Honkai: Star Rail

Aurumaton Gatekeeper Enemy Guide

♦ Latest: 3.1 Summary & Amphoreus Guide
♦ Phase 1: Tribbie, Yunli, Hook, Lynx, Guinaifen
♦ Phase 2: Mydei, Huohuo, Arlan, Xueyi, Natasha
♦ 3.2 Characters: Castorice & Anaxa
♦ 3.3 Characters: Hyacine & Cipher
♦ New Events: The Awooo Firm & Protean Hero

Honkai Star Rail - Aurumaton Gatekeeper Enemy Guide

Aurumaton Gatekeeper is an enemy in Honkai: Star Rail. See its locations, item drops, skills, weaknesses, how to beat it, and related achievements in this guide!

Aurumaton Gatekeeper Information

Aurumaton Gatekeeper Details

Aurumaton Gatekeeper Information
Honkai Star Rail (HSR) - Aurumaton Gatekeeper Aurumaton Gatekeeper
World The Xianzhou Luofu
Lightning Wind Quantum

Aurumaton Gatekeeper Skills

All Talents and Abilities
Enchainment (Ability)
Deals massive Imaginary DMG to a single target, with a high chance of inflicting Imprisonment.
Dread (Ability)
Increases Sanction Rate level and deals minor Imaginary DMG to all targets. Has a chance to inflict Weaken on the targets.
Restraint (Ability)
Deals Imaginary DMG to a single target.
Farewell Etiquette (Talent)
The Sanction Rate level increases when your team uses Skills or Ultimates. When the Sanction Rate reaches its level cap, enters Sanction mode and summons Illumination Dragonfish.

Featured in Aetherium Wars

Honkai Star Rail - 1.4 Event - Aetherium Wars
Aurumaton Gatekeeper is an enemy obtainable as an Aether Spirit in the Aetherium Wars event! Aetherium Wars is an event where you collect enemies as Aether Spirits and use them to fight against other players in the ''Interastral Tournament Event''.

Find out which Aether Spirits are the best in our Aether Spirits Tier List and which of them make up the best teams in our Aether Spirit Team Comps guide to triumph against other players in the tournament!

Aetherium Wars Event Guide

Where to Find Aurumaton Gatekeeper

Aurumaton Gatekeeper Stagnant Shadow Location

Shape of Puppetry - Stagnant Shadow
Location Artisanship Commission, The Xianzhou Loufu

Other Aurumaton Gatekeeper Locations

Location 1 Cavern - Path of Conflagration
Location 2 Shape of Puppetry (Stagnant Shadow)

How to Beat Aurumaton Gatekeeper

Make the Summoned Units Explode

Honkai Star Rail - Make the Enemies Explode Aurumaton Gatekeeper
Aurumaton Gatekeeper can summon two Entranced Ingenium - Illumination Dragonfish on the field. These enemies explode and deal damage on their allies once their HP is depleted. Try to focus your attacks against them before having a head-on fight against the Aurumaton Gatekeeper!

Entranced Ingenium - Illumination Dragonfish Enemy Guide

Add a Tank to the Team

Honkai Star Rail - Add a Tank Against Aurumaton Gatekeeper

Since Aurumaton's attacks are mostly single-targets only, it's better to have one tank on your team that can take them in. You can either add the Trailblazer (Fire) on your team, or Gepard if you got him to take this role.


Aurumaton Gatekeeper Weaknesses
Star Rail - QuantumQuantum Star Rail - WindWind Star Rail - LightningLightning

Use the characters with the same elements above to defeat Aurumaton Gatekeeper efficiently. Give some time to change your current party if you don't have characters that matches the Aurumaton Gatekeeper's weaknesses!

Aurumaton Gatekeeper Drops

Aurumaton Gatekeeper Material Drops

Items Dropped
Immortal Lumintwig ItemImmortal Lumintwig Immortal Aeroblossom ItemImmortal Aeroblossom Immortal Scionette ItemImmortal Scionette

All Items List

Other Item Drops

Items Dropped
Ambergris of Abundance ItemAmbergris of Abundance Interdimensional Leaf ItemInterdimensional Leaf

