 Paralysis Ammo, Demon Ammo
Brimstren Drakevow
Brimstren Drakevow Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
12 351 0 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ②ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv2 Spread Ammo, Thunder Ammo
Auto Reload None
Ten Thousand Volts
Ten Thousand Volts Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
12 403 -15 Very High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ④ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv2 Spread Ammo, Lv2 Sticky Ammo, Lv2 Paralysis Ammo, Lv2 Exhaust Ammo, Thunder Ammo, Armor Ammo
Soulfire Rasp "Styx"
Soulfire Rasp "Styx" Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
12 338 10 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ③③ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Water Ammo, Thunder Ammo
Auto Reload None
Soulfire Rasp "Ruin"
Soulfire Rasp "Ruin" Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
12 351 0 Very High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ②②ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire LV1 Normal Ammo, LV2 Normal Ammo, LV2 Spread Ammo, LV1 Exhaust Ammo
Auto Reload LV1 Spread Ammo, Slicing Ammo
Soulfire Rasp "Blaze"
Soulfire Rasp "Blaze" Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
12 338 20 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ②①ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire LV1 Normal Ammo, LV2 Normal Ammo, Flaming Ammo, Freeze Ammo
Auto Reload None
Ruinous Cataclysm
Ruinous Cataclysm Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
12 351 0 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ①①ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire LV1 Normal Ammo, LV2 Normal Ammo, LV1 Spread Ammo
Auto Reload None
Diregun "Dementia"
Diregun "Dementia" Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
12 364 -25 Very High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire LV2 Sticky Ammo
Auto Reload LV2 Exhaust Ammo
Gulgoleth's Ruin
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
12 338 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ②②ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire LV2 Pierce Ammo
Auto Reload LV2 Sleep Ammo
Graceful Almaria
Graceful Almaria Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
12 351 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ④ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Spread Ammo, Freeze Ammo
Auto Reload None
Despot's Wildfire
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
12 338 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ②ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Thunder Ammo
Auto Reload None
Argent Ray
Argent Ray Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
12 351 20 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Flaming Ammo
Auto Reload None
Black Actinula
Black Actinula Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
12 364 15 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Water Ammo
Auto Reload None
Fading Blossom
Fading Blossom Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
12 377 0 None
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ①①ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv2 Pierce Ammo, Lv2 Sticky Ammo, Lv2 Paralysis Ammo, Lv2 Exhaust Ammo, Flaming Ammo, Water Ammo, Armor Ammo,
Blizzard Gust
Blizzard Gust Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
12 338 15 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Freeze Ammo
Auto Reload None
Fatalis Depths
Fatalis Depths Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
12 371 -30 Very High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ④④ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Pierce, Lv2 Spread, Lv2 Sticky Ammo, Slicing Ammo
Auto Reload None

