Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Kirin Weakness and Strategy Guide

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Learn how to beat Kirin in the game Monster Hunter World (MHW)! This guide explains everything about Kirin's weakness, carves, rewards, and a complete strategy guide for beating and capturing it. Find out what parts are breakable and severable, and what drops and Monster materials are available.

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Kirin Weakness, Body Parts, and Resistances

Kirin Characteristics

Monster Hunter World Kirin
Roar Wind Tremor Blight Status
None None None Thunder Paralysis
Breakable Parts

Locations and Areas Visited

Map Starting Area Visited Areas Rest Spot
Coral Highlands ImageCoral Highlands 8 2 / 12 / 13 / 15 15

*The starting location may change depending on the Quest.

Weakness, Body Parts, Extracts


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
55 55 45 25 Red
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
20 0 20 5

Upper Body

Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
31 31 22 20 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
15 0 15 5

Upper Body [Electricity]

Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
18 18 10 15 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
10 0 10 5

Lower Body

Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
29 29 20 20 White
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
15 0 15 5

Lower Body [Electricity]

Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
18 18 10 15 White
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
10 0 10 5

Higher values indicate higher damage.

Vulnerability to Status Effects and Items

Poison ★★ Flash
Paral Shock
Sleep ★★★ Pitfall
Stun ★★ Ivy
Blast ★★★ Dung
Exhaust Meat
Mount Screamer

All Monster Guides

Countermeasures against Kirin

Recommended Weapon Element and Armor Skills

Recommended Weapon Element
Fire Weapon Kirin is weakest against fire.
Recommended Armor Skills
Thunder Resistance Thunder Resistance is highly recommended against Kirin. See a more elaborate explanation in the following section: How to Beat Kirin.
Blight Resistance If you cannot get your Thunder Resistance to 20, it might be worth investing in Blight Resistance, since Thunderblight makes you more susceptible to getting stunned.
Stun Resistance You can also invest in Stun Resistance if it is more accessible.
Mind's Eye/Ballistics Your attacks will bounce off Kirin when he is enraged and has thunder armor.
Paralysis Resistance Kirin can also paralyze you. Safeguard against this with Paralysis Resistance.

How to Beat Kirin

Things You Should Know in Advance

・Thunder Resistance is recommended
・Attacking with Mind's Eye is effective
・Release the Thunder Armor using Elderseal

Prioritize Thunder Resistance

Kirin's lightning attacks are extremely powerful. These attacks can kill you in one-shot if you have a low Thunder Resistance. Try to increase your Thunder Resistance to 20, this can significantly increase your survivability making the hunt a lot more easier.

However, if this is not possible with your current gears. It is recommended that you use vegetable meal sets to increase your elemental resist in general.

Low Thunder Resistance

Having less than 20 Thunder Resistance can cause Thunderblight if you get hit by Kirin's lightning attacks. Leaving the Thunderblight ailment can be dangerous if you get paralyzed while Kirin is attacking. It is best to cure it immediately using a Nullberry whenever it is present.

Max Health and Defense

Increasing your maximum health and your defense can make a big difference when fighting Kirin. Most of Kirin's attacks can kill instantly or take a huge chunk of your health. It is recommended that you focus on building your Health and Defense after you get enough Thunder Resistance.

Using Mind's Eye

When Kirin is enraged, most of his body will be covered in lightning and can deflect most of your attacks. Kirin moves extremely fast and it can be difficult to find an opening for an attack. Using Mind's Eye will allow you to hit Kirin anywhere without having your attacks deflected.

Status and Traps

Kirin is an elder dragon which makes him immune to traps. However, you can still set up a good Large Barrel Bomb explosion if you manage to get him to sleep. Using a weapon with a high Sleep effect can be useful in this situation.

Removing the Thunder Coat

Normal State Thunder Coat
How to Beat - Kirin 1-1.png How to Beat - Kirin 1-2.png

Kirin's body will be a lot tougher than the usual whenever he is covered in lightning. Using a weapon with an Elderseal can be useful in this hunt. If you managed to deal enough damage to Kirin using an Elderseal weapon, it will eventually remove Kirin's thunder coat.

Dodging the Lightning Strikes

Kirin's lightning strikes are quick and powerful. Try to avoid them at all times and prioritize on dodging them over attacking during the hunt. Be sure to move away whenever Kirin is casting his lightning attacks and be prepared to dodge. Stand at a distance while you wait for an opportunity to attack.

Lightning Strike Patterns

Vertical Lightning Horizontal Lightning
How to Beat - Kirin 2-1.png How to Beat - Kirin 2-2.png

Kirin's lightning attacks will always light up the ground before it strikes. This will give you an idea of where to move next as shown in the picture above.

Always be prepared to dodge quickly since there is only a short window of time before the lightning strikes.

Breaking the Horn

Throughout the fight, Kirin's head will always be the weakest part. Focus on attacking the head even if he enrages or covers himself with lightning especially if you are using an Elderseal. Dealing enough damage to the head can break his horn which will bring him down for a few seconds.