Characters that Use Aurumaton Gatekeeper Materials

All Characters
Star Rail - Blade ItemBlade Star Rail - Jing Yuan ItemJing Yuan Star Rail - Tingyun ItemTingyun
Star Rail - Imbibitor Lunae ItemImbibitor Lunae Star Rail - Jingliu ItemJingliu Star Rail - Huohuo ItemHuohuo
Star Rail - Ruan Mei ItemRuan Mei Star Rail - Jiaoqiu ItemJiaoqiu Star Rail - Lingsha ItemLingsha
Star Rail - Fugue ItemFugue

All Character Ascension & Trace Materials

Light Cones that Use Aurumaton Gatekeeper Materials

All Light Cones
Star Rail - Multiplication ItemMultiplication Star Rail - Today Is Another Peaceful Day ItemToday Is Another Peaceful Day Star Rail - Return to Darkness ItemReturn to Darkness
Star Rail - Before Dawn ItemBefore Dawn Star Rail - GeniusesGeniuses' Repose Star Rail - Under the Blue Sky ItemUnder the Blue Sky
Star Rail - Trend of the Universal Market ItemTrend of the Universal Market Star Rail - The Unreachable Side ItemThe Unreachable Side Star Rail - Brighter Than the Sun ItemBrighter Than the Sun
Star Rail - I Shall Be My Own Sword ItemI Shall Be My Own Sword Star Rail - Night of Fright ItemNight of Fright Star Rail - Past Self in Mirror ItemPast Self in Mirror
Star Rail - Those Many Springs ItemThose Many Springs Star Rail - Scent Alone Stays True ItemScent Alone Stays True Star Rail - Long Road Leads Home ItemLong Road Leads Home

All Light Cone Ascension Materials

Stagnant Shadow Rewards

Suppressing Edict ItemSuppressing Edict

Characters Who Use Suppressing Edict

All Characters
Star Rail - Imbibitor Lunae ItemImbibitor Lunae Star Rail - Dr. Ratio ItemDr. Ratio Star Rail - Aventurine ItemAventurine

Aurumaton Gatekeeper Achievements

Wrathful Aurumaton Achievement

Achievement & How to Get Reward
Wrathful AurumatonWrathful Aurumaton

In a single battle, cause Aurumaton Gatekeeper to enter the Wrath state 3 times
Honkai Star Rail - Stellar Jade x10

The Wrathful Aurumaton achievement can be unlocked by allowing the Aurumaton Gatekeeper to enter the Wrath state 3 times. This can be done by purposely casting Skills and Ultimates to increase the Sanction Rate level of the Gatekeeper!