Alatreon Razer
Alatreon Razer Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
11 325 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ②ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Flaming Ammo, Water Ammo, Thunder Ammo, Freeze Ammo, Dragon Ammo
Auto Reload None
Brimstren Drakekiss
Brimstren Drakekiss Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
11 338 0 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ②ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv2 Spread Ammo, Thunder Ammo
Auto Reload None
Rajang Barrage
Rajang Barrage Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
11 377 -15 Very High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ④ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv2 Spread Ammo, Lv2 Sticky Ammo, Lv2 Paralysis Ammo, Lv2 Exhaust Ammo, Thunder Ammo, Armor Ammo
Hydra Actinula
Hydra Actinula Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
11 338 15 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Water Ammo
Auto Reload None
Neo Cross Bowgun
Neo Cross Bowgun Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
11 338 0 None
Def. Mods Augments Slots
40 4 - ④ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire LV1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv1 Paralysis Ammo, Lv2 Poison Ammo, Lv2 Sleep Ammo
Daora's Yellowjacket
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
11 338 10 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ②ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Freeze Ammo
Auto Reload LV2 Sleep Ammo, Slicing Ammo
Mythical Three-Evils
Mythical Three-Evils Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
11 325 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire LV1 Normal Ammo, Thunder Ammo
Auto Reload LV2 Paralysis Ammo
God's Isle
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
11 312 0 Very High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload LV1 Normal Ammo, LV2 Pierce Ammo, LV2 Spread Ammo, LV2 Sticky Ammo, Dragon Ammo, Slicing Ammo
Accursed Fire
Accursed Fire Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
11 351 -20 Very High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ②①ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload None
Bazelcore Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
11 364 -10 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ②①ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload LV1 Normal Ammo, LV2 Normal Ammo, LV1 Pierce Ammo, LV2 Pierce Ammo, Demon Ammo
Acid Blitz ⅠⅠ
Acid Blitz ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
11 325 0 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ①①ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload LV2 Pierce Ammo, LV2 Spread Ammo, LV2 Sticky Ammo, LV2 Paralysis Ammo, Flaming Ammo, Slicing Ammo
Blackwing Bowgun ⅠⅠ
Blackwing Bowgun ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
11 351 25 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ③ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv2 Pierce Ammo, Lv2 Sticky Ammo
Auto Reload None
Usurper's Crime+
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
11 325 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ②ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Thunder Ammo
Auto Reload None
Ghost Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
11 312 35 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Exhaust Ammo
Auto Reload None
Dragonseal Bowgun ⅠⅠ
Dragonseal Bowgun ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
11 325 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ①①ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload None
Icehawk Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
11 338 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ④ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Spread Ammo, Freeze Ammo
Auto Reload None
Breakshot ⅠⅠⅠ
Breakshot ⅠⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
11 338 0 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
30 4 - ③ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Paralysis Ammo
Blizzard Volley
Blizzard Volley Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
11 312 30 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Demon Ammo
Crossblitzer ⅠⅠⅠ
Crossblitzer ⅠⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
11 338 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ①①ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv2 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Poison Ammo, Slicing Ammo
Gulgoleth's Despair
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
11 325 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ②②ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv2 Pierce Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Sleep Ammo
Fatalis Pit
Fatalis Pit Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
11 351 -40 Very High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ④④ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Pierce, Lv2 Spread, Lv2 Sticky Ammo, Slicing Ammo
Auto Reload None

Guild Palace Bowgun
Guild Palace Bowgun Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 325 15 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
30 4 - ③ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Demon Ammo
Usurper's Crime
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 312 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ②ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Thunder Ammo
Auto Reload None
Blackwing Bowgun Ⅰ
Blackwing Bowgun Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 338 20 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ③ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv2 Pierce Ammo, Lv2 Sticky Ammo
Auto Reload None
Dragonseal Bowgun Ⅰ
Dragonseal Bowgun Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 312 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ①①ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload None
Nether Salvo
Nether Salvo Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 299 35 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Exhaust Ammo
Auto Reload None
Karma+ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 286 30 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Exhaust Ammo
Auto Reload None
Brachydios Shot ⅠⅠ
Brachydios Shot ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 325 0 Very High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv2 Sticky Ammo
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Lv1 Poison Ammo
Brachydios Shot Ⅰ
Brachydios Shot Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 312 0 Very High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv2 Sticky Ammo
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Lv1 Poison Ammo
Barroth Bazooka ⅠⅠ
Barroth Bazooka ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 351 -20 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
30 4 - ②②ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo
Auto Reload None
Mammoth Bowgun ⅠⅠ
Mammoth Bowgun ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 345 0 Very High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ④ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv2 Spread Ammo, Lv2 Sticky Ammo, Lv2 Exhaust Ammo, Armor Ammo
Fireshatter ⅠⅠ
Fireshatter ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 325 0 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ③②ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Flaming Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Sticky Ammo
Fireshatter Ⅰ
Fireshatter Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 299 0 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ③②ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Flaming Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Sticky Ammo
Hidden Bullet ⅠⅠ
Hidden Bullet ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 325 20 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv2 Pierce Ammo
Auto Reload None
Hidden Bullet Ⅰ
Hidden Bullet Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 299 15 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv2 Pierce Ammo
Auto Reload None
Beo Shooter ⅠⅠ
Beo Shooter ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 338 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ②①ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Water Ammo, Freeze Ammo
Auto Reload None
Fulgurshot ⅠⅠ
Fulgurshot ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 351 -20 Very High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Pierce Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo
Auto Reload None
Fulgurshot Ⅰ
Fulgurshot Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 325 -20 Very High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Pierce Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo
Auto Reload None
Breakshot ⅠⅠ
Breakshot ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 299 0 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
30 4 - ③ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Paralysis Ammo
Laguna Blitz Ⅱ
Laguna Blitz Ⅱ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 325 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ②①ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv3 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Pierce Ammo, Water Ammo
Auto Reload None
Blizzard Cannon+
Blizzard Cannon+ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 299 25 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Demon Ammo
Blizzard Cannon
Blizzard Cannon Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 286 20 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Demon Ammo
Azure Soulscorcher
Azure Soulscorcher Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 312 20 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Flaming Ammo
Auto Reload None
Rathbuster ⅠⅠⅠ
Rathbuster ⅠⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 273 20 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Flaming Ammo
Auto Reload None
Rex Fusillade ⅠⅠ
Rex Fusillade ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 325 -20 Very High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ①①ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload None
Rex Fusillade Ⅰ
Rex Fusillade Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 312 -20 Very High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload None
Saber's Howl ⅠⅠ
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 338 0 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ③②ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Lv2 Spread Ammo, Lv1 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Sleep Ammo
Acid Blitz Ⅰ
Acid Blitz Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 312 0 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ①①ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv2 Pierce Ammo, Lv2 Spread Ammo, Lv2 Sticky Ammo, Lv2 Paralysis Ammo, Flaming Ammo, Slicing Ammo
Glavenus Blitz
Glavenus Blitz Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 299 0 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ①①ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv2 Pierce Ammo, Lv2 Spread Ammo, Lv2 Sticky Ammo, Lv2 Paralysis Ammo, Flaming Ammo, Slicing Ammo
Nightmare's Seed ⅠⅠ
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 312 15 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ②ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv2 Pierce Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Sticky Ammo, Lv2 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Paralysis Ammo, Lv2 Sleep Ammo
Crossblitzer ⅠⅠ
Crossblitzer ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
10 299 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 4 - ①①ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv2 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Poison Ammo, Slicing Ammo

