Monster Hunter World (MHW)

List of Set Bonuses and How to Unlock

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Trying to see which armor set to craft? Here is a list of all the armor set bonuses in Monster Hunter World (MHW) so you can optimize your build to the fullest!

What are Set Bonuses?

Special Skills of Armor Set

Set Bonuses are special Skills that are activated when wearing the required number of Armor pieces in a specific Armor Set. These bonuses can activate even when mixing Alpha , Beta, or Armor pieces which share the same Set Bonus.

Base Game Set Bonuses

A - I Set Bonuses J - R Set Bonuses S - Z Set Bonuses

A - I Set Bonuses

Anjanath Power
Armor Set/s
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Temporarily reduces stamina depletion when health is at 40% or lower.
Anjanath Will
Armor Set/s
Anja α, Anja β
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Temporarily reduces stamina depletion when health is at 40% or lower.
Stamina Cap Up
Increases stamina cap.
Astera Blessing
Armor Set/s
Gala Suit, Gala Suit α
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Great Luck
Often increases the number of rewards receive
Bazelgeuse Protection
Armor Set/s
Bazel α, Bazel β
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Above a certain health threshold, you withstand an attack that would normally cart you (once only).
Commission Guidance
Armor Set/s
Commission α, Commission β
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Carving Master
Lets you carve one additional time. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Diablos Mastery
Armor Set/s
Diablos α, Diablos β, Diablos Nero α, Diablos Nero β
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Raises attack as your weapon loses sharpness. Also boosts ranged weapon melee attacks and odds of stunning.
Non-elemental Boost
Powers up non-elemental weapons you have equipped.
Diablos Power
Armor Set/s
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Raises attack as your weapon loses sharpness. Also boosts ranged weapon melee attacks and odds of stunning.
Guild Guidance
Armor Set/s
Guild Cross α, Guild Cross β
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Great Luck
High chance of increased quest rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)

J - R Set Bonuses

Kirin Blessing
Armor Set/s
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Capture Master
High chance of increased quest rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Kirin Favor
Armor Set/s
Kirin α , Kirin β, Kirin γ
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Capture Master
High chance of increased quest rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Kushala Daora Flight
Armor Set/s
Kushala α, Kushala β, Kushala γ, Kushala α +, Kushala β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Nullify Wind Pressure
Negates all wind pressure.
Legiana Blessing
Armor Set/s
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Good Luck
Good chance of increased quest rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Legiana Favor
Armor Set/s
Legiana α, Legiana β
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Good Luck
Good chance of increased quest rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Bow Charge Plus
Increases max bow charge level by one.
Lunastra Favor
Armor Set/s
Lunastra α, Lunastra β, Lunastra γ
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Stamina Cap Up
Increases stamina cap.
Mind's Eye/Ballistics
Prevents attacks from being deflected. Also shortens the distance before ammo and arrows reach maximum power.
Nergigante Hunger
Armor Set/s
Nergigante α, Nergigante β, Nergigante γ
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Hasten Recovery
Regenerates your health as you continually attack a monster. Recovery varies by weapon.
Odogaron Mastery
Armor Set/s
Odogaron α, Odogaron β
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Punishing Draw
Adds a stun effect to draw attacks and slightly increases attack power.
Protective Polish
Weapon sharpness does not decrease for a set time after sharpening.
Odogaron Power
Armor Set/s
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Punishing Draw
Adds a stun effect to draw attacks and slightly increases attack power.
Pink Rathian Mastery
Armor Set/s
Rath Heart α, Rath Heart β
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Poison Duration Up
Extends the duration of your poison's effect on monsters.
Rathalos Mastery
Armor Set/s
Rathalos α, Rathalos β, Rath Soul α, Rath Soul β, Azure Starlord α
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Critical Element
Increases elemental damage (fire, water, thunder, ice, dragon) when landing critical hits.
Mind's Eye/Ballistics
Prevents attacks from being deflected. Also shortens the distance before ammo and arrows reach maximum power.
Rathalos Power
Armor Set/s
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Critical Element
Increases elemental damage (fire, water, thunder, ice, dragon) when landing critical hits.
Rathian Essence
Armor Set/s
Rathian α, Rathian β, Rath Heart α +, Rath Heart β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Poison Duration Up
Extends the duration of the poison's effect on monsters.

S - Z Set Bonuses

Soul of the Dragoon
Armor Set/s
Drachen α
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Elemental Airborne
Elemental damage increased for jumping attacks.
Master's Touch
Prevents your weapon from losing sharpness during critical hits.
Uragaan Protection
Armor Set/s
Uragaan α, Uragaan β
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Guard Up
Allows you to guard against ordinarily unblockable attacks.
Vaal Hazak Vitality
Armor Set/s
Vaal Hazak α, Vaal Hazak β, Vaal Hazak γ
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Super Recovery
Allows recovery to exceed the red portion of the health gauge.
Witcher's Knowledge
Armor Set/s
Geralt α
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Igni Intensity
Only those who complete the rigorous witcher training are allowed to use the powerful magic of the Igni Sign.
Super Recovery
Allows recovery to exceed the red portion of the health gauge
Xeno'jiiva Divinity
Armor Set/s
Xeno'jiiva α, Xeno'jiiva β, Xeno'jiiva γ
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Razor Sharp/Spare Shot
Halves sharpness loss. For bows and and bowguns, shots have a chance not to expend coatings or ammo.
Zorah Magdaros Mastery
Armor Set/s
Zorah α, Zorah β, Zorah γ
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Critical Status
Increases abnormal status effect damage (paralysis, poison, sleep, blast) when landing critical hits.

