Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Lunastra Weakness and Strategy Guide

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Learn how to beat Lunastra in the game Monster Hunter World (MHW)! This guide explains everything about Lunastra's weakness, carves, rewards, and a complete strategy guide for beating and capturing it. Find out what parts are breakable and severable, and what drops and Monster materials are available.

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Lunastra Weakness, Body Parts, and Resistances

Lunastra Characteristics

Monster Hunter World Lunastra
Roar Wind Tremor Blight Status
Big High None Fire Blastblight
Breakable Parts
Head, Wings, Tail

Locations and Areas Visited

Map Starting Area Visited Areas Rest Spot
Wildspire Waste ImageWildspire Waste 8 13 14
ElderElder's Recess 11 8 / 9 / 12 13

*The starting location may change depending on the Quest.

Weakness, Body Parts, Extracts


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
37 60 45 0 Red
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
7 7 30 25


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
33 37 33 0 Red
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
3 3 20 15


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
17 17 20 0 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
0 0 15 10


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
17 17 20 0 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
0 0 15 10


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
25 30 20 0 White
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
3 3 15 10


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
30 25 20 0 White
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
3 3 15 10


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
55 35 40 0 White
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
7 7 25 20


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
45 37 50 0 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
3 3 20 15

Higher values indicate higher damage.

Vulnerability to Status Effects and Items

Poison ★★ Flash
Paral ★★ Shock
Sleep ★★ Pitfall
Stun ★★ Ivy
Blast Dung
Exhaust Meat
Mount ★★ Screamer

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Countermeasures against Lunastra

Recommended Weapon Element and Armor Skills

Recommended Weapon Element
Ice Weapon Lunastra is weakest against ice.
Water Weapon Water weapons can also extinguish some of the pools of flame that Lunastra leaves around. Be wary as Lunastra only has a one-star weakness to water; this should only be used if your water weapon is much stronger than your ice weapon.
Recommended Armor Skills
Fire Resistance Like Teostra, Lunastra has a ton of fire attacks, so getting Fire Resistance will be useful.
Heat Guard Heat Guard can help against the continuous damage you get from Teostra's fire armor, as well as the heat in the volcanic areas in Elder's Recess.
Windproof Windproof at Lvl 5 or higher can negate the wind pressure from Lunastra, including Hellflare.
Nullify Wind Pressure Alternatively, the Nullify Wind Pressure armor set bonus from having three pieces of Kushala Daora's armor set is going to be useful against of all of the wind pressure attacks, including Hellflare.
Earplugs Lunastra has a big roar, so getting Earplugs Lvl 5 would be immensely helpful.

How to Beat Lunastra

Things You Should Know in Advance

・Wind Resistance can be good against Hellflare
・Fire Resistance is strongly recommended
・Use a Cool Drink before initiating the fight

Max Health and Fire Resistance

Most of Lunastra's attacks can be pretty strong. It is recommended that you increase your max health and equip gears with high Fire Resistance to increase your chances of winning the fight.

If you are still having a hard time clearing the hunt, you can also add skills such as Stun Resistance or Evade Window to further increase your survivability.

Wind Pressure From Hellflare

Hellflare has an additional wind pressure effect that can stagger you making it harder for you to get away. You can negate this effect by simply wearing gears that can give you level 5 Windproof or get the armor set bonus Kushala Daora Flight from the Kushala set piece.

Cool Drink and Extreme Heat

You will constantly take damage from the environment due to the extreme heat. Prevent this by using a Cool Drink before entering areas with extreme heat.

Avoid Using Flash Pods

Using a Flash Pod will only anger Lunastra even more and has a chance to make Lunastra perform the Hellflare attack. This can be useful if you are playing solo. However, if you are playing in multiplayer, it might be better to not use Flash Pods at all since it can endanger other hunters in your party.

Use Elderseal Weapons

Normal Blue Flame

It is possible to suppress the fire and dust surrounding Lunastra when he is enraged by using a weapon with an Elderseal.


Lunastra Hellfire.gif
Hellflare is one of Lunastra's most powerful attack. This causes a big explosion setting a large area on fire with high wind pressure. The high wind pressure can disable your movement making it difficult for you to move away.

It is recommended that you equip gears with at least Windproof Lv 5 to completely negate all the effects of the wind pressure.

Gears and Strategies without Windproof

Gear and Strategy Description
Temporal Mantle Helps you avoid taking damage from the Blue Flame
Fireproof Mantle Increases your resistance against fire attacks
Farcaster Instantly moves you back to camp
Continuous Rolls Helps you move away from the Hellflare and Supernova

Blue Flame

How to Beat - Lunastra 3.png
The blue flame that Lunastra scatters during the fight can be difficult to deal with if you do not have enough fire resistance. Try to stay away from it or try to lure Lunastra away from the blue flame to avoid taking more damage when you are running away from his attacks.

Using a Water Affinity weapon a Crystal Burst on the blue flame can instantly extinguish it. However, this is not recommended since it can deal damage if not approached carefully. Extinguishing the blue flame while fighting Lunastra can be difficult. Only use this trick if you have no other option.

