Honkai: Star Rail

Tribbie Best Builds and Teams

♦ Latest: Livestream Summary, 3.1 Summary & Amphoreus Guide
♦ Phase 1: Tribbie, Yunli, Hook, Lynx, Guinaifen
♦ Phase 2: Mydei, Huohuo, Arlan, Xueyi, Natasha
♦ 3.2 Characters: Castorice & Anaxa
♦ 3.3 Characters: Hyacine & Cipher
♦ New Events: The Awooo Firm & Protean Hero

Honkai Star Rail - Tribbie Best Builds and Teams

Tribbie is a Quantum and Harmony character in Honkai: Star Rail. Check out this guide for Tribbie's best builds, team comps, relics, light cones, ratings, and how to play them here!

Tribbie Character Guides
Tribbie IconBuild Guide Honkai Star Rail - All MaterialsMaterials Honkai Star Rail - Warps BannerWarp Banner

Tribbie's Character Overview

Tribbie Basic Info and Rating

Tribbie Basic Information
Star Rail - TribbieTribbie Rarity
General Rating Endgame Rating
Star Rail - SS Overall

Star Rail - A DPS

Star Rail - SS Support
Star Rail - SS MoC

Star Rail - SS PF

Star Rail - SS AS

General Ratings are based on E0.
Endgame Ratings are based on enemies and buffs for the current patch.

How do you rate Tribbie?

SS 1141
S 27
A 15
B 7
C 30

Character Tier List

Tribbie Stats

Level 1
Level 80
Stat Base Value
Stat Base Value

The stats indicated above are Tribbie's base values. These numbers do not include the character's equipped Light Cone, Relics, or activated Trace nodes.

List of All Character Stats and Rank

Is Tribbie Worth Pulling?

Tribbie is a strong Harmony unit that can buff the entire party's All-Type RES PEN, and deal a decent amount of DMG with her Follow-up attacks. Tribbie's Ultimate can help the party deal Additional DMG when there are a lot of enemies, making her great in AoE scenarios.

If you have The Herta or use Dual DPS teams, Tribbie is an amazing Support to pull for thanks to her buffs.

Should I Get Tribbie's Light Cone?

Tribbie's Light Cone, If Time Were a Flower, provides CRIT DMG buffs that benefit both herself and her allies. This also helps Tribbie restore more energy after using a Follow-up attack.

While it is a great Light Cone on Tribbie, you can consider skipping this for other Light Cones like Dance! Dance! Dance!, Memories of the Past, and Meshing Cogs. Instead, we recommend getting her E1 as this helps Tribbie's allies deal more DMG to Elite enemies.

If Time Were a Flower Guide

Tribbie's Best Builds

Support Sub-DPS Build

Base Build
Alternative Cones
Best Light Cone Relics and Ornament
Star Rail - If Time Were a Flower Light Cone If Time Were a Flower
Main Stats Sub Stats
Body: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Feet: HP%
Sphere: HP%
Rope: Energy Regen
CRIT Rate ★★★
HP% ★★★
Flat HP ★

Tribbie's best build focuses on a mix of both offensive and support stats. Tribbie would want CRIT stats from Relics like Poet of Mourning Collapse and Bone Collection's Serene Demesne for her damage and Energy Regen stats.

Do not use SPD if Tribbie uses the Poet of Mourning Collapse since it will affect the CRIT Rate buff effect. SPD can, however, can be considered if Tribbie uses other Relic sets that need it and if you need better SP-management.

Recommended Stat Values

Stat Recommended Value
CRIT Rate 80% - 90% during combat
CRIT DMG 150% or above
HP 5000 or above

For this build to work, we do not recommend building any SPD stats on Tribbie since she needs a low enough SPD to get the CRIT Rate buff from the Poet of Mourning Collapse.

Since Tribbie can attack with her Talent and Ultimate, she would need CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG to deal significant damage. Tribbie would also need a lot of HP since her damage scales off of that stat and to activate the effect of the Bone Collection's Serene Demesne ornament.

