Honkai: Star Rail

Qingque Best Builds and Teams

♦ Latest: 3.1 Summary & Amphoreus Guide
♦ Phase 1: Tribbie, Yunli, Hook, Lynx, Guinaifen
♦ Phase 2: Mydei, Huohuo, Arlan, Xueyi, Natasha
♦ 3.2 Characters: Castorice & Anaxa
♦ New Events: The Awooo Firm & Protean Hero

Honkai Star Rail - Qingque Best Builds and Teams

Qingque is a Quantum and Erudition character in Honkai: Star Rail. Check out Qingque's best builds, team comps, materials, light cones, relics, and her kit here!

Qingque's Character Overview

Qingque Basic Info and Rating

Qingque Basic Information
Star Rail - QingqueQingque Rarity
General Rating Endgame Rating
Star Rail - A Overall

Star Rail - A DPS
Star Rail - A MoC

Star Rail - A PF

Star Rail - A AS

General Ratings are based on E0.
Endgame Ratings are based on enemies and buffs for the current patch.

How do you rate Qingque?

SS 9057
S 1098
A 595
B 115
C 118

Character Tier List

Qingque's Strengths and Weaknesses

Qingque's Strengths
+ High DMG potential through Enhanced Basic ATKs.
+ Buffs her own SPD and DMG.
Qingque's Weaknesses
- Reliant on luck and SP hungry.
- Needs a lot of investment to perform optimally.

Qingque Stats

Level 1
Level 80
Stat Base Value
Stat Base Value

The stats indicated above are Qingque's base values. These numbers do not include the character's equipped Light Cone, Relics, or activated Trace nodes.

List of All Character Stats and Rank

Should You Pull for Qingque?

Qingque is a Quantum DPS that uses matching tiles to maximize her DMG potential. Even though her kit is luck-reliant, she still shines in situations where there are a lot of enemies since her Enhanced Basic ATK and Ultimate damage multiple targets.

If you find her kit interesting or need a Quantum DPS that can deal with multiple targets, then Qingque can fit in your party.

Qingque's Best Builds

Basic ATK Main DPS

Base Build
Alternative Cones
Best Light Cone Relics and Ornament
Star Rail - Before Dawn Light Cone Before Dawn
Main Stats Sub Stats
Body: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
Feet: ATK% / SPD
Sphere: Quantum DMG
Rope: ATK%
CRIT Rate ★★★
ATK% ★★
SPD ★★

This build ensures Qingque gets the things she needs to maximize her DPS. If Qingque has equipped the Poet of Mourning Collapse Relic, avoid building SPD stats on her. You can use SPD stats if Qingque is using other Relic sets.

Recommended Stat Values

Stat Recommended Value
CRIT Rate 70% or above
CRIT DMG 120% or above
ATK 2500 or above
SPD 98 or 135+

Qingque should have at least 70% CRIT Rate for Rutilant Arena's set requirement. As a DPS, substats like CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG are the best stats for her which boosts her DMG even further.

If Qingque is paired with a High SPD Sparkle, you don't need to invest SPD on her. If Qingque uses the Firmament ornament, she needs at least 135 SPD. Always try to hit SPD Breakpoints.

Qingque's Best Teams

Qingque F2P Team (Free to Play)

Main DPS DPS Shielder Healer
Star Rail - QingqueQingque Star Rail - Dan HengDan Heng Star Rail - Trailblazer (Fire)Trailblazer (Fire) Star Rail - LynxLynx

This F2P Qingque team focuses on dealing DMG in both single target and AoE situations. Dan Heng can deal with enemies with higher HP while the Fire Trailblazer and Lynx keep the party alive.

Qingque Hyper Carry Team

Main DPS Support Support Utility
Star Rail - QingqueQingque Star Rail - SparkleSparkle Star Rail - TingyunTingyun Star Rail - Fu XuanFu Xuan

Funnel all SP into Qingque for consecutive extra turns of massive burst damage before the full turn cycle completes. Sparkle and Tingyun provide amazing offensive buffs for her which boost her DMG even further.

