Monster Hunter World (MHW)

The Moon is a Harsh Queen Quest and Rewards

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This is a guide for The Moon is a Harsh Queen, a Quest appearing in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Learn about The Moon is a Harsh Queen's availability, unlock conditions, target Monsters, and rewards for completing the Quest here.

The Moon is a Harsh Queen Basic Information

How to Unlock The Moon is a Harsh Queen

Available from the Event start time

Quest Basic Information

Lv M★6 Destination Elder's Recess
Type  Event Research Points  -
Time Limit  50 minutes Reward Money 36000z
Objective Hunt a Gold Rathian
Other Conditions  Reach MR70

All Iceborne Event Quests

Monsters Appearing in The Moon is a Harsh Queen

Name Starting Area Visited Areas Rest Spot
Gold RathianGold Rathian 15 15 15

Elder's Recess Maps and Materials

Monster Weaknesses

Monster Fire.png Water.png Thunder.png Ice.png Dragon.png
Gold Rathian ImageGold Rathian ★★ ★★★

The Moon is a Harsh Queen Rewards

Main Rewards

Item Appearance Rate
Heavy Armor Sphere %
Rath Wingtalon+ %
Conflagrant Sac %
Ancient Feystone %
Rathian Weave %
Rathian Mantle %
Gold Rathian Cortex %
Gold Rathian Shard %
Gold Rathian Surspike %

Monster Materials

Gold Rathian

Rathian Weave Rathian Mantle
Rath Gleam Gold Rathian Cortex
Gold Rathian Shard Gold Rathian Surspike

Monster Hunter World (MHW) Related Links

List of Quests and Quest Types

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Quest Types

All Quests by Type

Assigned Quest Iceborne ENG.jpgAssigned Quests Optional Quests Iceborne ENG.jpgOptional Quests
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Assigned Quests base game ENG.jpgAssigned Quests Optional QUests base game ENG.jpgOptional Quests
Event Quests
Iceborne EventsIceborne Events Low high rank eventsLow / High Rank Events
Other Quest Categories
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Arena Quests Challenge Quests Investigation Quests
How to Unlock All Quests
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