Honkai: Star Rail

Yanqing Best Builds and Teams

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Honkai Star Rail - Yanqing Best Builds and Teams

Yanqing is an Ice and Hunt character in Honkai: Star Rail. Check out this guide for Yanqing's best builds, team comps, relics, light cones, and how to play them here!

Yanqing's Character Overview

Yanqing Basic Info and Rating

Yanqing Basic Information
Star Rail - YanqingYanqing Rarity
General Rating Endgame Rating
Star Rail - B Overall

Star Rail - B DPS
Star Rail - B MoC

Star Rail - C PF

Star Rail - C AS

General Ratings are based on E0.
Endgame Ratings are based on enemies and buffs for the current patch.

How do you rate Yanqing?

SS 8753
S 1276
A 415
B 99
C 516

Character Tier List

Yanqing Stats

Level 1
Level 80
Stat Base Value
Stat Base Value

The stats indicated above are Yanqing's base values. These numbers do not include the character's equipped Light Cone, Relics, or activated Trace nodes.

List of All Character Stats and Rank

Is Yanqing Worth It?

Yanqing is an Ice Main DPS who should avoid taking DMG to keep his Soulsteel Sync up and dish out a ton of DMG. Yanqing will struggle in content with multiple enemies like Pure Fiction or against enemies who can attack all party members.

If you find his kit interesting or need an Ice Main DPS that specializes in dealing with single targets, then Yanqing would be a good choice.

Yanqing's Best Builds

Ice Main DPS

Base Build
Alternative Cones
Best Light Cone Relics and Ornament
Star Rail - In the Night Light Cone In the Night
Main Stats Sub Stats
Feet: SPD
Sphere: Ice DMG
Rope: ATK%
ATK% ★★★
CRIT Rate ★★
SPD ★★

This build increases Yanqing's CRIT Rate and overall damage of his Skill and Ultimate. The Scholar Lost in Erudition set can increase Yanqing's Skill DMG even more after using his Ultimate.

Firmament Frontline Glamoth gives Yanqing ATK and a direct DMG boost as long as he meets the 135 SPD requirement. This isn't hard to achieve since he has a high base SPD and a built-in SPD buff in one of his Traces.

Recommended Stat Values

Stat Recommended Value
CRIT Rate 20% (Outside of combat)
CRIT DMG 180% or above
ATK 2500 or above
SPD 135+

Yanqing's Ultimate can guarantee a critical hit as long as he has at least 20% CRIT Rate outside of combat and his Soulsteel Sync is active.

Yanqing's Best Team Comps

Yanqing F2P Team (Free to Play)

Main DPS Support Tank Healer
Star Rail - YanqingYanqing Star Rail - YukongYukong Star Rail - Trailblazer (Fire)Trailblazer (Fire) Star Rail - LynxLynx

This Yanqing F2P team specializes in high single-target damage. The Fire Trailblazer is needed to keep enemies taunted while Lynx can increase the chances of the Trailblazer being targeted.

Yanqing Hypercarry Team

Main DPS Support Support Tank
Star Rail - YanqingYanqing Star Rail - TingyunTingyun Star Rail - SparkleSparkle Star Rail - AventurineAventurine

This Yanqing team provides a ton of DMG through the use of his Ultimate. Tingyun can provide an ATK buff and restore Yanqing's energy to let him use his Ultimate more frequently.

Sparkle will Advance Forward Yanqing's turns and provide DMG buffs so long as Yanqing uses his Skill often.

Character Merits
Star Rail - BronyaBronya Support Replacement
Bronya provides an extra turn for Yanqing through the use of her Skill and can provide CRIT DMG buffs with her Ultimate.
Star Rail - Ruan MeiRuan Mei Support Replacement
Ruan Mei can increase Yanqing's DMG and Break Efficiency, which helps deplete enemy toughness at a much faster rate!
Star Rail - PelaPela Support Replacement
Pela has the ability to reduce the enemy's DEF and remove buffs from enemies.
Star Rail - AstaAsta Support Replacement
Asta can increase Yanqing's SPD and provide him with ATK% buffs.
Star Rail - GepardGepard Tank Replacement
Gepard can Freeze enemies with his Skill and his Ultimate can provide a strong shield.
Star Rail - Trailblazer (Fire)Trailblazer (Fire) Tank Replacement
Fire Trailblazer can taunt enemies to keep them from targeting Yanqing.
Star Rail - March 7thMarch 7th Tank Replacement
March is an early free-to-play option you can use to provide a shield to Yanqing. Do be careful since March's shield can increase the chances of Yanqing being targeted.