Character Merits
Star Rail - AstaAsta Support Replacement
Synergizes great with Qingque's high speed and gives stacking attack buffs.
Star Rail - PelaPela Support Replacement
Pela can reduce the enemy's DEF and strip buffs to increase DMG dealt by Qingque.
Star Rail - BronyaBronya Support Replacement
Bronya can provide DMG buffs to Qingque and give her an extra turn with her Skill.
Star Rail - RobinRobin Support Replacement
Robin can provide party-wide damage buffs and give all her allies an extra turn after she uses her Ultimate.
Star Rail - HanyaHanya Support Replacement
Hanya can restore SP for the party and boost Qingque's SPD and ATK using her Ultimate.
Star Rail - Ruan MeiRuan Mei Support Replacement
Ruan Mei provides a ton of useful buffs such as Break Efficiency and All RES PEN on her Ultimate, which is great for Qingque's DPS.
Star Rail - LuochaLuocha Utility ReplacementCan replace the Healer if not needed. Can also replace either Bronya or Tingyun for more survivability at the cost of DMG.

Qingque Mono-Quantum Team

Main DPS Support Support Utility
Star Rail - QingqueQingque Star Rail - SparkleSparkle Star Rail - Silver WolfSilver Wolf Star Rail - Fu XuanFu Xuan

A Mono-Quantum team for Qingque works very well. Silver Wolf can apply debuffs and DEF reduction, while Fu Xuan can redirect damage taken to herself and reduce the DMG taken by the party.

Qingque's Best Relics and Ornaments

All Recommended Relics and Ornaments

Relics Rating & Merits
Poet of Mourning Collapse Poet of Mourning Collapse x4 ★★★★★ - Best
Poet of Mourning Collapse is Qingque's best relic set since it provides a ton of CRIT Rate if she has low enough SPD. This set can be fully active as long as Qingque isn't built with any SPD stats.
Genius of Brilliant Stars Genius of Brilliant Stars x4 ★★★★☆ - 2nd Best
Genius of Brilliant Stars is the second best set for Qingque since it increases her overall DMG and provides DEF ignore for enemies weak to Quantum.
Ornaments Merits
Rutilant Arena Rutilant Arena ★★★★★ - Best
Rutilant Arena is the best Ornament for Qingque since it increases her Basic ATK DMG as long as she meets the requirement of 70% CRIT Rate.
Firmament Frontline Glamoth Firmament Frontline Glamoth ★★★★☆ - 2nd Best
Firmament Frontline Glamoth provides Qingque with ATK and a direct DMG increase as long as she meets the minimum 135 SPD requirement.
Space Sealing Station Space Sealing Station ★★★☆☆ - 3rd Best
This Ornament set increases Qingque's ATK which increases her overall DMG, provided that she meets the 120 SPD requirement which shouldn't be hard at all.

Qingque's Best Light Cones

All Recommended Light Cones

Light Cone Why We Recommend It
Star Rail - Before Dawn Light Cone Before Dawn ★★★★★ - Best
Before Dawn is the best Light Cone for Qingque since it boosts her CRIT DMG, Skill, and Ultimate DMG. The Somnus Corpus effect can also increase the DMG of her Follow-Up Attack at E4.
Star Rail - Night on the Milky Way Light Cone Night on the Milky Way ★★★★☆ - Great
Night on the Milky Way is a great Light Cone for Qingque since it increases her ATK and boosts her DMG when she inflicts Weakness Break on an enemy. To fully utilize this Light Cone, however, there needs to be multiple enemies in the battle. This Light Cone shines in modes like Pure Fiction.
Star Rail - Geniuses Geniuses' Repose ★★★★☆ - Great
Geniuses' Repose is a great 4-Star Light Cone for Qingque since it increases her ATK and provides a CRIT DMG buff when she defeats an enemy.
Star Rail - Eternal Calculus Light Cone Eternal Calculus ★★★☆☆ - Good
Eternal Calculus is also a good option for Qingque since it increases both her ATK and SPD as long as she attacks multiple enemies. This Light Cone shines in modes like Pure Fiction with multiple enemies per wave.
Star Rail - The Day The Cosmos Fell Light Cone The Day The Cosmos Fell ★★★☆☆ - Good
The Day The Cosmos Fell is a good F2P option for Qingque. She can easily get the CRIT DMG buff by attacking multiple enemies with their Weaknesses. This Light Cone shines in modes like Pure Fiction with multiple enemies per wave.
Star Rail - An Instant Before A Gaze Light Cone An Instant Before A Gaze ★★★☆☆ - Good
An Instant Before A Gaze is a good Light Cone option for Qingque since it increases her Ultimate's DMG based on her max Energy. It also increases her CRIT DMG, which increases her overall DMG even more.