Eagle Set Support Build

Best Light Cone Relics and Ornament
Star Rail - Dance! Dance! Dance! Light Cone Dance! Dance! Dance!
Main Stats Sub Stats
Body: CRIT Rate
Feet: SPD
Sphere: HP%
Rope: Energy Regen
SPD ★★★
CRIT Rate ★★
HP% ★★

This Tribbie Build is also viable thanks to the Advance Forward mechanics from Dance! Dance! Dance! and the Relic sets. Sprightly Vonwacq allows Tribbie to advance herself forward in the turn order at the beginning of combat.

Eagle of Twilight Line and Dance! Dance! Dance! can Advance Forward Tribbie and her allies respectively, which makes it easier to get more turns in a cycle.

Recommended Stat Values

Stat Recommended Value
SPD 160+ SPD
HP 4000 or above

For the Eagle set build, Tribbie will need to be as fast as possible, with 160 SPD being a good baseline. This ensures her to have more turns per cycle to help her generate energy and use her Ultimate to Advanced Forward the party from Dance! Dance! Dance!'s effect.

While CRIT and HP stats are less of a priority for this build, it would be nice to have some of them so that Tribbie can deal more damage to the enemy.

Tribbie's Best Teams

Tribbie F2P Team (Free to Play)

Support DPS DPS Healer
Star Rail - TribbieTribbie Star Rail - ServalServal Star Rail - HertaHerta Star Rail - LynxLynx

Tribbie's best free-to-play team has Serval and Herta as her DPS units. This team is best used in content where with more than three enemies.

Use Tribbie's kit to buff both Serval and Herta and help them deal more damage.

Tribbie Dual DPS Team

Support DPS DPS Sustain
Star Rail - TribbieTribbie Star Rail - The HertaThe Herta Star Rail - JadeJade Star Rail - LingshaLingsha

Tribbie is best used in Dual DPS teams that focus on AoE DMG. The Herta has the best synergy with Tribbie since their kits can help restore each other's energy and damage.

Characters who can easily access their Ultimate' like Argenti and Serval (with S5 Passkey), can help Tribbie unleash her Follow-up attacks more frequently.

Characters who attack frequently like Jade and Lingsha can help restore Tribbie's energy simply by hitting the enemy.

Alternative Explanation
Star Rail - ArgentiArgenti DPS Replacement
Argenti can attack all enemies with his Ultimate and trigger Tribbie's follow-up attack.
Star Rail - ServalServal DPS Replacement
Serval with an S5 Passkey can help trigger Tribbie's follow-up attack quickly.
Star Rail - HimekoHimeko DPS Replacement
Himeko is best used in Pure Fiction since she can attack frequently as long as the enemies are weak to Fire.
Star Rail - GallagherGallagher Sustain Replacement
Gallagher is an SP-positive sustain and can help restore The Herta and Tribbie's energy with his AoE Ultimate.
Star Rail - AventurineAventurine Sustain Replacement
Aventurine can provide shields and increase the damage taken by the enemy.
Star Rail - HuohuoHuohuo Sustain Replacement
Huohuo can restore Tribbie and the DPS units' energy with her Ultimate.

Tribbie HP Team

Support DPS Support Sustain
Star Rail - TribbieTribbie Star Rail - MydeiMydei Star Rail - SundaySunday Star Rail - LuochaLuocha

Tribbie can work well with other characters that scale on the HP stat since her Glass Ball with Wings! Bonus Ability can increase her Max HP depending on all allies' Max HP.

The more HP Tribbie has, the stronger her attacks get. Tribbie can also benefit HP-scaling DPS units especially if they deal AoE DMG.