Stormslinger Prototype
Stormslinger Prototype Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
9 390 0 Very High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ④ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Pierce Ammo, Lv2 Sticky Ammo, Lv2 Paralysis Ammo, Demon Ammo
Barroth Bazooka Ⅰ
Barroth Bazooka Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
9 312 -20 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
30 3 - ②②ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo
Auto Reload None
Mammoth Bowgun Ⅰ
Mammoth Bowgun Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
9 306 0 Very High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ④ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv2 Spread Ammo, Lv2 Sticky Ammo, Lv2 Exhaust Ammo, Armor Ammo
Beo Shooter Ⅰ
Beo Shooter Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
9 286 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ②①ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Water Ammo, Freeze Ammo
Auto Reload None
Jyura Bullet ⅠV
Jyura Bullet ⅠV Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
9 273 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ①①ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Water Ammo
Auto Reload None
Anja Buster ⅠV
Anja Buster ⅠV Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
9 299 -30 Very High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Pierce Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo
Auto Reload None
Breakshot Ⅰ
Breakshot Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
9 273 0 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
30 3 - ③ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Paralysis Ammo
Laguna Blitz Ⅰ
Laguna Blitz Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
9 286 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ②①ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv3 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Pierce Ammo, Water Ammo
Auto Reload None
Frost Blitz Ⅲ
Frost Blitz Ⅲ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
9 273 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Demon Ammo
Lightning Blitz Ⅳ
Lightning Blitz Ⅳ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
9 286 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Thunder Ammo
Auto Reload None
Saber's Howl Ⅰ
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
9 299 0 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ③②ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Lv2 Spread Ammo, Lv1 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Sleep Ammo
Nightmare's Seed Ⅰ
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
9 286 15 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ②ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv2 Pierce Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Sticky Ammo, Lv2 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Paralysis Ammo, Lv2 Sleep Ammo
Lumu Typhon ⅠV
Lumu Typhon ⅠV Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
9 273 15 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv2 Pierce Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Sticky Ammo, Lv2 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Paralysis Ammo
Crossblitzer Ⅰ
Crossblitzer Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
9 273 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ①①ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv2 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Poison Ammo, Slicing Ammo

