Monster Hunter World (MHW)

RE: Return of the Bioweapon Quest and Rewards

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re return of the bioweapon quest banner.png
This is a guide for RE: Return of the Bioweapon, a Quest appearing in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Learn about RE: Return of the Bioweapon's availability, unlock conditions, target Monsters, and rewards for completing the Quest here.

Basic Information

How to Unlock RE: Return of the Bioweapon

Available from the Event start time

Quest Basic Information

Lv M★5 Destination Rotten Vale
Type  Event Research Points  -
Time Limit  50 minutes Reward Money 36000z
Objective Slay a Blackveil Vaal Hazak
Other Conditions  Reach MR20

All Iceborne Event Quests

Monster Information

Blackveil Vaal Hazak

blackveil vaal hazak re2.png

Instead of giving you Effluvial Buildup, Blackveil Vaal Hazak will give you the Zombified status, making the Effluvia Resistance skill useless.

The Zombified status will make you slower and unable to heal with normal healing items, but you do regenerate health passively. Cure yourself through green herbs and red herbs!
Blackveil Vaal Hazak Weakness and Strategy Guide


Full Armor Sets

Leon α+ and Claire α+ armor sets.png
You can get the Leon α+ and Claire α+ armor sets, both of which have Zombie & Effluvia Res. Useful if you want to do the quest again and again, or if you just want to beat up a normal Blackveil Vaal Hazak in style.


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You can get flashy pendants that either represent the R.P.D., the Umbrella Corporation, or a random tofu.

Gesture: Zombify

zombify gesture.png
If you ever wanted to get the zombie look without carrying the effects of being zombified, this gesture has got you covered.

Gesture: Zombie Bite

zombie bite gesture.png
Ever seen a gesture that can do damage to monster before? Well, now you have. It does even more damage if you are zombified.

Room Decor

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Match your room with the Raccoon Police Station. Your item box's look is changed to match the one in the Resident Evil 2 game, and you can even have a typewriter that you can save your game in.

Guild Card

Additionally, you will also get extra content for your guild card, such as a background, two poses, an expression, and five titles.

Main Rewards

Item Appearance Rate
Pure Dragon Blood %
Heavy Armor Sphere %
Ancient Feystone %
Vaal Hazak Cortex %
Shadowpierce Fang %
Deceased Shard %
Vaal Hazak Fellwing %
Vaal Hazak Flail %
S.T.A.R.S. Badge %

Monster Materials

Blackveil Vaal Hazak

Vaal Hazak Cortex Vaal Hazak Hardclaw
Shadowpierce Fang Large Elder Dragon Gem
Deceased Shard Vaal Hazak Fellwing
Vaal Hazak Flail

Monster Hunter World (MHW) Related Links

List of Quests and Quest Types

Quests Banner New.png

Quest Types

All Quests by Type

Assigned Quest Iceborne ENG.jpgAssigned Quests Optional Quests Iceborne ENG.jpgOptional Quests
Low/High Rank
Assigned Quests base game ENG.jpgAssigned Quests Optional QUests base game ENG.jpgOptional Quests
Event Quests
Iceborne EventsIceborne Events Low high rank eventsLow / High Rank Events
Other Quest Categories
Arch-Tempered Quests Collaboration Quests Gold Crown Quests
Arena Quests Challenge Quests Investigation Quests
How to Unlock All Quests
Low/High Rank Master Rank


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