Honkai: Star Rail

Sushang Best Builds and Teams

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Honkai Star Rail - Sushang Best Builds and Teams

Sushang is a Physical and The Hunt character in Honkai: Star Rail. Check out this guide for Sushang's best builds, team comps, relics, light cones, rating, and how to play them here!

Sushang's Character Overview

Sushang Basic Info and Rating

Sushang Basic Information
Star Rail - SushangSushang Rarity
General Rating Endgame Rating
Star Rail - B Overall

Star Rail - B DPS
Star Rail - B MoC

Star Rail - B PF

Star Rail - A AS

General Ratings are based on E0.
Endgame Ratings are based on enemies and buffs for the current patch.

How do you rate Sushang?

SS 4018
S 739
A 265
B 51
C 85

Character Tier List

Sushang Stats

Level 1
Level 80
Stat Base Value
Stat Base Value

The stats indicated above are Sushang's base values. These numbers do not include the character's equipped Light Cone, Relics, or activated Trace nodes.

List of All Character Stats and Rank

Should You Pull for Sushang?

Sushang is a Physical DPS that deals damage through Sword Stance and gains buffs when enemies are Weakness Broken. Her Ultimate gives her another turn and Sword Stance stacks, which she can utilize to deal even more DMG.

If you find her kit interesting or need a Physical DPS that can deal massive damage to single targets, then Sushang would be nice to pick up.

Sushang's Best Builds

Physical Main DPS

Base Build
Alternative Cones
Best Light Cone Relics and Ornament
Star Rail - In the Night Light Cone In the Night
Main Stats Sub Stats
Body: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Feet: ATK% / SPD
Sphere: Physical DMG
Rope: ATK%
CRIT Rate% ★★★
ATK% ★★
SPD ★★

This build allows Sushang to deal more damage through her Skill and Ultimate. Scholar Lost in Erudition provides her with increased CRIT Rate and boosts to both her Skill and Ultimate DMG.

Firmament Frontline Glamoth increases her ATK and directly increases her DMG which is great for her kit. Just make sure that Sushang has at least 135 SPD for the set requirement, but it shouldn't be a problem since she has a lot of SPD sources.

Recommended Stat Values

Stat Recommended Value
CRIT Rate 70% or above
CRIT DMG 140% or above
ATK 2400 or above
SPD 135+

Sushang's Best Teams

Sushang F2P Team (Free-to-Play)

Main DPS Sub-DPS Tank Healer
Star Rail - SushangSushang Star Rail - ServalServal Star Rail - Trailblazer (Fire)Trailblazer (Fire) Star Rail - NatashaNatasha

You will want to pair Sushang with a secondary DPS to make up for her lack of AoE damage and for breaking the Toughness bar of an enemy that's not weak to Physical damage.

Sushang Hypercarry Team

Main DPS Support Support Utility
Star Rail - SushangSushang Star Rail - SparkleSparkle Star Rail - TingyunTingyun Star Rail - Fu XuanFu Xuan

Funnel all SP and offensive buffs into Sushang for consecutive extra turns of massive burst damage before the full turn cycle completes. Utilize Weakness Break to deal higher damage to enemies.

Character Merits
Star Rail - BronyaBronya Support Replacement
Bronya can provide an extra turn to Sushang and increase her DMG.
Star Rail - Ruan MeiRuan Mei Support Replacement
Ruan Mei can increase Sushang's Break Efficiency and help her inflict Weakness Break on enemies much sooner.
Star Rail - WeltWelt Support Replacement
Welt can Slow on Enemies will make sure Sushang can deal multiple instances of damage. Use his Skill to Break multiple enemies to trigger Sword Stance.
Star Rail - PelaPela Support Replacement
Pela can reduce the enemy's DEF and strip buffs to increase DMG dealt by Sushang.
Star Rail - AstaAsta Support Replacement
Asta can increase the SPD of all allies with her Ultimate, allowing them to perform more attacks before the enemy’s turn.
Star Rail - GepardGepard Utility Replacement
Gepard can provide shields and has a chance to Freeze enemies.
Star Rail - LuochaLuocha Utility Replacement
Luocha can heal the party without manually using his Skill and is very SP-efficient.
Star Rail - HuohuoHuohuo Utility Replacement
Huohuo can provide AoE healing and restore Sushang's energy.