Empress Shell "Styx"
Empress Shell "Styx" Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
8 247 10 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 1 ③①ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Water Ammo, Thunder Ammo
Auto Reload None
Empress Shell "Ruin"
Empress Shell "Ruin" Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
8 260 0 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 1 ②ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Lv1 Exhaust Ammo
Auto Reload None
Empress Shell "Blaze"
Empress Shell "Blaze" Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
8 247 20 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 1 ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Flaming Ammo, Freeze Ammo
Auto Reload None
Great Bowgun
Great Bowgun Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
8 260 0 None
Def. Mods Augments Slots
20 3 1 ③ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv1 Paralysis Ammo, Lv2 Poison Ammo, Lv2 Sleep Ammo
Xeno Neqiina
Xeno Neqiina Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
8 234 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 1 ③③ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Sleep Ammo, Lv2 Poison Ammo
Daora's Hornet
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
8 234 10 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 1 ②ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Freeze Ammo
Auto Reload None
Mythical Three-Horn
Mythical Three-Horn Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
8 208 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 1 ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Thunder Ammo
Auto Reload None
Dai-Onigashima Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
8 221 0 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 1 ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo
Karma Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
8 234 30 None
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 1 ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Lv1 Exhaust Ammo
Auto Reload None
Gulgoleth's Wail
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
8 260 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 1 ②ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload None
Cataclysm's Trigger
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
8 260 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 1 ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo
Auto Reload None

Defender Light Bowgun V
Defender Light Bowgun V Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
7 286 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv2 Normal Ammo, Flaming Ammo
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Lv1 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Sleep Ammo, Demon Ammo
Empress Shell
Empress Shell Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
7 247 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Flaming Ammo, Freeze Ammo
Auto Reload None
Devil's Madness
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
7 299 -25 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 2 ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload None
Icesteel Wasp
Icesteel Wasp Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
7 221 10 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ②ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Freeze Ammo
Auto Reload None
Mythical Horn+
Mythical Horn+ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
7 182 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Thunder Ammo
Auto Reload None
Onigashima Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
7 208 0 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo
Lava Bullet ⅠⅠ
Lava Bullet ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
7 234 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 2 ②②ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Flaming Ammo
Auto Reload None
Hazak Ereipia
Hazak Ereipia Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
7 247 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ②ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload None
Rathbuster ⅠⅠ
Rathbuster ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
7 247 20 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 2 ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Flaming Ammo
Auto Reload None
Bazel Typhoon ⅠⅠ
Bazel Typhoon ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
7 260 -10 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 2 ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Demon Ammo
Nergal Splitter
Nergal Splitter Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
7 247 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo
Auto Reload None