Light Cone List & Guide

Qingque's Trace Priority

Combat Traces

Trace Priority & Explanation
Basic Attack ★★★★★ - Highest Priority
Her one out of two sources of damage. Prioritize first.
Skill ★★★★☆ - High Priority
Increases her DMG buff which can stack up to four times.
Ultimate ★★★★☆ - High Priority
Qingque's second source of damage. Bypasses the RNG nature of her kit.
Talent ★★★★☆ - High Priority
Core part of Qingque's kit and increases her ATK.

Bonus Abilities

Trace Priority & Explanation
Tile Battle ★★★★☆ - High Priority
This gives Qingque an extra Skill Point when she uses her Skill once per battle. It is nice to have since Qingque uses her Skill a lot, but being only once per battle gives it less value.
Bide Time ★★★★★ - Highest Priority
This increases Qingque's DMG whenever she uses her Skill. This is a big damage boost for her since she likely uses her Skill multiple times before getting an Enhanced Basic ATK.
Winning Hand ★★★★☆ - High Priority
This gives Qingque a SPD boost after using her Enhanced Basic ATK, which can give her more turns.

Qingque's Gameplay Guide

Match Tiles for Massive DMG

Honkai Star Rail - Qingque Match Tiles
Qingque is a luck-based Main DPS with a unique and interesting mechanic. Her kit revolves around shuffling tiles to try and get a four-of-a-kind. When all four tiles are matched, her Basic ATK is greatly enhanced and can hit adjacent enemies.

Discard Tiles with Basic ATK

Qingque's Basic ATK discards a tile with no matching suit. This allows her to shuffle tiles while still building Skill Points for the party.

Fish for Tiles with Skill

Qingque's Skill A Scoop of Moon is also unique as it does not immediately end her turn after use. As long as Skill Points are available, she can repeatedly use her Skill to draw two tiles and get a DMG buff that stacks up to four times. If you're feeling lucky, you can gamble Skill Points to get a huge payoff in DMG.

Deal Massive DMG with Enhanced ATK

When Qingque has four matching tiles, her Basic ATK gets a massive boost in DMG and can hit adjacent enemies. This enhanced ATK does not generate a Skill Point.

Instantly Match Four Tiles with Ultimate

Qingque's Ultimate A Quartet? Woo-hoo! is the best way to get a four-of-a-kind and circumvents the gambling mechanic. Upon use, she deals heavy Quantum DMG to all enemies and gets four matching tiles, allowing her to continue her onslaught of AoE DMG.

Spend Skill Points Wisely

Be careful when using her Skill to fish for tiles because you might be going all-in on Skill Points and end up crippling your party. Like with all gacha games, only spend what you can!

Qingque's Traces (Skills and Kit)

Active Abilities

Level 1
Level 6
Level 8
Level 10
Trace Scaling and Explanation
Basic ATK Flower Pick: Tosses 1 jade tile of the suit with the fewest tiles in hand to deal Quantum DMG equal to 50% of Qingque's ATK to a single enemy.

