Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Iceborne Assigned Quests List

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This is a list of all Assigned Quests for Monster Hunter World's (MHW) Iceborne Expansion Pack. Read on to know all the quests that become available after purchasing Iceborne!

Iceborne Assigned Quests

Quest Name/Rank Requirement Target Area
Baptism by Ice
(Reach MR1)
BeotodusBeotodus Completion Requirements: Hunt a Beotodus Hoarfrost Reach
Unlock Requirements: Complete the Base Game's story mode then discover a Beotodus.
Banbaro Blockade
(Reach MR2)
BanbaroBanbaro Completion Requirements: Hunt a Banbaro Hoarfrost Reach
Unlock Requirements: Complete the assigned quest "Baptism by Ice".
Ready to Strike
(Reach MR3)
Viper Tobi-KadachiViper Tobi-Kadachi Completion Requirements: Hunt a Viper Tobi-Kadachi Hoarfrost Reach
Unlock Requirements: Discover a Viper Tobi-Kadachi in a Hoarfost Reach expedition after clearing the assigned quest "Banbaro Blockade".
No Time for Naps
(Reach MR4)
Nightshade PaolumuNightshade Paolumu Completion Requirements: Hunt a Nightshade Paolumu Wildspire Waste
Unlock Requirements: Complete the quest "Ready to Strike"
Play Both Ends
(Reach MR4)
Coral Pukei-PukeiCoral Pukei-Pukei Completion Requirements: Hunt a Coral Pukei-Pukei Coral Highlands
Unlock Requirements: Complete the quest "Ready to Strike"
Blizzard Blitz
(Reach MR6)
BariothBarioth Completion Requirements: Hunt a Barioth Hoarfrost Reach
Unlock Requirements: Complete the quest "No Time for Naps" and "Play Both Ends" then head to Seliana.
Ever-present Shadow
(Reach MR7)
NargacugaNargacuga Completion Requirements: Hunt a Nargacuga Ancient Forest
Unlock Requirements: Complete the assigned quest "Blizzard Blitz".
The Scorching Blade
(Reach MR7)
GlavenusGlavenus Completion Requirements: Hunt a Glavenus Wildspire Waste
Unlock Requirements: Complete the assigned quest "Blizzard Blitz".
Absolute Power
(Reach MR9)
TigrexTigrex Completion Requirements: Hunt a Tigrex Rotten Vale
Unlock Requirements: Complete the quest "Ever-present Shadow" and "The Scorching Blade".
A Smashing Cross Counter
(Reach MR9)
BrachydiosBrachydios Completion Requirements: Hunt a Brachydios Elder's Recess
Unlock Requirements: Complete the quest "Ever-present Shadow" and "The Scorching Blade".
A Tale of Ice and Fire
(Reach MR11)
VelkhanaVelkhana Completion Requirements: Repel Velkhana Elder's Recess
Unlock Requirements: Complete the assigned quests "A Smashing Cross Counter" and "Absolute Power". Gather enough ??? Tracks (Velkhana).
When the Mist Taketh You
(Reach MR12)
Shrieking LegianaShrieking Legiana Completion Requirements: Hunt a Shrieking Legiana Hoarfrost Reach
Unlock Requirements: Discover a Shrieking Legiana after clearing the assigned quest "A Tale of Ice and Fire".
The Thunderous Troublemaker
(Reach MR13)
Fulgur AnjanathFulgur Anjanath Completion Requirements: Hunt a Fulgur Anjanath Hoarfrost Reach
Unlock Requirements: Complete the quest "When the Mist Taketh You"
The Disintegrating Blade
(Reach MR14)
Acidic GlavenusAcidic Glavenus Completion Requirements: Hunt an Acidic Glavenus Rotten Vale
Unlock Requirements: Complete the quest "The Thunderous Troublemaker" then head to Astera.
Bad Friends, Great Enemies
(Reach MR14)
Ebony OdogaronEbony Odogaron Completion Requirements: Hunt an Ebony Odogaron Coral Highlands
Unlock Requirements: Complete the quest "The Thunderous Troublemaker" then head to Astera.
The Defense of Seliana
(Reach MR16)
VelkhanaVelkhana Completion Requirements: Complete the assignment Seliana Supply Cache
Unlock Requirements: Complete the quest "The Disintegrating Blade" and "Bad Friends, Great Enemies".
The Iceborne Wyvern
(Reach MR17)
VelkhanaVelkhana Completion Requirements: Slay a Velkhana Hoarfrost Reach
Unlock Requirements: Complete the quest "The Defense of Seliana"
The Second Coming
(Reach MR18)
Seething BazelgeuseSeething Bazelgeuse Completion Requirements: Hunt a Seething Bazelgeuse Elder's Recess
Unlock Requirements: Complete the quest "The Iceborne Wyvern"
Under the Veil of Death
(Reach MR19)
Blackveil Vaal HazakBlackveil Vaal Hazak Completion Requirements: Slay a Blackveil Vaal Hazak Ancient Forest
Unlock Requirements: Complete the quest "The Second Coming"
A Light from the Abyss
(Reach MR20)
NamielleNamielle Completion Requirements: Slay a Namielle Coral Highlands
Unlock Requirements: Complete the quest "Under the Veil of Death".
To the Guided, A Paean
(Reach MR21)
Ruiner NergiganteRuiner Nergigante Completion Requirements: Complete the Assignment Origin Isle
Unlock Requirements: Complete the quest "A Light from the Abyss" then talk to the admiral.
Paean of Guidance
(Reach MR22)
Shara IshvaldaShara Ishvalda Completion Requirements: Complete the Assignment Origin Isle
Unlock Requirements: Complete the quest "To the Guided, A Paean"
Return of the Crazy One
(Reach MR24)
Yian GarugaYian Garuga Completion Requirements: Hunt a Yian Garuga Guiding Lands
Unlock Requirements: Speak to the Field Team Leader after reaching zone level three in the Forest Region of the Guiding Lands.
Sleep Now in the Fire
(Reach MR49)
RathianRathian Completion Requirements: Hunt all target monsters:
Tempered Rathian, Tempered Nightshade Paolumu Ancient Forest
Unlock Requirements: Reach MR 49 or higher.
Big Burly Bash
(Reach MR69)
BrachydiosBrachydios Completion Requirements: Hunt all target monsters:
Tempered Brachydios, Tempered Glavenus Elder's Recess
Unlock Requirements: Reach MR 69 and reach level five in any zone of the Guiding Lands.
To the Very Ends with You
(Reach MR99)
Ruiner NergiganteRuiner Nergigante Completion Requirements: Slay a Ruiner Nergigante Guiding Lands
Unlock Requirements: Reach MR 99. Region levels in the Guiding Lands must cumulatively reach 12 levels.

