Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Iceborne Story Walkthrough | How to Unlock the Guiding Lands

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This is a general outline of how to progress through the story in Monster Hunter World (MHW)'s Iceborne expansion. Check the information below to find out how to quickly make your way towards the post-game and the toughest challenges Iceborne has to offer!

Story Walkthrough Guides
Monster Hunter World
(Low/High Rank)
(Master Rank)

How to Progress Iceborne's Story

Defeat the Final Boss of MHW

In order to start up Iceborne, you will have to complete the base game quest Land of Convergence and defeat Xeno'jiiva.

Xeno'jiiva Strategy Guide

Clear Assigned Quests and Raise Your Master Rank

With Iceborne you will have access to Master Rank. As you complete Iceborne assigned quests, your Master Rank will increase and the MR cap will rise, unlocking a variety of quests and features to aid you.

Story: M★1 Outline

View Monster Hunter World's ending
Clear Land of Convergence
Speak to the Feisty Fiver and go on an expedition to Ancient Forest
Investigation: Ancient Forest
Track the Legiana
Unlock Master Rank→Achieve MR1
Speak with the Commander and set out for Hoarfrost Reach
Investigation: Hoarfrost Reach
Find a place to land the airship
・Hoarfrost Reach: Unlock Southern Camp
・New food at the Canteen
・Unlock the Direwolf Layered Armor Set
Defeat the Beotodus
Can be challened as a M★1 quest
・Receive Ice Res Jewel +4 and Mirewalker Jewel +4
Meet up with the Handler
Achieve MR2
・Obtain a quest to upgrade your Ghillie Mantle
・Master Rank expeditions unlocked
・Seliana unlocked
・Level 4 decoration slots unlocked at the Forge
・Receive the Surveyor Set from the Lynian Researcher
・Receive Expert Jewel +4 from the Second Fleet Master
Go on an expedition to Hoarfrost Reach
Investigation: Hoarfrost Reach
Investigate Hoarfrost Reach
・Hoarfrost Reach: Unlock Western Camp
・Delivery Quest: Setting up Camp: Hoarfrost Reach I
 ┗ Hoarfrost Reach:Unlocks Central Camp
Hunt a Banbaro once found
Return to Seliana after you complete your expedition
Achieve MR3
・Amount harvested from the Botanical Research Center increases by 10
・Unlock Steamworks and the Elder Melder in Seliana
・Receive Dragonvein Coal from the Excitable A-Lister
・Receive a Hot Drink from the Field Master

Story: M★2 Outline

Go on an expedition to Hoarfrost Reach
Investigation: Hoarfrost Reach
Hunt a Viper Tobi-Kadachi
└ Bring poison resistant equipment for an easier time
Meet up with the Handler once your expedition is complete
Achieve MR4/Unlock M★2 quests
・Amount harvested from the Botanical Research Center increases by 10
・Unlock a quest to upgrade your Vitality Mantle
・Unlock a quest to upgrade your Cleanser Booster
・Hoarfrost Reach: Unlock Shipwreck Camp
・New items purchaseable
・New bounties available
Accept the following quests:
No Time for Naps
Play Both Ends
Assigned Quest: Wildspire Waste
Hunt a Nightshade Paolumu
Achieve MR5
Hunt a Coral Pukei-Pukei
Achieve MR6
・Unlock a quest to upgrade the Waterproof Mantle
・Unlock a quest to upgrade the Health Booster