Defender Light Bowgun ⅠV
Defender Light Bowgun ⅠV Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 273 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv2 Normal Ammo, Flaming Ammo
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Lv1 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Sleep Ammo, Demon Ammo
Devil's Grin
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 273 -25 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload None
Cross Bowgun
Cross Bowgun Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 234 0 None
Def. Mods Augments Slots
20 3 - ②ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv1 Paralysis Ammo, Lv2 Poison Ammo, Lv2 Sleep Ammo
Blacksteel Crossbow ⅠⅠ
Blacksteel Crossbow ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 143 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload None
Dragonbone Bowgun ⅠⅠⅠ
Dragonbone Bowgun ⅠⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 208 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 3 ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload None
Fate's Ember
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 221 30 None
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Lv1 Exhaust Ammo
Auto Reload None
Barroth Shot ⅠⅠⅠ
Barroth Shot ⅠⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 260 -20 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
15 3 3 ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo
Auto Reload None
Barroth Shot ⅠⅠ
Barroth Shot ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 247 -20 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
15 3 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo
Auto Reload None
Lava Bullet Ⅰ
Lava Bullet Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 221 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ②②ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Flaming Ammo
Auto Reload None
Jyura Bullet ⅠⅠⅠ
Jyura Bullet ⅠⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 247 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 3 ①①ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Water Ammo
Auto Reload None
Jyura Bullet ⅠⅠ
Jyura Bullet ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 234 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ①①ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Water Ammo
Auto Reload None
Anja Buster ⅠⅠⅠ
Anja Buster ⅠⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 273 -30 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 3 ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo
Auto Reload None
Anja Buster ⅠⅠ
Anja Buster ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 260 -30 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo
Auto Reload None
Sniper Shot ⅠⅠ
Sniper Shot ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 247 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
10 3 3 ③ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv1 Paralysis Ammo
Frost Blitz Ⅱ
Frost Blitz Ⅱ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 247 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 3 ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Demon Ammo
Frost Blitz Ⅰ
Frost Blitz Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 221 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Demon Ammo
Lightning Blitz Ⅲ
Lightning Blitz Ⅲ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 234 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 3 ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Thunder Ammo
Auto Reload None
Lightning Blitz Ⅱ
Lightning Blitz Ⅱ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 221 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Thunder Ammo
Auto Reload None
Rathbuster Ⅰ
Rathbuster Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 221 20 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Flaming Ammo
Auto Reload None
Jagras Fire ⅠⅠⅠ
Jagras Fire ⅠⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 247 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 3 ③②ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Lv1 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Sleep Ammo
Bazel Typhoon Ⅰ
Bazel Typhoon Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 247 -10 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Demon Ammo
Lumu Typhon ⅠⅠⅠ
Lumu Typhon ⅠⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 221 15 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 3 ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Paralysis Ammo
Lumu Typhon ⅠⅠ
Lumu Typhon ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 208 15 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Paralysis Ammo
Cross Blitz Ⅱ
Cross Blitz Ⅱ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 234 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 3 ①①ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Poison Ammo
Cross Blitz Ⅰ
Cross Blitz Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 208 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Poison Ammo
Sniper Shot Ⅰ
Sniper Shot Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 221 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
10 3 - ②ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv1 Paralysis Ammo
Jagras Fire ⅠⅠ
Jagras Fire ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
6 234 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ②②ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Lv1 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Sleep Ammo

Defender Light Bowgun ⅠⅠⅠ
Defender Light Bowgun ⅠⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
5 247 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv2 Normal Ammo, Flaming Ammo
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Lv1 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Sleep Ammo, Demon Ammo
Blacksteel Crossbow
Blacksteel Crossbow Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
5 130 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload None
Garon Rifle ⅠⅠ
Garon Rifle ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
5 208 15 None
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Lv1 Exhaust Ammo
Auto Reload None
Barroth Shot Ⅰ
Barroth Shot Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
5 234 -20 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
15 3 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo
Auto Reload None
Jyura Bullet Ⅰ
Jyura Bullet Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
5 208 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ①①ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Water Ammo
Auto Reload None
Anja Buster Ⅰ
Anja Buster Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
5 234 -30 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo
Auto Reload None
Power Rifle ⅠⅠⅠ
Power Rifle ⅠⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
5 208 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv1 Paralysis Ammo
Snow Blitz Ⅱ
Snow Blitz Ⅱ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
5 195 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Demon Ammo
Lightning Blitz Ⅰ
Lightning Blitz Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
5 208 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Thunder Ammo
Auto Reload None
Flame Blitz Ⅱ
Flame Blitz Ⅱ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
5 208 10 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Flaming Ammo
Auto Reload None
Jagras Fire Ⅰ
Jagras Fire Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
5 208 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ①①ー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Lv1 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Sleep Ammo
Lumu Typhon Ⅰ
Lumu Typhon Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
5 195 15 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Paralysis Ammo
High Chain Blitz Ⅲ
High Chain Blitz Ⅲ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
5 195 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 3 - ①ーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Poison Ammo