Alternative Explanation
Star Rail - BladeBlade DPS Replacement
Blade is an HP-scaling DPS that can benefit from Tribbie's Additional DMG.
Star Rail - Trailblazer (Ice)Trailblazer (Ice) Support Replacement
Remembrance Trailblazer can provide True DMG buffs and turn advance.
Star Rail - BronyaBronya Support Replacement
Bronya can provide turn advance with her Skill.
Star Rail - SparkleSparkle Support Replacement
Sparkle can provide turn advance and extra Skill Points.
Star Rail - PelaPela Support Replacement
Pela's Ultimate can decrease enemy DEF.
Star Rail - LingshaLingsha Sustain Replacement
Lingsha provides a lot of healing with her kit and can do emergency heals.
Star Rail - GallagherGallagher Sustain Replacement
Gallagher can provide healing through Bessoted.
Star Rail - LynxLynx Sustain Replacement
Lynx can increase Max HP with her kit.

Tribbie's Best Relics and Ornaments

All Recommended Relics and Ornaments

Relics Rating & Merits
Poet of Mourning Collapse Poet of Mourning Collapse x4 ★★★★★ - Best
Poet of Morning Collapse is generally Tribbie's best Relic set since it increases her Quantum DMG, and CRIT Rate if she has a low enough SPD.

Having Low SPD on Tribbie is beneficial since it helps prolong her buffs on-field.
Eagle of Twilight Line Eagle of Twilight Line x4 ★★★★★ - Best
Tribbie can also use the Eagle of Twilight Line since it gives her Advance Forward after using her Ultimate, which means she gets her next turn much earlier.

This will get Tribbie's Ultimate back up more easily by restoring Energy through quick turns.
Longevous Disciple Longevous Disciple x4 ★★★★☆ - 2nd Best
Longevous Disciple is great on Tribbie since it increases her HP and provides CRIT Rate when she gets hit by enemies.
Genius of Brilliant Stars Genius of Brilliant Stars x4 ★★★☆☆ - 3rd Best
Genius of Brilliant Stars is best on Tribbie when up against Quantum-weak enemies. This relic set is weaker if Tribbie is up against enemies that aren't Quantum-weak.
Ornaments Merits
Bone Collection Bone Collection's Serene Demesne ★★★★★ - Best
Bone Collection's Serene Demesne is the best ornament for Tribbie as a Sub-DPS since it provides her HP% and increases her CRIT DMG. Tribbie can easily reach the 5000 HP threshold.
Sprightly Vonwacq Sprightly Vonwacq ★★★★☆ - 2nd Best
Sprightly Vonwacq is also great for Tribbie since it allows her to have her turn advanced at the beginning of combat if she has enough SPD.

This is best used in tandem with the Eagle of Twilight Line Relic set. We don't recommend pairing this with the Poet of Mourning Collapse set.
Lushaka, the Sunken Seas Lushaka, the Sunken Seas ★★★☆☆ - 3rd Best
Lushaka can be a great Ornament set for Tribbie since it provides her Energy Regen and buffs the ATK for the character at the first position.

Relic List & Guide

Tribbie's Best Light Cones

All Recommended Light Cones

Light Cone Why We Recommend It
Star Rail - If Time Were a Flower Light Cone If Time Were a Flower ★★★★★ - Best
If Time Were a Flower is Tribbie's best Light Cone since it restores her energy after she uses a Follow-up attack and provides a lot of CRIT DMG both to herself and the entire party.
Star Rail - Dance! Dance! Dance! Light Cone Dance! Dance! Dance! ★★★★☆ - Great
Dance! Dance! Dance! is a strong alternative that provides turn advance to the entire party whenever Tribbie uses her Ultimate.
Star Rail - Memories of the Past Light Cone Memories of the Past ★★★★☆ - Great
Memories of the Past can provide more energy to Tribbie after she attacks an enemy target. Since Tribbie does follow-up attacks, she will benefit from getting a lot of energy.
Star Rail - Meshing Cogs Light Cone Meshing Cogs ★★★★☆ - Great
While this provides a smaller HP stat than Memories of the Past, an S5 Meshing Cogs will restore more energy for Tribbie since she can get more from both attacking and getting hit.
Star Rail - Poised to Bloom Light Cone Poised to Bloom ★★★☆☆ - Good
While the ATK buff is useless on Tribbie, Poised to Bloom is a solid option for Dual DPS teams with units that are on the same Path.

