Monster Hunter World (MHW)

List of Armor and Armor Skills

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This is a guide to all Armor and Armor Skills found in Monster Hunter World (MHW) and the Iceborne expansion. Learn everything you need to know about Armor here!

What is Armor?

A Hunter's Defensive Equipment

Armor is the primary form of defensive equipment for hunters in Monster Hunter World! They provide defensive bonuses for both Raw (Physical) and Elemental defense, that a hunter is going to need when fighting dangerous monsters.

Armor also contains Skills that you gain when equipped. Each piece has one or two Skills with varying number of levels for each Skill. Individual pieces may also have Decoration Slots on them for you to add additional Skills. Armor comes in 5 parts, Head, Torso, Arms, Waist, and Feet. These 5 pieces make up an Armor Set.

What are Skills?

Buffs or Abilities that Help with Hunting

Skills are buffs or abilities that help players in or out of combat when wearing either an Armor Piece, Charm, or Decoration that adds levels to a Skill. Unlike the past Monster Hunter games, you do not need a certain number of Skill points to activate the Skill. Instead, each Skill point provides a bonus that increases the more levels there are in the Skill.

Experienced Hunters use these Skills to help increase their chances of successfully hunting powerful monsters!

List of All Skills

What are Armor Sets?

A Group of Armor Pieces that Synergize

Specific Armor pieces that share the same Defense rating and Elemental Resistances which are mainly crafted from a single monster. There are times where equipping a certain number of Armor pieces in an Armor Set will give the player Set Bonuses.

List of All Armor Sets

What are Set Bonuses?

Special Skills of Armor Set

Set Bonuses are special Skills that are activated when wearing the required number of Armor pieces in a specific Armor Set. These bonuses can activate even when mixing Alpha , Beta, or Armor pieces which share the same Set Bonus.

List of All Set Bonuses

List of Armor

List of Armor by Rarity

Master Rank Armor By Rarity
Armor Icon Rarity 9.pngRarity 9 Armor Icon Rarity 10.pngRarity 10 Armor Icon Rarity 11.pngRarity 11 Armor Icon Rarity 12.pngRarity 12
Armor by Rarity
Rarity 5 Rarity 6 Rarity 7 Rarity 8
Rarity 1 Rarity 2 Rarity 3 Rarity 4

List of Monster Armor

Base Game Monsters

Great Jagras Icon.pngGreat Jagras Kulu-Ya-Ku Icon.pngKulu-Ya-Ku Pukei-Pukei Icon.pngPukei-Pukei
Barroth Icon.pngBarroth Jyuratodus Icon.pngJyuratodus Tobi-Kadachi Icon.pngTobi-Kadachi
Anjanath Icon.pngAnjanath Rathian Icon.pngRathian Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Icon.pngTzitzi-Ya-Ku
Paolumu Icon.pngPaolumu Great Girros Icon.pngGreat Girros Radobaan Icon.pngRadobaan
Legiana Icon.pngLegiana Odogaron Icon.pngOdogaron Rathalos Icon.pngRathalos
Diablos Icon.pngDiablos Kirin Icon.pngKirin Zorah Magdaros Icon.pngZorah Magdaros
Dodogama Icon.pngDodogama Pink Rathian Icon.pngPink Rathian Bazelgeuse Icon.pngBazelgeuse
Deviljho Icon.pngDeviljho Lavasioth Icon.pngLavasioth Uragaan Icon.pngUragaan
Azure Rathalos Icon.pngAzure Rathalos Black Diablos Icon.pngBlack Diablos Nergigante Icon.pngNergigante
Teostra Icon.pngTeostra Lunastra Icon.pngLunastra Kushala Daora Icon.pngKushala Daora
Vaal Hazak Icon.pngVaal Hazak Kulve Taroth Icon.pngKulve Taroth XenoXeno'jiiva

Iceborne Monsters

Beotodus.pngBeotodus Banbaro.pngBanbaro Viper Tobi-Kadachi.pngViper Tobi-Kadachi
Nightshade Paolumu.pngNightshade Paolumu Coral Pukei-Pukei.pngCoral Pukei-Pukei Barioth.pngBarioth
Nargacuga.pngNargacuga Glavenus.pngGlavenus Tigrex.pngTigrex
Brachydios.pngBrachydios Shrieking Legiana.pngShrieking Legiana Fulgur Anjanath.pngFulgur Anjanath
Acidic Glavenus.pngAcidic Glavenus Ebony Odogaron.pngEbony Odogaron Velkhana.pngVelkhana
Seething Bazelgeuse.pngSeething Bazelgeuse Blackveil Vaal Hazak.pngBlackveil Vaal Hazak Namielle.pngNamielle
Savage Deviljho.pngSavage Deviljho Brute Tigrex.pngBrute Tigrex Ruiner Nergigante.pngRuiner Nergigante
Shara Ishvalda.pngShara Ishvalda Zinogre.pngZinogre Yian Garuga.pngYian Garuga
Gold Rathian.pngGold Rathian Silver Rathalos.pngSilver Rathalos Rajang.pngRajang
Stygian Zinogre.pngStygian Zinogre SafiSafi'jiiva Furious Rajang.pngFurious Rajang
Raging Brachydios.pngRaging Brachydios Frostfang Barioth.pngFrostfang Barioth Alatreon.pngAlatreon

Arch-Tempered Elder Dragons

Nergigante Icon.pngNergigante Teostra Icon.pngTeostra Lunastra Icon.pngLunastra
Kirin Icon.pngKirin Zorah Magdoros Icon.pngZorah Magdoros Kushala Daora Icon.pngKushala Daora
Vaal Hazak Icon.pngVaal Hazak Kulve Taroth Icon.pngKulve Taroth XenoXeno'jiiva
Namielle Icon.pngNamielle AT Velkhana Icon.pngVelkhana

Collaboration Monsters

WWW.pngBehemoth Leshen.pngLeshen Ancient Leshen.pngAncient Leshen

List of Monster Armors

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Equipment & Skills
Weapons.pngWeapons Armor.pngArmor Layered Armor.pngLayered Armor Mantles Icon.pngMantles
Skills.pngSkills Set Bonuses.pngSet Bonuses Food Skills.pngFood Skills Charms.pngCharms
Decorations.pngDecorations Palico Equipment.pngPalico Equipment Pendants.pngPendants Best Armor.pngBest Builds
Monsters & Materials
Monsters.pngMonsters Quests.pngQuests Collab Quests.pngCollabs Materials.pngMaterials
Assigned Quests.pngAssigned Quests Optional Quests.pngOptional Quests Events.pngEvent Quests Maps Icon (Main Links).pngMaps
Beginner Guides.pngBeginner Guides Guiding Lands Icon.pngGuiding Lands Updates.pngUpdates Characters Icon.pngCharacters
Furniture.pngFurnitures Iceborne GuidesIceborne Guides tierlistTier Lists Discussion Board.pngMessage Boards


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