Mythical Horn
Mythical Horn Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
4 169 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 2 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Thunder Ammo
Auto Reload None
Dragonbone Bowgun ⅠⅠ
Dragonbone Bowgun ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
4 143 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 2 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload None
Garon Rifle Ⅰ
Garon Rifle Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
4 195 15 None
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 2 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Lv1 Exhaust Ammo
Auto Reload None
Carapace Rifle ⅠⅠⅠ
Carapace Rifle ⅠⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
4 208 -20 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
10 2 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo
Auto Reload None
Madness Rifle ⅠⅠⅠ
Madness Rifle ⅠⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
4 195 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 2 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Water Ammo
Auto Reload None
Blazing Rifle ⅠⅠ
Blazing Rifle ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
4 221 -30 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 2 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo
Auto Reload None
Power Rifle ⅠⅠ
Power Rifle ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
4 195 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 2 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv1 Paralysis Ammo
Snow Blitz Ⅰ
Snow Blitz Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
4 182 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 2 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Demon Ammo
Thunder Blitz Ⅱ
Thunder Blitz Ⅱ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
4 195 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 2 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Thunder Ammo
Auto Reload None
Flame Blitz Ⅰ
Flame Blitz Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
4 195 10 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 2 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Flaming Ammo
Auto Reload None
Jagras Blitz ⅠⅠⅠ
Jagras Blitz ⅠⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
4 195 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 2 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Lv1 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Sleep Ammo
Lumu Blitz ⅠⅠ
Lumu Blitz ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
4 182 10 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 2 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Paralysis Ammo
High Chain Blitz Ⅱ
High Chain Blitz Ⅱ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
4 182 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 2 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Poison Ammo

Defender Light Bowgun ⅠⅠ
Defender Light Bowgun ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
3 221 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 2 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv2 Normal Ammo, Flaming Ammo
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Lv1 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Sleep Ammo, Demon Ammo
Dragonbone Bowgun Ⅰ
Dragonbone Bowgun Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
3 130 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 2 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload None
Carapace Rifle ⅠⅠ
Carapace Rifle ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
3 182 -20 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
10 2 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo
Auto Reload None
Madness Rifle ⅠⅠ
Madness Rifle ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
3 182 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 2 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Water Ammo
Auto Reload None
Blazing Rifle Ⅰ
Blazing Rifle Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
3 195 -30 High
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 2 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo
Auto Reload None
Power Rifle Ⅰ
Power Rifle Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
3 182 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 2 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv1 Paralysis Ammo
Thunder Blitz Ⅰ
Thunder Blitz Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
3 182 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 2 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Thunder Ammo
Auto Reload None
Jagras Blitz ⅠⅠ
Jagras Blitz ⅠⅠ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
3 182 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 2 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Lv1 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Sleep Ammo
Lumu Blitz Ⅰ
Lumu Blitz Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
3 169 10 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 2 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Paralysis Ammo
High Chain Blitz Ⅰ
High Chain Blitz Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
3 169 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 2 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Poison Ammo

Carapace Rifle Ⅰ
Carapace Rifle Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
2 169 -20 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
10 1 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo
Auto Reload None
Madness Rifle Ⅰ
Madness Rifle Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
2 169 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 1 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Water Ammo
Auto Reload None
Hunter's Rifle ⅠⅠⅠ
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
2 169 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 1 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv1 Paralysis Ammo
Jagras Blitz Ⅰ
Jagras Blitz Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
2 169 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 1 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire None
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv2 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Lv1 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Sleep Ammo
Chain Blitz Ⅲ
Chain Blitz Ⅲ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
2 156 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 1 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Poison Ammo

Defender Light Bowgun Ⅰ
Defender Light Bowgun Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
1 169 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 1 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv2 Normal Ammo, Flaming Ammo
Auto Reload Lv1 Normal Ammo, Lv1 Pierce Ammo, Lv1 Spread Ammo, Lv1 Poison Ammo, Lv1 Sleep Ammo, Demon Ammo
Hunter's Rifle ⅠⅠ
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
1 156 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 1 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv1 Paralysis Ammo
Hunter's Rifle Ⅰ
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
1 143 0 Average
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 1 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv1 Paralysis Ammo
Chain Blitz Ⅱ
Chain Blitz Ⅱ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
1 143 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 1 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Poison Ammo
Chain Blitz Ⅰ
Chain Blitz Ⅰ Bowgun Image
Rarity Attack Affinity Dev.
1 130 0 Low
Def. Mods Augments Slots
- 1 - ーーー
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid Fire Lv1 Normal Ammo
Auto Reload Lv2 Poison Ammo

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