Cherry on Top!: Deals Quantum DMG equal to 120% of Qingque's ATK to a single enemy, and deals Quantum DMG equal to 50% of Qingque's ATK to enemies adjacent to it. "Cherry on Top!" cannot recover Skill Points.
Skill A Scoop of Moon: Immediately draws 2 jade tile(s) and increases DMG by 14% until the end of the current turn. This effect can stack up to 4 time(s). The turn will not end after this Skill is used.
Ultimate A Quartet? Woo-hoo!: Deals Quantum DMG equal to 120% of Qingque's ATK to all enemies, and obtain 4 jade tiles of the same suit.
Talent Celestial Jade: When an ally's turn starts, Qingque randomly draws 1 tile from 3 different suits and can hold up to 4 tiles at one time. If Qingque starts her turn with 4 tiles of the same suit, she consumes all tiles to enter the "Hidden Hand" state. While in this state, Qingque cannot use her Skill again. At the same time, Qingque's ATK increases by 36%, and her Basic ATK "Flower Pick" is enhanced, becoming "Cherry on Top!" The "Hidden Hand" state ends after using "Cherry on Top!".
Trace Scaling and Explanation
Basic ATK Flower Pick: Tosses 1 jade tile of the suit with the fewest tiles in hand to deal Quantum DMG equal to 100% of Qingque's ATK to a single enemy.

Cherry on Top!Deals Quantum DMG equal to 240% of Qingque's ATK to a single enemy, and deals Quantum DMG equal to 100% of Qingque's ATK to enemies adjacent to it. "Cherry on Top!" cannot recover Skill Points.
Skill A Scoop of Moon: Immediately draws 2 jade tile(s) and increases DMG by 21% until the end of the current turn. This effect can stack up to 4 time(s). The turn will not end after this Skill is used.
Ultimate A Quartet? Woo-hoo!: Deals Quantum DMG equal to 160% of Qingque's ATK to all enemies, and obtain 4 jade tiles of the same suit.
Talent Celestial Jade: When an ally's turn starts, Qingque randomly draws 1 tile from 3 different suits and can hold up to 4 tiles at one time. If Qingque starts her turn with 4 tiles of the same suit, she consumes all tiles to enter the "Hidden Hand" state. While in this state, Qingque cannot use her Skill again. At the same time, Qingque's ATK increases by 54%, and her Basic ATK "Flower Pick" is enhanced, becoming "Cherry on Top!" The "Hidden Hand" state ends after using "Cherry on Top!".
Trace Scaling and Explanation
Skill A Scoop of Moon: Immediately draws 2 jade tile(s) and increases DMG by 24% until the end of the current turn. This effect can stack up to 4 time(s). The turn will not end after this Skill is used.
Ultimate A Quartet? Woo-hoo!: Deals Quantum DMG equal to 180% of Qingque's ATK to all enemies, and obtain 4 jade tiles of the same suit.
Talent Celestial Jade: When an ally's turn starts, Qingque randomly draws 1 tile from 3 different suits and can hold up to 4 tiles at one time. If Qingque starts her turn with 4 tiles of the same suit, she consumes all tiles to enter the "Hidden Hand" state. While in this state, Qingque cannot use her Skill again. At the same time, Qingque's ATK increases by 63%, and her Basic ATK "Flower Pick" is enhanced, becoming "Cherry on Top!" The "Hidden Hand" state ends after using "Cherry on Top!".
Trace Scaling and Explanation
Skill A Scoop of Moon: Immediately draws 2 jade tile(s) and increases DMG by 28% until the end of the current turn. This effect can stack up to 4 time(s). The turn will not end after this Skill is used.
Ultimate A Quartet? Woo-hoo!: Deals Quantum DMG equal to 200% of Qingque's ATK to all enemies, and obtain 4 jade tiles of the same suit.
Talent Celestial Jade: When an ally's turn starts, Qingque randomly draws 1 tile from 3 different suits and can hold up to 4 tiles at one time. If Qingque starts her turn with 4 tiles of the same suit, she consumes all tiles to enter the "Hidden Hand" state. While in this state, Qingque cannot use her Skill again. At the same time, Qingque's ATK increases by 72%, and her Basic ATK "Flower Pick" is enhanced, becoming "Cherry on Top!" The "Hidden Hand" state ends after using "Cherry on Top!".

Basic ATK is maxed out at Level 6.