All Achievements Guide

Honkai: Star Rail Related Guides

Honkai Star Rail - Enemies
All Enemies and Weaknesses Guide

Other Elite Enemies

Star Rail - Aurumaton Gatekeeper EnemyAurumaton Gatekeeper Star Rail - Disciples of Sanctus Medicus - Shape Shifter EnemyDisciples of Sanctus Medicus - Shape Shifter Star Rail - Stormbringer EnemyStormbringer
Star Rail - Voidranger - Trampler EnemyVoidranger - Trampler Star Rail - Silvermane Lieutenant EnemySilvermane Lieutenant Star Rail - Svarog EnemySvarog
Star Rail - Frigid Prowler EnemyFrigid Prowler Star Rail - Searing Prowler EnemySearing Prowler Star Rail - Decaying Shadow EnemyDecaying Shadow
Star Rail - Guardian Shadow EnemyGuardian Shadow Star Rail - Gepard EnemyGepard Star Rail - Bronya EnemyBronya
Star Rail - Cocolia EnemyCocolia Star Rail - Ice Out of Space EnemyIce Out of Space Star Rail - Blaze Out of Space EnemyBlaze Out of Space
Star Rail - Automaton Grizzly EnemyAutomaton Grizzly Star Rail - Automaton Direwolf EnemyAutomaton Direwolf Star Rail - Stellaron Hunter: Kafka EnemyStellaron Hunter: Kafka
Star Rail - Trotter of Preservation EnemyTrotter of Preservation Star Rail - Trotter of Destruction EnemyTrotter of Destruction Star Rail - Trotter of Abundance EnemyTrotter of Abundance
Star Rail - Abundant Ebon Deer EnemyAbundant Ebon Deer Star Rail - Trot Tri EnemyTrot Tri Star Rail - Trot Prime EnemyTrot Prime
Star Rail - Trot Deuce EnemyTrot Deuce Star Rail - Cloud Knight Lieutenant: Yanqing EnemyCloud Knight Lieutenant: Yanqing Star Rail - Abundance Sprite - Malefic Ape EnemyAbundance Sprite - Malefic Ape
Star Rail - The Ascended EnemyThe Ascended Star Rail - The Swarm - True Sting (Complete) EnemyThe Swarm - True Sting (Complete) Star Rail - Senior Staff - Team Leader EnemySenior Staff - Team Leader
Star Rail - Aurumaton Spectral Envoy EnemyAurumaton Spectral Envoy Star Rail - Cirrus EnemyCirrus Star Rail - Argenti EnemyArgenti
Star Rail - Stellaron Hunter - Sam EnemyStellaron Hunter - Sam Star Rail - Memory Zone Meme - Something Unto Death EnemyMemory Zone Meme - Something Unto Death Star Rail - Dreamjolt TroupeDreamjolt Troupe's Sweet Gorilla
Star Rail - Dreamjolt TroupeDreamjolt Troupe's Beyond Overcooked Star Rail - Ten Stonehearts - Aventurine of Stratagems EnemyTen Stonehearts - Aventurine of Stratagems Star Rail - Memory Zone Meme - Shell of Faded Rage EnemyMemory Zone Meme - Shell of Faded Rage
Star Rail - Past Confined and Caged EnemyPast Confined and Caged Star Rail - Present Inebriated in Revelry EnemyPresent Inebriated in Revelry Star Rail - Tomorrow in Harmonious Chords EnemyTomorrow in Harmonious Chords
Star Rail - The Past, Present, and Eternal Show EnemyThe Past, Present, and Eternal Show Star Rail - Howling Casket EnemyHowling Casket Star Rail - Borisin Warhead - Hoolay EnemyBorisin Warhead - Hoolay
Star Rail - Wonder Forest’s Banacademic Office Staff EnemyWonder Forest’s Banacademic Office Staff Star Rail - Banacademic Office’s Charmony BananAdvisor EnemyBanacademic Office’s Charmony BananAdvisor Star Rail - Furiae Praetor EnemyFuriae Praetor
Star Rail - The Giver, Master of Legions, Lance of Fury EnemyThe Giver, Master of Legions, Lance of Fury Star Rail - Savage and Mad God, Incarnation of Strife EnemySavage and Mad God, Incarnation of Strife Star Rail - Flame Reaver of the Deepest Dark EnemyFlame Reaver of the Deepest Dark

Stagnant Shadow (Field Bosses)

Honkai Star Rail - Stagnant Shadows - Shape of DoomDisciples of Sanctus Medicus - Shape Shifter Honkai Star Rail - Stagnant Shadows - Shape of IcicleIce Out of Space Honkai Star Rail - Stagnant Shadows - Shape of MirageDecaying Shadow
Honkai Star Rail - Stagnant Shadows - Shape of RimeFrigid Prowler Honkai Star Rail - Stagnant Shadows - Shape of SpikeAutomaton Direwolf Honkai Star Rail - Stagnant Shadows - Shape of BlazeBlaze Out of Space
Honkai Star Rail - Stagnant Shadows - Shape of FulminationGuardian Shadow Honkai Star Rail - Stagnant Shadows - Shape of GustStormbringer Honkai Star Rail - Stagnant Shadows - Shape of QuantaVoidranger - Trampler
Honkai Star Rail - Stagnant Shadows - Shape of CelestialThe Ascended Honkai Star Rail - Stagnant Shadows - Shape of PuppetryAurumaton Gatekeeper Honkai Star Rail - Stagnant Shadows - Shape of AbominationAbundance Sprite - Malefic Ape
Honkai Star Rail - Stagnant Shadows - Shape of CelestialSearing Prowler Honkai Star Rail - Stagnant Shadows - Shape of PerditionAurumaton Spectral Envoy Honkai Star Rail - Stagnant Shadows - Shape of NectarDreamjolt Troupe's Sweet Gorilla
Honkai Star Rail - Stagnant Shadows - Shape of RoastDreamjolt Troupe's Beyond Overcooked Honkai Star Rail - Stagnant Shadows - Shape of IreMemory Zone Meme - Shell of Faded Rage

Stagnant Shadow Field Bosses and Drops


5 Anonymous9 months

im going to kms this is the worst enemy ever

4 Anonymous10 months

I find him to be very hard. Cant beat in higher levels yet, and he is necessary to level up Dr Ratio.


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