Sushang's Best Relics and Ornaments

All Recommended Relics and Ornaments

Relics Rating & Merits
Scholar Lost in Erudition Scholar Lost in Erudition x4 ★★★★★ - Best
Scholar Lost in Erudition is the best set for Sushang since it gives her CRIT Rate and increases the damage of both her Skill and Ultimate.
Champion of Streetwise Boxing Champion of Streetwise Boxing x4 ★★★★☆ - 2nd Best
Champion of Streetwise Boxing is the next best set for Sushang since it increases her Physical DMG and provides a stacking ATK buff, which increases her damage even further.
Ornaments Merits
Firmament Frontline Glamoth Firmament Frontline Glamoth ★★★★★ - Best
Firmament Frontline Glamoth provides Sushang with ATK and a direct DMG increase as long as she meets the minimum 135 SPD requirement.
Rutilant Arena Rutilant Arena ★★★★☆ - 2nd Best
Rutilant Arena increases Sushang's Basic ATK and Skill DMG, which is a nice boost to her overall DMG. However, she needs to meet the 70% CRIT Rate requirement for this boost.
Space Sealing Station Space Sealing Station ★★★☆☆ - 3rd Best
Space Sealing Station increases Sushang's ATK which increases her overall DMG, provided that she meets the 120 SPD requirement.

Sushang's Best Light Cones

All Recommended Light Cones

Light Cone Why We Recommend It
Star Rail - In the Night Light Cone In the Night ★★★★★ - Best
In the Night is best for Sushang since it increases the damage of her Basic ATK, Skill, and her Ultimate's CRIT DMG. It also provides her a CRIT Rate boost which helps her attack crit.
Star Rail - Cruising in the Stellar Sea Light Cone Cruising in the Stellar Sea ★★★★☆ - Great
Sleep Like the Dead is a great 5-Star Light Cone option for Sushang since it boosts her CRIT DMG and boosts her CRIT Rate if her Skill or Basic ATK doesn't crit.
Star Rail - Swordplay Light Cone Swordplay ★★★★☆ - Great
Swordplay is a good Light Cone for Sushang since it gives her a stacking DMG boost as long as she keeps attacking a single enemy target. It works well against bosses.
Star Rail - Only Silence Remains Light Cone Only Silence Remains ★★★☆☆ - Good
Only Silence Remains is also a good option for Sushang since it increases her ATK and gives her CRIT Rate whenever there are two or less enemies in battle.
Star Rail - Adversarial Light Cone Adversarial ★★★☆☆ - Good
Adversarial is also a good Light Cone for Sushang since it increases her SPD whenever she defeats an enemy, which helps her get more turns.
Star Rail - Darting Arrow Light Cone Darting Arrow ★★★☆☆ - Good
Darting Arrow is also a good Light Cone for Sushang if you don't have other options since it increases her ATK whenever she defeats an enemy.

Light Cone List & Guide

Sushang's Gameplay Guide

Back to Sushang Builds ▲

Sushang's Trace Priority

Trace Priority & Explanation
Basic Attack ★★★☆☆ - Low Priority
Skill deals more DMG, but decent with her buffs up.
Skill ★★★★★ - Highest Priority
Primary mode of DMG and can trigger Sword Stance.
Ultimate ★★★★★ - Highest Priority
100% Advance Forward on top of a massive single target burst is valuable for her role as DPS.
Talent ★★★★☆ - High Priority
More SPD to help with DPS; Allows her to wear ATK% boots while still hitting the SPD requirement from ornaments

See All Traces ▼

Sushang's Recommended Eidolons

Why We Recommend It
E1 ★★★★★ - Great
SP refund is excellent; Allows her supports to heal or buff her without worrying about SP.
E2 ★★☆☆☆ - Okay
Situational and Sushang is less likely to be targeted as she walks the Path of The Hunt.
E4 ★★★★☆ - Good
Works well with her kit as she requires breaking enemies to be effective
E6 ★★★★★ - Great
More turns for more DPS and opens her up to other Light Cones and Ornaments.

See All Eidolons ▼

Trigger Sword Stance to deal Massive DMG

Star Rail - Sushang can trigger Sword Stance and deal high Physical DMG

Sushang is a strong DPS unit that specializes in dealing a lot of Physical DMG through using the Sword Stance mechanic. Sword Stance is an additional instance of Physical DMG that can be triggered through various means.