Kirin Attack Patterns

Attack Attack Power Guardable Exhaustion
Headbutt 30 20
Rush 50 40
Back Kick 50 60
Lightning Step 80 40
Lightning Strike 80 40
Large Lightning Strike 130 60
Lightning Bolt 80 40
Large Lightning Bolt 130 60

Kirin Carves and Rewards

Carvings and Hunt Rewards

Obtain Rate (%)
LR Kirin Hide / Body 36
Kirin Tail / Body 28
Kirin Mane / Body 21
Kirin Thunderhorn / Body 15
HR Kirin Hide+ / Body 36
Kirin Mane / Body 21
Kirin Azure Horn / Body 15
Kirin Thundertail /
MR Kirin Finehide / 36
Kirin Thundertail+ / 28
Kirin Silvermane / 21
Kirin Azure Horn+ / 15

Rewards for Each Body Part

Obtain Rate (%)
LR Kirin Thunderhorn / Horn 100
HR Kirin Azure Horn / Horn 80
Kirin Thunderhorn / Horn 20
MR Kirin Azure Horn+ / 80
Kirin Azure Horn / 20

Breakable Body Parts

- Defense Value How to Break
Horn 200 Set durability to 0, once.

Shiny Drops

Obtain Rate (%)
Old Dragon Treasure / 9
Kirin Mane / 68
Kirin Hide / 23
Kirin Hide+ / 50
Kirin Mane / 28
Old Dragon Treasure / 22
Kirin Finehide / 50
Kirin Silvermane / 28
Old Dragon Treasure / 22

Quest Clear & Investigation Rewards

Obtain Rate (%)
Lightcrystal / 9
Kirin Mane / 35
Kirin Tail / 20
Kirin Hide / 20
Kirin Thunderhorn / 16
Kirin Tail / 28
Kirin Thunderhorn / 22
Kirin Mane / 18
Lightcrystal / 18
Kirin Hide / 14
Kirin Tail / 30
Kirin Thunderhorn / 24
Kirin Mane / 14
Lightcrystal / 10
Kirin Hide / 10
Novacrystal / 9
Kirin Mane / 28
Kirin Hide+ / 21
Elder Dragon Blood / 16
Elder Dragon Bone / 13
Kirin Thundertail / 13
Elder Dragon Bone / 8
Kirin Thundertail / 28
Kirin Azure Horn / 22
Novacrystal / 18
Kirin Hide+ / 12
Elder Dragon Blood / 12
Elder Dragon Bone / 8
Kirin Azure Horn / 26
Kirin Thundertail / 20
Kirin Hide+ / 12
Elder Dragon Blood / 12
Purecrystal / 9
Kirin Silvermane / 28
Kirin Finehide / 21
Pure Dragon Blood / 16
Kirin Thundertail+ / 13
Large Elder Dragon Bone / 13
Elder Dragon Bone / 8
Kirin Thundertail / 28
Kirin Azure Horn / 22
Novacrystal / 18
Elder Dragon Blood / 12
Kirin Hide+ / 12
Elder Dragon Bone / 8
Novacrystal / 26
Kirin Azure Horn / 22
Kirin Thundertail / 20
Kirin Hide+ / 12
Elder Dragon Blood / 12

Plunderblade Rewards


Obtain Rate (%)
LR Kirin Hide / 43
Kirin Tail / 34
Kirin Mane / 22
Lightcrystal / 1
HR Kirin Hide+ / 43
Kirin Thundertail / 34
Kirin Mane / 22
Novacrystal / 1
MR Kirin Hide+ / 43
Kirin Thundertail / 34
Kirin Mane / 22
Novacrystal / 1

Quests Where Kirin Appears

Type Quest Name
Optional ★5 - Gone In A Flash
Optional ★9 - Thunderous Rumbles in the Highlands
Event ★5 - Kirin the Myth
Optional ★8 - Lightning Strikes Twice
Optional M★6 - Divine Surge
Event M★5 - We Three Kings
Optional M★5 - Lightning Crashes
Special Assignment M★6 - Sterling Pride

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Leshen IconLeshen Lunastra IconLunastra Nergigante IconNergigante Odogaron IconOdogaron
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Uragaan IconUragaan Vaal Hazak IconVaal Hazak XenoXeno'jiiva Zorah Magdaros IconZorah Magdaros

Colored Variants

Ancient Leshen IconAncient Leshen Azure Rathalos IconAzure Rathalos Black Diablos IconBlack Diablos Pink Rathian IconPink Rathian

Arch-Tempered Elder Dragons

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Arch-Tempered Lunastra IconArch-Tempered Lunastra Arch-Tempered Nergigante IconArch-Tempered Nergigante Arch-Tempered Teostra IconArch-Tempered Teostra Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak IconArch-Tempered Vaal Hazak
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