Arrows and Bullets

Attacking Lunastra with blue flames using a ranged weapon will deal 0 damage. The blue flame can surrounding Lunastra repels any arrows or bullets fired at him.

Attacking the Rear

How to Beat - Lunastra 4.png
The safest place to attack is somewhere near the hind legs. If you manage to deal enough damage on this area, this can also down Lunastra for a few seconds. Also, staying near the hind legs will help you avoid most of the high damaging attacks like bite and flame breath.

Dealing with the Supernova

How to Beat - Lunastra 5.png
When Lunastra and Teostra are together, they can initiate their special move called the Supernova. This powerful move can instantly kill you if you are within its large area of effect.

It is best to try and kill one of them before they can group up. This will not only stop them from using the Supernova but it can also lessen the flames you have to deal with. If this is not possible, try to lure them away from each other. Keep in mind that Dung Pods do not work against them, you have to enrage one of them to lure them out of the area.

Lunastra Attack Patterns

Attack Description
Bite A short range bite attack
Rush A quick move forward that can deal damage if you are on the way
Scratch A short attack infront of Lunastra
Pounce A forward jump attack
Tail Attack A fast moving tail attack
Tail Attack (x2) A swift tail attack twice in a row
Front Flame Breath A flame breath that goes on a straight line
Blue Flame Breath Short distance attack that spreads blue flame on the ground
Blast Attack Forward Blast attack that scatters blue flame
Air Attack An Aerial attack that can be dodged by moving left or right
Aerial Flame Breath A concentrated fire attack that can easily be avoided by moving away
Hellflare A charged up blue flame explosion followed up by a strong wind pressure that can deal massive damage every second.

Lunastra Carves and Rewards

Carvings and Hunt Rewards

Obtain Rate (%)
HR Lunastra Scale+ / ★★★★★
Lunastra Carapace / ★★★★
Lunastra Tail / ★★★
Lunastra Mane / ★★★
Lunastra Wing / ★★
Lunastra Gem / ★
MR Lunastra Lash / Tail 75
Lunastra Hardhorn / Body 8
Lunastra Gem / Body 5
Lunastra Shard / Body 30, Tail 22
Lunastra Cortex / Body 23
Large Elder Dragon Gem / Body 2, Tail 3
Lunastra Mane+ / Body 18
Lunastra Fellwing / Body 13

Rewards for Each Body Part

Obtain Rate (%)
HR Lunastra Wing / Wings
Lunastra Tail / Tail
Lunastra Gem / Head, Tail
Lunastra Horn / Head
MR Lunastra Fellwing / Wings 70
Lunastra Cortex / Wings 30
Lunastra Hardhorn / Head 65
Lunastra Mane+ / Head 32
Large Elder Dragon Gem / Head 3

Breakable Body Parts

Defense Value How to Break
Head 200 Set Durability to 0, 4 times.
Left Wing 280 Set Durability to 0, twice.
Right Wing 280 Set Durability to 0, twice.
Tail 300 Reduce durability by 500 using cut damage.

Shiny Drops

Obtain Rate (%)
Lunastra Scale+ /
Lunastra Gem /
Lunastra Mane+ / 50
Lunastra Shard / 28
Old Dragon Treasure / 20
Large Elder Dragon Gem / 2

Quest Clear & Investigation Rewards

Obtain Rate (%)
Lunastra Carapace / ★★★★
Lunastra Scale+ / ★★★
Lunastra Mane / ★★★
Lunastra Wing / ★★★
Elder Dragon Blood / ★★★
Lunastra Horn / ★★
Large Elder Dragon Bone / ★★
Large Elder Dragon Bone / 8
Lunastra Gem / 3
Lunastra Cortex / 22
Lunastra Shard / 18
Lunastra Mane+ / 15
Pure Dragon Blood / 12
Lunastra Fellwing / 12
Lunastra Lash / 10
Large Elder Dragon Gem / 8
Lunastra Fellwing / 18
Lunastra Shard / 16
Lunastra Hardhorn / 16
Lunastra Lash / 16
Lunastra Mane+ / 14
Lunastra Cortex / 12
Lunastra Shard / 16
Lunastra Cortex / 8
Lunastra Mane+ / 8
Lunastra Hardhorn / 20
Lunastra Lash / 18
Lunastra Fellwing / 16
Large Elder Dragon Gem / 16
Lunastra Shard / 14

Plunderblade Rewards


Obtain Rate (%)
MR Lunastra Shard / 45
Lunastra Cortex / 30
Lunastra Mane+ / 24
Large Elder Dragon Gem / 1


Obtain Rate (%)
MR Lunastra Mane+ / 50
Lunastra Shard / 28
Old Dragon Treasure / 22

Quests Where Lunastra Appears

Type Quest Name
Event ★8 - SDF: Silent, Deadly, and Fierce
Special Assignment ★8 - Pandora's Arena
Special Assignment ★8 - No Remorse, No Surrender
Optional ★8 - Infernal Monarchy
Optional ★8 - Blue Prominence
Event ★9 - The Thronetaker
Challenge ★8 - The Hunter And The Blue Empress
Optional M★6 - One Hot Night in the Spire
Optional M★6 - Master Hunter of the New World
Event M★6 - The Cold Never Bothered Me

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