Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Barioth Weakness and Strategy Guide

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Learn how to beat Barioth in the Iceborne expansion for Monster Hunter World (MHW)! This guide explains everything about Barioth's weakness, carves, rewards, and a complete strategy guide for beating and capturing it. Find out what parts are breakable and severable, and what drops and Monster materials are available.

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Barioth Weakness, Body Parts, and Resistances

Barioth Characteristics

Monster Hunter World Barioth
Roar Wind Tremor Blight Status
Big High Small Ice None
Breakable Parts
Head, Left Claw, Right Claw, Tail

Locations and Areas Visited

Map Starting Area Visited Areas Rest Spot
Hoarfrost Reach ImageHoarfrost Reach 7 (1st time) 1 / 4 / 6 / 7 / 11 / 14 / 15 7

*The starting location may change depending on the Quest.

Weakness, Body Parts, Extracts


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
65 70 55 20 Red
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
10 15 0 15


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
30 30 25 5 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
5 5 0 5


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
38 38 25 10 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
0 5 0 5


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
21(25) 45 25(30) 35(20) White
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
5 25(15) 0 10


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
30 45 20 10 White
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
0 5 0 5


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
40 45 35 15 White
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
0 10 0 5


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
25 24 25 5 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
5 5 0 5


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
45 23 45 10 Green
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
0 5 0 5

Tail Tip

Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
60 40 40 15 Green
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
0 10 0 5

Higher values indicate higher damage.

Vulnerability to Status Effects and Items

Poison Flash ★★
Paral Shock ★★
Sleep Pitfall ★★
Stun ★★ Ivy ★★
Blast ★★ Dung ★★
Exhaust Meat
Mount Screamer

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Countermeasures against Barioth

Recommended Weapon Element and Armor Skills

Recommended Weapon Element
Fire Weapon Barioth is weakest against fire.
Recommended Armor Skills
Ice Resistance Ice Resistance is useful against Barioth's many and frequent ice attacks.
Partbreaker Barioth is an agile monster; breaking its front legs will make him less so.
Health Boost Not only is Barioth agile, but he can also deal big damage quickly. Having extra health will be helpful.
Tremor Resistance Barioth's jumping attacks will greatly slow you down, so Tremor Resistance can help keep you mobile.
Earplugs Since Barioth has a big roar, maxing out your Earplugs skill to Lvl 5 will nullify it.
Windproof Barioth can give you major wind pressure; Windproof at Lvl 5 fully negates it.

How to Beat Barioth

Aim for the Front Legs

How to Beat - Barioth 1.png
Destroying the front legs of the Barioth will give you more opportunities to attack since it will disable him for a few seconds every time he charges forward for an attack.

Try to use Large Barrel Bombs to soften up the front legs since they are difficult to destroy if you are only using your weapon.

Learning Barioth's Movements

How to Beat - Barioth 2.gif
Learning Barioth's Movements can help you understand what the next attack might be. This will give you more time to avoid taking damage or getting hit directly by his attacks.

Barioth Attacks

How to Beat - Barioth 3.png
When Barioth sticks to the wall, he usually prepares for a powerful attack or jumps behind you to look for an opening. Be sure to be prepared to dodge whenever Barioth is holding on to the wall.

Ice Tornado

How to Beat - Barioth 4.png
Barioth spits an ice forward which turns into a tornado that can deal damage if you get caught in its range. Try to avoid this by circling around the tornado to reach Barioth.

Preparing Nullberries

You can use Nullberries to cure ailments from Barioth's ice attacks.

Stacking Ice Resistance

You can also stack Ice resistance from your gears to lower the damage you take from Barioth's Ice attacks which are frequently used during the fight.

Cutting Barioth's Tail

Barioth's Tail is long and it can be difficult to dodge when used. Try to cut the tail to shorten its range and make it easier to dodge.

Restraining Barioth

Barioth will move frequently during the fight making it extremely difficult to deal damage. Try to bring items that can restrain Barioth even for a short amount of time. carrying Traps or inflicting sleep or paralyze can be useful for this situation.

Barioth Attack Patterns

Attack Attack Power Guardable Exhaustion
Bite 50 20
Tail Swipe 50 40
Short Tackle 60 45
Glide Attack 60 30
Rotation Attack (Air) 75 50
Rotation Attack (Ground) 70 30
Rotation Swipe 30 15
Dive 50 30
Dive (Front Leg) 20 0
Slam 90 60
Ice Breath 20+Ice(45) 15
Ice Breath (Ground) 20+Ice(45) 15
Tail Attack (Ice) 15+Ice(35) 0

Barioth Carves and Rewards

Carvings and Hunt Rewards

Obtain Rate (%)
MR Barioth Cortex / Body 30
Barioth Thickfur / Body 24
Large Wyvern Gem / Body 2, Tail 5
Barioth Hardclaw / Body 18
Barioth Greatspike / Body 15, Tail 35
Barioth Lash / Body 11, Tail 60

Rewards for Each Body Part

Obtain Rate (%)
MR Barioth Hardclaw / Wings 65
Barioth Greatspike / Wings 35
Amber Hardfang / Head 100

Breakable Body Parts

- Defense Value How to Break
Head 260 Set durability to 0, 3 times.
Right Claw 200 Set durability to 0, 3 times.
Left Claw 200 Set durability to 0, 3 times.
Tail 200 Reduce durability by 400 using cut damage.

Shiny Drops

Obtain Rate (%)
Barioth Greatspike / 50
Barioth Cortex / 28
Large Wyvern Tear / 22

Quest Clear & Investigation Rewards

Obtain Rate (%)
Barioth Lash / 9
Barioth Thickfur / 27
Barioth Cortex / 21
Cryo Sac / 18
Barioth Greatspike / 13
Barioth Hardclaw / 11
Large Wyvern Gem / 1
Barioth Hardclaw / 9
Barioth Greatspike / 9
Amber Hardfang / 16
Barioth Lash / 16
Barioth Thickfur / 14
Barioth Cortex / 12
Cryo Sac / 12
Large Wyvern Gem / 12
Amber Hardfang / 22
Barioth Lash / 22
Large Wyvern Gem / 18
Barioth Hardclaw / 14
Barioth Greatspike / 14
Cryo Sac / 10

Plunderblade Rewards


Obtain Rate (%)
MR Barioth Cortex / 43
Barioth Thickfur / 32
Barioth Hardclaw / 23
Large Wyvern Gem / 2


Obtain Rate (%)
MR Barioth Greatspike / 50
Barioth Cortex / 28
Large Wyvern Tear / 22

Quests Where Barioth Appears

Type Quest Name
Assigned M★1 - Banbaro Blockade
Assigned M★3 - Blizzard Blitz
Assigned M★4 - When the Mist Taketh You
Optional M★1 - Deep Snow Diver
Optional M★1 - Taking Charge
Optional M★1 - Call of the Wild
Optional M★2 - Boaboa Constrictor
Optional M★3 - Remember That One Time?
Optional M★3 - Proud White Knight
Optional M★3 - Special Arena: MR Barioth
Optional M★4 - Noblefrost Hunter
Optional M★4 - Tundra Troublemaker
Optional M★4 - Duet of Rime
Event M★3 - 50 Shades of White
Event M★6 - Ballad to the Hoarfrost

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