Honkai: Star Rail

Dreamjolt Troupe's Beyond Overcooked Enemy Guide

♦ Latest: 3.1 Summary & Amphoreus Guide
♦ Phase 1: Tribbie, Yunli, Hook, Lynx, Guinaifen
♦ Phase 2: Mydei, Huohuo, Arlan, Xueyi, Natasha
♦ 3.2 Characters: Castorice & Anaxa
♦ New Events: Protean Hero

Honkai Star Rail - Dreamjolt Troupe

Dreamjolt Troupe's Beyond Overcooked is an enemy in Honkai: Star Rail. See its locations, item drops, skills, weaknesses, and how to beat it in this guide!

Dreamjolt Troupe's Beyond Overcooked Information

Dreamjolt Troupe's Beyond Overcooked Details

Dreamjolt Troupe's Beyond Overcooked Information
Honkai Star Rail (HSR) - Dreamjolt Troupe Dreamjolt Troupe's Beyond Overcooked
World Penacony
Fire Lightning Wind
Resistances None

Dreamjolt Troupe's Beyond Overcooked Skills

All Talents and Abilities
Flaming Stir-Fry (Ability)
Deals massive Fire DMG to all targets.
Ladle Swirl (Ability)
Deals Fire DMG to a single target.
Tornado Toss (Ability)
Deals minor Fire DMG to a single target and adjacent targets.
Ignite Stove (Ability)
Enters the Charge state. In the next action, uses Flaming Stir-Fry if Stove Heating has not reached a certain number of stacks, then clears all Stove Heating stacks.
Kitchen Mishap (Ability)
After entering the Charge state, deals massive Fire DMG to all friendly units and decreases this unit's DEF once Stove Heating has a certain number of stacks. Then, clears all Stove Heating stacks.
Flame-Forged Feast (Talent)
Immediately takes action when Stove Heating reaches a certain number of stacks, and uses Ignite Stove.
Inferno Stove (Talent)
When attacking, this unit has a chance to Slow the target. When this unit is attacked or takes DoT, gains 1 stack of Stove Heating.

Where to Find Dreamjolt Troupe's Beyond Overcooked

Dreamjolt Troupe's Beyond Overcooked Stagnant Shadow Location

Shape of Roast - Stagnant Shadow
Location Dream's Edge, Penacony

Other Dreamjolt Troupe's Beyond Overcooked Locations

Location 1 Shape of Roast (Stagnant Shadow)
Location 2 Cavern - Path of Dreamdive

How to Beat Dreamjolt Troupe's Beyond Overcooked

Attack to Stack Stove Heating

Dreamjolt Troupe's Beyond Overcooked gains Stove Heating stacks when it gets attacked or takes DoTs. If Stove Heating does not reach six stacks when it enters the Ignite Stove state, it uses Flaming Stir-Fry on its next turn which deals heavy AoE Fire DMG.

If Stove Heating reaches six stacks, it instead uses Kitchen Mishap which damages nearby enemies and decreases its DEF. To easily stack Stove Heating, bring DoT characters like Sampo or Kafka. Make sure to keep attacking to get those stacks up!


Dreamjolt Troupe's Beyond Overcooked Weaknesses
Star Rail - WindWind Star Rail - LightningLightning Star Rail - FireFire

Use the characters with the same elements above to defeat Dreamjolt Troupe's Beyond Overcooked efficiently. Give some time to change your current party if you don't have characters that match Dreamjolt Troupe's Beyond Overcooked's weaknesses!

Dreamjolt Troupe's Beyond Overcooked Drops

Dreamjolt Troupe's Beyond Overcooked Material Drops

Items Dropped
Dream Collection Component ItemDream Collection Component Dream Flow Valve ItemDream Flow Valve Dream Making Engine ItemDream Making Engine

All Items List

Characters that Use Dreamjolt Troupe's Beyond Overcooked Materials

All Characters
Star Rail - Misha ItemMisha Star Rail - Acheron ItemAcheron Star Rail - Gallagher ItemGallagher
Star Rail - Robin ItemRobin Star Rail - Jade ItemJade Star Rail - Rappa ItemRappa

All Character Ascension & Trace Materials

Light Cones that Use Dreamjolt Troupe's Beyond Overcooked Materials

All Light Cones
Star Rail - Indelible Promise ItemIndelible Promise Star Rail - What Is Real ItemWhat Is Real Star Rail - Dreamville Adventure ItemDreamville Adventure
Star Rail - Flames Afar ItemFlames Afar Star Rail - The Day The Cosmos Fell ItemThe Day The Cosmos Fell Star Rail - Along the Passing Shore ItemAlong the Passing Shore
Star Rail - Flowing Nightglow ItemFlowing Nightglow Star Rail - For TomorrowFor Tomorrow's Journey Star Rail - Yet Hope Is Priceless ItemYet Hope Is Priceless
Star Rail - Poised to Bloom ItemPoised to Bloom Star Rail - Ninjutsu Inscription - Dazzling Evilbreaker ItemNinjutsu Inscription - Dazzling Evilbreaker Star Rail - DreamDream's Montage

All Light Cone Ascension Materials

Stagnant Shadow Rewards

Dream Flamer ItemDream Flamer

Characters Who Use Dream Flamer

All Characters
Star Rail - Sparkle ItemSparkle Star Rail - Jade ItemJade

Honkai: Star Rail Related Guides

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Stagnant Shadow (Field Bosses)

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Honkai Star Rail - Stagnant Shadows - Shape of RoastDreamjolt Troupe's Beyond Overcooked Honkai Star Rail - Stagnant Shadows - Shape of IreMemory Zone Meme - Shell of Faded Rage

Stagnant Shadow Field Bosses and Drops


2 Anonymousabout 1 year

thank you,I was losing my mind with this boss

1 Anonymousabout 1 year

if i don't use dot characters is this impossible


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