Technique and Bonus Abilities

Trace Scaling and Explanation
Technique Game Solitare: After using Technique, Qingque draws 2 jade tile(s) when the battle starts.
Stat Bonus:
1. ATK +4.0%
2. ATK +8.0%
Bonus Ability Tile Battle: Restores 1 Skill Point when using the Skill. This effect can only be triggered 1 time per battle.
Stat Bonus:
1. Quantum DMG +3.2%
2. DEF +5.0%
3. ATK +4.0%
Bonus Ability Bide Time: Using the Skill increases DMG Boost effect of attacks by an extra 10%
Stat Bonus:
1. ATK +6.0%
2. ATK +6.0%
3. Quantum DMG +4.8%
Bonus Ability Winning Hand: Qingque's SPD increases by 10% for 1 turn after using the Enhanced Basic ATK.
Stat Bonus:
1. DEF +7.5%
2. Quantum DMG +6.4%

Qingque's Eidolons

Qingque's Recommended Eidolons

Why We Recommend It
E1 ★★★☆☆ - Decent
Gains a small DMG buff for her Ultimate.
E2 ★★★☆☆ - Decent
Passively charges her Ultimate to make up for the RNG nature of her Basic Attack.
E4 ★★★★☆ - Good
Doubles the DMG of her Basic Attack only if Autarky triggers.
E6 ★★★★☆ - Good
Using an Enhanced Basic Attack restores a Skill Point, which remedies her SP-hungry playstyle.

All Eidolon Resonance Effects

E1 Rise Through the Tiles
Ultimate deals 10% more DMG.
E2 Sleep on the Tiles
Every time Draw Tile is triggered, Qingque regenerates 1 Energy.
E3 Read Between the Tiles
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
E4 Right on the Tiles
After this character's Skill is used, there is a 24% fixed chance to gain Autarky, which lasts until the end of the current turn. With Autarky, using Basic ATK or Enhanced Basic ATK immediately launches 1 follow-up attack on the same target, deling Quantum DMG equal to 100% of the previous Basic ATK (or Enhanced Basic ATK)'s DMG.
E5 Gambit for the Tiles
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
E6 Prevail Beyond the Tiles
Recovers 1 Skill Point after using Enhanced Basic ATK.

Qingque Ascension and Trace Materials

Total Ascension Materials

Ascension Material Total

Lvl. Character Ascension Materials
20 ➔ 30
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x3,200
30 ➔ 40
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x6,400
40 ➔ 50
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x12,800
50 ➔ 60
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x32,000
60 ➔ 70
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x64,000
70 ➔ 80
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x128,000

Total Trace Materials

All Trace Node Materials Total

Lvl Basic ATK Ascension Materials
2 Honkai: Star Rail - Key of Inspiration x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Thief x4 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x4000
3 Honkai: Star Rail - Key of Knowledge x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Usurper x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x8000
4 Honkai: Star Rail - Key of Knowledge x4 Honkai: Star Rail - Usurper x3 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x16000
5 Honkai: Star Rail - Key of Wisdom x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Conqueror x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x36000
6 Honkai: Star Rail - Key of Wisdom x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Conqueror x3 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x128000
Lvl Skill, Talent, & Ult Ascension Materials
2 Honkai: Star Rail - Thief x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x2000 - -
3 Honkai: Star Rail - Key of Inspiration x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Thief x4 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x4000 -
4 Honkai: Star Rail - Key of Knowledge x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Usurper x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x8000 -
5 Honkai: Star Rail - Key of Knowledge x4 Honkai: Star Rail - Usurper x3 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x16000 -
6 Honkai: Star Rail - Key of Knowledge x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Usurper x5 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x24000 -
7 Honkai: Star Rail - Key of Wisdom x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Conqueror x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x36000 -
8 Honkai: Star Rail - Guardian x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Key of Wisdom x4 Honkai: Star Rail - Conqueror x3 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x64000
9 Honkai: Star Rail - Guardian x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Key of Wisdom x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x128000 -
10 Honkai: Star Rail - Tracks of Destiny x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Guardian x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Key of Wisdom x11 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x240000
Nodes Bonus Stat and Abilities Materials
Ability 1 Honkai: Star Rail - Key of Inspiration x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Guardian x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x4000 -
Ability 2 Honkai: Star Rail - Key of Knowledge x4 Honkai: Star Rail - Guardian x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Tracks of Destiny x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x16000
Ability 3 Honkai: Star Rail - Key of Wisdom x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Guardian x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Tracks of Destiny x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x128000
Stat 1 Honkai: Star Rail - Thief x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x2000 - -
Stat 2 Honkai: Star Rail - Key of Inspiration x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Thief x4 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x4000 -
Stat 3 Honkai: Star Rail - Key of Knowledge x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Usurper x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x8000 -
Stat 4 Honkai: Star Rail - Key of Knowledge x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Usurper x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x8000 -
Stat 5 Honkai: Star Rail - Key of Knowledge x4 Honkai: Star Rail - Usurper x3 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x16000 -
Stat 6 Honkai: Star Rail - Key of Wisdom x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Conqueror x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x36000 -
Stat 7 Honkai: Star Rail - Key of Wisdom x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Conqueror x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x36000 -
Stat 8 Honkai: Star Rail - Key of Wisdom x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Conqueror x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x128000 -
Stat 9 Honkai: Star Rail - Key of Wisdom x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Conqueror x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x128000 -
Stat 10 Honkai: Star Rail - Key of Wisdom x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Conqueror x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x128000 -

