Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Arch-Tempered Kulve Taroth Strategy Guide | Kulve Taroth Siege

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Learn how to beat Arch-Tempered Kulve Taroth in the Iceborne expansion for Monster Hunter World (MHW)! This guide explains everything about Arch-Tempered Kulve Taroth's weakness, carves, rewards, and a complete strategy guide for beating and capturing it. Find out what parts are breakable and severable, and what drops and Monster materials are available.

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Arch-Tempered Kulve Taroth Weakness, Body Parts, and Resistances

Arch-Tempered Kulve Taroth Characteristics

Monster Hunter World Kulve Taroth
Roar Wind Tremor Blight Status
Big None None Fire None
Breakable Parts
Horns, Gold Plating, Tail

Vulnerability to Status Effects and Items

Poison Flash
Paral Shock
Sleep Pitfall
Stun Ivy
Blast Dung
Exhaust Meat
Mount Screamer

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What is the Kulve Taroth Siege

A 16 Player Hunt

Kulve Taroth .png

This Siege is a 16 player event where all the hunter's progress stacks with each other. This progress comes in the form of the Pursuit level where the higher the pursuit level, the easier the hunt will become. While it is a 16 player hunt, you can only initiate the siege in groups of 4 so do not expect all hunters to see together when hunting the Kulve Taroth.

Goal is to Repel the Kulve Taroth

kulve taroth.png

It is impossible to kill Kulve Taroth during the Siege, breaking its horn marks the end of the siege. Carving the horn can net you several rewards such as the rare Kulve Taroth weapons.

How to Beat Arch-Tempered Kulve Taroth

Kulve Taroth .png

We have a guide on defeating the Kulve Taroth, while the details from the MR quest where your goal is kill Kulve Taroth, most steps remain the same except for the following:

  1. During the siege, you start in Phase 1 where Kulve Taroth first roams the western side of the map. Here, you can use the Wedge beetles to move across the map and use your ammo on the archs to make it fall on Kulve Taroth.
  2. It is impossible to kill Kulve Taroth at this quest. The quest The Fury of El Dorado which is an MR quest is where your goal is to truly slay Kulve Taroth. (note that this quest is not a siege and must be completed by 4 players only.)

For a detailed guide on how to subdue Kulve Taroth, refer to our guide below.

Kulve Taroth Weakness and Strategy Guide

Best Equipment for Kulve Taroth

Best Weapons

Thunder Weapons Useful as Kulve Taroth's gold coating makes it vulnerable to thunder.
Ice Weapons Kulve Taroth's Weakness when its gold coating comes off.

Best Skills

Partbreaker The goal of the siege is to peel off the gold from Kulve Taroth and break its horn. Partbreaker makes this an easier task.
Fire Resist Kulve Taroth's fire attacks are no joke. You'll want to make sure your fire resistance is at a decent level (or better, over 20)
Shaver Wounding Kulve Taroth is a must if you want to rapidly break a certain part.
Thunder Attack / Ice Attack More Damage.
Health Boost More survivability.

Sample Armor Loadouts (Dual Blades)

Weapon Decorations
Boundless Farsight Expert Jewel 1 x2
Armor Decorations
Head Rath Soul Helm Alpha + Vitality Jewel 1 x2
Armor Kushala Cista Beta + Elementless Jewel 2
Destroyer Jewel 2
Greaves Damascus Vambraces Alpha + Destroyer Jewel 2
Vitality Jewel 1
Waist Fulgur Coil Beta + Shaver Jewel 3
Expert Jewel 1
Legs Tentacle Greaves Beta + Destroyer Jewel 2
Charm Exploiter Charm II none

Sample Build Skill List

Handicraft 5 Weakness Exploit 3
Non-Elemental Boost 1 Critical Eye 3
Health Boost 3 Stamina Surge 2
Partbreaker 3 Speed Sharpening 1
Item Prolonger 1 Critical Boost 1
hunter guide A general raw build for the Dual Blades. It's slightly modified so we can slot in some Partbreaker for the Kulve Taroth Siege. The Destroyer Jewels can be replaced with Sprinter Jewels for extended use of Demon Mode.

Best Mantles

Temporal Mantle Free dodges and it allows you for free flinch shots.
Fireproof Mantle Greatly reduces the damage from Kulve Taroth's fire breath attacks (which is also one of its most lethal moves).
Rocksteady Mantle To protect yourself from tremors and allow you to make risky flinch shots.

Quests Where Arch-Tempered Kulve Taroth Appears

Type Quest Name
Event ★9 - The Fury of El Dorado

note: The quest “The Fury of El Dorado” is a seasonal quest and is only available after every 2 weeks, swaps with the Safi'ijiva Siege.

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