Tribbie's Eidolons

Recommended Eidolons

Why We Recommend It
E1 ★★★★★ - Amazing
Best stopping-point for spenders. A great quality-of-life upgrade that helps Tribbie deal a lot more DMG on the toughest enemy.
E2 ★★★★☆ - Great
Tribbie deals even more Additional DMG while the Zone is up, which results in more DPS.
E4 ★★★★☆ - Great
Allies ignore a percentage of enemy DEF when Numinosity is up.
E6 ★★★★★ - Amazing
Tribbie becomes a much more powerful Sub-DPS as her Follow-up attack DMG gains a huge increase.

All Eidolon Resonance Effects

E1 Rite of Sugar Soup
While the Zone lasts and after ally targets attack enemies, additionally deals True DMG equal to 24% of the total DMG of this attack to targets that have been dealt Additional DMG by the Zone.
E2 Guide of Dream Tour
The Additional DMG dealt by the Zone increases to 120% of the original DMG. When the Zone deals Additional DMG, further deals 1 instance(s) of Additional DMG.
E3 Trove of Morning Glow
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10. Memosprite Skill Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
E4 Peace of Empathy Bond
While "Numinosity" lasts, the DMG dealt by all allies ignores 18% of the target's DEF.
E5 Clock of Wonder Origin
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Memosprite Talent Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
E6 Morrow of Star Shine
After Tribbie uses Ultimate, launches her Talent's Follow-up ATK against all enemies. The DMG dealt by Talent's Follow-up ATK increases by 729%.

Tribbie's Trace Priority

Combat Traces

Trace Priority & Explanation
Basic Attack ★★★☆☆ - Medium Priority
Tribbie's Basic ATK should be saved for last since it contributes the least amount of damage.
Skill ★★★★★ - Highest Priority
Tribbie's Skill is important to upgrade since it will increase the value of the All-Type RES PEN buff it provides to allies.
Ultimate ★★★★★ - Highest Priority
Upgrading Tribbie's Ultimate is also very important since it increases the additional DMG taken by the enemy with the highest HP.
Talent ★★★★☆ - High Priority
Tribbie's Talent is where the bulk of her damage comes from. Upgrade this after maxing Tribbie's her Skill and Ultimate.

Bonus Abilities

Trace Priority & Explanation
Lamb Outside the Wall ★★★★☆ - High Priority
This increases Tribbie's damage when she uses a Follow-up attack.
Glass Ball with Wings ★★★★★ - Highest Priority
While the Zone is active, Tribbie's Max HP increases depending on the total HP pool of her allies. Since Tribbie's kit scales on the HP stat, you would want to unlock this as soon as possible.
Pebble at Crossroads? ★★★★★ - Highest Priority
This will allow Tribbie to restore energy after allies attack, which makes it very useful for accessing her Ultimate as soon as possible.

Tribbie's Traces (Skills and Kit)