Iceborne Special Assignments

Quest Name/Rank Requirement Target Area
Sterling Pride
(Reach MR24)
KirinKirin Completion Requirements: Slay a Kirin Hoarfrost Reach
Unlock Requirements: Clea the Iceborne Expansion's story. Talk to the Admiral once your rank is higher than M★24
Reveal Thyself, Destroyer
(Reach MR24)
RajangRajang Completion Requirements: Complete the assignment Guiding Lands
Unlock Requirements: Complete the quest "Sterling Pride". Talk to the Admiral in Seliana.
Across the Lost Path
(Reach MR24)
Stygian ZinogreStygian Zinogre Completion Requirements: Complete the Assignment Guiding Lands
Unlock Requirements: Complete the story of Iceborne and have hunted a Zinogre.
Point of No Return
(Reach MR24)
SafiSafi'jiiva Completion Requirements: Complete the Assignment Secluded Valley
Unlock Requirements: Complete the quest "Across the Lost Path"
...And My Rage for All
(Reach MR24)
Raging BrachydiosRaging Brachydios Completion Requirements: Slay a Raging Brachydios Guiding Lands
Unlock Requirements: Complete the special assignment "Across the Lost Path" and unlock the Volcanic Region of the Guiding Lands.
The Fury Remains
(Reach MR24)
Furious RajangFurious Rajang Completion Requirements: Hunt a Furious Rajang Hoarfrost Reach
Unlock Requirements: Unlock the Volcanic and Tundra regions of the Guiding Lands.
Blazing Black Twilight
(Reach MR24)
AlatreonAlatreon Completion Requirements: Slay an Alatreon Secluded Valley
Unlock Requirements: After completing the Iceborne Expansion's story mode, talk to the 3rd fleet commander.
Dawn's Triumph
(Reach MR24)
AlatreonAlatreon Completion Requirements: Slay an Alatreon Secluded Valley
Unlock Requirements: Clear "Blazing Black Twilight"
The Black Dragon
(Reach MR24)
FatalisFatalis Completion Requirements: Slay Fatalis Castle Schrade
Unlock Requirements: Clear "Dawn's Triumph

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