Yanqing Freeze Team

Main DPS Support Support Tank
Star Rail - YanqingYanqing Star Rail - Ruan MeiRuan Mei Star Rail - SparkleSparkle Star Rail - GepardGepard

This Yanqing team focuses on Freezing enemies and is especially effective with the Path of Remembrance in Simulated Universe. Ruan Mei can increase Yanqing's Break Efficiency which helps deplete an enemy's toughness at a much faster rate.

Character Merits
Star Rail - BronyaBronya Support Replacement
Bronya provides an extra turn for Yanqing through the use of her Skill and can provide CRIT DMG buffs with her Ultimate.
Star Rail - TingyunTingyun Support Replacement
Tingyun can increase Yanqing's damage and charge his Ultimate.
Star Rail - AstaAsta Support Replacement
Asta can increase Yanqing's SPD with her Ultimate and provide him with ATK% buffs with her Ultimate.
Star Rail - March 7thMarch 7th Tank Replacement
March is an early free-to-play option and can also apply Freeze with her Ultimate.

Yanqing Mono-Ice Team

Main DPS Support Support Tank
Star Rail - YanqingYanqing Star Rail - SparkleSparkle Star Rail - Silver WolfSilver Wolf Star Rail - GepardGepard

This Yanqing team comp is viable in certain content where the enemy is weak to Quantum but not to Ice. Silver Wolf is a must-have for this team so she can implant an Ice Weakness on an enemy.

Character Merits
Star Rail - Ruan MeiRuan Mei Support Replacement
Ruan Mei can increase Yanqing's DMG and Break Efficiency, which helps deplete enemy toughness at a much faster rate!
Star Rail - LynxLynx Tank Replacement
A free-to-play option that provides AoE healing and cleanse.

Yanqing's Best Relics and Ornaments

All Recommended Relics and Ornaments

Relics Rating & Merits
Scholar Lost in Erudition Scholar Lost in Erudition x4 ★★★★★ - Best
The Scholar Lost in Erudition relic set is the best on Yanqing since it increases his CRIT Rate and boosts the damage of his Skill and Ultimate.
The Wind-Soaring Valorous The Wind-Soaring Valorous x4 ★★★★☆ - 2nd Best
The Wind-Soaring Valorous is the next best relic set on Yanqing since it can increase his Ultimate DMG after using a Follow-up attack.
Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters x4 ★★★☆☆ - 3rd Best
Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters is a great set for Yanqing since it gives him a DMG boost against debuffed enemies and Yanqing can increase this effect simply by Freezing enemies.
Ornaments Merits
Firmament Frontline Glamoth Firmament Frontline Glamoth ★★★★★ - Best
Firmament Frontline Glamoth directly increases Yanqing's DMG but requires him to have a lot of SPD. This can be easily achieved since he has a high base SPD and one of his Traces gives him a SPD buff.
Inert Salsotto Inert Salsotto ★★★★☆ - 2nd Best
Inert Salsotto is also a great set for Yanqing since it increases his CRIT Rate and increases his Ultimate and Follow-Up Attack DMG, as long as he meets the 50% CRIT Rate requirement.
Space Sealing Station Space Sealing Station ★★★☆☆ - 3rd Best
Space Sealing Station provides a lot of ATK for Yanqing, especially if the SPD condition is met. This is easy to attain since he has a high base SPD and one of his Traces gives him a SPD buff whenever he does a critical attack.

Relic List & Guide

Yanqing's Best Light Cones

All Recommended Light Cones

Light Cone Why We Recommend It
Star Rail - In the Night Light Cone In the Night ★★★★★ - Best
In the Night is best for Yanqing since he can easily reach the SPD requirement to get the Basic ATK, Skill, and Ultimate CRIT DMG buffs. It also provides him a CRIT Rate boost which helps his attacks crit.
Star Rail - Sleep Like the Dead Light Cone Sleep Like the Dead ★★★★☆ - Great
Sleep Like the Dead is a good 5-Star Light Cone option for Yanqing since it boosts his CRIT DMG and boosts his CRIT Rate if his Skill or Basic ATK doesn't crit.
Star Rail - I Venture Forth to Hunt Light Cone I Venture Forth to Hunt ★★★★☆ - Great
I Venture Forth to Hunt allows Yanqing's Ultimate to ignore a set percentage of the enemy's DEF as long as he unleashes a Follow-up attack.
Star Rail - Cruising in the Stellar Sea Light Cone Cruising in the Stellar Sea ★★★☆☆ - Good
Cruising in the Stellar Sea is a good Light Cone for Yanqing since it increases his CRIT Rate and provides an ATK boost whenever he defeats an enemy.
Star Rail - Swordplay Light Cone Swordplay ★★★☆☆ - Good
Swordplay is a good Light Cone for Yanqing since it gives him a stacking DMG boost as long as he keeps attacking a single enemy target. This can easily ramp up thanks to his Follow-Up Attack and works well against bosses.
Star Rail - Only Silence Remains Light Cone Only Silence Remains ★★★☆☆ - Good
Only Silence Remains is also a good option for Yanqing since it increases his ATK and gives him CRIT Rate whenever there are two or less enemies in battle.