Active Abilities

Level 1
Level 6
Level 8
Level 10
Trace Scaling and Explanation
Basic ATK Hundred Rockets: Deals Quantum DMG equal to 15% of Tribbie's Max HP to one designated enemy. Deals Quantum DMG equal to 7.5% of Tribbie's Max HP to adjacent targets.
Skill Where'd the Gifts Go: Gains "Numinosity," lasting for 3 turn(s). This duration decreases by 1 at the start of this unit's every turn. While Tribbie has "Numinosity," increases all ally targets' All-Type RES PEN by 12%.
Ultimate Guess Who Lives Here: Activates a Zone and deals Quantum DMG equal to 15% of Tribbie's Max HP to all enemies. While the Zone lasts, increases enemy targets' DMG taken by 15%. After an ally target attacks, for every 1 target hit, deals 1 instance of Quantum Additional DMG equal to 6% of Tribbie's Max HP to the target that has the highest HP among the hit targets. The Zone lasts for 2 turn(s). This duration decreases by 1 at the start of this unit's every turn.
Talent Busy as Tribbie: After other ally characters use Ultimate, Tribbie launches Follow-up ATK, dealing Quantum DMG equal to 9% of Tribbie's Max HP to all enemies. This effect triggers up to 1 time per character. When Tribbie uses Ultimate, resets the trigger count for other ally characters. If the target was defeated before the Follow-up ATK is launched, then launches the Follow-up ATK against new enemy targets entering the battlefield.
Trace Scaling and Explanation
Basic ATK Hundred Rockets: Deals Quantum DMG equal to 30% of Tribbie's Max HP to one designated enemy. Deals Quantum DMG equal to 15% of Tribbie's Max HP to adjacent targets.
Skill Where'd the Gifts Go: Gains "Numinosity," lasting for 3 turn(s). This duration decreases by 1 at the start of this unit's every turn. While Tribbie has "Numinosity," increases all ally targets' All-Type RES PEN by 21%.
Ultimate Guess Who Lives Here: Activates a Zone and deals Quantum DMG equal to 26.3% of Tribbie's Max HP to all enemies. While the Zone lasts, increases enemy targets' DMG taken by 26.3%. After an ally target attacks, for every 1 target hit, deals 1 instance of Quantum Additional DMG equal to 10.5% of Tribbie's Max HP to the target that has the highest HP among the hit targets. The Zone lasts for 2 turn(s). This duration decreases by 1 at the start of this unit's every turn.
Talent Busy as Tribbie: After other ally characters use Ultimate, Tribbie launches Follow-up ATK, dealing Quantum DMG equal to 15.8% of Tribbie's Max HP to all enemies. This effect triggers up to 1 time per character. When Tribbie uses Ultimate, resets the trigger count for other ally characters. If the target was defeated before the Follow-up ATK is launched, then launches the Follow-up ATK against new enemy targets entering the battlefield.
Trace Scaling and Explanation
Skill Where'd the Gifts Go: Gains "Numinosity," lasting for 3 turn(s). This duration decreases by 1 at the start of this unit's every turn. While Tribbie has "Numinosity," increases all ally targets' All-Type RES PEN by 21%.
Ultimate Guess Who Lives Here: Activates a Zone and deals Quantum DMG equal to 26.3% of Tribbie's Max HP to all enemies. While the Zone lasts, increases enemy targets' DMG taken by 26.3%. After an ally target attacks, for every 1 target hit, deals 1 instance of Quantum Additional DMG equal to 10.5% of Tribbie's Max HP to the target that has the highest HP among the hit targets. The Zone lasts for 2 turn(s). This duration decreases by 1 at the start of this unit's every turn.
Talent Busy as Tribbie: After other ally characters use Ultimate, Tribbie launches Follow-up ATK, dealing Quantum DMG equal to 15.8% of Tribbie's Max HP to all enemies. This effect triggers up to 1 time per character. When Tribbie uses Ultimate, resets the trigger count for other ally characters. If the target was defeated before the Follow-up ATK is launched, then launches the Follow-up ATK against new enemy targets entering the battlefield.
Trace Scaling and Explanation
Skill Where'd the Gifts Go: Gains "Numinosity," lasting for 3 turn(s). This duration decreases by 1 at the start of this unit's every turn. While Tribbie has "Numinosity," increases all ally targets' All-Type RES PEN by 24%.
Ultimate Guess Who Lives Here: Activates a Zone and deals Quantum DMG equal to 30% of Tribbie's Max HP to all enemies. While the Zone lasts, increases enemy targets' DMG taken by 30%. After an ally target attacks, for every 1 target hit, deals 1 instance of Quantum Additional DMG equal to 12% of Tribbie's Max HP to the target that has the highest HP among the hit targets. The Zone lasts for 2 turn(s). This duration decreases by 1 at the start of this unit's every turn.
Talent Busy as Tribbie: After other ally characters use Ultimate, Tribbie launches Follow-up ATK, dealing Quantum DMG equal to 18% of Tribbie's Max HP to all enemies. This effect triggers up to 1 time per character. When Tribbie uses Ultimate, resets the trigger count for other ally characters. If the target was defeated before the Follow-up ATK is launched, then launches the Follow-up ATK against new enemy targets entering the battlefield.