How to Trigger Sword Stance
1 Break an enemy's Weakness.
2 Use Sushang's Ultimate (2 chances)

Gain Buffs from Breaking Weaknesses

Star Rail - Sushang gains buffs from breaking an enemy

Sushang gains a lot of benefits when enemies have their Weakness Broken. One of them is that her SPD increases when a Party member breaks an enemy's weakness.

Sushang can also Advance herself Forward after using her Basic Attack or Skill while there are Enemies on the field with Weakness Break.

Ultimate can Advance Forward

Sushang's Ultimate will deal a massive amount of DMG and Advance her turn forward by 100%, granting her an extra turn. Her Ultimate is used best when the enemy's turn will go before Sushang's to follow-up with a Skill for increased Sword Stance DMG.

Sushang's Traces (Skills and Kit)

Active Abilities

Level 1
Level 6
Level 8
Level 10
Trace Scaling and Explanation
Basic ATK Cloudfencer Art: Starshine: Deals Physical DMG equal to 50% of Sushang's ATK to a single enemy.
Stat Bonus:
1. DEF +5.0%
Skill Cloudfencer Art: Mountainfall: Deals Physical DMG equal to 105% of Sushang's ATK to a single enemy. In addition, there is a 33% chance to trigger Sword Stance on the final hit, dealing additional Physical DMG equal to 50% of Sushang's ATK to the enemy. If the enemy has Weakness Break, Sword Stance is guaranteed to trigger.
Stat Bonus:
1. ATK +6.0%
Ultimate Shape of Taixu: Dawn Herald: Deals Physical DMG equal to 192% of Sushang's ATK to a single enemy and she immediately takes action again. In addition, Sushang's ATK increases by 18% and using her Skill has 2 extra chances to trigger Sword Stance for 2 turn(s). Sword Stance triggered from the additional chances deals 50% of the original DMG.
Talent Dancing Blade: When an enemy has their Weakness Broken on the field, Sushang's SPD increases by 15.00% for 2 turns
Trace Scaling and Explanation
Basic ATK Cloudfencer Art: Starshine: Deals Physical DMG equal to 100% of Sushang's ATK to a single enemy.
Skill Cloudfencer Art: Mountainfall: Deals Physical DMG equal to 157% of Sushang's ATK to a single enemy. In addition, there is a 33% chance to trigger Sword Stance on the final hit, dealing additional Physical DMG equal to 75% of Sushang's ATK to the enemy. If the enemy has Weakness Break, Sword Stance is guaranteed to trigger.
Ultimate Shape of Taixu: Dawn Herald: Deals Physical DMG equal to 256% of Sushang's ATK to a single enemy and she immediately takes action again. In addition, Sushang's ATK increases by 24% and using her Skill has 2 extra chances to trigger Sword Stance for 2 turn(s). Sword Stance triggered from the additional chances deals 50% of the original DMG.
Talent Dancing Blade: When an enemy has their Weakness Broken on the field, Sushang's SPD increases by 17.50% for 2 turns
Trace Scaling and Explanation
Skill Cloudfencer Art: Mountainfall: Deals Physical DMG equal to 183% of Sushang's ATK to a single enemy. In addition, there is a 33% chance to trigger Sword Stance on the final hit, dealing additional Physical DMG equal to 87% of Sushang's ATK to the enemy. If the enemy has Weakness Break, Sword Stance is guaranteed to trigger.
Ultimate Shape of Taixu: Dawn Herald: Deals Physical DMG equal to 288% of Sushang's ATK to a single enemy and she immediately takes action again. In addition, Sushang's ATK increases by 27% and using her Skill has 2 extra chances to trigger Sword Stance for 2 turn(s). Sword Stance triggered from the additional chances deals 50% of the original DMG.
Talent Dancing Blade: When an enemy has their Weakness Broken on the field, Sushang's SPD increases by 18.70% for 2 turns
Trace Scaling and Explanation
Skill Cloudfencer Art: Mountainfall: Deals Physical DMG equal to 210% of Sushang's ATK to a single enemy. In addition, there is a 33% chance to trigger Sword Stance on the final hit, dealing additional Physical DMG equal to 100% of Sushang's ATK to the enemy. If the enemy has Weakness Break, Sword Stance is guaranteed to trigger.
Ultimate Shape of Taixu: Dawn Herald: Deals Physical DMG equal to 320% of Sushang's ATK to a single enemy and she immediately takes action again. In addition, Sushang's ATK increases by 30% and using her Skill has 2 extra chances to trigger Sword Stance for 2 turn(s). Sword Stance triggered from the additional chances deals 50% of the original DMG.
Talent Dancing Blade: When an enemy has their Weakness Broken on the field, Sushang's SPD increases by 20.00% for 2 turns

Basic ATK is maxed out at Level 6.