Light Cone List & Guide

Yanqing's Gameplay Guide

Back to Yanqing Builds ▲

Yanqing's Trace Priority

Trace Priority & Explanation
Basic Attack ★★☆☆☆ - Low Priority
His Skill is better for DPS. Basic Attacks are only used for SP generation or if the team has no SP.
Skill ★★★★☆ - High Priority
Activates the Soulsteel Sync buff. Secondary DMG source after Ultimate.
Ultimate ★★★★★ - Highest Priority
Yanqing's strongest trace and provides a CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG buff.
Talent ★★★★★ - Highest Priority
Yanqing's Talent provides him more CRIT stats, increasing his overall DMG.

See All Traces ▼

Yanqing's Recommended Eidolons

Why We Recommend It
E1 ★★★☆☆ - Decent
Decent DMG increase but his base kit only provides a 65% chance to Freeze. It's better if someone else can inflict the Freeze debuff on an enemy for him.
E2 ★★★☆☆ - Decent
Extra Energy Regeneration for maintaining Soulsteel Sync is a nice bonus.
E4 ★★★★☆ - Good
Ice RES PEN for more damage and only requires Yanqing to have 80% HP or higher. Easily attainable since he will most likely have shields anyway.
E6 ★★★☆☆ - Decent
Good for extending buff duration against multiple enemies. Cannot be activated against one Elite enemy with no summons.

See All Eidolons ▼

Single-Target Assassin

Honkai Star Rail - Yanqing Close-Up

Yanqing is an incredibly powerful Main DPS able to deal high amounts of damage to an enemy thanks to Soulsteel Sync. Soulsteel Sync greatly increases his DMG output, but it disappears if Yanqing receives DMG. With this in mind, it is recommended to include a shielder in the party to fully utilize Yanqing's kit.

Activate Soulsteel Sync with Skill

Honkai Star Rail - Yanqing Skill

Yanqing's Skill Darting Ironthorn deals Ice DMG to an enemy and activates Soulsteel Sync. While active, Yanqing receives plenty of benefits from Soulsteel Sync.

Soulsteel Sync Effects
・CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG increased by 15%

・When Yanqing attacks, 50% chance to do a follow-up attack

・The follow-up attack has a 65% chance of freezing the target.

・The frozen target takes additional Ice DMG at the start of each turn.

Boost DMG with Ultimate

Honkai Star Rail - Yanqing Ultimate

Yanqing's Ultimate Amidst the Raining Bliss further increases his CRIT Rate and (if Soulsteel Sync is active) his CRIT DMG as well. He then unleashes a devastating attack that deals Ice DMG to a single enemy. Try to use his Ultimate in conjunction with his Skill to maximize his DMG output.

Protect Yanqing with Support Units

As a Main DPS, Yanqing relies on having his Soulsteel Sync active. Otherwise, he misses out on a big part of his kit and becomes a mediocre DMG dealer. With Yanqing in the party, look to include units that can provide shields or taunt to redirect enemy aggro.


Shielders like Trailblazer (Fire) and Gepard do an excellent job at preventing Yanqing from taking DMG.


Units with taunts like Trailblazer (Fire) and Clara are decent substitutes in the absence of shielders. Taunts however are inferior to shields because Yanqing is still vulnerable to AoE DMG.

Yanqing's Traces (Skills and Kit)

See Trace Priority ▲

All Abilities and Effects

Trace Scaling and Explanation
Bonus Ability Gentle Blade: When a CRIT Hit is triggered, increase SPD by 10% for 2 turns.
Stat Bonus:
1. Max HP +6.0%
2. Ice DMG +6.4%
3. ATK +8.0%
Bonus Ability Frost Favors the Brave: When Soulsteel Sync is active, Effect RES increases by 20%.
Stat Bonus:
1. ATK +6.0%
2. Ice DMG +4.8%
Bonus Ability Icing on the Kick: When Yanqing attacks, deals additional Ice DMG equal to 30% of Yanqing's ATK to targets with Ice Weakness.
Stat Bonus:
1. Ice DMG +3.2%
2. ATK +4.0%
Ultimate Amidst the Raining Bliss: Increases Yanqing's CRIT Rate by 60%. When Soulsteel Sync is active, increases Yanqing's CRIT DMG by an extra 30%. These buffs last for one turn. Afterwards, deals Ice DMG equal to 210% of Yanqing's ATK to a single enemy.
Talent One With the Sword: When Soulsteel Sync is active, Yanqing is less likely to be attacked by enemies. His CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG increases by 15%. After attacking an enemy, there is a 50% chance to do a follow-up attack dealing Ice DMG equal to 25% of his ATK. Enemy has a 65% chance to be Frozen, and will take Additional Ice DMG equal to 25% of his ATK.
Technique The One True Sword: After using his Technique, at the start of the next battle, Yanqing deals 30% more DMG for 2 turn(s) to enemies whose current HP is 50% or higher.
Stat Bonus:
1. ATK +4.0%
Skill Darting Ironthorn: Deals Ice DMG equal to 110% of Yanqing's ATK to a single enemy and activates Soulsteel Sync Link for 1 turn.
Stat Bonus:
1. ATK +6.0%
Basic ATK Frost Thorn: Deals Ice DMG equal to 50% of Yanqing's ATK to a single enemy.
Stat Bonus:
1. Max HP +4.0%