Iceborne Set Bonuses

A - I Set Bonuses J - R Set Bonuses S - Z Set Bonuses

A - I Set Bonuses

Alatreon Divinity
Armor Set/s
Alatreon α +, Alatreon β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Element Conversion
Equipped weapon's elemental power increases as your armor's elemental resistance increases.
All Elemental Resistance
Increases all elemental resistances +20%.
Ancient Divinity
Armor Set/s
Artian α +, Artian β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Critical Status
Increases abnormal status effect damage (paralysis, poison, sleep, blast) when landing critical hits.
Anjanath Dominance
Armor Set/s
Anja α +, Anja β +, Fulgur Anja α +, Fulgur Anja β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Stamina Cap Up
Increases stamina cap.
Appreciation Blessing
Armor Set/s
Astral α +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Gratitude's Gift
Increases odds of getting special Grand Appreciation rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Gratitude's Blessing
Greatly increases odds of getting special Grand Appreciation rewards. (No effects when joining mid-quest.)
Barioth Hidden Art
Armor Set/s
Barioth α +, Barioth β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Punishing Draw
Adds a stun effect to draw attacks and slight increases attack power.
Bazelgeuse Ambition
Armor Set/s
Seething Bazel α +, Seething Bazel β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Above a certain health threshold, you withstand an attack that would normally cart you (once only).
Brachydios Essence
Armor Set/s
Brachydios α +, Brachydios β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Agitator Secret
Raises the maximum level of the Agitator skill.
Brachydios Will
Armor Set/s
Raging Brachy α +, Raging Brachy β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Agitator Secret
Raises the maximum level of the Agitator skill.
Artillery Secret
Raises the maximum level of the Artillery skill.
Commission Alchemy
Armor Set/s
Clockwork α +, Clockwork β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Bombardier Secret
Raises the maximum level of the Bombardier skill.
Deviljho Essence
Armor Set/s
Savage Jho α +, Savage Jho β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Stamina Thief Secret
Raises the maximum level of the Stamina Thief skill.
Diablos Ambition
Armor Set/s
Diablos α +, Diablos β +, Diablos Nero α +, Diablos Nero β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.

Raises the maximum level of the Slugger skill.
Fatalis Legend
Armor Set/s
Fatalis α + , Fatalis β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Removes the skill level cap for the skill secrets.
Grants True Razor Sharp/Spare Shot. Health/Stamina +100 at the start of a quest or after fainting. (Effect doesn't stack.)
Frostfang Absolute Art
Armor Set/s
Frostfang Barioth α +, Frostfang Barioth β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Punishing Draw
Adds a stun effect to draw attacks and slight increases attack power.

Raises the maximum level of the Slugger skill.
Full Bloom Blessing
Armor Set/s
Rose α +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Full Bloom's Gift
Increases odds of getting special Full Bloom rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Full Bloom Gratitude
Greatly increases odds of getting special Full Bloom rewards. (No effects when joining mid-quest.)
Fun Fright Blessing
Armor Set/s
Demonlord α +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Fun Fright's Gift
Increases odds of getting special Fun Fright rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Fun Fright's Gratitude
Greatly increases odds of getting special Fun Fright rewards. (No effects when joining mid-quest.)
Glavenus Essence
Armor Set/s
Glavenus α +, Glavenus β +, Acidic Glavenus α +, Acidic Glavenus β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Maximum Might Secret
Raises the maximum level of the Maximum Might skill.
Gold Rathian Essence
Armor Set/s
Golden Lune α +, Golden Lune β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.

Raises the maximum level of the Diving Blessing skill.
True Critical Status
Greatly increases status effect damage (paralysis, poison, sleep, blast) when landing critical hits.
Guild Pride
Armor Set/s
Guild Palace α +, Guild Palace β +, Guildwork α +, Guildwork β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Good Luck
Good chance of increased quest rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Carving Master
Lets you carve one additional time. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Instructor's Guidance
Armor Set/s
Black Belt α +, Black Belt β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Capture Master
High chance of increased capture rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)