Technique and Bonus Abilities

Trace Scaling and Explanation
Technique Cloudfencer Art: Warcry: Immediately attacks the enemy. Upon entering battle, Sushang deals Physical DMG equal to 80% of her ATK to all enemies.
Stat Bonus:
1. ATK +4.0%
Bonus Ability Vanquisher: After using Basic ATK or Skill, if there are enemies on the field with Weakness Break, Sushang's action is Advanced Forward by 15%.
Stat Bonus:
1. DEF +7.5%
2. ATK +8.0%
3. Max HP +8.0%
Bonus Ability Guileless: When current HP is at 50% or lower, reduces the chance of being attacked by enemies.
Stat Bonus:
1. Max HP +4.0%
2. ATK +4.0%
Bonus Ability Riposte: For every Sword Stance triggered, the DMG dealt by Sword Stance increases by 2%. Stacks up to 10 time(s).
Stat Bonus:
1. ATK +6.0%
2. Max HP +6.0%

Sushang's Eidolons

See Recommended Eidolons ▲

All Eidolon Resonance Effects

E1 Cutting With Ease
After using Skill against a Weakness Broken enemy, regenerates 1 Skill Point.
E2 Refine in Toil
After triggering Sword Stance, the DMG taken by Sushang is reduced by 20% for 1 turn.
E3 Rise From Fame
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
E4 Cleave With Heart
Sushang's Break Effect increases by 40%.
E5 Prevail via Taixu
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
E6 Dwell Like Water
Talent's SPD Boost is stackable and can stack up to 2 times. Additionally, after entering battle, Sushang immediately gains 1 stack of her Talent's SPD Boost.

Sushang Ascension and Trace Materials

Total Ascension Materials

Ascension Material Total

Lvl. Character Ascension Materials
20 ➔ 30
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x3,200
30 ➔ 40
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x6,400
40 ➔ 50
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x12,800
50 ➔ 60
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x32,000
60 ➔ 70
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x64,000
70 ➔ 80
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x128,000

Total Trace Materials

All Trace Node Materials Total

Lvl Basic ATK Ascension Materials
2 Honkai: Star Rail - Arrow of the Beast Hunter x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Artifex x4 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x4000
3 Honkai: Star Rail - Arrow of the Demon Slayer x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Artifex x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x8000
4 Honkai: Star Rail - Arrow of the Demon Slayer x4 Honkai: Star Rail - Artifex x3 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x16000
5 Honkai: Star Rail - Arrow of the Starchaser x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Artifex x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x36000
6 Honkai: Star Rail - Arrow of the Starchaser x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Artifex x3 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x128000
Lvl Skill, Talent, & Ult Ascension Materials
2 Honkai: Star Rail - Artifex x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x2000 - -
3 Honkai: Star Rail - Arrow of the Beast Hunter x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Artifex x4 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x4000 -
4 Honkai: Star Rail - Arrow of the Demon Slayer x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Artifex x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x8000 -
5 Honkai: Star Rail - Arrow of the Demon Slayer x4 Honkai: Star Rail - Artifex x3 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x16000 -
6 Honkai: Star Rail - Arrow of the Demon Slayer x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Artifex x5 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x24000 -
7 Honkai: Star Rail - Arrow of the Starchaser x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Artifex x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x36000 -
8 Honkai: Star Rail - Guardian x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Arrow of the Starchaser x4 Honkai: Star Rail - Artifex x3 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x64000
9 Honkai: Star Rail - Guardian x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Arrow of the Starchaser x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x128000 -
10 Honkai: Star Rail - Tracks of Destiny x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Guardian x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Arrow of the Starchaser x11 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x240000
Nodes Bonus Stat and Abilities Materials
Ability 1 Honkai: Star Rail - Arrow of the Beast Hunter x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Guardian x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x4000 -
Ability 2 Honkai: Star Rail - Arrow of the Demon Slayer x4 Honkai: Star Rail - Guardian x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Tracks of Destiny x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x16000
Ability 3 Honkai: Star Rail - Arrow of the Starchaser x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Guardian x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Tracks of Destiny x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x128000
Stat 1 Honkai: Star Rail - Artifex x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x2000 - -
Stat 2 Honkai: Star Rail - Arrow of the Beast Hunter x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Artifex x4 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x4000 -
Stat 3 Honkai: Star Rail - Arrow of the Demon Slayer x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Artifex x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x8000 -
Stat 4 Honkai: Star Rail - Arrow of the Demon Slayer x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Artifex x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x8000 -
Stat 5 Honkai: Star Rail - Arrow of the Demon Slayer x4 Honkai: Star Rail - Artifex x3 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x16000 -
Stat 6 Honkai: Star Rail - Arrow of the Starchaser x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Artifex x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x36000 -
Stat 7 Honkai: Star Rail - Arrow of the Starchaser x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Artifex x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x36000 -
Stat 8 Honkai: Star Rail - Arrow of the Starchaser x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Artifex x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x128000 -
Stat 9 Honkai: Star Rail - Arrow of the Starchaser x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Artifex x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x128000 -
Stat 10 Honkai: Star Rail - Arrow of the Starchaser x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Artifex x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x128000 -