Yanqing's Eidolons

See Recommended Eidolons ▲

All Eidolon Resonance Effects

E1 Svelte Saber
When Yanqing attacks a Frozen enemy, he deals additional Ice DMG equal to 60% of his own attacks.
E2 Supine Serenade
When Soulsteel Sync is active, Energy Regeneration Rate increases by an extra 10%.
E3 Sword Savant
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
E4 Searing Sting
When the current HP percentage is 80% or higher, Ice RES PEN increases by 12%.
E5 Surging Strife
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
E6 Swift Swoop
If the Ultimate's buffs are still in effect when an enemy is defeated, their duration is extended by 1 turn.

Yanqing Ascension and Trace Materials

Total Ascension Materials

Ascension Materials Total

Lvl. Character Ascension Materials
20 ➔ 30
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x4,000
30 ➔ 40
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x8,000
40 ➔ 50
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x16,000
50 ➔ 60
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x40,000
60 ➔ 70
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x80,000
70 ➔ 80
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x160,000

Total Trace Materials

All Trace Node Materials Total

Lvl Basic ATK Ascension Materials
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x5,000
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x10,000
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x20,000
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x45,000
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x160,000
Lvl Skill, Talent, & Ult Ascension Materials
Nodes Bonus Stat and Abilities Materials
Ability 1
Ability 2
Ability 3
Stat 1
Stat 2
Stat 3
Stat 4
Stat 5
Stat 6
Stat 7
Stat 8
Stat 9
Stat 10

Additional Yanqing Information

How to Get Yanqing

All Limited and Permanent Banners
Honkai Star Rail - Earth Hurled, Ether Curled
Earth Hurled, Ether Curled
Honkai Star Rail - Back to Fons et Origo
Back to Fons et Origo
Honkai Star Rail - Stellar Warp
Stellar Warp
Honkai Star Rail - Departure Warp
Departure Warp

Yanqing can be pulled from the Character Event Warp Banners, Stellar Warp, and Departure Warp banner. He isn't a limited character so he's available at any time, but this means that there's an equal chance to get the other standard characters instead of him.

All Gacha (Warp) Banners

Background and Voice Actors

Voice Actor EN: Amber May
JP: Marina Inoue
Faction / Affiliation The Xianzhou Luofu

Yanqing's In-Game Lore

Faction The Xianzhou Luofu
Background The spirited lieutenant of the Xianzhou Luofu, and also its most proficient swordsman.

Honkai: Star Rail Related Guides

Honkai Star Rail - Characters

▶︎ All Playable Characters

Characters by Rarity

Character Rarity
★★★★ ★★★★★

Characters by Path

Character Paths
Star Rail - The Destruction PathDestruction Star Rail - The Hunt PathThe Hunt Star Rail - The Erudition PathErudition Star Rail - The Harmony PathHarmony
Star Rail - The Nihility PathNihility Star Rail - The Preservation PathPreservation Star Rail - The Abundance PathAbundance Honkai Star Rail - The Remembrance PathRemembrance

Characters by Element

Character Elements
Honkai Star Rail Fire ElementFire Honkai Star Rail Ice ElementIce Honkai Star Rail Lightning ElementLightning Honkai Star Rail Wind ElementWind
Honkai Star Rail Quantum ElementQuantum Honkai Star Rail Imaginary ElementImaginary Honkai Star Rail Physical ElementPhysical

All Ice Characters

Ice Characters
Honkai Star Rail GepardGepard Honkai Star Rail HertaHerta Honkai Star Rail March 7thMarch 7th Honkai Star Rail PelaPela
Honkai Star Rail YanqingYanqing Honkai Star Rail JingliuJingliu Honkai Star Rail Ruan MeiRuan Mei Honkai Star Rail - Misha IconMisha
Honkai Star Rail - The HertaThe Herta Honkai Star Rail - Remembrance TrailblazerTrailblazer (Ice)


66 Anonymous16 days

how does he do more damage than my herta HELP???

65 Anonymousabout 1 month

I've him drop on 4 pities in a row hoyo buff him pls


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