Technique and Bonus Abilities

Trace Scaling and Explanation
Technique If You're Happy and You Know It: After using Technique and upon entering battle, obtains "Numinosity," lasting for 3 turn(s).
Stat Bonus:
1. Max HP +4.0%
2. CRIT DMG +5.3%
3. CRIT DMG +8.0%
Bonus Ability Pebble at Crossroads?: At the start of battle, Tribbie regenerates 30 Energy. After other ally targets attack, Tribbie regenerates 1.5 Energy for each target hit.
Stat Bonus:
1. Max HP +6.0%
2. CRIT Rate +5.3%
3. CRIT DMG +10.7%
Bonus Ability Glass Ball with Wings!: While the Zone lasts, Tribbie's Max HP increases by an amount equal to 9% of the sum of all ally characters' Max HP.
Stat Bonus:
1. CRIT DMG +8.0%
2. CRIT Rate +4.0%
Bonus Ability Lamb Outside the Wall...: After using Talent's Follow-up ATK, increases the DMG dealt by Tribbie by 72%. This effect can stack up to 3 time(s), lasting for 3 turn(s).
Stat Bonus:
1. CRIT Rate +2.7%
2. CRIT DMG +5.3%

Tribbie Gameplay Guide

Skill Buffs the Entire Party

Honkai Star Rail - Tribbie Skill

Tribbie's Skill can provide buffs to all party members and help increase their damage against enemies.

Ultimate Increases the DMG Taken by Enemies

Honkai Star Rail - Tribbie Ultimate

Tribbie's Ultimate will deal damage to all enemies. Using the Ultimate will also summon a dimension that will increase the damage taken by enemies.

When your allies attack, the enemy with the highest remaining HP will also receive instances of Additional DMG based on the number of targets hit by the attack!

Use Ally Ultimates to Launch Follow-up Attacks

Honkai Star Rail - Tribbie Talent

Whenever an ally uses their Ultimate, Tribbie will unleash a Follow-up attack that hits all enemies! Do note that each ally can only trigger the Follow-up attack once until Tribbie uses her own Ultimate.

Technique Activates Skill at the Start of the Turn

Honkai Star Rail - Tribbie Technique

When Tribbie uses her Technique, the buffs from her Skill will automatically be activated at the start of combat.

Tribbie Ascension and Trace Materials

Total Ascension Materials

Ascension Materials Total

Lvl. Character Ascension Materials
20 ➔ 30
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x4,000
30 ➔ 40
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x8,000
40 ➔ 50
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x16,000
50 ➔ 60
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x40,000
60 ➔ 70
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x80,000
70 ➔ 80
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x160,000

Total Trace Materials

All Trace Node Materials Total

Lvl Basic ATK Ascension Materials
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x5,000
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x10,000
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x20,000
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x45,000
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x160,000
Lvl Skill, Talent, & Ult Ascension Materials
Nodes Bonus Stat and Abilities Materials
Ability 1
Ability 2
Ability 3
Stat 1
Stat 2
Stat 3
Stat 4
Stat 5
Stat 6
Stat 7
Stat 8
Stat 9
Stat 10

Additional Tribbie Information

How to Get Tribbie

Limited Banners
Honkai Star Rail - Back to Fons et Origo
Back to Fons et Origo

Tribbie was previously available in the Character Warp banner called Back to Fons et Origo. The banner ran from February 25, 2025, to March 19, 2025 (UTC-5).

Tribbie Banner Release Date and Schedule

Tribbie Background and Voice Actors

Voice Actor EN: Hayden Daviau
JP: Tōno Hikaru
Faction / Affiliation Chrysos Heirs

Honkai: Star Rail Related Guides

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★★★★ ★★★★★

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143 Anonymous3 days

Castorice Tribbie RMC and Hyacine. Give Sunday to Mydei.

142 Anonymous3 days

sorry for the typo on Herta Forgot to mention THerta as well, oops


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