Additional Sushang Information

How to Get Sushang

Pull From Any Banner

All Limited and Permanent Banners
Honkai Star Rail - Brilliant Fixation
Brilliant Fixation
Honkai Star Rail - Bygone Reminiscence
Bygone Reminiscence
Honkai Star Rail - Earth Hurled, Ether Curled
Earth Hurled, Ether Curled
Honkai Star Rail - Back to Fons et Origo
Back to Fons et Origo
Honkai Star Rail - Stellar Warp
Stellar Warp
Honkai Star Rail - Departure Warp
Departure Warp

You can get Sushang at a standard rate by pulling from any Warp Banner.

All Gacha (Warp) Banners

Background and Voice Actors

Voice Actor EN: Anjali Kunapaneni
JP: Misato Fukuen
Faction / Affiliation The Xianzhou Luofu

Sushang's In-Game Lore

Faction The Xianzhou Luofu
Background A native and enthusiastic newcomer to the Cloud Knights who wields a greatsword.

Honkai: Star Rail Related Guides

Honkai Star Rail - Characters

▶︎ All Playable Characters

Characters by Rarity

Character Rarity
★★★★ ★★★★★

Characters by Path

Character Paths
Star Rail - The Destruction PathDestruction Star Rail - The Hunt PathThe Hunt Star Rail - The Erudition PathErudition Star Rail - The Harmony PathHarmony
Star Rail - The Nihility PathNihility Star Rail - The Preservation PathPreservation Star Rail - The Abundance PathAbundance Honkai Star Rail - The Remembrance PathRemembrance

Characters by Element

Character Elements
Honkai Star Rail Fire ElementFire Honkai Star Rail Ice ElementIce Honkai Star Rail Lightning ElementLightning Honkai Star Rail Wind ElementWind
Honkai Star Rail Quantum ElementQuantum Honkai Star Rail Imaginary ElementImaginary Honkai Star Rail Physical ElementPhysical

All Physical Characters

Physical Characters
Honkai Star Rail ClaraClara Honkai Star Rail NatashaNatasha Honkai Star Rail SushangSushang Honkai Star Rail TrailblazerTrailblazer
Honkai Star Rail -  LukaLuka Honkai Star Rail - ArgentiArgenti Honkai Star Rail - HanyaHanya Honkai Star Rail - RobinRobin
Honkai Star Rail - BoothillBoothill Honkai Star Rail - Yunli Yunli


25 Sushang enjoyer7 months

*edit: I messed up March's follow-ups. She only gets one. Sushang teams have gotten a massive buff with the introduction of Imaginary March 7th. Sushang's advance forward on her ult allows you to quickly build March 7th's talent stacks. This can be compounded even further if you have Bronya on your team as well, but you may run into skill point efficiency if you do not have Sushang's Eidolon 1. Skill (FU) + Ult + Skill/basic depends on E1 -> Bronya skill + Skill(FU) = 5 stacks.

24 Sushang enjoyer7 months

Sushang teams have gotten a massive buff with the introduction of Imaginary March 7th. Sushang's advance forward on her ult allows you to quickly build March 7th's talent stacks. This can be compounded even further if you have Bronya on your team as well, but you may run into skill point efficiency if you do not have Sushang's Eidolon 1. Skill (FU) + Ult + Skill/basic depends on E1 -> Bronya skill + Skill(FU) = 5 stacks.


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