Story: M★3 Outline

Head to Seliana
Accept the quest Blizzard Blitz
Assigned Quest: Hoarfrost Reach
Hunt a Barioth
Achieve MR7/Unlock M★3 quests
・Unlock the next level of equipment upgrades
・Receive a Warming Jewel +2 from the Commander
Investigate the strange happenings in Ancient Forest
Investigation:Ancient Forest
Go on an expedition in Ancient Forest
Accept the following quests:
Never-ending Shadow
The Scorching Blade
Search for signs of a Velkhana in each area
Assigned Quest: Ancient Forest
Hunt a Nargacuga
Achieve MR8
Assigned Quest: Wildspire Waste
Hunt a Glavenus
Achieve MR9
Accept the following quests:
Absolute Power
A Smashing Cross Counterhrl]Search for signs of a Velkhana in each area
Assigned Quest: Rotten Vale
Hunt a Tigrex
Achieve MR10
Assigned Quest: Elder's Recess
Hunt a Brachydios
Achieve MR11
・A new request is available at the Botanical Resource Center
・Unlock a quest to upgrade the Glider Mantle
・Unlock a quest to upgrade the Challenger Mantle
・Unlock a quest to upgrade the Fireproof Mantle
Expedition/Free: Any Map
Complete your search for Velkhana tracks and return to Astera
Accept the quest A Tale of Ice and Fire
Assigned Quest: Elder's Recess
Drive back the Velkhana
Achieve MR12
・Unlock a quest to upgrade the Evasion Mantle
・Unlock a quest to upgrade the Bandit Mantle

Story: M★4 Outline

Go on an expedition to Hoarfrost Reach
Investigation: Hoarfrost Reach
Investigate Hoarfrost Reach
・Delivery Quest: Setting Up Camp: Hoarfrost Reach II
 ┗ Hoarfrost Reach: Unlock Northeastern Camp
Hunt a Shrieking Legiana
Complete your investigation and return to base
Achieve MR13/Unlock M★4 quests
・New items at the Elder Melder
Accept the quest The Thunderous Troublemaker!
Assigned Quest: Hoarfrost Reach
Hunt a Fulgur Anjanath
Achieve MR14
・Unlock a quest to upgrade the Thunderproof Mantle
・Poogie appears in Seliana
Head to Astera
Accept the following quests:
The Disintegrating Blade
Bad Friends, Great Enemies
Assigned Quest: Rotten Vale
Hunt an Acidic Glavenus
Achieve MR15
Assigned Quest: Coral Highlands
Hunt an Ebony Odogaron
Achieve MR16
・Unlock a quest to upgrade the Iceproof Mantle
Accept the quest The Defense of Seliana
Assigned Quest: Seliana Supply Cache
Defend the base
Achieve MR17
・Unlock a quest to upgrade the Rocksteady Mantle
・New stock on the Argosy

Story: M★5 Outline

Accept the quest The Iceborne Wyvern
Achieve MR18
Assigned Quest: Hoarfrost Reach
Hunt a Velkhana
・Area 16 is now accessible
・It's weak to fire so bring fire weapons
Investigation: Elder's Recess
Find and hunt a Seething Bazelgeuse
・It's tracks can be found soon after starting your investigation
Nergigante Thorns can be found in Area 9
・After the cutscene with the Admiral you'll fight the Seething Bazelgeuse
Search for traces of an Elder Dragon in each area while doing expeditions or free quests
The Second Coming
Hunt a Seething Balzegeuse
Achieve MR19
・It's possible for a Savage Deviljho to join
・Beware as it is incredibly strong
Elder Dragon Investigation
Gather traces of an Elder Dragon across every map
・This is much quicker to fill the gauge than defeating one
Assigned Quest: Ancient Forest
Hunt a Black Veil Vaal Hazak
Achieve MR20
Investigate an Elder Dragon again
If you fill the gauge again you will receive a quest to hunt Namielle
・Find traces rather than defeating monsters
Assigned Quest: A Light From The Abyss
Slay Namielle
Achieve MR21
・Attacking from the front is dangerous so go after its sides

Story: M★6 Outline

Once the meeting is over, head to Origin Isle
・After arriving at Origin Isle you will fight a few montsers in succession so prepare yourself
Special Quest: To The Guided, A Paean
Slay Ruiner Nergigante
Achieve MR22
・Ruiner Nergigante has many new attacks so beware
Special Quest: To The Guided, A Paean
Once you slay Ruiner Nergigante there will be a scene and you will move onto your next hunt
Achieve MR23
・You will have a long fight coming up so use a Farcaster to return to camp and restock on supplies
Speak with the Field Team Leader and head to Elder's Recess to investigate Ruiner Nergigante
Investigation: Guiding Lands
As you pursue Nergigante, you will come across a new map, the Guiding Lands. Continue on your investigation as normal

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