J - R Set Bonuses

Joyful Blessing
Armor Set/s
Oolong α +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Joy's Gift
Increases odds of getting special Holiday Joy rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Joy's Gratitude
Greatly increases odds of getting special Holiday Joy rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Kirin Divinity
Armor Set/s
Kirin α +, Kirin β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Great Luck
High chance of increased quest rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Kulve Taroth Essence
Armor Set/s
Kulve Taroth α, Kulve Taroth β, Kulve Taroth γ, Kulve Taroth α +, Kulve Taroth β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Above a certain health threshold, you withstand an attack that would normally cart you (once only).
Free Meal Secret
Raises the maximum level of the Free Meal skill.
Legiana Ambition
Armor Set/s
Legiana α +, Legiana β +, Shrieking Legia α +, Shrieking Legia β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Bow Charge Plus
Increases max bow charge level by one.
Lunastra Essence
Armor Set/s
Lunastra α +, Lunastra β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Tool Specialist Secret
Raises the maximum level of the Tool Specialist skill.
Namielle Divinity
Armor Set/s
Namielle α +, Namielle β +, Namielle γ +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Element Acceleration
Continually attacking a monster activates Free Element/Ammo Up Lv2 and increases elemental damage.
True Element Acceleration
Continually attacking a monster activates Free Element/Ammo Up Lv3 and increases elemental damage.
Nargacuga Essence
Armor Set/s
Nargacuga α +, Nargacuga β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.

Greatly reduces sharpness loss. Bows and bowguns have a chance not to expend coatings or ammo.
Nergigante Ambition
Armor Set/s
Ruiner Nergi α +, Ruiner Nergi β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Hasten Recovery
Regenerates your health as you continually attack a monster. Recovery varies by weapon.
Odogaron Essence
Armor Set/s
Odogaron α +, Odogaron β +, Death Garon α +, Death Garon β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Protective Polish
Weapon sharpness does not decrease for a set time after sharpening.
Rajang Will
Armor Set/s
Furious Rajang α +, Furious Rajang β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Maximum Might Secret
Raises the maximum level of the Maximum Might skill.

Raises the maximum level of the Heroics skill.
Rajang's Rage
Armor Set/s
Rajang α +, Rajang β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Mind's Eye/Ballistics
Prevents attacks from being deflected. Also shortens the distance before ammo and arrows reach maximum power.
Protective Polish
Weapon sharpness does not decrease for a set amount of time after sharpening.
Rathalos Essence
Armor Set/s
Rathalos α +, Rathalos β +, Rath Soul α +, Rath Soul β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Mind's Eye/Ballistics
Prevents attacks from being deflected. Also shortens the distance before ammo and arrows reach maximum power.

S - Z Set Bonuses

Safi'jiiva Seal
Armor Set/s
Safi'jiiva α +, Safi'jiiva β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Dragonvein Awakening
Elem., abnormal status, & affinity up with weapon drawn. Take damage when attacking, but can be recovered by continually attacking..
True Dragonvein Awakening
Enhances attacks even more with weapon drawn. Take damage when attacking, but can be recovered by continually attacking.
Shara Ishvalda Divinity
Armor Set/s
Shara Ishvalda α +, Shara Ishvalda β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Gaia's Veil
While wearing a mantle, gain Windproof Lv3, Earplugs Lv3, Tremor Res Lv3, and Flinch Free.
True Gaia's Veil
While wearing a mantle, gain Tremor Resistance Lv3, Earplugs Lv5, max Windproof, and Flinch Free.
Silver Rathalos Essence
Armor Set/s
Silver Sol α +, Silver Sol β +, Azure Age α +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Slinger Ammo Secret
Raises the maximum level of the Slinger Capacity skill.
True Critical Element
Greatly increases elemental damage (fire, water, thunder, ice, dragon) when landing critical hits.
Sizzling Blessing
Armor Set/s
Passion α +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Sizzling Gift
Increases odds of getting special Sizzling Spice rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Sizzling Gratitude
Greatly increases odds of getting special Sizzling Spice rewards. (No effects when joining mid-quest.)
Armor Set/s
Claire α +, Leon α +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Zombie and Effluvia Resistance
Prevents zombie and effluvial buildup.
Agitator Secret
Raises the maximum level of the Agitator skill.
Teostra Technique
Armor Set/s
Teostra α, Teostra β, Teostra γ, Teostra α +, Teostra β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Master's Touch
Prevents your weapon from losing sharpness during critical hits.
Tigrex Essence
Armor Set/s
Tigrex α +, Tigrex β +, Brute Tigrex α +, Brute Tigrex β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Free Meal Secret
Raises the maximum level of the Free Meal skill.
Uragaan Ambition
Armor Set/s
Uragaan α +, Uragaan β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Guard Up
Allows you to guard against ordinarily unblockable attacks.
Vaal Soulvein
Armor Set/s
Blackveil Hazak α +, Blackveil Hazak β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Super Recovery
Allows recovery to exceed the red portion of the health gauge.
Velkhana Divinity
Armor Set/s
Velkhana α +, Velkhana β +, Velkhana γ +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Critical Element
Increases elemental damage (fire, water, thunder, ice, dragon) when landing critical hits.
An aura of frost builds when your weapon is sheathed, raising attack. Wanes each melee hit or shot fired.
Zinogre Essence
Armor Set/s
Zinogre α +, Zinogre β +, Stygian Zin α +, Stygian Zin β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Latent Power Secret
Raises the maximum level of the Latent Power skill.
Zorah Magdaros Essence
Armor Set/s
Zorah α +, Zorah β +
Skill/s Activated Set Pieces Req.
Artillery Secret
Raises the maximum level of the Artillery skill.

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