Additional Qingque Information

How to Get Qingque

Story Progression

Honkai Star Rail - Memory of Chaos - Stage 3

Qingque can be obtained for free by clearing Memory of Chaos Stage 3.

Memory of Chaos Guide for Version 2.2

Pull From Any Banner

All Limited and Permanent Banners
Honkai Star Rail - Brilliant Fixation
Brilliant Fixation
Honkai Star Rail - Bygone Reminiscence
Bygone Reminiscence
Honkai Star Rail - Earth Hurled, Ether Curled
Earth Hurled, Ether Curled
Honkai Star Rail - Back to Fons et Origo
Back to Fons et Origo
Honkai Star Rail - Stellar Warp
Stellar Warp
Honkai Star Rail - Departure Warp
Departure Warp

You can get Qingque at a standard rate by pulling from any Warp Banner.

All Gacha (Warp) Banners

Background and Voice Actors

Voice Actor EN: Bryn Apprill
JP: Arisa Date
Faction / Affiliation The Xianzhou Luofu

Qingque's In-Game Lore

Faction The Xianzhou Luofu
Background An average Diviner of the Divination Commission, who will never slack off when it comes to slacking off.

Honkai: Star Rail Related Guides

Honkai Star Rail - Characters

▶︎ All Playable Characters

Characters by Rarity

Character Rarity
★★★★ ★★★★★

Characters by Path

Character Paths
Star Rail - The Destruction PathDestruction Star Rail - The Hunt PathThe Hunt Star Rail - The Erudition PathErudition Star Rail - The Harmony PathHarmony
Star Rail - The Nihility PathNihility Star Rail - The Preservation PathPreservation Star Rail - The Abundance PathAbundance Honkai Star Rail - The Remembrance PathRemembrance

Characters by Element

Character Elements
Honkai Star Rail Fire ElementFire Honkai Star Rail Ice ElementIce Honkai Star Rail Lightning ElementLightning Honkai Star Rail Wind ElementWind
Honkai Star Rail Quantum ElementQuantum Honkai Star Rail Imaginary ElementImaginary Honkai Star Rail Physical ElementPhysical

All Quantum Characters

Quantum Characters
Honkai Star Rail Fu XuanFu Xuan Honkai Star Rail QingqueQingque Honkai Star Rail SeeleSeele Honkai Star Rail Silver WolfSilver Wolf
Honkai Star Rail LynxLynx Honkai Star Rail XueyiXueyi Honkai Star Rail SparkleSparkle Honkai Star Rail JadeJade
Honkai Star Rail - TribbieTribbie Honkai Star Rail - CastoriceCastorice


38 Anonymous3 months

dont waste ur math for her unless u got e4/e6, especially if u dont have sparkle or sunday. but if shes the character u personally like then go for it, better recommendation : herta

37 Anonymous8 months

I think it's fair. Without a doubt she's extremely strong. But she requires both high investment and her strength has a element of RNG to it that other strong characters don't have to worry about(Though Sparkle makes that a non issue for the most part). She's my main DPS cause she's my favorite but I wouldn't blame someone for not wanting to use her. Especially if they don't have the other 5 stars she needs in order to work.


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